(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The serial arsonist that was appointed to the Salem Lakes Fire Commission in 2019 has resigned, KCE can confirm. Allen M. Dunski, Jr resigned by way of email to village officials last night at 9:07pm. The multiple felon, who confessed to starting at least three fires on separate occasions, seemed to blame KCE for his departure. In his letter of resignation, he wrote that he “never realized [] how ugly small town Village politics can get!” Just six days ago, KCE ran a year-long investigative report about Dunski and his criminal past.

Aside from the three felony convictions for three separate arsons, Dunski has another criminal conviction relating to a drunken car theft. He also has other traffic-related arrests. Dunski spent a total of 18 months in a maximum security state prison for the arsons and six months in jail for his role in the “taking of a vehicle without consent.” Dunski was also a person of interest and/or suspect in the burning down of the Silver Lake Police and Fire Departments. Dunski, who has recently asked Governor Tony Evers (D) to pardon his felonies, seemingly called our investigative piece false, without elaborating. Dunski is also the owner of the Facebook Page “Kenosha County Scanner.” Dunski charges users $5/month to view local emergency calls. Dunski has been spotted taking videos at fires for the page over the last several years.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
KCE received information that Dunski was asked to resign from Silver Lake Sportsmen’s Club the day after our article ran. KCE spoke with Club President Brian Wagemann who told us that Dunski resigned from the club “on his own accord.” He said that Dunski hadn’t been a member for long, only three years. He also said that the club wasn’t aware of his status as a felon and that he had “no record” of Dunski handling a firearm at the club. The club’s application asks applicants, “Have you ever been convicted of a felony?”
If Dunski had handled or fired a firearm at the range, he would be guilty of a class G Felony of being a “Felon in Possession of a Firearm” – a crime that caries a maximum sentence of 10 years behind bars. If anyone has been a witness to Dunski using a firearm at the club, or anywhere else, they should contact the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department – 262-605-5100.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A source within Village Hall told KCE that Village President Rita Bucur asked Dunski to step down after reading all of the documents KCE posted on the investigative piece. Bucur confirmed with KCE that she did read all of the police reports and court documents.
“While I did not appoint him to the Fire Commission, and wouldn’t have chosen to do so if I had been on the Board then due to his past, I do believe he served his sentence accordingly for his convictions, said Bucur to KCE. ” Bucur, however, didn’t seem to find it appropriate to have a convicted arsonist as a Fire Commission member. Bucur, having been in office for less than a year, has been praised by Village residents for “cleaning house” by seemingly facilitating the departure of many embattled employees – The Village Administrator, Fire Chief, Fire Marshall, and Village Attorney, to name a few.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Not all elected officials condemned Dunski’s position on the board. The President of the Fire Commission, Allen Thennes, a good personal friend of Dunski opposed Dunski’s removal from the board. He asserted that the felony convictions were negated by Dunski’s annual “cleanups.”
KCE has reached out to Dunski several times for comment. He never responded.
116 Responses
He may be the arsonist, but KCE brings the HEAT!!!
Keep up the excellent work.
Said perfectly
GREAT JOB KEVIN ! Keep Up the good work and help clean up are corrupt town, we stand with you!!!
Pleasant Prairie next please Kevin 😁
There is PLENTY of dirt in unpleasant prairie starting at the top
He made the right decision. So did the village president.
We’ve all done things when we were young and dumb. Fire setters are a different breed — or, actually, several breeds. There’s kids just fascinated by fire who will hopefully grow out of it before they harm someone. Then there’s the firefighters who set fires for self-aggrandizement so that they can be the hero that puts them out. And then there are the arsonists who have a deep, perverse attraction to fire and have little chance to grow out of it.
I can accept that since his crimes this man has done good in the community. But has fully owned up to what he did? I think he’s partially done so but the explanation he offered didn’t show a full appreciation or disclosure of why he did what he did. If I was the governor I would take a careful look at that.
new ranch video, yaxcaba mexico https://rumble.com/v492vxu-ultimate-dennys-birthday-bash-and-ranch-updates.html
As we all figured….you live in a shithole.
