Yesterday, July 13, 2024, was an historic day in the United States. A 20-year-old gunman named Thomas Matthew Crooks shot and killed one person and injured the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, who is also a candidate to be the 47th president. The shots took place during an event in Butler, PA.
President Trump released the following statement Saturday evening:
“I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!”
Last night, KCE reached out to local leaders, Democrats and Republicans alike to get their thought on what happened yesterday. We will add more statements if and when they are received:

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Patrick Patton – Kenosha Police Chief

“The world looks to America to set the example for modern democracy. An attack on any elected leader or candidate for office, former or sitting, is absolutely unacceptable and should be viewed as un-American. My prayers are with the former President and the victims in attendance. I also want the Kenosha community to know that my and my department’s focus will remain steadfast on maintaining a safe and secure Kenosha throughout the upcoming surrounding events.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
David W. Zoerner – Kenosha County Sheriff
“As we watched the horrible attack on President Trump unfold, I was surrounded by my family and friends. Saddened and disgusted, I ask our community to keep all involved in their prayers, remain vigilant and love our democracy. The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office will remain vigilant and continue our focus on the safety and security of our community.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
David Smetana – Pleasant Prairie Police Chief
“This is a horrific day in our country’s history. I have faith that our nation’s resiliency will prevail as we move past today’s tragedy.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Samantha Kerkman – Kenosha County Executive
“My heart goes out to the families impacted by the senseless act of violence. I pray for our country, for President Trump, and for everyone involved in this horrific experience.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Monica Yuhas – Chairman, Kenosha County Board
“I, like so many others across our country am shocked, saddened, and angry about the attempted assassination of former President Donald J. Trump that took place today in Butler, PA. This act is devastating, and unacceptable, and has shaken our country.
Violence has no place in our political discourse, and we must stand together to promote civility, respect, and tolerance. As citizens of this great nation, we must uphold the values that define us as a democratic society.
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and all those affected by this senseless violence. May they find strength, comfort, and peace during this difficult time.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Eric Meadows – County Board, District 18, Former KUSD School Board Member
“A shameful and outrageous attempt on the life of former president and current candidate Donald J. Trump must be unequivocally condemned by all in this country.
We Americans are better than this. We can disagree without resorting to violence.
I am thankful to this day for what President Trump did to help finally put a stop to the rioting in Kenosha in 2020. We as a community owe him our gratitude.
I pray for Donald J Trump, and for the family that lost an innocent loved one in the crowd.
God Bless and Preserve America”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Laura Belsky – County Board, District 4
“I am writing to express my deep concern and condemnation of the recent attack on former President Trump. This act of violence is unacceptable and has no place in our society. It is a chilling reminder of the divisions that threaten our democracy.
We cannot tolerate violence against our leaders, regardless of our political differences. This attack on our political system must be denounced in the strongest possible terms. It is a threat to the very fabric of our nation.
We must come together as a nation to condemn this act of violence and work towards restoring civility and respect in our political discourse. The safety of our leaders and the stability of our country depend on it.
Our democracy is more important than our partisan affiliations. We must work together to heal the divisions that have torn us apart and rebuild a society where all people feel safe and respected, regardless of their political beliefs.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Felix Garcia – County Board, District 10
“My thoughts and prayers are not only with Donald Trump, but with the victim that was shot and killed in this selfish act. I am also praying for America.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Guida Brown – County Board, District 11
“My heart goes out to all those affected by this violence, especially the families of the deceased and the injured, including President Trump. Political violence is inexcusable. I’m heartbroken for this country and hope we will someday heal the damage to it that has been caused by partisanship.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Tim Stocker – County Board, District 14
“I have a great sadness for the one killed, those wounded and for our country. I am so thankful that President Trump was not seriously injured or assassinated. Yesterday, two souls had their eternal destiny sealed.”
I am praying for all the families affected.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
John Morrissey – County Board, District 9, City of Kenosha Administrator, Former KPD Chief
“I send my thoughts and prayers to former President Trump for a swift and complete recovery, as well as to all the individuals affected by the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania. I hope this incident serve as a reminder of the importance of peaceful dialogue and respect for human life. I condemn in the strongest possible terms any violence or threats of violence against politicians, including former President Trump, or any other person. Such acts are simply unacceptable. Violence only leads to harm, suffering, and further division and more violence.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Xavier Solis – Candidate for Kenosha County District Attorney
“It is a sad day in America. I am angry with [yesterday]’s attempted assassination of President Trump. Thank God that he survived. However, my condolences goes out to the family of the victim that was murdered and sending prayers to the victim that was seriously injured and all of those involved. There needs to be a full investigation as the public has every right to know about [yesterday]’s tragic events. The question is whether he acted alone or is he part of a larger terrorist network. God Bless America!”

Dominick Ruffalo – Alderman, District 16
“It’s a sad day in America we are better than this we are one nation under God. The whole year reminds me of 1968. God bless America.”

Erin Decker – County Board, District 22
“I am praying for all of those who were at the Trump rally in Butler, PA. Attendees were participating in one of the most fundamental pillars of the United States — our electoral process — and it abruptly ended with tragedy. Political violence is an attack not only to those in public office, but to the foundation of our Republic.
