(This story has been updated to reflect the victim’s correct age due to a Police clerical error and to correct the point of alleged contact and the length that the man was dragged under the car.)
Late last night, Saturday, June 8, 2024, at about 8:52 p.m., a man was walking when he was struck struck near the intersection of Sheridan Road and 58th Street. The man was identified as 52-year-old Troy Wohlgefahrt. It wasn’t until she drove a long distance dragging Wohlgefahrt, that the alleged driver, Sheila Tennin, 37, of Waukegan, IL stopped the vehicle. According to police, Tennin was under the influence of marijuana. She was also driving without a valid license.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
When police arrived at the intersection of 63rd Street and Sheridan Road, they discovered that the man was trapped under the vehicle. Kenosha Fire was able to free the man but unfortunately, his wounds were too great to survive despite the best efforts of paramedics.
The Kenosha County Major Crash Assistance Team (MCAT) was called to the scene to investigate. Investigators drew lines on the road highlighting the tragic path the man took while being dragged for almost a mile last night by the 27-year-old Illinois woman.
According to police, Sheridan Road was closed between 9:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Although the Kenosha Fire Department attempted life-saving measures, the pedestrian died on scene. There was a trail of blood in the roadway that Kenosha Fire had to wash down.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Charges of “Failure To Yield the Right-of-way, resulting in Death,” “Homicide by Vehicle – Use of Controlled Substance,” and “Operate Vehicle Without License – Causing Death,” are all charges that Kenosha Police are asking the Kenosha DA’s office to charge Tennin with.

“In 2022, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation reported that ‘Impairment includes intoxication from drugs, controlled substances, and alcohol, all of which can increase one’s likelihood of being in a crash.’ Planning for a safe ride (taxi, ride-share, or a sober friend) is known to prevent accidents like this from happening,” said Kenosha Police Lieutenant Joshua Hecker.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
179 Responses
How terrible! Thoughts and prayers to the family of the deceased. Our beautiful city is being taken over by thugs running for the border.
Coincidentally, the victim is a multi-convicted drunk driver himself. That, ladies and gentlemen, is called karma.
That is a disgusting thing to say, regardless of what this man may have done. He did not deserve to die this way. Try to stay on topic and stop blaming the victim.
I looked up Troy on CCAP and he certainly was not a model citizen-DUI’s and hit and run. He still didn’t deserve to be killed in this manner.
But even though he was, did he kill injure or harm anyone still no excuse, I’m sorry but this is one stupid dumb ass butch how the fuck do you nit know
First of all every one does have their opinion but if you don’t know the person and don’t know what you’re talking about sometimes it’s good just be quiet
Shame on you !
U are a dumasss bitch orange man hope u get ur karma pussy boy ! Pew pew god don’t like ugly and u one ugly mfer
Thats why he was walking. Everyone has the opportunity to learn from their past mistakes. NO ONE ever deserves to have their life taken this way. “You” oviously were never taught that if you dont have anything nice to say, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!
He was also a million times better than you ever could hope to be as proof that he would never write something so hateful about you no matter how much you deserve to have been the one in his place instead. My cousin wasnt perfect but he loved us deeply and would do anything for us.
Shut up you thug 🫵🏻!
Sheila was scared, didn’t know what to do. Free her. Love you. Its was accident she freak out.
Accident he was dragged almost a mile. Free her she killed someone, Hopefully he died at impact but we will never know,
Shelia Tennin, I’m putting in god hands. You are a good person. That’s was accident. People needs leave you alone. She freak out, what would had done in that situation. We all make mistake. Stop judging. Lets the lord be with you. Wisconsin law is very different, they try to hang up people life up there. But god has the last said so. Yall keep blowing this situation up. I think because she a black woman. Leave her alone. We love you Shelia. RIP that man pass away. Very sorry. But Shelia made a mistake have some mercy on her. Please 💯🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
A mistake isn’t driving without a license, insurance. A mistake isn’t dragging someone for 6 blocks. Quit justifying breaking the law to fit your dumb ass agenda. Maybe she should have made better choices. Your paragraph here don’t take away what she did.
