Kenosha County Board To Look Very Different – Election Results

Kenosha County Board Chambers

After tonight’s state-wide election, the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors will look very different. Here are the results of the contested races:

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District 2 – Incumbent Terry Rose defeated by Stephanie Knez, a science teacher.

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District 3 – Incumbent Jeffrey Gentz holds on to seat by 8 votes against challenger Annette Flynn.

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District 5 – Incumbent Brian Thomas easily retains seat by challenger David Arrington. Arrington was upset Tuesday night and had “no comment.”

District 6 – Andres Gama defeats Duane O’Keefe by 19 votes in open seat.

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District 8 – Incumbent Zach Rodriguez loses seat to Sarah Kirby by 21 votes.

District 9 – Former Police Chief and Current City of Kenosha Administrator John Morrissey ran unopposed.
“I am looking forward to working with my fellow county board members and am hopeful the City and the County will have better communication and collaboration on projects. I appreciate the support of the citizens of the 9th district who took the time to vote,” siad Morrissey.

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District 10 – Incumbent Andy Berg loses seat to newcomer Felix Garcia by a single vote. Berg announces recount attempt.

District 11 – Incumbent Zach Stock easily defeated by challenger Guida Brown.

District 14 – Incumbent Tim Stocker easily retains seat from challenger Roseann Baldauf-Shales

District 16 – Frederick Brookhouse defeated Erica Millar for the open seat

District 17 – Incumbent Monica Yuhas soundly defeats challenger Jon Butenuth

District 18 – Former KUSD school board member Eric Meadows defeats Justine Hammelev-Jones for the open seat.

“Thank you for the immense support from the community, and for the continued trust you have shown me. I will do my best to fight for the families of our community just like I did for KUSD,” said Meadows late Tuesday evening.

District 19 – Incumbent Brian Bashaw soundly defeated by Keith Gray.

County Supervisor-Elect Keith Gray

“My wife won her school board race and we’re beyond excited to be able to serve our community and grateful for all the help we had during the campaign. I have a ton of respect for anyone who runs for and serves as an elected official and especially thank Brian for his work over the last two years. We’re celebrating Tonight with friends at lake george lodge!” Gray’s wife, Joanne Gray, was elected to the Bristol School board, with the most votes.

District 20 – Incumbent John Poole wasn’t even touched by challenger Michael La Forge

District 21 – Incumbent Mark Nordigian easily retained his seat against challenger Steven Murdoch

District 22 – Incumbent Erin Decker defeated challenger and former Public Works director Ray Arbet, despite money pouring in from people outside her district.



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Former County Board Supervisor Andy Berg Fired From Job As Department of Corrections Sergeant

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Accused Child Rapist Makes Court Appearance – Third Victim Identified, More Charges Coming

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31 Responses

  1. Have to laugh at Berg here…..he lost by a single vote? I guess acting like an assclown and doing dumb shit actually came back to bite you in the ass, didn’t it?
    Let’s be honest, he probably wins easily if all this stuff hadn’t come out about him.

  2. The fact that he only lost by one vote is very sad. Just shows what a complete shithole Kenosha has become. Thanks Sgt. Hard!

    1. In his post about doing a recount he made sure to mention the WONDERFUL county clerks who would be presiding over it. I hope there are some observers there for that one!!!

  3. lol he says there is another chapter. Is that a chapter asking for more donations and posting drama on Facebook? The chapter should be called, how to be a hypocrite

  4. What’s funny is he spent so much time “endorsing” others. Like his endorsement meant anything, and I didn’t see one person endorse him

  5. It’s too bad the Kenosha GOP stuck with some of the people they did. Blue clearly isn’t working anymore, but people are sick of the same s*it. I’m honestly surprised that Decker won, and that Nudo ran unopposed. It seems like he would have been an easy one to defeat…

    Hopefully the “new” GOP will spend some time working to recruit some good candidates for 2026– although they’re likely going to have their hands full trying to find a viable red County Exec candidate…

    1. Anyone, yes virtually Any Republican could beat Sam next time.

      Just need to step up and show us your Bona Fides

      1. Kerkman has some deep state attachments (is she still on Vos’ payroll? It’s recently come out that he has some CCP affiliation), so it’s going to be a matter of a conservative or republican who will be willing to go up against that.

    2. JC- quit commenting here. No one cares what you have to say or shares your views, obviously. How’s your little vendetta against Decker going? hahahaha
      And Kerkman has tons of support, as much as it pains you. So go cozy up to your democrat friends since they are the only ones that can stand you!!

      1. “Kerkman has tons of support, as much as it pains you.” is not the flex you think it is.

        She’s a RINO who is very clearly in over her head.
        Supporting that is admitting to being a RINO who is ignorant, or just doesn’t care, about what’s actually happening in this country, state, and area.

    3. People in Kenosha GOP should be ousted. Beginning with Sandy they didn’t support half the candidates because of some technicalities Zach Rodrigues who is a very smart Young man. There were a few others also.

      1. Eliminating the parties is the key to free & fair elections. Two wings of the same very corrupt bird, flying us straight to hell.

  6. There really needs to be a recount in District 3–8 votes? i have a very hard time believing Flynn lost. She had a TON of support. Also the turnout was dismal–i am so sick of people not giving a crap when it comes time to vote.

  7. I know this article is about the County Supervisors but seeing the results of Pleasant Prairie Trustee Mike Pollocoff and Carl Coulson so close, I hope Coulson challenges Jose results!

  8. I’m just disappointed at the low voter turn out considering how much is at stake! Won’t stop people from complaining though! Glad the people I voted for won.

  9. Joel’s page is comical too. Kevin went at him lol and Joel has the nerve to make a fat joke? Joel, your disgusting and are in need of a dentist and weight watchers

  10. I sure would like to know where all the Soros money was spent. I didn’t receive 1 text, mailer, or call about any of the democrats candidates for school board. I also seen way more republican candidates yard signs then the democrats 🤔 Secure elections my butt!

  11. I am amazed at how voters care more about what Political Party a Kenosha Country Board member supports rather than the content of their character. This website is a great example of that. It appears you hear only negative about the left. But when you have a member of the right get caught stealing, lying, or lining their own pockets………….crickets. There has to be an alternative between the KN and KCE where there is fair and balanced information on Kenosha and Kenosha County without all the bias.

    1. These commenters are wild. Most sound like they haven’t left the bomb shelter since November 2008.

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