Let us all pray for President Donald Trump, rally victim and hero, Corey Comperatore, and all those injured. God bless America and God bless Donald Trump.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
John Poole – County Board, District 20
“I am so thankful that President Trump was not seriously injured! My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the other victims. I am very proud that the Secret Service was able to stop this assassin before more people were injured or killed. I ask my fellow Americans to pray for our country.
May God bless America and God bless Donald Trump.”
74 Responses
And then clowns like Andy berg who are all for the attempt. A real low life loser with no morals. Shitty soldier, husband, and failed political asshole. Question, does the city and tax payers pay him as a failed correction officer? I am certain his place of work would like to hear his racist views and “tough guy” act.
Also. When is he being charged? Is that why he’s selling all his shit? Needs a lawyer fee?
Except for Andy Berg who wanted to act like a tough guy. Hes better using his mouth for his gay porn side job.
Berg is no where near a leader. He is an irrelevant piece of shit
So irrelevant that you found it necessary to bring up my name. And there, I have permanent residence in your head.
Andy, no one wants to know what’s in, or where you head, goes. Barf
Sgt. Hard! lol
Just like all your posts, trump lives rent free in your head. Was the rummage sale for bail when your arrested? How does it feel all but 4 people in Kenosha support you after the truth came out? You steal from a charity. Wow!
Lol. You follow this page. Seems as if Kevin is in your head. Hypocrite
Kevin, can you send his racist posts to his employer? The left loves to cancel others careers over posts. The sheriff should know
At least a drug test. Them posts and comments do not sound sober at all. What a fucken wack job
Or perhaps Secret Service.or FBI. Take a look through them.
You’re right Andy. You’re very irrelevant when it comes to speaking to leaders in Kenosha. You can’t lead your self or any troops outta a paper bag. You brag about your “vet” profile but cry and try to pander to an audience. You’re no hero you try to be, or anything anyone wants to be. So thanks for pointing that out. The best is when the ones you served with call you out on your posts. Proof you were a shit leader and they are all glad you left.
If the shoe fits you wear it Sargent Hard On..You will reap what you have sown. Using your Political Position for corruption.
Andy. Why are you posting about grinder? Wow what a loser
He was giving all his shit away for free so it’s obvious his plan is to take a huge tax deduction for donations…probably writing all the stuff off for way more than the allotted amount.
Anybody know who Lee Harvey Oswald was? Private Snowball!? SIR HE SHOT KENNEDY SIR! That’s right & do you know how far away he was? SOR HE WAS PRETTY FAR – FROM THAT BOOK SUPPOSITORY SIR 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I stood, more than once, on Elm Street in Dallas and looked up at that window in the Texas School Book Depository and then looked out that window onto the street below. The question in my mind was at that close of a range and Oswald being a marksman how could he have missed as he literally standing above and looking straight down at the president’s vehicle.
No shit!? It was close?? I did not know —- but it was a moving target —- and he only had a bolt-action rifle? It seems the kid who shot Trump was trying to prove he IS a marksman to his fellow students in the varsity rifle club ….. NOT 😂😂 prolly couldn’t get in the Marine Corp either….. poor kid was too retarded
You still think Oswald did it?!
That is not an important question. What is important is how you are dealing with your fantasy of laying with a man. It has to be tearing you up. My advice is not to fight what is in your heart and loins.
Joel is back and ready for action! SWM you may need to get a restraining order. This cuck is ready to go! Yeeeeessshhhh.
Some nice thoughts. But for the religious, resist attributing this outcome to god or god’s “grace.” If the hand of god was in this, then god is incompetent. After all, one innocent person died, and at least one other is severely wounded.
In any event, long live Trump! Biden, you’re fired! Even though the election isn’t until November, it’s all over but the shouting.
HAHAHAH yah Creepy Joe is shitting his Depends …. WHAT!! He survived !! And did a fist pump!!?? 😤😤😤
His first comment was “Can I get my shoes?”
1. He didn’t even know what was going on.
2. He took his damn shoes off so the extreme lifts in them didn’t throw him forward again.
Looks like TWO old candidates facing each other. At least Biden just acts old. Trump is fighting some serious dementia.
lol you’re funny
Um yea ok… Lol
Break the Prozac in half tomorrow
How are you able to function on a daily based with all that orange in your mouth? Trump is able to get shot, and go golfing the next morning. Your guy takes a week off before the debate and shows how senile he is. I knew 5 yrs ago Biden had dementia.
It’s spelled God, with a capital. The man who was shot was protecting his wife and daughter from gun shots. I thank God for that husband/father being there. THAT’S what REAL men do, protect their family, just like God does for all those who are Christians. Unfair things happen in life. God helps people get through them.
The God I would worship would have taken his little finger and flicked that gun shooting little b**** off of the roof.
There’s only one true God.
All jokes aside R.I.P. to the innocent firefighter bystander guy 😢Being president it’s part of the job description “ must deal with occasional asassination attempts” . Well , fuck that retard kid he killed an innocent
God bless the Secret Service !! Took out this non-Marine pecker within seconds!