What the fuck did I just watch and why
😂😂😂 same!
I thought it was jerkmate link at first. Was expecting Sgt. Hard to walk in with panties and heels on before some deepthroat action.
I thought it was jerkmate link at first. Was expecting Sgt. Hard to walk in with panties and heels on before some deepthroat action.
You seem disappointed.
Ok, I think this is over the top. Let’s face it, Al is not accused of any current wrongdoing, is he? If something would come from this investigation then, fine it should be reported.
But the real story is why the previous board put Mr. Dunski in that position, it seems idiotic. I believe in second chances but they need to be rational. I feel sorry for a man who has made positive changes in his life and others to be ridiculed for something that he did nothing wrong by being put on a commission by somebody else stupid thinking. Yes, it appears he has made some mistakes. I think this story needs perspective, I am sure the old board encouraged him to apply to the fire commission. I think Mr. Dunski resignation was probably warranted but only because it was a distraction not because he did a bad job as a commissioner. He should be thanked for his service, he’s done plenty for the community and he deserves our gratitude.
You made some good points. The onus really is on the prior board for the appointment which should have been vetted more carefully.
Didn’t vote while a commissioner at a pivotal moment. He did not do a good job.
Good thing that he is gone. If he tries to run for office, this story will be resurrected.
A D, stay away from politics.
Go have a coffee with Lejcar, Kmiec, Tesar, Culat and the inspector. Don’t spill the milk.
Organizations all over the village were being wrongfully attacked by the fire inspector and the fire commission did zip. They should clean house and start over. This is a good start though.
Well howbowdah!
If you want to believe that he was young and dumb and has since grown out of the firebug phase, just look at his “business” with the scanner.
He still is fascinated with Fire !!
Does he control his desires and urges ??
Only he knows.
So let him atone by cleaning up the village. Let him do anything he wants to redeem himself.
But staying in the public eye is his Achilles Heal.
And being on the Fire Commission is just a bridge too far.
I don’t think he’s explained adequately his growth, particularly his motivation for what he did. “Young and dumb” may work for some things but not for arson.
And since you don’t know him, maybe stfu.
As a matter of fact I am familiar with him AND what he was convicted of.
Funny how he is right there upfront with every fire seems like he is first to be
Hey maybe just he has a knack for knowing where things are happening. He could have some psychic ability we do not know of, and has nothing to do with some self centered need to create a scenario where he comes out as the hero. Like when police tried to locate a missing man for days, and little Scooter helped set up a search party
https://westofthei.com.customers.tigertech.net/2011/12/23/search-party-being-formed-for-missing-man/26310 .
Thanks to Alan’s amazing skills he placed his group in the extremely remote part of Silver Lake Park “about a half mile northeast of the parks beach” area where they found the deceased man in 30 minutes!
Plus, Alan could deduct a story of exactly a motive for a suicide.
https://mykenoshacounty.com/?p=582 .
Imagine all the time it saved investigators. Just because he has 1 known portion of the Macdonald triad, arson, does not say he is a psychopath. Even if only 2 out of 3 are needed. Quit being jealous of his Spidey sense that he uses for making his community better.
Or maybe something more nefarious is going on….
Hmm, makes you wonder about these fires that he reports about on his page…..is he still doing stuff like this for subscribers?
Spot on. The fascination is evident with his current business. Watch the fire videos.
The Kenosha News will have this next Wednesday or Thursday.
They will never post. The politician, Darren Hillock will write a 20 word story that he resigned to spend more time changing the world
Seems mostly a headline service and community bulletin board
Fuck him
Truer words were never spoken
Westofthei still hasn’t posted this story.
Though he’s listening to the scanner and posting about CO alarms.
I really like Darren. His site was very good when it was new. And even up to when he stopped allowing comments.
Now … it’s just there
Kenosha News won’t report it unless they absolutely have to. Their paper isn’t worthy of lining an outhouse
Just got a “new” paper in the mail called Independent something or other…anyone else getting that junk mail too?
Good riddance.
