The Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin today announced that it will sponsor a community open
house for Kenosha County residents and County Board members to learn more about the numerous benefits of the Kenosha casino and entertainment center project.
Gena Kakkak, Chair of the Menominee Tribe, said the open house event will take place on Thursday, January 11th from 4-6 p.m. at Kenosha Human Development Services, Inc. (3536 52nd Street). KHDS is a nonprofit
organization and has no position on the project. It is simply providing space for this public event.
Representatives from both the Menominee Indian Tribe and Hard Rock International will be on hand to meet and talk with residents, answer questions, and provide more information on a broad range of topics ranging from economic impact to site plan to amenities found in the facility. Kenosha County Finance Director Patricia Merrill will also be in attendance. Also in attendance will be James M. Klas, one of the principal authors of a recent economic impact study that showed a major positive impact locally from the project. Kakkak noted that this is the latest in several opportunities for residents to receive information about the project at both a city and county level.
“We’re pleased to have another opportunity to share more information with the residents and Board Supervisors of Kenosha County,” said Chairwoman Kakkak. “We look forward to meeting and sharing more information with them, further establish and build our relationships in the community and discuss further details regarding the project. We hope to see you there!”
WHO: Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin and Hard Rock International
WHAT: Community Open House On Proposed Kenosha Casino and Destination Entertainment Center
WHERE: Kenosha Human Development Services, Inc. 3536 52nd Street
WHEN: Thursday, January 11 th , 2024, from 4-6 p.m.
WHY: Allow residents and County Board members to ask questions of tribal members and Hard Rock representatives regarding the proposed project and its benefits
More information about the project can be found at https://casino.hardrock.com/kenosha
25 Responses
So….who would be all the people to start recalling that not only agreed to the New Green Deal, but also the behind closed doors Casino deal? AND if we recalled them, is it possible to change the deal?
If memory serves the governor is required to sign off on this. So it’s still possible (though highly unlikely) that the governor rejects this deal.
So keep up the opposition and get more people against it than for it and campaign to the governor.
Also investigate the people that sat behind those closed doors making this deal.
Follow that money !!
If the Potawatomi are on board, Evers will sign it. Nothing happens with gaming without their blessing.
The “Second” Community Open House indicates that there was a “First” open house. When did that occur? Oh, that’s right. Kennedy said in last week’s council meeting that he met with the Tribe where he cut himself a deal to provide cab services.
This is such a behind closed door deal with the taxpayers getting screwed that it stinks. Wonder how many other elected officials had meetings with the tribe? What did the tribe promise Dave Bogdola in order for him to flip his vote after he spent his career voting against it?
No “loop hole” or Gov’t laws about the procedures that they didn’t follow by having closed door meetings and not allowing the public aware of anything?
The Green Charter Township MI just voted their Gov’t out of office. We need to do the same. Let’s talk to the Salem folks and see how they did it. Is anyone willing to replace the officials? How many do we need??? Kevin, how about you? If not you, any recommendations?
You are too later.papers needed to be in beg of january.now you wait til Dec for jan filing. They did it by getting a bunch together and running as a pac…
And you need to do it twice to clear the current makeup. Much btw follows a different pattern and that board was but 3 people.create 2 groups, run the next 2 years and learn the ropes in-between then and now.
No one takes fucking cabs anymore.
No cab service in your mom’s basement?
They ALL have high paying “jobs” or contracts in place already. Otherwise they wouldn’t be approving it. They had the same agreements with the previous proposal.
This deal is bad for everyone except for the paid off officials. The city and county boards, local politicians and all other sell outs should have to declare their “deal” on the side with the tribe.
Doesn’t pay to recall, just watch who votes how, and vote against them in the upcoming election. If they’re running unopposed, maybe recall…
When the local politicians tell you they can move forward without Kenosha County agreeing to the IGA now then you must wonder why the tribe is now having an open house. When our ignorant County Executive parrots what the Mayor tells her that if you don’t sign this agreement you’ll get nothing it only shows how weak of a leader she is. I hope the County Board just takes their time to hear the community, understand the concerns and all the issues. The team of Nudo, Decker and Geerson working along with Kerkman since May are way in over their head. Why did they keep this from the Board and Community until late October? Their approach was just wrong and shows disregard for the board and community.
