(Racine County Sheriff)
A liberal Racine County Judge named Timothy D. Boyle, lowered the bail of an alleged child pornographer and pedophile from $75,000 to $5,000 last Friday. This was done one day after James L. Broetzmann was charged with seven counts of Possession of Child Pornography. Broetzmann was a science teacher at Prairie School, an expensive and prestigious private school in Racine. He was fired on the day of his arrest – July 24, 2024.

On Thursday, July 25, 2024, Racine County Court Commissioner John Bjelajac set Broetzmann’s bail at $75,000 cash. Broetzmann faces a mandatory sentence of three years in the Wisconsin State Prison System for each count he is convicted with. Broetzmann faces 175 years in prison as a maximum sentence if convicted of all charges.

Broetzmann’s attorney, Racine-based criminal defense attorney Patrick Cafferty, asked for a de-novo review, which went in front of the ultra-liberal Timothy D. Boyle. Boyle didn’t take much convincing to allow Broetzmann to be released into public by reducing his bail from $75,000 to a mere $5,000. $5,000 bails are usually seen in less serious cases.

Racine County District Attorney Patricia Hanson removed her office from the case, and of course, is keeping the reason a secret. She asked the Kenosha County DA’s office to handle the prosecution.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In court for both hearings, was Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Zach Brost. Brost is known for being a fair and hard-working prosecutor in Kenosha. Brost opposed the drastic reduction in bail. Because of Boyle’s decision, Broetzmann was able to post the $5,000 cash bail today shortly after noon. He is free.

(Racine County Sheriff)
Broetzmann was a science teacher and The Prairie School. The school released a statement saying in part:

