(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Long-time firefighter and fire administrator Alan T. Carr was sworn in tonight at the Villages Police and Fire Commission meeting. In an unanimous vote, the five-member panel voted to put Carr at the reins of the important department which handle fires and medical calls. All present members of the Fire Commission had glowing remarks about Carr and spoke highly of him.

Top Row Ed Herreid – Chairman, Tom Brown – Vice Chairman
Bottom Row Chris Dryer – Secretary, Kyle Stoxen – Commissioner
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Born in the Long Island, New York, Carr had two brother who were in the fire service and that tempted a young Carr to do the same when he was just 14 years old. “I kind of fell in love with it at that point in time. I was either going to the military of the fire service, and I always say the fire service got me first,” said Carr to KCE Monday evening.
In 1980, Carr moved to the Kenosha area and took firefighting jobs with both the Kenosha and the Pleasant Prairie Fired Departments simultaneously. However, after being featured on the front page of the newspaper in 1984, the then-Pleasant Prairie fired chief told Carr to choose a department. Carr chose Kenosha. It is in Kenosha where he was promoted to apparatus operator, Lieutenant, Captain, and finally, House Captain. Carr served honorably with the Kenosha Fire Department for 36 years. He retired in 2020. In November of 2023, Village President Rita Bucur made some calls and searched out someone with extensive experience in the fire service and integrity. She was pointed to Carr. She called him and asked for help – at the time, the Village’s Fire Department was in bad shape. Carr agreed to help on a temporary basis. He was first titled “Safety Coordinator.” “Two and a half weeks later, I fell into the interim role,” said Carr.” Six months later, brings us to June 24, 2024 when Carr cheerfully agreed to lead the department.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In the audience were several of his staff to show support. After the vote, Chief Carr was sworn in by Commissioner Chair Ed Herreid. The pinning of the badge was conducted by Carr’s wife, Tami Carr. The Carr’s children, Camden (7), Cooper (14), and Caleb (17) watched the ceremony with proud smiles.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
After being sworn and receiving his new badge, he took to the podium to offer words of gratitude:
“I want to thank the Commission and the Village for this opportunity. It is profoundly humbling to me. I never saw myself in this role. I willingly at this point accept the responsibility and duties to this community and for this fire department. As you can see, I have some of our members here today. We’re dedicated, committed, good people who believe in serving this community. I’m honored to work for them and with them. I look forward to taking this department in a good direction, to healing old wounds, and to making it something proud of – that the entire community can stand behind. I will do my very best to serve this community. I look forward to the challenge and I thank you so much for your trust.” – Chief Alan T. Carr

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The Village’s President, Rita Bucur seemed very excited to watch Carr be sworn in tonight. She gave the following statement to KCE:
“The Fire Commission’s appointment of Alan Carr tonight as our new Fire Chief is the beginning of a new era for our department. With his extensive experience and proven leadership, I am confident that Chief Carr will bring fresh perspectives and innovative strategies to enhance our fire services and community safety.
Chief Carr is a man of honor, a man dedicated to serving, a healer, a teacher, kind, considerate and a true leader. I am thankful he was willing to come out of retirement to help fix and transform our Fire Department having already made such positive changes, including regaining the confidence of our business community.
I would like to thank our Fire Commission for their decision and appointment tonight. I would also like to thank Chief Carr and his wife and family.
Today was an exciting day for our Village.”
Here are some photos from tonight:

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
24 Responses
And now he gets two pensions. 🤦🏼♀️
What a cynical comment !
Here’s a guy who has run into the burning buildings most of his working life and this is what you have to say ??
How about being grateful a person with this much knowledge and experience is willing to take his retirement years and help a department that lost its way ? Not to mention he lives in this community !
Of all the qualifications you would want in a Fire Chief, especially in a “small” Village, I think he hits every mark !
Whatever “2nd pension” he might earn it will be no different or more than if he continued at his previous job.
Comments like yours show your bitterness in your own life choices. You really should just be thankful for men like Alan Carr !!
