Madison, Wis. – State Representative Amanda Nedweski (R-Pleasant Prairie) is condemning Governor Tony Evers’s 2025-2027 budget proposal, accusing the governor of attempting to erase the concept of motherhood. Nedweski took issue with the use of gender-neutral language in the budget, replacing terms such as “mother” with phrases like “parent who gave birth” and “inseminated person” on numerous occasions.
“As a proud mother of two, it is absolutely insulting that the Governor, in his 2025-2027 budget bill, would reduce me and millions of other mothers across Wisconsin to ‘inseminated persons,’” said Nedweski. “It is not only deeply offensive, but it is an outright attack on the very essence of motherhood. It is unconscionable that the Governor has the audacity to take the most beautiful, life-giving act a woman can perform—bringing children into this world—and turn it into nothing more than gender-neutral, virtue-signaling jargon to appease his far-left base.”
Nedweski also took aim at Evers’s background as a former science teacher, suggesting that the governor might need a “refresher on basic biology.” She continued, “Last I checked, only one gender is capable of giving birth—women. Anyone who says otherwise is denying science.”
The Governor’s budget, which spans 1,917 pages, strikes the word “mother” at least 30 times, replacing it with gender-neutral language. The term “father” is also replaced more than 120 times throughout the document, according to Nedweski’s review.
In her statement, Nedweski expressed skepticism about the Governor’s assertion that his budget is “the most pro-kid budget in state history.” She argued that no budget can be truly supportive of children while erasing the importance of their mothers and fathers.
“Governor Evers proudly proclaimed his tax-and-spend budget to be ‘the most pro-kid budget in state history.’ However, no budget can be truly pro-kid while erasing mothers and fathers from the equation,” she said. “Contrary to what Evers and his liberal allies on the fringes of the Democrat Party believe, our kids are not wards of the state. They belong to their parents. No amount of statutory language changes will ever change that fact.”

The representative, who was first elected in 2022 as a vocal advocate for parental rights, has built her political career on empowering parents and promoting the importance of family. As the representative for Wisconsin’s 32nd Assembly District, which includes numerous communities in Kenosha, Lake Geneva, and Pleasant Prairie, Nedweski has worked to create legislation that reinforces parental involvement in their children’s lives.
Nedweski concluded her remarks by calling on Governor Evers to apologize to Wisconsin mothers for diminishing the role of motherhood in his budget. “Governor Evers owes every woman and every mother in Wisconsin an apology for diminishing the importance and dignity of motherhood,” she said.
The budget debate continues to generate controversy, with differing views on the role of government and language in shaping society’s understanding of family dynamics. However, Nedweski’s stance highlights a growing divide over the inclusion of gender-neutral terminology in public policy discussions.
For now, the conversation surrounding Evers’s budget is poised to continue, with implications for both the language used in government and the broader cultural debates about gender and family roles.
Rep. Nedweski’s thoughts on the matter, quickly went viral eventually being discussed on X by Elon Musk.

49 Responses
Evers is a spineless joke, this kind of garbage is to be expected from him.
The worst Governor Ever(s) is what you end up with when the progressively liberal socialist Demon-rats and their Woke pseudo-cult are elected by the 50%, or less, liberal electorate who’s uptopia dream is to sit around the campfire naked, blowing dope and singing John Lennon songs while popping the pimples on each others back! It’s an absolute miracle that the school system doesn’t rank lower than it does as he was the Superintendent of Public Instruction of WI from 2009-2019, but then again he hasn’t been in that position for six years while he’s been f*****g-up WI. According to the Cambridge dictionary, the definition of insemination is as follows: “the action of putting male sperm into a woman or female animal, either by sexual activity or an artificial method.”
Amanda loves to be outraged and to feign disgust. Don’t be fooled, she’s just another puppet. She doesn’t care about women or mothers or anything that Robin Vosssssssss 🐍tells her not to care about. Thoughts and prayers for her lost soul. 🙏
I do agree she has not been the person I thought she was going to be when I voted for her, but I like she has spoken against this change that Evers wants to make.
Waste of government time and talent doing these rewrites. Sheesh.
The first time I saw this, my stomach turned in disgust. It still does, but I just realized that the new wording is designed not just to attack the nuclear family, but to include and normalize lesbian couples.
Evers is useless. Another democratic DEI hire. This is to be expected from him.
Worst governor “Evers” is a true slogan
No, I wish Evers was useless, he’s actually destructive and far worse than useless. We should stop calling him Governor and refer to him as Douching Bag.
We wish’s he was a Do Nothing !!
But we have learned one thing from their side. Pedal to the Metal when you are in Power !
That’s what they are and have been doing forever ! Evers is just signing his name to their playbook as instructed.
Doing their agenda from day one until they lose. But they then just shift gears and become obstructionists !!
Our side needs to learn from them.
NOVEMBER 2026 we take back this state…only question is, who will be running???
For the most part, it HAS learned on a national scale, and that’s why the left is so outraged and terrorized by the Trump, Musk hard and fast start on swamp draining. IT’S ALL UP TO THE REPUBLICANS IF THEY WANT TO CONTINUE TO BE HARD-NOSED ON THE ABORTION ISSUE AND THROW OUT MORE SEATS AND THE GOVERNOR’S MANSION. They don’t seem to have learned anything from the sudden damping of the Red Wave after the roe versus wade decision. They still think that for some reason they need to be the moral compass for the state even though many disagree with the direction of that moral compass, and certainly with a clown like Evers in control there are vastly more important things than it picking about abortion rights compared to all the damage this pathetic skeletor is and can do. The 1848 law is obviously valid, but not as relevant as perhaps in 1948 when there wasn’t a plethora of medical procedures other than abortion that could be done to save a mother’s life even though they would end up being in effect, abortions. The state legislature still has time to turn this around by writing a realistic compromise law that would put safeguards against terrorist behavior against a survivable fetus and a mother’s health and first term decisions. Their failure to have already done this will probably cost a seat on the Supreme Court by the election of yet another dark blue activist who will legislate from the bench, with the smoke justification that the legislature was unwilling to even attempt to do that instead.