Pointing out the multiple laws that were broken, along with expressing a need for this criminal to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law is NOT judging.
What the fuck did you just say..?
@ OP
She was high as a kite. Messing yourself up that much is no accident. She didn’t even notice something large dragging under her car for 7 blocks. Someone had to tell her to stop…. she wasn’t scared… she was oblivious to everything. She’s a menace when free.
Don’t excuse stupidity. If she wants to get that f#cked up, then she has to face the consequences.
It’s truly unfortunate, but that was a long drive. I empathize for her and pray God is in her side for the sake of her children
I’ve always found it perplexing why individuals opt to flee when fear strikes. The repercussions often exceed facing the consequences head-on. This situation serves as a prime illustration of that principle!
Love, you’re fucked up.
She should have never been behind driving. Choices and consequences.
Wisconsin needs harsher punishment for those that harm or kill people because of their poor Choices.
You are terribly wrong. Not an accident at all. She chose to do wrong when not having the legal right to operate a vehicle and even do so under the influence. She deserves her punishment.
She was high, hit someone and dragged his body down the road all without a valid license. She is exactly where she deserves to be.
It’s always somebody on here that likes to speak out loud don’t know the person or nothing and just have so much to say let it be them though it will be the other way around
Prayers to the family.
How horrific. I hope this family gets the justice they deserve, but it still won’t bring them back. 😪
Gravely will let her go. She’s POC.
Surely we can trace the root of this issue to MAGA and Trump right?? Lock her up, throw away the key.
Much like Trump, she will soon be a convicted felon.
You mean president.
Another driver that shouldn’t have been driving. Carelessly driving and this one took a life. Mine and my husbands life was almost taken by a careless driver that shouldn’t have been driving. There’s too much of this going on!! Signed, still healing.
Prayers to the victims loved ones.
You did not even get his age right! This is a tragedy I sure didn’t need to see some of those photos. It’s already in my mind how far he was dragged why do I have to see the lines of it. Really a discarded glove.
I am sorry for your loss, this was certainly a senseless tragedy and his killer should be held accountable. May Troy rest in eternal peace and his loved ones find comfort in their memories, although under such circumstances comfort is a long way off. I am disgusted by the behavior of the driver and pray she pays legally.
gravely will purchase a brand new car for her POS both her and DA
Fire Department pick up your wrappers, you aren’t any better than someone littering!!!
My gawd, you’re a genius! I’m littering was the most important thing on their minds when they’re trying to save someone’s life.
Dragged along the same route Kyle Rittenhouse ran from his attackers only in reverse.
Thats the 2nd time someone died in the lot.
This is one dangerous stretch of roadway.
How do you figure it’s dangerous?? The only danger is when people drive under the influence of whatever and are impaired!! Otherwise it’s not dangerous if you know how to drive and pay attention to what’s going on around you when driving!! Talk about stupid comments!!
More than marijuana to hit someone without knowing it & dragging him almost a mile! I hope the true drugs are shared with us. I smoked for 50 years and never even came this close to stupid! Please find out what the real toxins were. Some good prison time 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Best comment here. Looks like she was on those bath salts lmao
Nope. Just pot. The stuff today is NOT the ditch weed you had in high school. And when people smoke all day, they’re just useless as human beings.
They even have gummies now so people can pretend they’re not druggies.
Boomer alert!!
Extremely uninformed comment.
Exactly would love to know wtf else she was on, idc how much pot one smoke you would no
I marijuana still makes you act a fool. Quit trying to get others to think it’s no big deal.
You have no clue
first time you smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco you’ll have the spins worse than the first time smoking pot. Once tolerance is established it’s no different than drinking coffee.