Drunk redneck saw and filmed the shooter before Secret Service did. Perhaps you should thank them instead?
They took him out after he was able to fire multiple shots. For this punk kid to be able to get that close to the former president while armed with AR-15 is a massive security failure. I hope there is a real investigation that will expose just how bad the Secret Service messed this up.
Sniper had the shooter in sight for 3 minutes and was told to stand down. Once the shooter starting shooting, the sniper took him out, against orders and has not lost his job. Can you say “ rigged”?
And since when do they give us the name of the perp so fast? We’re still waiting on the trannys manifesto from the Christian school shooting. Did we ever get the Vegas one?
The Uvalde, TX Stand Down Training Model was employed.
Secret service watched it all happen. It’s because of them it happened
You are absolutely correct with your statement.
You seem so much more balanced and calm. Did you finally decide to stop fighting your urges and lay with a man? Well, it shows. Keep it up. It is much better than torturing yourself.
Hey perv,
Why aren’t you spending your time on Grindr? You can find kids and those that share in your deranged fantasies. #sicko #HiJoel #cuck
No one cares.
Trump 2024
To all the arm chair detectives and theorist readers:
Like everything else, we will never know the truth anymore.
Why is that?! Conspiracies…..
Sad, but true!!! …but “sommmmmmebody” does!
Settle down, boomer.
Just in……
“Judge Aileen Cannon dismisses classified documents case against Trump”
“Democrats banked that a massive lawfare campaign against Donald Trump would strengthen their hold on the White House.” (WSJ)
The real question that we all know the answer to, is why have they already told pence they weren’t going to prosecute him for the same thing and he was just vice president
The same exact people who attack conservatives for supporting Traditional Family Values (one Mom & one Dad, married) are wishing that another human life had been ended by a bullet.
I support the family structure that research has proven to provide the best outcomes for children. Children are happier and more successful when they have one mother, one father, those two are married, and Mom stays home. This has been proven through years & years of extensive research. The left calls me a hateful bigot for this.
However, they can wish death upon a fellow human, and that’s cool, not at all hateful.
Some of those statements sound so cookie cutter.
Democrats always seem to spend lots of time talking about investments in security and protecting Democracy but when faced with challenges, fail miserably during the riots and burning of Kenosha in 2020…..”October 16, 2020 – As residents see fires and looting, some worry that local Democratic leaders are failing to keep control of the situation.” (NewYorkTimes)
“Never let a crisis go to waste”….( Rahm Emanuel, the former chief of staff to President Barack Obama)
Let’s see how things work out in Milwaukee this week.
They tried to impeach him.
They tried to imprison him.
Now, they tried to assassinate him.
You will not win. You will suffer huge political losses going forward.
Fuck democrats!
“Fuck Democrats” is a good way to contract a STD.
Gotta keep AR-15’s out of the hands of crazy 20 year olds who are registered republicans! Let’s see if changes are made.
What change would you make to stop that? I’m sure it’s great
‘crazy 20 years olds, AR-15s, and Republican’.
Change AR15 to M4 or M16 an your talking about a whole lot of people who fill out the ranks of the military.
Hmm, what about all those fine young protesters and gang bangers? You know, those Republican types that like to shoot up neighborhoods.
I’m sure he registered as a Republican so he could vote against Trump in the primary.
This is exactly what happened! 💯
lol I have 2- good luck 😉
Time to get rid of DEI and Affirmative action if the job could cause the death of another like, pilots, doctors secret services, firemen, and police. Sorry short overweight women need to not be employed to protect our President DJT.
As Joe Geiger likes to say. Termites need to be terminated. Pest control just didn’t get him this time.
Who is this “Joe Geiger” you are quoting?
This individual appears to exhibit similarities to those involved in recent riots in Oregon and Washington, where neighborhoods, federal buildings, and cities were impacted. There is a fear that this behavior may escalate if our leader is re-elected. It is noteworthy that individuals who sport the Gadsden flag face criticism. This individual seems aligned with those displaying disrespect by burning our flag. It’s important for us to remain vigilant and prepared for any potential escalations in such situations.
Riots during the last Republican administration, I meant
Ahh shaddapp all u buttholes the Secret Service did a fine job , this was just some whacko with an AR —— wrong tool for the job btw 😂
OMG! How can you say the Secret Service did a fine job. IT WAS A MASSIVE SECURITY FAILURE. There must be something wrong with your ability to process information and make a rational judgement.
You are over anal-lizing
Kevin, do a story outing to business owners and employees of those businesses that are applauding this assassination attempt. There are many and public needs to know. I’d like to see what Sabrina Landry (KUSD school board representing ALL families in KUSD) and her commie husband Troy have been up too. Also Joel Trudell who is a teacher in KUSD, anti cop and posts applauding assassination attempt. What say the parents of the kids he “teaches”? Also check out staff at over politicized Union Tavern and oh sooo many more.
I agree. Maybe solicit public for tips. I’m sure you would get many leads and screenshots…
Five-percent roof slope was TOO steep for the USSS to stage on. Go to the following link to see a photo how the Amish work on a roof. A complete USSS slap down!