(Department of Corrections)
Kenosha, Wis. — A group of outraged parents at Washington Middle School in the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) are demanding accountability after it was revealed that 7th-grade teacher Alyssa L. Jurasik remains on the payroll—even as damning evidence from a recent criminal investigation and conviction paints a disturbing picture of her alleged involvement in drug trafficking.
A Troubling Criminal History
On February 24, 2023, 24-year-old Jurasik was charged with three serious felonies: maintaining a drug trafficking place, possession with intent to deliver significant quantities of THC, and possession of narcotic drugs. The charges carried a potential sentence of 13 years in prison. Detailed law enforcement reports describe a complex investigation involving intercepted packages, controlled deliveries, and a series of incriminating text messages that not only connected Jurasik to a drug network but also implicated her in selling controlled substances—allegedly even to a student who later died from an overdose.
Evidence That Raises Alarms
According to court documents and investigative reports, Jurasik’s alleged activities included:
- Drug Trafficking Operations: Extensive surveillance and digital evidence linked her to a network that moved hundreds of grams of THC products, with transactions coordinated over text messages and social media.
- Direct Involvement in Sales: Text conversations between Jurasik and an associate reveal discussions about pricing, product quantities, and the logistics of drug delivery. In one instance, she even bragged about handling transactions that allegedly contributed to a fatal overdose.
- A Lenient Legal Outcome: Despite the weight of the evidence, Jurasik pleaded guilty to lesser charges—possession of a controlled substance, possession of THC, and possession of drug paraphernalia—and was sentenced to only one year of probation by judge Dougvillo. Shockingly, her criminal record appears to have left no mark on her personnel file. This reduced charge was authorized by former assistant district attorney Sydney Starr, under the leadership of former DA Michael Graveley.
Questions for the Kenosha Unified School District
The decision to allow a teacher with such a controversial and dangerous background to remain in the classroom has left many parents and community members reeling. Critics argue that KUSD has not only failed to safeguard its students but also undermined public trust in its hiring and disciplinary processes.
One local parent expressed the community’s frustration:
“It is unacceptable that someone with clear evidence of involvement in drug trafficking is entrusted with our children’s education. Our kids deserve a safe learning environment, and the district’s inaction is a blatant disregard for their well-being.”
KUSD Superintendent Jeff Weiss has stated that the matter has been referred to human resources for review. However, to date, no disciplinary action has been announced—a delay that has only deepened the concerns of Washington Middle School families.

A Call for Accountability
The incident has sparked a broader debate about the standards applied to educators and the measures in place to protect students from potential harm. Community members are calling for a thorough review of the district’s policies, demanding transparency and decisive action. They insist that allowing someone with such serious allegations to continue teaching sends a dangerous message—not only about the value placed on student safety but also about the district’s commitment to upholding moral and ethical standards.
As the investigation and internal review continue, parents remain on high alert. They urge school officials to act swiftly to restore public confidence and ensure that those responsible for educating the next generation adhere to the highest standards of conduct.
The situation at Washington Middle School is a stark reminder that accountability and transparency are essential in our schools—values that, many argue, have been compromised in this case.

(Department of Corrections)

(Department of Corrections)

(Department of Corrections)