Hopefully she stays in jail for a long time. How do you not know you hit a person and continue to drag them almost a mile. Insane.
Kevin, check out the report of the other girl who saw all those cops and flashing lights and barricades…. and still drove through a homicide scene. Another upstanding druggie citizen.
Poor tt we love you 💓
I love you tt stay strong 💓
TT should have stopped the second she hit him. Would have ended differently for all involved.
Please hush
Ok tree
God knows the truth so while everyone judging she gone get out!!
You’re a fucken idiot. Truth is “TT” was high and murdered someone. Fuck outta here
Free her
Yeah, God witnessed her crushing a human while baked. Other people did too.
Free her
Ya got $50k to go get TT out? If not, doesn’t sound like she’s going anywhere, any time soon!
Weak ah comment
Awe, were you expecting no cash bail? Waaaaaa…
Loving mother, and very great auntie to all nieces and nephews free her. y’all are just ignorant so I don’t blame you for assuming. They let Kyle out after the mass shooting yall was real quiet but imma let God do the rest of the talking and all love to the person who died rest easy
Your stupid bitch Kyle Rittenhouse was self defense plus one left pedophile, your so called auntie should be tied to a bottom if a car and dragged eye fir eye bitch m, RIP prayers to his family
You need a snickers, calm down. Your over zealous reaction makes the reader not even care about the point you’re trying to make, right or wrong.
Actually Rittenpuss was a moron child who brought trouble upon himself. No one needs to talk about him anymore. He’s off offending all the POC.
Why all he did was shoot whiteish people.
Did she do drugs in front of the kids too? Seems like a great auntie.
“Loving mother” should’ve been home with her kids then instead of cruising Kenosha.
Criminals go to jail. She’s in jail. She’s a criminal.
Maybe if y’all cared so much, you might’ve told her to quit smoking 24/7.
Sound slow asf
I wish we had a death penalty, and your sentence of death should be the manner you killed the victim.
Well sorry sweetheart It’s boy longer a thing 😂😂😂😂
Kyle took out the trash attacking him.
Troy was also a loving family member and now we will never see him again thanks to your loving “mother and aunt” so no sorry i hope she rots her ass in jail for the rest of her life.
Free my auntie!!!
Really free your auntie who just killed someone. Stupidity at its best.
Yessirrrrr you don’t know what happened just assuming 😝
Just assuming a car drug him? Did he put himself under the car? Oh wait he drug himself along the street. That’s it!
Nobody cares
How the fuck does one assume this? She was arrested and tons of witnesses, oh and the victim was under her car. Thats the problem with this society, idiots like you want everyone “free” while they commit crimes. Maybe be better family member and not a ignorant POS
Your auntie is why WI needs the death penalty. She’s a monster who had no business behind the wheel of a vehicle, and now a man is dead as a direct result of her irresponsible, illegal, and deadly decision.
You’re the real monster don’t even know everything you just talking
So she did have a valid drivers license? She could legally drive? She wasn’t under the influence of either alcohol or drugs?
Go back and read it kiddo 😉
Oh, I read it. I read that she was high and murdered someone. I’m wondering how her “family” can say that she’s not a monster, when the article clearly provides facts that speaks to her horrific crime.
Aww are you big mad or little? Bro don’t know nobody and saying a whole lot of nothing 😐 just loud and wrong
Sounds like the family of the trash who came to town to get high and kill are the ones who are “big mad.”
Just loud and wrong!! You don’t even know nobody at all which is crazy that you and anyone else who agrees with you is still talking
Hurt your feelings that the truth is out there about Auntie Shitbag? Mathewson is the most reliable source of information in SEWI, if he says it’s true- he’s double & triple checked before he’s published the story.
Loud and wrong honey now you definitely just talking 😉
Then… prove it, sugarplum.