Dunski resigning is good for the village. We have to look at the folks that put him in the position. It was totally irresponsible of the village board to appoint an arsonist to the fire commission. What were they thinking and their decisions on the board have proven they are not fit to serve. 4 are gone 3 are left. Please resign for the good of the village. Hopkins Faber Gandt. Please leave.
Do you guys have nothing better to do than bring up the past? He paid his dues and has changed his way. The village president has known him almost his entire life and she didn’t stick up for him. That’s sad.
He’s not being penalized for his past,
Just not rewarded anymore.
Salem is changing. For the better.
One person at a time.
Steady as it goes, Rita !!
Dunski has people who have posted Youtube videos of his volunteer work on his behalf. But nothing I can find of anything he had done during the August 2020 Kenosha fires. Floods, cleanup, and other things he threw himself into the spotlight. Why was he missing during the riots? As this article mentioned he has been spotted taking videos of fires for his scanner page. No way in hell he was not drawn to all the fires in Kenosha, does anyone know what he was doing late August 2020????? Someone has to know what he was doing during that time if he was acting in a positive way, he would brag about any fire fighting, clean up, or in any way obstructing the arsonists. Maybe he was asking that liberal cuck Tony Evers for a past arson pardon because he knew others who were asking for one related to the riots. Can someone in that area please comment where he was/what he was doing?
Yes !! Inquiring minds want to know !!
Now you have to go after Facebook to see why an arsonist is running a fire page. …
You’re an idiot
How can the POS be part of the gun club with felony charges, wouldn’t he be considered in violation of that, he should be charged again for violating his conditions, maybe also look into his wife heard from someone she was stealing from benefits and organizations
Silver Lake Sportsmans is not a gun club for the uninformed. They sponsor many activities besides shooting trap.
Would not post false information
And you should know the correct information before your typing fingers get going
I was thinking the same, and way does he not have to register on arsonist registry list, don’t fire departments or sportsman’s clubs do background checks? If so why was he allowed?
Why do you guys question why the previous board appointed him? I mean, have you literally not read any of the articles on Salem over the last year on this site? Hell, I’m surprised they didn’t make him fire chief or mayor.
The original Fire Commission was put in place by the transitional Village Board after the Town of Salem was annexed. That board meeting was attended by 3 members of the old Salem Town Board and every action that was taken was with the input of the Salem Board members. The Commission members installed were highly qualified and competent. That Commission was attempting to hold the Fire Chief accountable and ensure the department was operating correctly. After the April election, the new Village of Salem Lakes Board eventually disbanded the Commission claiming that it was illegally formed. Then they created a new Fire Commission and appointed a group of individuals with little or no Fire Department management experience. They were not provided any training and were not provided with the State Fire Commission Handbook. They were put there to be “yes men” and not ask any questions and we can all see what that got us. The remaining 3 board members did this. They are responsible. They should be held accountable. If they had ANY integrity, they would resign also. Their actions directly led to the problems that the Village has experienced over the last few years. However, their egos are too big and they are too busy trying to ensure that they remain on the board.
The truth and we’ll said.
Can’t wait to see the yellow signs on 83 this election. They will hold the remaining three board members accountable. They are being constructed as we speak.
The spring election is almost over !!
Only one seat will change, Maybe, and that’s only if Peter Poli wins.
All this talk and yet virtually nobody stepped up to finish the sweep of the Salem board !!
Why ???
Where are all you Young 30 and 40 somethings that say all us old guys are what ? Too old ??
Put up or shut up !!
At least we have Rita !!
We need someone to run against Steinbrink in Pleasant Prairie!
That ship sailed in the last election which is surprising because nobody ran against him.
Rita voted in an over-payed Lake County Dem as Village prez. Yikes
Village Administrator
Suck it!
Rita is doing a great job
Dunski is a self centered piece of shit and thinks he’s better than everyone. Investigate him and Rob Hamm that drove him to the fire department fire. Both in the fire service, arsonist love that field.
More village corruption.
The corruption in these villages unbelievable.
Don’t forget Pleasant Prairie.