(Department of Corrections)
74 Responses
There is something sinister going on at the supposed “KUSD”. FBI needs to come in and arrest the administration for crimes against humanity
IM making the calls today !
Yes, all for it. Call Dan Bongino have ask him to come and disrupt the deep state of KUSD plus the Administrators of the City of Kenosha with every cell of his DNA. Then have DOGE audit all. Refer all criminals to DA Solis for righteous prosecution. No sweetheart bullshit deals like the Pleasant Prairie criminal received.
What in the world? Do these people really care about our kids? Begging for $115 million and promising to use a fraction for “safety” but perfectly OK employing pedophiles and drug traffickers?!
When you don’t know the whole story???
Get your kids out of the KUSD!!!
Responsible official
Dougvillo, Gerad T.
Prosecuting agency
District Attorney
Prosecuting agency attorney
Tanck-Adams, Jennifer
Defendant owes the court: $528.00
Count no. Statute Description Severity Disposition
1 961.41(3g)(b) Possession of Controlled Substance Misd. U Guilty Due to Guilty Plea
2 961.41(3g)(e) Possession of THC Misd. U Guilty Due to Guilty Plea
3 961.573(1) Possess Drug Paraphernalia Misd. U
So she’s around kids, involved in drug dealing and usage pays $528, keeps her job! What’s wrong with this picture? The system allows this.
The system continually allows it for the past decade. For some reason they allow drug trafficking, using, child endangerment, etc. They allow people to be out on bail, and continue to test dirty, which are bond violations, yet do nothing. They allow them to commit more crimes, to where they have 2, 3, 4 charges snd are lumping them together and continuing on bond and going to court for all charges condensed. Then they give them insane deals, and they continue their drug use and trafficking. They teach others how to play the system, meet new connections in “rehab” to build on their sales. And in the meantime if they have kids, the courts allow them to be around them. They work with the elderly in home Healthcare sometimes even assisted living and in day cares because of deals. It’s the normal now for the justice system, ignore prosecuting for drugs or drug trafficking, give them a deal, drop the drug charges.
Get rid of Jurassic Pork 😡
There is no morals or ethics at the administration. How in the hell is this allowed? The administration is the devil
Remember to vote for a change in the school district this coming election!
Is on staff listing but without image
Has email there too…
KUSD disappoints again! So glad the NO vote passed on the referendum. Glad my granddaughter only has one more year in this failure of a school system!
Do you think voting no on the referendum is going to make it more or less likely to get good teachers? My kid has pretty damn good teachers. The budget cuts have the teachers working overtime enough as it is. Our principal’s main concern now is retaining teachers. No one seems to be supporting them from the community. Changes need to be made. No one should be in front of a classroom while on work release. There needs to be more accountability up top. But voting down this referendum really hurt the community in the short/intermediate term. Maybe it will be the best decision for Kenosha, and it will inspire more top-down change. I voted for the referendum because i think we can still pressure top-down change while adding funding to the school system. If I were a Teacher in KUSD I would not stay. There would be no reason to. I could make more money in the private sector. Teacher’s here just have to consistently battle bad reputations the few bad teachers make.
You have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about . None
I am not KUSD employee. I am a parent with a decent knowledge of public budgets and policy impact. I have studied Micro economics. I have personally spoken with a few principals on this issue. I have spoken with novice and veteran teachers on this. I have spoken with potential teachers. KUSD needs more accountability but incentives matter. Good to great teachers will leave and avoid Kenosha. Like i said. I was for the referendum. I haven’t found any teacher that would stand up and say they were happy the referendum failed.
Everyone acts like its an easy job. It’s not. Its also not complex quantum physics either. its often 65 hour work weeks for not great pay. You get blaming the unions for recessions.
I don’t agree with the coverage of the referendum here. I’m pleased there are investigations pushed by this site. Just trying to push some civil discourse on this page. Generally, I find this comment section to be more “I’m right about everything and can never be wrong.”
Everyone who voted against the referendum, please reach out to the teachers that bust their asses for our kids. You may have had good reasons to vote against the referendum (some of which i agree with). I can guarantee the teachers you loved are not feeling very appreciated at this moment. Good/great schools require some community involvement. I hope everyone that turned down the referendum comes to the next few meetings with proposals.
Anyway “someone with a brain” nice chatting with you.
Are you trying to say that complaining on a website dedicated to dismantling and sowing doubt in public institutions ISN’T helping? What more can they do? Volunteer? Actually step foot in a school? Speak with education professionals?
Keyboard echo chambers provide the knowledge I need!
You have too much time on your hands . You type a lot of words , yet you say nothing. Teachers don’t work 65 hours a week , and have summers off . Give me a break Todd.
The salaries are public information – teachers are paid well, including Cadillac medical benefits and pensions. Many retire at 50-something and start second careers. I have never, ever encountered a teacher who works 65 hours a week. And I’ve spent a lot of time interacting with “educators” over the past 20 years. And based on the reality of the outcomes, most public school teachers are not doing a stellar job.
Until KUSD makes some significant and sweeping changes, a great, good, or bad teacher will not matter. it’s criminal what has occurred within KUSD and the leadership is OK with it. That in itself is the recursive failure.
You cannot fix money problems with money.