Honey bun why don’t you you looks like you got your evidence which is a bunch of nonsense! Aye free my auntie though 😝😝😝🫵🏻
Your auntie is going to prison for a long time, and hopefully she’s “dealt with” appropriately in there. Witnesses, DL checks, and drug tests prove that your aunt is guilty- scared or not, she made a series of terrible decisions, and now she MUST face the consequences of those decisions.
Facts are facts, sweetheart, regardless of how much you want to believe she should get away with it.
Just hush 🤐
Nah, I’ll speak out about how necessary it is to prosecute criminals, murderers, to the fullest extent of the law, until my last breath. No justice, no peace, right? Justice is this woman going to prison forever.
The real monster here is drugs. Get a job and quit smoking weed and whatever other useless poison you do.
Drugs are not the problem, PEOPLE are the problem! Yes, drugs are a stupid idiots choice, but like guns, knives, firebombs most anything else it comes down to people. Fucking worthless shitbag people.
The real problem is that people walked away from Christ. He’s still there and there is still time to get back on the narrow road.
Yep. Exactly.
You are easily the biggest idiot on this platform. Free my auntie. Fuck outta here. Lock that loser up forever
Free my auntie until It’s backwards 👏
Nah, I’ll speak out about how necessary it is to prosecute criminals, murderers, to the fullest extent of the law, until my last breath. No justice, no peace, right? Justice is this woman going to prison forever.
Always the losers of society that say free em after they commit a crime. Low life’s of this world. Some day you will grow up and not be a piece of shit
Tree Racks.
Not hard to know who’s posting in support of her.
Fuck yo auntie hope she get life !
Freee herrrr
Fuck her. And you too
Someone’s a little angry aye free Big T not the little
Give my cousin back to me and then we will talk
So much faux outrage… if she was white and the victim black, you’d be screaming for her to be released.
Absolutely not. Stop being racist!
Is this Andy Berg ?
Oh here we go…your intelligence is lacking, so you play the race card!!! I’ll be nice and just say…your an idiot!!
If a white man ran a black woman down, uptown would be burning again.
That’s how that works. If a deeply melanated individual is harmed by a white individual, cities burn and stores are looted.
Could you be anymore ignorant?
I know Sheila and she has two wonderful children. Truth is even marijuana should not be smoked in their vehicles. This is a normal scene in both Illinois and Wisconsin. It is as illegal as drinking and driving . The comments here tend to be really ignorant and help no one. It is sad a lost life and an altered family. Show a little class and sympathy for everyone involved .
Coming on here stating “my auntie innocent” is just ridiculous. There are witnesses and video clearly showing a grown woman running over a man, then dragging him into mush. And she acted like it was no big deal.
Stop acting like children and realize that this is a homicide… not “auntie” got a ticket. Auntie should go to prison. And maybe y’all should flush the joints and be better people. Being a druggie doesn’t excuse stupidity.
Not to mention, this is Wisconsin not Illinois!! We have no SAFE-T Act, so don’t expect her home any time soon!!
We don’t give af😂😂😂
Free my auntie until It’s backwards 👏
Your auntie gonna be doing something, but it won’t be free. Dumb ass
Labeling this woman as a “thug” is unwarranted, especially considering her lack of a criminal record. While some advocate for her release, it’s essential to acknowledge that a life was lost, and accountability is imperative. Claims of ignorance are dubious, as comments from acquaintances suggest she panicked. While the incident may have been accidental, the outcome underscores the importance of halting when possible to avoid tragedy for all involved.
Lack of a record is not indicative of a lack of criminal behavior. She didn’t have a drivers license- why? She was driving- doubtful that this was the first time that this woman drove (without a valid drivers license). Also doubtful that at 37, this was the first time she did drugs.
The nature of this murder would strongly indicate that she has a past history full of criminal activity— even if she’s gotten away with it.
How absolutely horrific. They had better actually press charges and not let her out on a low or no cash bail. What scum this woman
Rest in peace Troy 💔😢 hope that ugly rat rots in prison ! U didn’t deserve to die that way ! U will always be in our hearts ! Can’t wait till justice is served !!!