Chief Carr made more money as a KPD Captain than he does as the Chief of Salem Lakes. His pension is paused while he is out of retirement. He will never receive two pensions. Only one, and only when he retires from Salem Lakes. He’s not doing this to get rich. He can’t.
When did G. Gordon Liddy move to Kenosha County?
Wow, poor government decisions continues in Salem Lakes. Has anyone checked what qualifications were required for chief, prior to them being altered by the present board to serve their agenda? It takes much more than a person who has been a fireman to run a department. What about experience as a leader, EMT certified at the least, business background and what level did he achieve as firefighter? You claim that this board is doing so many great things. Wake up! Salem Lakes is going to find themselves in the same spot that Silver Lake was in…Broke! Has anyone bothered checking into why the Administrator left her former position in Lake County? Maybe talk to them and see the mess she caused there that they are trying to clean up. There are dark days ahead for Salem Lakes. So very sad that we are going backwards instead of moving forward.
True, Chief Carr may not have everything or anything you say he doesn’t have.
So far he’s done wonders to increase morale.
Has communicated well with the board. Stepped up way back when to assist us when we needed someone. And has a vested interest in this community.
By state statute, does he need all the certifications you claim he doesn’t have ?
Is the Village violating state laws? again?
Some people in all types of jobs choose to stay under the radar throughout their careers. Maybe the Kenosha Fire Department is a “good old boys club” where you need to suck up to advance into management. Or maybe Alan Carr just chose to stay in his position for any number of other reasons.
It’s possible that not being a EMT wasn’t required 37 years ago. And he wasn’t forced to become one.
There are many reasons for one to keep their head down, do their jobs to the best of their abilities and serve in support positions behind other leadership.
In fact good leadership “is” having people in your command that are competent and reliable and trustworthy. Is that Alan Carr ? I don’t know. But if that describes him then what are you complaining about ?
I doubt he’ll serve more than a handful of years. And when it’s time, he’ll help with seeking out the next chief. Probably one with all of the “qualifications” you are asking for.
But for now I think he’s the right guy at the right time !
And as for Cassandra. She too may have been a behind the scenes person. Maybe her superiors were hard to work for. Maybe this job wasn’t because she wanted to leave her old job but saw that this position was one that needing fixing ?
Everyone wants to be appreciated in their work. And fixing a small town will come with personal satisfaction along with public accolades.
People seek out positions for many reasons. And management hires for many reasons. And when those reasons match, this is what you get.
And it’s our jobs, you and me to monitor the results. And then call out the bad. But don’t forget to call out the good too !!
You think he has boosted morale?? Maybe ask anyone who works there. Pretty sure they will disagree. Heard he spends most of his days sitting in his office, screams and belittles people when he doesnt get his way, and comes in late and leaves early most days, im assuming so he doesn’t go over his hours so he still gets his pension. Definitely wasnt qualified for the position. Most of the requirements listed were not things this “chief” possessed. Didn’t even have an Emt license when he got hired. I could go on and on about what a bad decision this was/is
Doesn’t he set his own schedule? Isn’t he on call 24/7. Sounds like you have an axe to grind? You left the department because it wasn’t a good fit for you, why try to burn it down?
In the state of Wisconsin retirement system you are unable to collect multiple pensions. Effective his first day of Fulltime employment his pension payments will be paused and he will pay into the pension system. Once he retires again they will recalculate his payments which are based on the average his highest three years.
This in addition with mandatory requirements that the communities and state pay into the system is why the Wisconsin System is 100% funded and isn’t in the state that our neighbors to the south are in. If you want to know more please go to the Wisconsin Employee Trust Fund website.
Makes perfect sense.
So I suspect that Alan will “try” to stay three years.
Like many close to retirement career teachers who decide to apply and get hired as superintendents at schools, after three years their pension is based on those assumably last three highest paid years.
This is not saying that that is why he took this job. This job was someone else’s, until it wasn’t.
Good for Alan. Go the 3 years and the bump in pension will be the cherry on top of a 40+ year career !
