(Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Angelina Gabriele had a dog in the fight that was the election for Kenosha County’s next District Attorney – her friend and successor, Cali McNeill (D). Gabriele has been very active in many campaigns since she began wearing the robe, but she did so for non-partisan races. This is discouraged by the Wisconsin Supreme Court, but not prohibited.
With this year’s election for District Attorney, Gabriele, however did something against the Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules – she actively campaigned for McNeill for DA, which was a partisan race.
Supreme Court Rule 60.06 states very explicitly that “a judge or judicial candidate shall refrain from inappropriate political activity,” including “Participat[ing] in the affairs, caucuses, promotions, platforms, endorsements, conventions, or activities of a political party or of a candidate for partisan office.”
KCE has received reliable tips and physical evidence that Gabriele was not only campaigning on McNeill’s behalf behind the scenes, but she was grossly disparaging the DA-Elect, Xavier Solis. She attacked him personally and professionally.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Gabriele communicated in writing and verbally to voters that Solis wouldn’t be a good DA because he is a defense attorney and has represented people accused of serious crimes. She also criticized Solis for his lack of any special interest endorsements, and for his representation of a “rioter,” even though he was ordered to represent that defendant by a judge. This appears to show a general lack of understanding of the constitutional rights of all those accused in our criminal justice system.
Gabriele also cited in her criticism confidential information only known to the judges and obtained during their secret, closed meetings.
When reached for comment, Gabriele, who has always been very responsive to KCE, didn’t dispute her negative statements about DA-Elect Solis, but assured the community that she will treat him fairly, saying:
“I have always treated Attorney Solis fairly and professionally in my courtroom while as a defense attorney and as a candidate for DA. This will not change now that he has been elected. I respect the choice made by the people of Kenosha in this election. My first priority as judge has always been the efficient and fair administration of justice regardless of what side of the courtroom a person is sitting on. I have and will continue to treat all parties in my courtroom professionally and fairly while maintaining my goals of protection of the community and fair application of the laws of this State.”
DA-Elect Solis assumes office on January 6, 2025.
37 Responses
So did a Kenosha Judge break the law and if so who is responsible for investigating and prosecuting her ? Lets hope its not the current DA because if it is good luck with that.? Or does it just swept under the rug as so many things in Kenosha do.
Because it’s an alleged violation of a judicial ethics rule, it’s probably a matter for a judicial commission or review board of some sort, and probably wouldn’t be of concern to the district attorney’s office.
needs to let the court know.
It was a violation and it needs to be brought forward. By somebody who has standing
And if that’s by the new DA Xavier Solis making the complaint, then so be it.
Upsolutly agree with you!
She’s unfair she’s vindictive and she goes personally after people and I will say to that it will catch up with her simple because God does not like ugly she has done some pretty bad things to innocent people and try to destroy their lives and she should never expect good in return! So I will not be voting against her!
I meant to say I will be not voting for her!
again, corruption on the bench also, YOUR FIRED !!!!
Maybe she and Steinbrink should date again. Oh that’s right Jr has his nights full as he is in jail.
But IS he? Or is he out on the electric monitor? Does anyone know?
He’s been out for some time. Take a trip by his home off 88 (hwy h) and Bain Station. You can see him driving around town and living his care free life
She did this in her campaign, Heather’s campaign and now Carly’s campaign. She has zero moral compass. She stretches the truth and manipulates facts to serve her purpose.
Glad the voters have caught on to her BS. She piqued in high school and continues to act like the mean, insecure girl she is.
I voted for her and regret it.
Same here. She told me she was a Republican. She won’t fool me twice.
She Dated Steinbrink ? The plot thickens ! – Que suspenseful organ music….
Yes she did. Jr would go to her house in the early morning right after he got to work and would spend quality time. Why he went on work time is anyone’s guess.
She has only 1 term written on her even before this election. Count me not voting for her again!
How is even appropriate for a judge to campaign for a DA candidate?? That’s ridiculous!
Welcome to K-town. If we know any of this, it is thanks to the KCE. Great Job KM!
Solis is going to have a challenge, once he takes office. I’m sure that most of the ADA’s will resign, which will open doors to get new staff; that will actually respect him. It’s going to be a fight, but stay strong my brother. I think as a society we need to normalize, having a candidate run against a sitting Judge. This is the only way that we can get rid of the bad apples.
I don’t think most of the DA’s will resign. I predict 3-5. They have to pay their bills and it might not be so easy for them to find another prosecution job… we shall see.
Why quit ??
People continue to do their jobs for bosses they don’t like, forever.
The job and the boss, in this instance don’t matter. The job is to win. Every time.
The choice of of the case is the only thing.
And even that figured itself out
Massive resignation? Some of them will get something with the DOJ immediately if they haven’t yet. Others are too inexperienced to go anywhere else. You also have some good attorneys working there who don’t get involved in gossiping, spreading malicious rumors, or reporting what Solis just said or did. Those ADAs will make sure that the office stays focused on its main and only purpose: to prosecute. Again, Mr. Solis, you’ve got this!
I don’t believe her, not for one second. Why?
Because democrats are complete scum.
The one in the White House tried to pull off Second Reichstag about 4 years ago …….
Did you mean “Reichstag”? The ones responsible for the chaos in our cities were, in fact, the liberal Antifa groups. Washington and Oregon are just two examples, along with Kenosha, Wisconsin, if that sounds familiar. It’s important to note that opening a U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem doesn’t define someone as a Nazi. It might be beneficial to focus on reading content more aligned with your perspective, such as The Onion.
Have a great night.
Scum ho
So disappointed to hear about this Judge and embarrassed to say i voted for her . Thought she was conservatives. Next time i’ll be sure to do my homework.
Angie and Carli are former coworkers and not rocket science that they would continue to be friends and that Angie would wish Carli well in her campaign. We live in a real world.
But publicly campaigning in a partisan election, especially one that has some direct bearing on the courts, is another story.
She needs to be voted out next time she’s up for reelection. She’s not mature enough or responsible enough to be a judge. Don’t forget.
She needs to go NOW!! If rules for judges are not to campaign or even indorse a candidate… and she did!! She needs to be gone. But the court system has a way to ignore things just because of their name or title!
One of the biggest lies taught to Americans: judges are not biased.
Time for you to step down Angelina!!
Republican Party Of Kenosha County
Challenge ALL elected offices by mentoring and funding winning candidates.
Fight Fight Fight
Although she lost minion Carli last Tuesday, she still has too many loyal minions in those two buildings.
In a previous election, she played a significant role by campaigning from her office against Candidate Gagliardi (D), as she disapproved of his macho behavior. This sets a precedent.
Thank you, Mat Kevinson for your decision to bring this issue to light. It is time to end the outdated and obsolete establishment, and Solis has been a significant, if not revolutionary, first step in this direction.
She is totally liberally biased.
Doesn’t Chad live with Claire? Or are they just swapping cum on the weekends?