“Deer Prairie Families,
Middle and Upper School science teacher Jim Broetzmann has been arrested at his home in Mount Pleasant for possession of child pornography. He is no longer employed by the school.
We have a zero tolerance policy for inappropriate or illegal adult behavior, and we are fully cooperating with local law enforcement. At this time, there is no evidence of other criminal activity or that any Prairie students were involved.
We are shocked and appalled by this news. If you or your family has any information to share relevant to this situation, please contact me, your child’s division had, and/or [the Mt. Pleasant Police Department.]”
According to the criminal complaint, Broetzmann, an open homosexual, was found to be in possession of an image that appear to show nude males under the age of 18. Another photo depicted two males between the ages of 13 and 17 totally nude with the exception of winter hats and ski goggles. The one child’s penis was pressed up against the other child’s butt. Broetzmann told police he had a winter stocking hat/beanie fetish. Broetzmann also admitted to trading photos with another man. He also admitted to viewing photos of males between 9 and 10 years old. During the execution of a search warrant, officers located a number of winter hats within the residence. Police found at least five other images that appeared to be underage boys in the nude, some prepubescent.
A Mt. Pleasant Police Detective noted there were also several cartoon/comic images of men engaged in penis to anus intercourse with male children as well.
Broetzmann is due back in court Wednesday for a preliminary examination. Judge Timothy D. Boyle didn’t answer KCE’s questions about his disturbing decision to set Broetzmann free on a low bail.
53 Responses
Hansen resembles Fat Bastard from Austin Powers more and more every day.
Connection with Steve Rezmer case?
Great point, I wonder what that guy did…or who.
There should be the ability to charge people with slander for comments made on the internet. Throwing out someone’s name who has had no charges, or more importantly not been found guilty of any crime, should not be allowed.
If you are an AFC union mom, why not go by your name—if you can call out someone? I’m a AFC Union parent, and would never throw out someone’s name like that.
Who will protect the children? If not judges and prosecutors, then who?
Parents. It’s the parents’ responsibility to protect their children. This includes being selective about who you allow your children to spend time with. The responsibility to protect their children falls on parents, and parents alone.
It’s not the responsibility of the judicial system, law enforcement, or the schools. A parent’s first mistake is trusting the schools to educate, let alone protect, their children.
Libs love pedos.
Of all the people noted in this story, only John Bjelajac is a good man.
He should run for office in Racine but I suspect he doesn’t want to get any closer to the evil than he already is as a commissioner.
Thanks for the effort John.
Of all the people noted in this story, only John Bjelajac is a good man.
He should run for office in Racine but I suspect he doesn’t want to get any closer to the evil than he already is as a commissioner.
Thanks for the effort John.
Zach Brost might be a good guy but I don’t know him.
He is connected to The Prairie School, which I am sure was a big reason it was reduced. I guarantee that they knew all about it for a while and threw him under the bus when it got hot. All the powers that be in Racine County have some tie to The Prairie School and the Johnson family.
You can guarantee nothing.
be clear. HE who? is connected to the prairie school blablabla
Dumbass they fired him, as a former student of Prairie I know this is completely unacceptable and if they knew about it prior he would have never set foot in the school.
Pretty much yea
He has been there for more then 20 years. You can’t tell me someone didnt know. How many kids has he been involved with. So every time he saw a boy in a winter hat he would fantasize.
What reasons were given during the hearing for bail reduction? The legal standard, of course, is that the primary purpose of bail is to assure appearance in court but public protection is part of the mix.
However, I don’t want to dwell on the bail reduction because I don’t want it to overshadow something compelling. Compare the Prairie School’s response to what we’ve had from KUSD (and RUSD):
“Middle and Upper School science teacher Jim Broetzmann has been arrested at his home in Mount Pleasant for possession of child pornography. He is no longer employed by the school. We have a zero tolerance policy for an appropriate or illegal adult behavior, and we are fully cooperating with local law enforcement. At this time, there is no evidence of other criminal activity or that any Prairie students were involved. We are shocked and appalled by this news. If you or your family has any information to share relevant to this situation, please contact me, your child’s division had, and/or [the Mount Pleasant Police Department.]”
Clear, strong and unequivocal. KUSD and RUSD need to take note.
Yes! That’s what I was thinking! Now, hopefully they won’t allow the paperwork to be changed to “resigned” like the KUSD does for pedophile teachers!
Absolutely disgusting. Why is this behavior ignored and excused over and over again? WTF is going on in our schools?
What goes on is exactly what “the people” allow to go on ……. You know, all the lazy jokers who claim they’re a “responsible part of the community”.
Speak for yourself. I voted to replace our commie school board. I’ve since pulled both of my kids from KUSD.
Check Boyle’s computer for child porn.
Ikr 😭😭I watched the trial and he excused his behavior and said he should have a lower bond
What do you expect, having an openly gay man teach kids?? Some people should not be around children.
Libs hate white males, so I was surprised to hear they were lenient with him…until I heard he is from their precious rainbow alphabet group.
So no white males are “libs” by your definition?
Do you even read your political postings before sending them?
Criminals come from ALL groups and backgrounds. I see a lot of those Repubs getting arrested for touching the kiddos. Many of them white males.
A lot? Name 3.
What do you expect, having an open heterosexual man teach kids??
Men shouldn’t be teachers.
The gay community often says that gay men aren’t pedophiles. Care to comment ?
Sgt Hard is on his way!
Please stop mentioning that weirdo. You give him free advertising. Are you his publicist?
Are you his boyfriend?
KUSD needs to take note on how it’s done, in firing these pedophiles immediately!!! That means no resignation or allowing them to continue to teach!!! Great job, Prairie School for protecting the children and putting their safety first!!
you missed the point that he has an inconsequential bail, so he can continue his perverse behavior
Tim boyle, a flipping liberal from the liberal law family of Boyles–my former neighbor growing up. I can’t stand these people. If this pig rapes a child, whose fault is it? Will boyle take accountability?
Look at that dood’s cranium -The Missing Link has finally been found ! homo erectus
Lengthy unjust prison sentences are specifically reserved for Conservatives.
Here is the sexual predator registry for the convicted pedophile teacher who worked at Prairie in the 80s.
COATESVILLE, PA 19320-5523
The “Prairie Advantage” !
Related to Dottie Kay Bowersox…. Of whatever her name in, in what the health department in Racine?
Whatever happened to the old pedo Mayor in Racine?
Kevin, did you take down my post….. Hansen is starting to look more and more like fat bastard from Austin powers every day…..
Sure didn’t.
Prairie School: Pay a fortune so your kids can have bad grades competing against super nerds and look stupid when they apply to college. Other than the Johnson’s pet college Cornell, no college knows or cares about the Prairie Disadvantage.
He makes all of us gaylords look like perverts but only most of us are.
Well for Racine DA to pull out would more than likely be because someone there has ties to this pedo which could be why the judge reduced bail! They all scratch each others backs! It’s f’n disgusting!
I”m pretty sure there Racine DA wouldn’t have “pulled out” if it was a big tub of pudding she was laying in!!!!!
The liberals have infected courthouses and universities. This has been their plan. It’s working.
KUSD will hire him. He can teach a class about the rainbow jihad.
Btw September 20th is count day for Wisconsin DPI. Keep your kid home that day to affect the count and lower the tax burden.
And, tell them WHY you’re keeping your kid home.
Is this connected with the recent raid conducted by the FBI on the RUSH Union coach in Somers?
Its pretty clear that commenters love to make fun how people look and classify how hard someone works by political sides. This is terrible for our community and someday they will reap what they sow so grow up, its terribel.
This fucker was my teacher in middle school.. thank god I’m a girl
im not
This guy was my science teacher in middle school. Learning about his fetish for winter beanie and stockings disgusts me, especially considering he would take students on skiing/snowboarding trips. Most trips were just day trips but he would take high schoolers to Colorado once a year for several days. I don’t know if he had to share a room with students but it wouldn’t surprise me.