I wouldn’t be suprised if he made more money as a captain in kenosha then he’d make as a chief in salem to be honest.
Look it up
This is true.
Chief Carr made more money as a KPD Captain than he does as the Chief of Salem Lakes. His pension is paused while he is out of retirement. He will never receive two pensions. Only one, and only when he retires from Salem Lakes. He’s not doing this to get rich. He can’t.
Who pays when he gets cancer? VOSL does, even though he spent most of his years at Kenosha. Now we’ll foot the bill if (hopefully not) that happens.
Break it down.
His exposure certainly would be attributed to his time in Kenosha. It’s not like he will be running into any burning buildings here in Salem as Chief.
Sure any medical care he receives going forward would certainly go against his medical insurance but, wouldn’t any workmen’s comp settlement include Kenosha ? Or be with Kenosha completely ?
I’m sure Salem would argue that point successfully
This what you’re worried about? How about be happy that they finally have a good chief that isn’t running the department into the ground. Be mad at those before him who ruined the fire department and the trust of their community. If we start playing the what if game I’m sure cancer would be only one of a million things we could discuss.
You know nothing about the service. If you get cancer on the job. The state sees it as duty related and pays the retirement
I have to agree with the previous post. Our community needs the most qualified and educated person to protect our community, be it our homes, businesses and our lives. Yes, it is vital for the Chief to have the education and expierience to do this job. We are not just looking for someone ti fill the shoes.This position should have been posted natiin wide like it was when Chief Slover was hired. I feel for us tax payers when the time comes thst ypu want to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on hiring full timers to be housed at 3 departments. I hooe the people in Brighton take notice as to what this will do to their small community that has minimal calls to their Town. Your cost for this service is going to skyrocket. Just lusten to the board meeting for May. May be time to look for services elsewhere.
Chief Carr is very qualified and came out of retirement to fix the mess the last two chiefs left. The village is very lucky to have him. As a Captain in Kenosha he most likely was making around 120 000.00 a year. He makes 96 000.00 a year as Chief of Salem Lakes. He is the first professional Chief this area has seen.
You guys really have no clue. Working in employment, and I can say with certainly that many of you will agree with me that it is the “whole person” that makes them the right for a job, not just credentials. Things like professionalism, leadership ability, integrity and many other things in addition to their certifications is what matters. I know the management at many, many companies who can’t do all the jobs their employees can do yet are successful. For instance an Engineering Manager will have a particular expertise in say Mechanical Engineering. Can they design Electrical systems as well as their Electeical Engineer? No. Can they troubleshoot controls systems as well as their Automation Engineer? No. But, they know “enough” about each area, surround themselves with experts and have the leadership ability to tie everything and everyone together to make a great team. I also know many people in management roles that do have the “credentials” who are horrible in their role. Look at any major successful company and I can guarantee that the people sitting on the board, nor the CEO can do all of the jobs of the people who work for them but they can motivate, lead, support, guide, provide their knowledge and are willing to admit and draw upon the experts they surround themselves with when needed. This is what makes Al Carr great for the job. He knows the structure of a successful fire department, has the leadership, professionalism, and integrity this department needs, and jas “interviewed” for the job for the last 7 months with all involved giving him the stamp of approval. Yes, we may have found someone else with all the Certifications, but to quote Tommy Boy (loosely) “you can take a crap in a box and put a guarantee [certifications] on the box and all you have is a guaranteed box of crop, but” what we have here in Al is a quality person who can actually do what we need. One last point, I know of many people with certifications that I would never trust to do work for me.
What does Sam have to do with the price of tea in china!!! Ahhh, votes-another politician with excuses instead of solutions
As usual, lots of sniping and backstabbing by anonymous, ignorant, spineless a@^holes. If you dont have backbone necessary to sign your name – dont bother sharing. I dont know if Chief Carr will succeed or not. He has a tremendous background and work experience. I wish him the best and hope he keeps all the residents safe.
time to step aside, greed is a hell of a drug