(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
**Editor’s Note – Explicit Material**
A Pleasant Prairie Police dispatcher has been charged with two counts of posession of childpornography and three counts of exposing a child to harmful material today. He faces more than 60 years in prison if convicted.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Eye is intentionally being non-specific and vague to protect the identity of victims and reporting parties. According to the criminal complaint:
Brian J. Gildenstern, according to Kenosha County Sheriff’s Detectives and prosecutors, did some abhorrent things in the last year. Guildenstern allegedly bought at least three dildos for a minor child. He also talked about buying her vibrators and other sex toys. He then spoke to her about her using them.
Gildenstern is also alleged to have taken photos and videos of the minor that prosecutors say amount to child pornbography.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In court today, Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Zachary Brost asked for a high cash bail, citing the seriousness of the crimes in which he’s charged.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Court Commissioner Bill Michel agreed and set bail at $20,000 cash, after denying a defense motion to dismiss.

(File Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Pleasant Prairie Police Chief David Smetana released the following statement to KCE today:
“On April 2, 2024 I was advised that a complaint of inappropriate off duty conduct was made against an employee of our Public Safety Communications Department.
Due to the nature of the potential criminal complaint, the matter was immediately referred to the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office for investigation. The employee was placed on leave and the Pleasant Prairie Police Department is cooperating fully with the investigation.
On April 13,2024 the employee, Brian Gildenstern, was taken into custody by the KCSO and is being held pending an upcoming court proceeding.
These allegations are troubling and obviously contrary to the conduct we expect from all our employees.”
Gildenstern is due in court on April 23, 2024 for a preliminary hearing.

(Photo by Daniel Gaitan, Kenosha.com – Used With Permission)
42 Responses
As a holocaust survivor and there are millions of us, I must stick up for Gildenstern. Gildenstern is of course one of Gods chosen and so we must look at our most religous book, the Talmud. Gildernstern has every right to do what he did according to the Talmud/Tradition of the Elders. I pulled some supporting verses to help in his defense. This most holy book can be found in all of our synagogues.
Yebhamoth 11b:
Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age.
Aboda Sarah 37a:
A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.
Gad. Shas. 2:2:
A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.
I recommend that this case be moved to another county so it can be shut down by one of my fellow DA’s that accepted some of our fiat currency for their election campaign.
Nice try
R u sure he’s a heeb?? Brian John are Christian names
Gildenstern is a Dutch name?
Pro bono…
Usually what one gets for free is worthless..
You illustrate that well.
wow, you are one sick sick person, @pro bono rabbi. You and your disgusting sodomite ideals belong in the 9th circle of hell
Wow. You are being anti-Semitic.
You are just as disgusting as this pedophile, if you believe that BS!! Perhaps you both can share a prison cell together!!
Read the Talmud dipshit. It’s there in black and white. Why do rabbis suck baby dick after a circumcision? They are the Synagogue of Satan. And those are God’s words. Repent faggot!
He knows it, they can’t defend it so they deflect, and then want prison time for those that reveal their degeneracy.
Wow , anti-semetic much ? You clown
There is a holocaust in your life but it’s going on in your sick Head and I don’t think you will survive the outcome you perpetuate.
Bullshit! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Get the F out of here! Stop bringing religion or culture into this! Go back to the country that believes this bullshit! Here in America it’s NOT okay! He’s a pedophile and needs a long time in prison! If it was my child he wouldn’t be breathing😡
Sure thing goy
What are you talking about? This is our culture and religion. We run your country because we have infiltrated your banking system, your government, your corporations, your schools with our curriculum but we keep you preoccupied with debt slavery, porn, sports, political theatre, pandemics and more so you’ll never do anything about it or take the time to notice what we are doing. It could be your child next but hey they are just Goyam and we are “Gods chosen”. Stop being anti semetic. We are the victims, not you.
You should be mad, you let us get away with it all. I appreciate you being so politically correct by trying to keep culture and religion out of it, we really have you fooled.
”These allegations are troubling and obviously contrary to the conduct we expect from all our employees.”
Smetana you said this how come you are not in front of this, it sounds like everyone knew about his nickname where are your leadership skills? Being the chief means asking questions about his nickname Gildrenstalker?
Smetana has no leadership skills.
How would you know what this pervert’s nickname is?
I’ve actually been told this by many people, people that I know and people that I do not know, so it does not surprise me to hear it from more folks
We’re hearing some people were shocked and others not surprised. Looks like he was grooming.
He is definitely a Dutch pervert
No he’s one of ours but I’ll admit that he kinda looks like Tony Beets son, Kevin, from Gold Rush.
If u hate Jews so much u should sell your shitty car and get a plane ticket to Iran—- they definitely could use help! You can be a floorsweep at one of their nuke plants
Holy shit. Got a koolade drinker here
The kool-aid is yummy and tasty —- my 401k’s are doing swell —- Jews , unlike you , handle my money exceptionally well. Do you live in a trailer ? Your meth money stored in mason jars?
Do you prefer KoolAid or baby foreskin more?
I give a Jew 10g’s , he brings me back 11g’s —- I give Straight White Trash Male 10g’s I end up in prison as a financier of a meth ring 🤣🤣🤣
Do you always laugh at your own jokes or is that covetous demon inside you that finds his life’s meaning in worthless paper?
I’d be willing to debate the pedophile jews you love so much…in person. Bring your bag foreskins, and I’ll bring the Talmud.
As with all pedophiles, I hope he either eats a bullet now or gets raped repeatedly in prison.
Go to my old standby.Tree chipper time.
Wood chipper go brrrrrrrrrrr
The cool thing is big shit goes in and little shit comes out.
This disgusting human being should have a higher cash bail than $25,000!! There is no place on earth for these pedophiles!! I pray that the child receives the counseling that she needs after this ordeal.
What’s going on the with pedo music teacher from ITA?
He’s taking a plea deal and I will actually be reporting on that later today or tomorrow
They’re going to have to rename Pleasant Prairie to …. Hell’s Flat ……… of course, this will encompass Kenosha as well.
… when it shall blend in nicely with Illinois