Thank you Kevin. PLEASE keep up the good work
Is Dunski buddies with Broemelkamp?
They are partners with their Facebook page
Thank you, Kevin.
Broemelkamp isn’t a problem, his site is decent too.
Nice work, Kevin, exposing a fraud like the majority of these politicians and Kenosha.. do we really need a city administrator when we have a mayor there’s so much BS in this town and what about that Mahone fund another scam ..
I would expect retaliatory fires or equivalent in the future. Someone from the village should contact th FBI so they are aware of the situation.
I was thinking the same, and way does he not have to register on arsonist registry list, don’t fire departments or sportsman’s clubs do background checks? If so why was he allowed?
Right I wonder who or what businesses are next, or even who hones are as well kinda scary, if you ask me, he is lucky he hasn’t killed anyone yet, funny how he is first on the scenes of the fires before most fire trucks
This is not a joke you are right. There should be a tail on him. Good work.
A good example of villages and corruption take a look into somers’ dealings.
Excellent piece, Kevin. You cover what the effete local rags refuse to cover
A Sign of an Unrepentant Heart is when you blame others for your current troubled situation because of the legacy of your past sins.
I’m not really sure how any single person could possibly stick up for this guy even a little bit and sleep at night??? I don’t even know him personally, but judging by his Facebook, and hearing from people who do, he is nothing more than an egotistical, arrogant, prick, who seeks attention, and thinks his shit don’t stink! He needs to be held “ACCOUNTABLE” for everything illegal that he’s done, and I’m sure there’s much, much, much, much…. more!!!
More than just him being held accountable. How about all the idiots at 45 and 50 that are on the board and the heads of the departments. These certain people let municipalitys get away with alot of criminal stuff against the taxpayers. I have proof of that in somers.
Hey, even drew barrymore grew out of that phase.
He claims that they get a notification from FB when someone screenshots their post, but a simple google search proved that to be false. Screenshot away, just don’t share with anyone who will rat you out to them 😂😂😂
So they don’t think their subscribers are all that intelligent 😬
Dunski has done a lot for our community and yes he got into trouble when we were teens and was made to pay for his crimes. So it makes sense in a way that he likes to gain attention for the things he does now vs. then. There are some people who try to pay penance through acts of service to their community. The fire department may not be the right place for him but our community still needs someone like him to be involved. Let’s love our neighbors. Not try to stone them.
This is a very sensational story and I’m sure it’s fun to write about. I hope Mr. Dunski is also honored for the good he has done. There aren’t a lot of people out there stepping up to do these things for the community of Silver Lake. We need our community, every last sinner and saint.
I don’t usually go back and forth with people like you who are uneducated about a specific topic but as I mentioned before, he was not a kid or a teenager as you call him. He was an adult at 22 years old
I also don’t think in fairness that you ever downplayed any good that he’s done for the community or discouraged him from doing so in the future. Your story questioned the wisdom of the appointment of a convicted arsonist to the body that oversees fire protection.
If he was truly what you say he is then what he should be doing is all this “penance” and step back from the lime light and stay behind the scenes.
Do the work without credit.
The people that care will know and the rest of us that don’t care, won’t have to see his face.
He’s got a long way to go before he gets to even
Let’s see the turnout he gets next year for the clean up ??
While I don’t advocate for less people to volunteer and clean up, the showing next spring will be telling
Well we know most of the sheep commenting here won’t volunteer. Seems they just talk a big game but don’t have the spine to actually volunteer to do anything. I’ve been going to the cleanup for the past few years and every year it’s bigger and bigger
I would like to know, how he is usually first on scene able to be recording fires for his scanner page before hardly and fire or rescue get there? Kinda makes you wonder
This guy is a piece of shit for charging customers to access a scanner page. This guy would literally have no money if someone provided that for free. He basically used the riots as a way to get more paid subscribers. It’s pretty shitty actually….
Allen Dumpsterfire probably gave Burn Loot Murder tips on how to burn buildings.
