Kenosha County Board Vice Chair Daniel Gaschke (D) – Second From Left
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson,Kenosha County Eye)
Last night at the Kenosha County Board organizational meeting, two of the board’s most extreme democrats were elected to the two positions of leadership. Monica Yuhas (D) and Daniel Gaschke (D) were voted to be the chair and vice chair of the Kenosha County Board respectively for the next two years.
The liberal nominee, Monica Yuhas garnered 12 votes and the conservative nominee, David Geersten garnered 9. Current chairman, Gabe Nudo, who was whipping votes for months to secure an unprecedented second term, was not nominated and thus could receive no votes. Two members were not yet sworn in and couldn’t vote.
Democrats on the board will have a solid majority for the next two years. This comes after the 2022 election that placed conservatives in charge for the first time in decades. This was the first vote for county board after the riots of 2020.
Last night, eight new members of the board were sworn in. Thirteen current members were sworn in after winning re-election. Two members, newcomer Felix Garcia and long-time member Jeff Gentz, were not able to be sworn in today due to pending recount appeals.
By secret ballot, each of the 21 members wrote down a name on a scrap piece of paper and placed them into a basket. County Clerk Regi Waligora then read off the names, one by one as the tension grew. Until the votes were tabulated, it wasn’t known which side the board members were on. Tonight it became clear as the difference in the candidates couldn’t have more of a contrast. One liberal democrat running against one conservative republican.
Here is how the supervisors voted for chair:

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)a

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)a

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)a

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)a

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)a

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)a

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
79 Responses
This is supposed to be a nonpartisan body. I’ve not seen anything substantial to say that Monica is particularly liberal. I know she’s hard-working and listens to people on the ground. You have Knezz now on the board and there’s no question she is a liberal Democrat.
open your eyes and watch how she votes!!! almost always with the Democrats. LOOK at her supporters- democrats.
Monica is about his left as you get. For those of us who pay attention, it is so apparent that slaps us on the ass
Wrong, it’s a non-partisan election, not a non-partisan position. Once in office you can associate with any party you want.
Go make a porn video in your wife’s panties with an inmate sgt hard.
I thought Felix won the recount over berg, why couldn’t he vote?
Because Berg is being a little b#$ch and won’t sign the form.
FYI, KCE DOES allow profanity, lol
But he posted he don’t play games and poor me. Hypocrites gonna hypocrite
Says Mr. Anonymous. Coward.
Go away Sgt Hard nobody wants a weirdo like you knowing their name —-who knows what’s in your crawlspace 😳
Says the coward who couldn’t sign that he lost. Way to be the hypocrite you cried on your page about.
Is that you Sgt Hard?
Pretty ironic that Sgt. Hard really comes across as a limp-dicked loser 😂😬
Andy is taking it hard . Sgt Hard !
Did Zach Rodriguez lose ?
I’m sorry I didn’t run against John Morrissey.
I couldn’t compete with his name recognition
At least Joe Biden wanna be John O’Day packed it in . He was an embarrassment .
I think the people who voted for Stephanie Knezz should have a red D tattooed on their foreheads . For Dumasses !!!!
Andy is taking it hard . Sgt Hard !
Did Zach Rodriguez lose ?
I’m sorry I didn’t run against John Morrissey.
I couldn’t compete with his name recognition
At least Joe Biden wanna be John O’Day packed it in . He was an embarrassment .
I think the people who voted for Stephanie Knezz should have a red D tattooed on their foreheads . For Dumasses !!!!
Now, for sure, Kerkman won’t get anything done and the west will be ignored.
Yup especially since they pushed bashaw out and replaced him with someone that is new to the area and has no idea what he’s doing. Just listening to him talk he isn’t going to be half as invested in the seat as his predecessor was.
That show was duly unelected because he is a RINO. He is an arrogant prick who lies to people everyday. That was a great turnover
Bashaw was ass cheeks
Kerkman is a disgusting waste of time. Just like she was in Madison
The cancer continues to spread. Eventually the body will stop functioning.
Did Nudo vote for Gaschke?
Nudo was a waste for 2 years what did he do in that time?
Woof. Do some of these people not own a mirror or a hair brush?
If they can’t see how dumb they are for their sick ideals and agendas then you cannot expect these dummies to see how stupid and libtarded their hair looks. 😅
Besides, she….is more than likely…a he!!! 🤪
Why? Terry Rose wasn’t in those pics.
Stephanie Knezz beat him .
Oh the insanity ! Evanston Proud !
What a sad day for conservatives in Kenosha County. Republicans worked for more than a decade to flip the county board and finally succeeded with the last election, just two years ago in 2022. Under Nudo and the new RPKC Board, everything has fallen apart. Seeing Yuhas up there is nauseating. Shame on all of you who sat home on your asses instead of helping conservative candidates!! And shame on all of you who supported Nudo after he showed his true colors. This is the result.
Hey Erin! Everyone knows it’s your fault for stabbing conservatives in the back, so spare us your pathetic gaslighting.
not Erin, but nice try. I’m curious how she stabbed conservatives in the back?
The “eye” sees everything. Just ask him.
Fuck em all!
Once a dumbass always a dumbass! Dumbass libtarded dumocrats will be dumbasses for life therefore being too dumb to realize how dumb they are for not knowing that libtarded dumocrats are ruining the world so they continually keep voting for dummies and over breeding to raise up more dummies! We are doomed!
Fuck em all! I’m just glad I can use profanity here! 😎
Amazingly Mathewson knows who voted for who when it was supposed to be anonymous? Might he have some insight with the help of a county board member? Interesting to say the least.
What can I say? The “eye” sees everything. Do you really think the vote should be anonymous anyways?
Every vote by every elected official should be public knowledge! The voters who elected these representatives have the absolute right to know how each and every one of them vote on everything.
No you dont.
Hold onto your wallets.
The BIG (D) after Nudo’s name was omitted.
D for dick or D for Democrat? Oh wait, same thing.
Yuhas? WOW. Her dream come true while it’s a nightmare for Kenosha County. My guess is all those that voted for Yuhas knew that she was accused of, and admitted to, committing a felony when she was running for election in 2020 yet they voted for her anyway. She wasn’t charged by the Racine DA only because of timing. I have no respect for her whatsoever.
maybe KCE could provide? KM certainly has the details.
Hey, Kevin, thanks for a decent photo of me. Can I use it if I give you credit?
I have more I’ll send them all
No need for credit 🙂
“Extreme Democrats”? Now that is certainly an unbiased comment. My Retort? YAY!
Hi Steph
AKA as communists
You ain’t going to win elections with all these UAW MAGA republican converts. They’re just confused racist nationalist democrats. They’re good for chasing away moderate republicans and shifting power to the progressive left. Enjoy!
How the fuck did I get banned? You will post vile racist retardation. All I do is make fun of MAGA retards.
Idiot don’t even know how to find his own post and reposted 3 times. Are you Andy? Joel or rzio?
Retarted enough not to know how to post. Keep maga in your head and remain looking and sounding like a leftist idiot
You dipshits lost to Landry. Keep on MAGAing!
The dipshits are the ones that voted for thought foul mouthed sow and her sexual abuser of a husband.
How does one get banned from KCE?
You get banned for criticizing MAGA. KM engaged in some Philosophical cleansing.
Kenosha just cant rise above that old factory mentality and realize these arent your union brothers from the motors.Whole new breed of libtards alive and well.
Me first Despots like Comrade Curt will always continue to seek power positions like being the Chairman of the City (Liquor) Licensing & Permit Committee.
People of a particular tribe of Israel at it again
Well , George Soros did in fact give a bunch of $$ to the local Dems —- but I think poor turnout was a huge problem here
Partisan politics has ruined this board. They fight each other more than for us.
Is Monica wearing a halloween mask?
If you can’t keep Landry’s fat ass off the school board you need to reassess your strategy. Your credibility is completely shot.
Right. Because anyone on the school board stops the clowns like the article above this one. No one gives a fuck about the school board or Landry. kUSD is a joke. What’s funny is your dumbass thinks anyone that disagrees is MAGA. Go to berg and Joel and talk about your leftist cult. Unless this is Andy.
How quickly people forget that the libs had no problem with our City being burned down. Only 8 of the County Supervisors spoke out against it. And how quickly people forget that the budget got balanced and thousands of dollars were saved, not wasted.
Kenosha County budgeting has long been a game of smoke and mirrors and a lack of transparency.
One common trick is to “balance” by deferring projects until they become more costly. Think skipping a $200 filling and then having to pay for a $2000 crown.
And, no one asks questions. For example- the Hwy S project. That project went way over budget, as a direct result of our shitty Highway commissioner. Many other projects were the same- over budget because of his shotty decision-making. Kerkman could have tossed his ass two years ago, but she didn’t. She could have saved the county literally millions of dollars if she would have gotten rid of one single moron. But, hey— nothing to see, here.
How many engineers in DPW, and what’s their engineering consulting expenses? They’re either hiring incompetent engineers to begin with, or they just don’t want to work.
Likely a combination of both. How many people in that department are still working from home?
My neighbor has a dark colored Highway department truck sitting in his driveway from 7am-noon or 1pm every day, then back home by 4:30/5:00. When does he actually work?
What is the legal basis for a public body to use a secret ballot to elect a chair? Does this not violate open meetings laws? This isn’t supposed to be the politburo.