Your question is not relevant to the actual situation. The kusd has proved consistently then it is a poor steward for the money they are already given, therefore they should not be given any more. Period.
If that vote had passed it would have been yet another crime.
Lets unpack that. describe the crimes. bullet point which parts of the budget and referendum were crimes. Crime is a strong word, but I’ll bite, I’m listening. Describe the crimes as you see them.
Fixed the typo…. 😂
Baby has back, front, side. She has it all
The Packers need a nose guard.
How do these comments about her image make you any better than she is?
Don’t be a dick
Kpd stopped buying/training dogs that even smell for weed……. Check it, it’s real
I think this needs investigating. Whaaaaat???
Good, it’s about to be legal anyway. And that’s obviously not what caused an overdose.
Let me guess, Ruder has no comment.
Best part, Ruders kid/s doesn’t even go to KUSD. They go to Westosha!
She should be fired . But she won’t . She’s in the protected class.
Hey Kenosha give kusd more money so they can hire more criminals, or pay the current criminals on staff already. But we wil cry and say the money is for the kids. Kusd has more issues about their staff than a damn whole star combined. What a joke you are
This referendum had nothing to do with the students. KUSD admitted as much . It was for increased pay and benefits for teachers and pencil pushers on 52nd St.
Weiss you are making the BIG money and are in charge you make the call to get rid of her! Remember its for the children, prove it!!
He’s not up yet.
For parole?
Most importantly she sold drugs to a student who later died from an overdose 🤬 whether the drug was from her or someone else….SHE CONTRIBUTED to his/her death! KUSD are you fucken kidding me right now!
Does actually a state law that prevents discrimination against somebody because they have been arrested because of the arrest itself. It’s called the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act.
There is then no legal reason to keep her employed. People have been fired for less who do NOT interact with our children on a daily basis. The parents of the child that died from her drugs should be filing a civil suit against her. If it’s good enough for Matthew Perry’s dealers, it’s good enough for her, right??!!
This whole thing is really weighing heavily on her.
This Happen in June of 24 why is she still working as a teacher with are children. This is outrage of BULL S&*(from KUSD what they hell are you doing.
I get a call from kusd that my child pushed another child on the playground and how unacceptable behavior this was, and we have this. Going on,
we have teacher grooming, sexual advances, drugs, teacher on ankle monitors working with a children, CLEAN IT UP KUSD ! AND THEN YOU ASK THE TAXPAYER FOR MORE MONEY WTH …..
You foolish parents, allowing a handful of administrators to employ demons and then act outraged. You drop your kids off at the kennel every day when you know the whole system is trash. I would not drop my dog off at a Kenosha skool, but you keep sending your kids.
Why aren’t the skool board meetings packed?? Why aren’t you doing something? Get off your asses and do something about it, organize and get those administrators out!
Going to school board meetings is a waste of time with the current School board. No more talk, only a mastectomy to get these boobs off the school board will have any effect.
Wow … It never ends how many pedophiles and and criminals does KUSD employ or have employed over the last 10 years this should be an outrage… If I was in charge, I would fire the administrator. I fire everyone on that school board and then I decertified KEA we need to organize a protest at Washington and at the white elephant on 52nd St., Kevin can you do that organize it?
And KUSD wonders why we voted down the referendum-it is situations like this that go unchecked by the useless administration.
Teachers in the KUSD should be drug tested as part of their employment. I guaranty there a shit load of pot heads helming the classrooms. Seems like Weed usage is up 1000% since they legalized it in Illinois. Drive by any dispensary in Lake County it a parking lots are full of Wisconsin plates.
How would you know about Illinois parking lots full of WI plates, unless you go there yourself. The pot calling the kettle black.
Well , a guy named Joel Truedell who was thrown out of a County Board meeting and arrested , is a teacher at Bullen Middle School, so there’s that.
He also tried to vote illegally at the Southwest library . I was an Election Inspector. We threw him out . He’s a nut .
I know teachers at KUSD who smoke pot.
Nothing wrong with that
End DEI hiring practices!
Ordinarily this would be news. With KUSD’s personnel practices, it seems like just another day.
She might be a pedophile too .
I’m a product of KUSD, honor roll student with excellent grades. Once graduated I moved away for college. All joking aside, I was the dumbest kid in all my college courses. I had to hire a tutor to get me caught up. So yeah, fuck RU and KUSD. I would never allow my children to go there, you are setting them up for failure in life.
KUSD isn’t the only school district dumbing down America. My niece graduated with a 4/5 grade reading/math level. My other niece graduated not knowing anything about Algebra and she was also on the HONORS ROLL! Matter of fact, during graduation, it looked like they called out every single senior’s xname for the Honors roll list! This all from a small town in East Troy/Elkhorn area!
Wow, that’s quite an indictment. I totally believe you.
If you are employed by the state of Wisconsin HR is supposed to give you a form that you need to sign.It’s a background check form so HR is either not doing their job Or she lied on the form or found.
A way around it. If they were doing their job and doing proper background checks she should have never been hired to begin with.
Wow that is amazing to know they just love putting terrible people in Kusd Dr. Brooks and now a 7th grade teacher i don’t even want my kids to go here anymore.
Kevin, have you reached out to News outlets to request interviews with Dr. Weiss about all corruption happening in KUSD? He has zero integrity and belongs in the unemployment line.
crazy how I knew her. kusd really needs to do better.
Heard smoking weed gives you the munchies, this girl is definitely smoking weed.