I bet you look like a dirty possum 😂😂
I bet u a fucking bum loser low life piece of shit just like ur ugly bald headed TT trash belong underground!
Blad but she has hair on her head bet yo shit look boneless asf musty possum
Justice for tt tho 🫵🏻🤡
Oh, she will receive her justice, in the form of 50 years in prison.
Freee her
Your level of commitment to being stupid is commendable. You’ve really put your whole mind to being a complete dumbass, and you’re going for it, balls to the walls. Great job. Hopefully one day this level of commitment will help you achieve something positive. However- your commitment to being a dumbass about “free(ing) TT” on a local news site just ain’t it.
More shit filtering up from monkey town.
I don’t see any charges yet on Wicapps. Wonder what is taking so long.
Gravely is probably busy watching Sgt. Hard do his faggot dances.
They usually dont put the charges in ccaps over the weekend.
That bitch killed a good family friend she gone get hers one way or another 💋 in or out period !
If your “good family friend” did this when he was driving drunk, would you have the same outrage?
But he didn’t . Now if it was vice versa, you would be feeling the same way you dumb ass, bitch
Shut up that comment was goofy ash
Bitch shut up
Tragic story. Lets for the time being set aside the backgrounds of the two people involved in this. No one deserves to die like that . With that being said, the young women took a life and now should forfeit her freedom she was in the wrong hands down . Common since would dictate to a operator of a vehicle that when your vehicle is dragging a large object you stop and investigate. It appears neither happened and or did happen and the driver choose to continue to drive hoping that the person would drop off like a bad muffler. Gravley will throw this case to his two go to socialist buddies (Racine or Walworth) due to the fact he might get his BLM card revoked for actually doing his job. Yes with his eye on being the key note speaker at the George Floyd summer remembrance day celebration he will drop this case like a fire bomb on a August night in Kenosha ! Justice served ? I guess it depends on which side of the road you drag this down !
My guess is that being impaired, she was clueless she even hit someone (why she didn’t stop), let alone dragging that person 3/4 of a mile!! Life in prison sounds like a good deal for her actions!
another out of towner committing crimes in are town We need to stop these people at the border make it hard for them to even come into are town, all they do is make trouble.
The most stupidest comment I heard
Only a white person would say this but guess what we in yoo cityyyyyyyyy 😂
Racist bitch a color is a fucking color tf don’t matter what color u are it 2024 ! Blue pink white black purple rainbow this ain’t got shit to do what happend that bitch dragged him prolly high off crack and myth from the look of her picture crack head ass bitch
You describing your mama hoe
BLM!!! We in yo city babyyyy
And we definitely can be in yours what’s good bitch
Clown. Pew pew. Your a clown
And when she get out what’s gone be funny hoe
Watch and seeee
Thought you ate sit tf down and finsh that plate boo
She crying now hahahahah keep crying bitch cause yo life over with just like his !
You want sick ass individual you need to go to a nut House for real bitch
Hope u get All 56 years bum bitch ! I wish it was u getting dragged under that mfn car !
Meat rider
Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen
bLM…blacks love murder
Ope 💥💣
I watch 48 hours and it sure seems that way.
I feel so sorry for both families and I know that Sheila has never harmed anyone, Even a bug!!! But I know everyone is pissed or wandering what and why. I think that’s a God question, my prayers are with the families and I don’t know what’s next but that lady is not the type of person that would hurt anyone intentionally. I’m sorry but I had to share this everyone stay positive we all have made mistakes even if it was a accident.
She never harmed anyone, not even a bug- that is, until she killed someone.
Waaaaaaayy too much ebonic gibberish. Dindos finna dinndo…..
Killlll herrrr. In response to freee herrr.
All fell from the same family tree.
Unevolved animals that probably learned to drive in a stolen vehicle.