Serious Felony Charges Against “Connected” Kenosha Man To Be Dismissed By Neighboring County: Source

Robert J. Moore II (42) of Kenosha
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

“I know too many people in Kenosha – no one would believe you.” This was a statement allegedly made by Robert J. Moore II, 42, of Kenosha. He said these words to his wife, when she complained about alleged domestic violence and serious child abuse.

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Robert J. Moore II (D) of Kenosha and DA Candidate Carli McNeill (D)

Moore was paid almost $20,000 to be District Attorney Candidate Carli McNeill’s media campaign expert on June 7, 2024. Just 20 days later, on June 27, 2024, Moore was charged with two felony counts of Physical Abuse of a Child – Intentionally Causing Bodily Harm. The Kenosha DA’s office, under the leadership of Deputy District Attorney McNeill decided there was enough evidence to convict Moore at trial. They have an obligation to do so, in fact.

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Former Deputy District Attorney and now-Judge Angelina Gabriele

It wasn’t until August 7, 2024, that Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley (D) decided to send McNeill’s friend’s case to Walworth County as a special prosecutor assignment. The Kenosha DA’s office didn’t feel like it was a conflict when they charged him, only a few months after the fact.

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Moore faced a maximum sentence of 12 years in prison, if convicted of both charges. However, KCE is told that Zeke Wiedenfeld and Jim Sempf, Walworth County’s District Attorney and Deputy District Attorney intends to dismiss both felonies at the next court hearing.

Walworth County District Attorney Zeke Wiedenfeld (D)
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Walworth County Deputy District Attorney James Sempf (D)
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

The duo reportedly said that the Kenosha Police Department did a “shoddy investigation” and the state cannot proceed. KCE knows the identity of the detective that worked this case and it is common knowledge that he is a diligent and talented investigator. Many in the community think that Wiedenfeld and Sempf are dismissing the case to help out their friend, McNeill ahead of her election against local attorney Xavier Solis, that is expected to be close. We asked McNeill for a comment. We asked why she charged Moore, and later decided to send it to another county to “go away.”

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“I contracted with Robert Moore to provide professional work such as social media and a website.  Moore was then charged with these crimes based on the Kenosha DA’s Office assessment of the case.  As soon as I was aware that that occurred, I ended our agreement, and the DA’s Office asked for Walworth to handle the case as special prosecutor. I have had absolutely no involvement with Moore’s case.  If you really thought I had, you would have made requests for such communications which don’t exist. The use of a special prosecutor in such circumstances is crucial so that the public may have confidence that any subsequent decisions about Moore’s case are made by independent professional prosecutors.  This would be no different than if I had employed someone as a plumber or roofer or other professional.  In those circumstances, a different office unconnected to the individual should always handle the case,” said McNeill in a statement to KCE.

KCE is acutely aware that if Carli would have contacted the Walworth DA’s office to make a request for the case to go away, she wouldn’t have done so in writing like she disingenuously alludes to in her statement. She would have made a phone call.

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Moore and Kenosha-Area Democrats

Moore hasn’t only worked on McNeill’s campaign – he also worked on David Bogdala’s campaign, the current Kenosha Mayor, and Judge Candidate Frank Gagliardi’s campaign. Moore is a democrat political operative in Kenosha and has made tens of thousands of dollars doing websites, social media, video work and other tasks for democrats running for political office. Moore runs 4D Business Group INC.

Carolynn Friesch – Executive Director, United Way

Moore was a board member with the Kenosha United Way at the time of the allegations. KCE asked Carolynn Friesch, its Executive Director about Moore, but she ignored us. Quietly, though, his photo, name, and bio were removed from the organization’s website.

David Strash – Executive Director Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce
Wendy Gauss – Current President, Re/Max Elite
Jason Rasch – Previous President, Rasch Construction & Engineering

Moore is also ambassador with the Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce, and a former board member at the Big Brothers and Sisters of Racine and Kenosha. The executive director of the Chamber was first made aware of this case by KCE on September 6, 2024, and said “I plan to forward your email to my Executive Committee from the Board of Directors for their review. We meet next Friday, September 13th. I’m sure it will be discussed then, and perhaps there will be email correspondence between now and then…I will be back in touch. Just may take some time. Believe me, I want to address it and resolve it,” said David Strash, the Executive Director of The Kenosha Chamber of Commerce. But he didn’t get back to us. Also, the former president Jason Rasch of Rasch Construction & Engineering and Wendy Gauss of Re/Max Elite didn’t seem to want Moore out of the organization. The duo of past and present presidents may have not allowed Strash to respond to KCE.

On April 16, 2024, an Illinois judge signed a restraining order prohibiting Moore from contacting his wife and his two minor children. According to the petition, his wife alleged the following:

“This morning, February 2, 2024, our two-year-old daughter took her diaper off at night and wet the bed. At 6:30 a.m., he stripped her down, took her in the bathroom, and put her in the cold shower. He told me he would hurt anyone including my family if I left. He gets really aggressive with the twins when they do wrong. In the past, he has thrown me on the bed or corners me if I do not respond to him. I am continuously isolated from my family. I had my oldest son leave and move to my mother’s last April due to all the hostility and verbal abuse. I’m monitored wherever I go and I’m not allowed to talk to others that do not suit his liking. I fear for my children’s safety and mine. He has a history of abuse from his older kids and ex-wife.”