ANYONE with a felony should NOT serve on anything to do with the fire department or police department….period! They wouldn’t have hired Joe Schmo off the streets with a felony! That’s like hiring a pedophile to work at a daycare! Get rid of all these corrupt people! And while you’re at it do background checks on people! However I believe they all knew & it was daddy that helped get him in😡
Resign Faber Gandt Hopkins
Word on the street is that Dumski is pretty burned up over this…😎
Maybe there is something in the water out in
Twin Peaks. They seem to have more than their fair share of nutrods.
Oh, I am sure he is pissed big time.
I find that wonderful and this string of 90ish comments most entertaining. It almost makes up for his arrogance throughout his life that others had to put up with. I think the only time he is off his almighty perch is when he needs something from you; then he is reasonable to you. Arrogant m f.
I am in the process of filling out my application for the Fire Commission now, keeping my fingers crossed that the Eye does not look into my past…..
Allen is a true piece of shit and thinks he is better then everyone and needs to do his time for what he did and apologize to everyone in his town
Well he really actually is better than everyone else…. at setting fires anyway!
Are pyromaniacs also bed wetters and impotent, or premature ejaculators?
Am I the only one that has an issue with Mr. Hopkins comments at the Board meeting on 1/22/2024. He claims Mr Mathewson’s article was factual and to the point about Mr Dunski. He admits that he was aware that Allen had committed a serious crime, but asserts that the decision to appoint him to the Fire Commision was a public decision so he supported it. How was this a public decision? I don’t recall it being part of a referendum or something I could vote on. It was a board decision. Who in their right mind would put a convicted arsonist on the fire commission? Was the community even told about his felonies. I thought we were to entrust our elected officials to have integrity and make the right choices for our community. Way too many people, businesses and charity organizations have been affected by the poor decision of all the board members that allowed this to happen and Mr Hopkins calling it a public decision does not relieve him of his compliancy.
Resign Bill Hopkins
Everyone goes on about the charity work Allen does. I am not going to be shocked if Kevin Mathewson’s next bit on him is Allen embezzled from these donations, committed tax fraud, had overinflated the value of items he bought for various projects, etc.
Take the “ice rink” in in Schmalfeldt Park. Almost 4 thousand dollars to put up a few barriers and flood the park with water? That labor was free volunteer work. Then was a Zamboni really needed for this 64-by-120-foot ice skating rink? Online fundraising for the Zamboni so he can buy an old beat up 1970s Zamboni from his buddy for $2,500. https://www.westofthei.com/2016/02/07/fund-drive-to-buy-zamboni-for-silver-lake-ice-rink-successful/56076
F**k Dunski!!!
Yes, I bet he’s using the zamboni at home on his own ice rink in his back yard.
Its easy to see what kind of jerk he is from his fb scanner page and he gets a real thrill out of banning and threatening to ban everybody for screenshooting posts. even though the posts are from a public scanner. hes also real happy to explain everything at a fire and seems excited by the fires. someone really needs to follow him and see if he is first at these fires. he totally gets off on trying to be in charge of everything on his fb page so its clear he feels incompetent and makes up for it by pretending he is in charge. firefighter chief wannabe.
I think a silver salute up his ass would rectify the situation fairly fast! 🤗
I wonder how long it will take good old Goofy Greg Galich to try to get on this board ? There is a reason Kenosha was happy when he retired.
For all of you who say that Dunski thinks he’s better than everyone else, well, he actually is…….”AT SETTING F**KING FIRES!!” Arrogant prick!!! All I ever hear about this guy is that he’s an arrogant, egotistical, conceded, “PRICK!!” What does this say about his wife? How do woman become attracted to scum like this? Are they that stupid??? All of my life I have been made sick to my stomach by arrogant pricks like Dunski and all of my life I’ve been trying to figure out how these arrogant pricks even get a woman, let alone a woman who’ll marry them!?!?! 🙄 What does this say about woman like Allen’s wife?? It tells me she is….🤪🤪🤪
Dunski is currently in the US Virgin Islands, well according to Facebook anyways. I wonder if he’s enjoying that vacation on embezzled money 💰??? I wonder if he’s enjoying a calm vacation? The calm before the storm! 🤔