(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A Kenosha man now has three felony cases being charged against him in Kenosha County Circuit Court. He is facing 52 sex-related felonies. Kevin A. Pursell, 40, of Kenosha was charged today with 39 additional felonies. Pursell faces hundreds of years in prison if convicted of just some of the charges.
On June 22, 2024, Pursell was arrested and later charged with Invade Privacy – View/Broadcast/Record Individual’s Genitals, etc. for using a homemade “up-skirt” camera at Kenosha Harbor Market. He was released on a $15,000 cash bail.
On July 9, 2024, he was re-arrested and later charged with nine counts of possession of child pornography, possession with intent (THC), capturing an intimate representation and invade privacy – use of surveillance device (Victim < 18 years old.) He was released on a $50,000 case bail.
Yesterday, Pursell was arrested for a third time. Today he was charged with 18 counts of Invade Privacy – View/Broadcast/Record Individual’s Genitals, etc., 15 counts of Capture an Intimate Representation, three counts of Attempt Capture an Intimate Representation, and three more counts of possession of child pornography.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
According to the criminal complaint:
Kenosha PD finished downloading Pursell’s phone and other electronics. The Kenosha Police Detective wrote in his report, “In my review of the download I observed [over 100] videos recorded by Pursell of the bodies of female patrons working out (exercising) at multiple gym locations to include the RecPlex, Atlas Gym, and Anytime Fitness. Further videos were taken of women at Woodman’s Grocery Store and at an unidentified department store. None of the subjects in the recordings appear to be aware that they are being recorded and the recordings all appear to be upskirt with the defendant attempting to focus on the buttocks or genital/underwear areas of the women being recorded.” Some victims at the RecPlex were identified.
Pursell also filmed “upskirt” videos at Woodman’s food market. Some victim’s were able to be identified with he help of Woodman’s staff. More videos were found from the Kenosha Harbor Market. Pursell’s laptop was also downloaded. On the laptop was more child pornography. Kenosha Police tell prosecutors that there is still more hard drive space to review and more charges could be coming.

A friend of Pursell’s made some secretly recorded audio recordings of him. In these recordings, Pursell makes some incriminating comments. Detectives describe the audio conversations in the complaint. Pursell talks about his conversation with “John” which is thought to be his attorney, John Anthony Ward. Pursell advised that Attorney Ward informed him, after hearing the details of the incident that ‘Theresa’ may also be charged ‘party to a crime’. [Theresa is Pursell’s girlfriend, Therea Brien.] The friend asked if she (Theresa) was going to testify against Pursell, and Pursell answered, ‘no’. Pursell told Perroni that Theresa ‘technically doesn’t live here, although she basically has, but we need to get her 100% living here…’.
Pursell stated that Attorney Ward informed him that there were some things in the notes of the case that were “concerning,” specifically involving the “ages” of some of the people involved.
Pursell, assumingly speaking about the police department, stated that: ‘They’re going to find something, it’s not if, they are going to, it’s when…So if they do between now and Friday, my next court date, and they come up with 10 new charges of child pornography…’ Pursell spoke to his friend about the possibility of being charged for three years per CSAM (child sexual abuse material) image and how he would end up in prison until he is ‘an old fucking man’. Pursell asked his friend if the police charge him with additional charges, if he would be taken into custody from court and if he would need to bond out again. Pursell stated that he wanted to get another week before he was arrested so that he could take care of issues such as healthcare.
Pursell advised that he was aware that he was not permitted to use a computer (by order of the court). Pursell stated that Attorney Ward informed him that he needed to come up with a list of about 15 reasons as to why he needed to use a computer. This list would be used in court so that Pursell would be able to have his bond condition restrictions reduced, and he would be able to use computers again.
In the recording Pursell detailed how his father bailed him out of jail once, with the bail amount being $15,000, and he lamented how his father would not be able to afford to bail him out again.
Pursell spoke about how he was attempting to cash out his 401K in order to have funds made available to him, because he anticipated that he would be fired from his employment. Pursell additionally made mention of having approximately $40,000 in crypto currency (Bitcoin).” [Per the defendant’s jail phone calls reviewed by your complainant, between the defendant and Theresa Brien, the defendant did receive his 401K check.] “Pursell stated that he was planning to go to US Cellular in order to try to obtain a new mobile phone.”
Pursell spoke about possessing a pen camera, which law enforcement did not find during their search of his residence. Pursell stated that he had Theresa dispose of the camera, somewhere far away from his residence. Pursell stated, ‘…I have one of them pen cameras too. They didn’t find that either. It was literally out in the middle. I showed Theresa, and I got rid of it’.
Pursell would later lament saying, ‘and that’s what sucks for me like they (law enforcement) have it all. They have all my fucking evidence’.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Pursell is scheduled to be in court tomorrow, Thursday August 1, 2024 for his initial appearance. He had posted $65,000 in total and he is likely to get another hefty bail.
25 Responses
Well, thanks Theresa, for helping this creep collect child porn. She’s a creepy perv too.
She didn’t collect anything. She is working with the detectives.
righhhhhhhht ok… sounds like it..
sounds like his friend is the only working with the cops…
actually shes not…
Have you ready any or full portions of the “actual” police report?
Evil. His gf is no less evil for not turning in his perverted ass to the cops.
She knew nothing of previous activities.
She “got rid of” the pen camera. She knows what’s going on.
She knew nothing until after the fact.
lol okkkkk
So where is the pen? That would tell us which side she’s on.
Just crazy these people saying she didnt know…
She hid evidence… tossed it… she knew..
Sick sick sick..
No remorse… nothing..
I pray he gets the justice he truly deserves, and his girlfriend as well…
She was cleaning the house after they searched anything they left behind was placed in the garbage.
lol right
She didn’t live there nor have a key to the house.
Then how was she cleaning his house after the search?
Cleaning…by throwing away all his things??
Oh shush.,..shes guilty as well.. pathetic
So then the camera pen should still be there right?
Or she was throwing pens away??
Someone put this lady in jail.
So this ***** guy was trying to do bad things too.
No this “***** guy” was working to put a disgusting poor excuse of a human away. Nice try though.
Please. put this slimeball away
Mr. Purcell,
Get the lub ready boy, Bubba is coming for you. He will avenge the victims 39 times, one for each count. Disgusting piece of excrement.
He used to come into my small business and I’m just shocked because he “seemed” totally normal. I raised my prices one dollar and never saw him again.