It’s not like abortions are hiding behind bushes to attack innocent pregnant women, take care of your own path to heaven and if some women want to do what you consider a sin, your God can punish them and in the meantime we won’t have to pay for an unwanted child to grow up hating everyone in sight and eventually stealing your car.
Could you please tell us how you define “DEI hire?”
Tony Evers is a white male was voted into office, the absolute opposite of how anyone with a brain and common sense would define “DEI hire.”
Is “DEI hire” your mentally lazy, go-to pejorative for any Democrat you dislike?
Go Nedweski!!! Did Kerkman EVER slam
next homicide headline should read- bullet receiving person was inseminated by product that was mined and cast into a projectile…
Good one
We need to keep thinking this way.
They won’t respond to common sense. Maybe they’ll respond to parody !
Tony Evers don’t run shit….he’s a puppet–same a Joe Biden was.
Yep…cut, copy, and paste!
Nope, he’s intelligent, just evil.
Evers making Demented Democrats Proud.
Wisconsin needs to clean house of the lunatic nut cases.
Evers just doubling down on Stupid.
He’s close to having to answer for, final judgement for his demented woke garbage.
And he won’t enjoy that ride.
I call him Governor Evils, and by doing this nonsense he proves it!
Tony Evils is just another woke, lib pedophile.
Pedophile? Explain, please.
This is fucking stupid. Keep stoking the culture war while our country is being destroyed from within.
This goofball should work on getting pot legalized, not rewriting “mother” to read as “inseminated person.” What a virtue-signaling puke – a loyal lapdog of the extreme left.
Just wondering if we will be calling the second Sunday in May “inseminated person day” ??
Good one!
The stupidity of our government leaders never surprises me anymore. How do these dumb dumbs get elected. I guess Ever didn’t get the memo from Trump. He will get our state into all kinds of legal problems with the feds and again the lawyers win. Disgusting!!!!
What a nut!
OK, so Amanda is getting attention for aptly calling out Evers’ bizarre revisionist language.
But, what is she doing about it? Is she introducing amendments to reinstate the deleted language or is she just going to grab a headline?
I hope it’s the former but so far a check of the legislature’s website shows it’s the latter. So far.
Amanda, WWDJT Do? You know what you need to do.
As long as Republicans hold the majority in the legislature, nonsense language from the governor will be removed from his proposed budget bill before they pass it. Nedweski knows this. She’s telling you that if Schimel loses April 1 and conservatives lose in 2026, this IS the progressive policy that WILL become law. Republicans need to get off their asses and get out the vote.
Let’s talk dollars and cents here Amanda send us back our money 7 billion dollars in state surplus. Send it back and some form. Send us a check. Help fund our kids. Help fund the roads. Help fund public safety the police, the fire department. Who cares about anything else. Send us our money.
It’s not 7B, it’s 4B in one-time money. She already explained that. So, you get a little refund check from the state one time and all is better? They tried to give the surplus back last year and Evers vetoed it. Pay attention.
Evers is a disgusting, immoral, revolting excuse of a governor. I have 5 kids and 15 grandkids and being compared to an inseminated cow is inexcusable.
Evers SUCKS he can even keep the criminal repeaters in jail!
As long as it refers to the legal definition only.
One must realize that Evers had nothing to do with this word play . I see the fingerprints of his Chief of Staff, Maggie Gau, who is openly gay , all over this joke. Gau , along with her underling , and paramour , Britt Cuddleback ( intentionally misspelled, for added humor ) like taking shots at traditional roles in our society. Tony comes into his office at 10:30 am and is gone by 3pm .
He really doesn’t do much at all , which is good .
Less time to foul things up. Thank God he’s not running again.
Governor Evers so do you have a mother or a “inseminated person” let see if the next time you see your mother call her “inseminated person” and then see your dad and call him the person that “inseminated her or do you call her mom and dad or possible what do your kids call you and wife. Just be careful what you say about people parents and congrats you just lost my vote you piece of shit
Evers proudly displays that his mind is now totally Debased and only capable of making Reprobate decisions and actions.
Evers …….. a festering Boil atop a pair of shoulders ..
She’s a cunt just looking to make headlines.
that was a disgusting comment. Do you eat with that mouth?
Here is Ms. Nedweski again using an easy target to express faux outrage and stoke divisional fires to get her name out there.
Ms. Nedweski, how about actually getting something done for the people of Wisconsin. Remember us, the ones who fund your paycheck and benefits? Stop aggrandizing yourself and provide some benefits to US.
Without a doubt, governor Evers is the worst governor ever!
Is this in general or specifically to IVF?
Amanda may have jumped the gun here. The fact checkers say this is mixed and needs context in that the proposed revisions are not across-the-board but limited.
Still not a stroke of genius for the gov.
Read the bill. Gov. strikes mother and father all over the place. Not in every instance, but in lots. Why inconsistency? Tony didn’t even know this happened – his staff snuck it in. Who is actually running the state? Maggie Gau, not Tony Evers. Fact checkers? How about doing your own fact checking.