Apparently, Menominee is unaware that outsiders holding an informational
event in Wisconsin, are required to have an open bar from one hour before
to one hour after said event.
I wonder when they’ll add a brothel and an abortion shop to the hotel…
Pathetic, having a meeting like this after the deal was done under the table a long time ago and finally put public with a banana Republic vote. Please don’t bother coming to our community and opening your damn mouths on anything. Government has shown total disdain for the residents of Kenosha for years and I have nothing but disgust for the mayor on down. Giving away the land forever should have had a binding referendum I’m the ballot so that all the citizens of Kenosha could have decided, instead of so-called Representatives who don’t really represent the community since it wasn’t an issue and hasn’t been an issue in the various elections were any of them have had to commit ahead of time so that the public could vote them in or out of office based on one single issue like this. Just like in the past, the city government of Kenosha is scared s******* of actually having referendums that they would have to follow instead of just dropping bombs and laughing about it. Idiots who keep yelling that term limits would solve all this, should maybe pay attention to the fact that people who aren’t running for re-election don’t mind pooping where they live as far as political careers go. Imagine with term limits how more we would have stupid decisions from people who don’t fear being voted out of office because they have to go anyway. They would certainly be the easiest politicians to buy.
The state passed a law prohibiting referendums for stuff like this
Not true. It could be done but the politicians don’t want to hear from the public.
What is more useless, a casino or a municipal airport? I don’t have an airplane, and I don’t go to casinos. At least a casino will bring revenue. How many Kenosha residents own aircraft? Kenosha airport is the same acreage as all of Lake Andrea and Recplex property…… City residents would be better served with property that everyone can use, not the 26 IL residents who want cheap hangar space.
Let’s talk entertainment…a Kenosha casino and entertainment complex would have to rvial alternatives in Milwaukee and the Chicago area. Maybe the local bingo or slots would work, but the place will be empty most evenings in the fall and winter. No need for a 24 hour place.
And let’s talk entertainment. There are no middle of the week shows from October- April, unless school is out or it’s a holiday. And then an indoor venue…who wants to see the Beach Boys inside in June? Cheap Trick on a Wednesday night in January? Loretta Lynn on a Monday in February?
Big names will be few and far between. There will be shows of the same bands we see at Church or local festivals…Beatles tribute bands (American English), Tonic, and if your lucky Lou Graham (Foreigner). And you will pay top dollar to see them when you could see them free at a festival.
Who will work at these places…Kenosha already has a hard time getting workers for other jobs…why work at a casino? If you work at a bar or restaurant you can eat and drink there after your work hours….I bet there is a rule of not using the casino if you work there.
And finally taxes…Casinos should be taxed…the patrons use the roadways, the water and sewer, the police, fire, EMS….why not pay taxes?
Ok, that’s my thoughts…after all, I am The Watcher.
My response below to a text message that I received today asking me to show my support by contacting these people.
Below is a copy of your message that will be sent to the following people: Stephanie, Brian Thomas, Edward Kubicki, Andy Berg, Tim Stocker, Dave Geersten, and Brian Bashaw
Subject: Approve Kenosha Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
I agree – this will hurt the poor thinking they will hit a jackpot ….We don’t need this the crime will sky rocket
Who negotiated this? Fire them ! Illinois gets 33% revenue from businesses that have gaming machines …. Plus out of 11 tribes of Wisconsin wouldn’t it make sense to keep it with one of our Wisconsin Tribes? Vs a Florida tribe . Also Potawatomi invested in SE Wisconsin and will get shafted . Finally I have worked with feasibility studies for 30 years and they are always off by 25-35% because there jacked up to get more money out of the banks . Kenosha doesn’t need its poor spending all there money at a Casino – The Potawatomi makes $ 385,000,000 plus a year , I don’t think our citizens are hitting many jackpots . Watch the frime sky rocket