The same day of the above allegations, Moore’s wife called the police. According to the criminal complaint:

Moore’s wife went to the Kenosha Police Department to speak with a Kenosha Police Officer. She stated that Moore’s verbal and physical abuse became worse after she gave birth to the two’s twins. She stated that Moore’s behavior was escalating to such an extent that she felt it necessary to move her son from a previous relationship out of the residence. She stated that Moore’s older children used to reside with them but since moved out and moved to their mother’s house.

She told police about Moore punishing their then-1-year-old daughter by placing her in an ice cold shower as punishment for peeing in the bed. She told police that Moore told her “God has given me power and I’m the most respected man that has ever been in your life.”  He also told her that if “she wanted him to be a beast, he can be a beast.” Moore’s wife played an audio recording of this incident for the police officer.

She reported that on August 6, 2023 Moore struck one of the one-year-old girl’s leg causing a red mark. She provided police with a photo of the injury which appeared to be red and blotchy in color. She reported that on October 28, 2023 that the Moore struck one of the one-year-old twins on her leg causing a red mark and spanked her very hard leaving bruises. She also provided multiple photos of the injuries including on the outer thigh area and a bruise on her leg.

Moore’s wife stated that she believed he was tracking her cell phone so she consistently kept it on airplane mode. Her mother, who is with her at the police department, stated that she also thought Moore was tracking her.  She told police that Moore told her that he ” knows too many people in Kenosha and that no one would believe you.”

A detective interviewed Moore on May 29, 2024 about the investigation. He asked Moore why his child moved out and he said that she did not agree with his “boundaries and standards.” Moore told the detective that the disagreements about raising their children was the “nail in the coffin” regarding his relationship with his wife. Moore admitted that he would discipline his older child for not doing “household chores.” 

The detective asked why his 1-year-old daughter needed to be disciplined and he stated for “what regular kids would do” describing that she would get into things, jump around, and test her boundaries. He told the detective that he would give his 1-year-old girl a small pat on the hand or butt to redirect them. He admitted to putting his 1-year-old daughter in the cold water but then said that he made the water warmer. When confronted with the photos of the injuries on his child, he said they were from them “not watching where they’re going.”

Kenosha County Eye contacted the DA and DDA at Walworth County and they won’t tell us why they are dismissing the serious charges against Moore. “Walworth and Racine Counties, where cases get sent to die,” a member of law enforcement told KCE. They might just be right.



Salem Special Ed Teacher On Leave After Caught Under The Influence Of An Illicit Substance While On School Property

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Trial Of Man Accused Of Attempted Homicide Delayed Because Prosecutor, DA Candidate Didn’t Turn Over Evidence

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Waukegan BLM Founder Involved In Kenosha Unrest Gets 40 Day Jail Sentence For Taking Photos In Illinois Courtroom

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“Barbados Barca”: Opinion From Wisconsin GOP

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Kenosha County Bar Association To Hold Event Supporting Democrat Nominee For DA

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Salem Lakes Public Works Superintendent Fired For Alleged Misconduct

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Former County Board Supervisor Andy Berg Fired From Job As Department of Corrections Sergeant

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Kenosha Judge To Sentence 16-Year-Old For Sex Crime He Says He Didn’t Commit – At Least Three Jurors Agree With Him

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Accused Child Rapist Makes Court Appearance – Third Victim Identified, More Charges Coming

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Chicago Drug Bust Leads To Kenosha Man’s Arrest, Serious Charges Filed

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36 Responses

  1. What is going on here? How many more cases are going to get dismissed and go away. My children are not safe. We need to end this corruption. The time is now to end this corruption. Vote for Xavier Solis on November 5th.

    1. It’s happening all over the usa. Soon the lawmakers will pass new laws to take away citizens rights under the guise of keeping you safe. It’s all part of the plan

  2. He throws the Police under the bus and the DA office is going to run with his statement about so-called bad police work, but the police union is going to back McNeill something STINKS!!!!!! We NEED CHANGE!!!!

    1. Never understand the constant pressure by company’s that put so much pressure on employees to give money to them(United Way). Worked for two local companies in Kenosha and they were actually offended when I said no. It was like a personal insult to them.

  3. Was almost missing the pic of most cringe-worthy-DA Pat Hansen but then saw Walworth County Deputy District Attorney James Sempf’s picture.
    Holy cripes…….what happened to his head?

  4. Second row, second from the right. Are those Kenosha hose-draggers(fire department people)?

    If so, that makes perfect sense they’re yucking it up with a domestic abuser. Huge group in that department that Moore can share his “accomplishments” with.

  5. Moore is smarmy to a creepy degree. That he’s in hot water is hard-ly unanticipated.

    However, the quality of police investigation is a real issue. That’s nothing new. Cops are geared toward making arrests and the evidence needed to make a lawful arrest is far less than that needed for a conviction. Not an uncommon situation.

  6. Only solution…….GET OUT AND VOTE!

    And while your at it……..take a family member, friend, or neighbor. Afterwords….get lunch and make an event of it.

      1. So there’s evidence of ABUSE.. but not enough evidance for the DA to say there is ENOUGH evidence on 1 yr olds to convict this man?!? HE ADMITTED IT to the Detective. WOWZERS…

  7. Damn there is a lot of shady crap going on in Kenosha that the Kenosha News never covers. Hence why I cancelled my subscription after 30 years. Keep up the reporting. The roaches don’t like the light.

  8. So sad. Yet the DA had enough to charge a 16 year old after the victim switch his story many times. Carli and Gravely you gotta do better.

  9. Rob is such a big POS. Connected to bigger POSs…Coleman, Friiesch, Building Our Future, Tik tok boy (Mitch the B*tch)…wonder if they helped cover it up!

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