(Kenosha Police)
**Update – Suspect In Custody**
On Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024, at approximately 9:02 a.m., an individual attempted to enter Roosevelt Elementary School, 3322 Roosevelt Road, carrying suspicious bags. When school staff met and questioned them in the secured entryway, the suspect fled the building into the neighborhood.

(Photo by Nate DeBruin, Kenosha County Eye)
Under the guidance of the Kenosha Police Department, all Kenosha Unified schools initiated a
secure hold while KPD implemented communitywide search. Schools continue business as usual while
in a secure hold, but no one can enter or exit buildings. A decision regarding dismissal and afters chool
activities has yet to be made.

(Photo by Nate DeBruin, Kenosha County Eye)
The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department and Pleasant Prairie Police Department have squads at all county schools, Somers and Pleasant Prairie, and squads patrolling the area to assist with the search. Anyone with information or video footage about this incident should call the Kenosha Police Department at 262-656-1234.

(Photo by Nate DeBruin, Kenosha County Eye)


37 Responses
According to KPD scanner, one in custody at 2:03pm
They had him surrounded in a backyard.
Suspect was also reported to have entered Gateway Techical College armed around 1:20pm
That wasn’t him. I swear social media has you all playing a game of phone tag
It’s not social media. Gateway did go unlock down because there was a person who was suspected to having a gun on the Kenosha campus. He was apprehended shortly thereafter. The SWAT team went throughout the campus.
No he didn’t!!! This was a caller who thought she was told there was a gun! He never went to gateway
That’s fine but they did do a lockdown and kpd searched the buildings.
You are a fucking moron.
Calm down and eat a snickers.
That was false information, that was put out. It was confirmed.
gateway canceled classes for the rest of the day.
Great job protecting the kids from the dangerous people on the outside. Now if you could just protect them from the people that are already in the building!
Not today. Please.
But he’s got a good point
Not today? Because it’s not convenient for you? How about go fuck yourself.
Great job KPD!!
Yeah, 5 hours later…. bunch of delayed responsive police work there. Uvalde vibes on response time.
I’m sure you just have all the facts… please do share Mr Anonymous.
Cool comment Joel, seems like a great response time and everyone safe. You fucken coward
You’re just a cunt that doesn’t know what you’re talking about.
13 year old Mahone student!!
this is so obnoxious! i was held in school all day for this?! and all yall could do is play a wild game of goose chase? my principal had to bring it up in the middle of my classes and it basically threw the entire day off!!
so sorry to inconvenience you princess
All yall?
Yeah, I get it…..you would have been rather out on the block slanging dope or your pussy.
Wow. Kid you don’t have a clue about life. Sorry your day was ruined. Thank god this wasn’t real.
troll, you are not a student anywhere
So what’s the kids name
Don’t know last name
America is lovely
It sure is! It’ll be even better come January 😉
Love All the bashing and they’re all “Anonymous”…..grow a set and we’ll chat
Can’t wait til Kenosha News covers this story in 3 days!
FACTS! i wish there was an LOL button for comments.
SAME!!! I spit my coffee out when I read that!
Someone needs to put a name to this kid and his parents. Otherwise, this is how this shit goes unchecked years later when he shoots up and actually does kill 30 people.
LOL. Give the Kenosha News a break. They have to see if AP is covering this so they can copy/paste. They don’t have a reporter anymore do they?
The kids parent’s should be liable for the cost reimbursements to all the agencies involved based on a video I viewed of the kid dancing around his living room with a long gun. If in fact he had a gun at the school. If not, the police should visit this home anyway as he made a video of himself on social media playing with this said gun. At 13, should not have access to such weapon’s. Should be secured.