(Kenosha County Sheriff)
Kenosha, Wis. — Taylor A. Lang, 32, of Kenosha, recently celebrated a felony pardon from Governor Tony Evers (D) on social media. In a post last month, Lang shared a photo of her pardon certificate—carefully redacted to hide the nature of the crime—which authorities confirm was a felony burglary. This pardon comes despite Lang’s long criminal record, which includes multiple arrests and convictions for theft, criminal damage to property, drugs, resisting arrest, and felony burglary.
A Night of Intrigue at a Local Subway
On the early morning of July 5, 2015, Kenosha Police Officer O’Conner was dispatched to the Subway restaurant at 3721 80th Street after the store manager discovered the establishment had been forcibly entered overnight. According to the manager, the back door handle was broken, about $750 in cash was missing, and damage repairs for the door were later estimated at $250. Surveillance footage from inside the restaurant captured a female suspect entering through the back door at approximately 11:30 p.m. on July 4, heading straight for the cash register and safe, and exiting within forty-five seconds. Nearby Walgreens footage recorded a silver, boxy Honda Element SUV driving behind the strip mall area moments before the incident.
Suspicions, Evidence, and a Painful Admission
Investigators quickly focused on Taylor Lang—a former Subway employee terminated in December 2014 for prior theft. The store’s owner expressed his dismay in a letter to Judge Kerkman, recounting Lang’s repeated misconduct. “She admitted to stealing around $200 when she worked for us, and there’s clear footage of her pilfering from our cash register on previous occasions,” he wrote, adding that her actions had cost him significant time, financial strain, and anxiety. On July 16, 2015, Detective Bandi, after locating a cash register drawer in Lang’s SUV, confronted her at her home. Despite initial denials, Lang broke down in tears and admitted to taking the money from the Subway restaurant.
Following her guilty plea, Lang was sentenced by Judge Kerkman to 90 days in jail and two years of probation, with charges for criminal damage to property and theft dismissed.
A Pardon Amid Controversy
Governor Tony Evers has a history of pardoning serious and even violent felonies in the Kenosha area. With this recent pardon, Lang—though still a convicted felon—has had certain constitutional rights restored. She now can legally purchase a firearm, run for public office, and enjoy other privileges previously withheld.
Evers has issued over 1,500 pardons.

29 Responses
Evers is a thug
110% agreed!!
Tony Evers is one of the most boring and ill suited governors in Wisconsin history. He is naive at times and his worst mistakes seem to be when he tries to be “politically correct” (i.e., choosing Mandela Barnes as his first lieutenant governor, his handling of the Kenosha riots and stupid incendiary comments and revisionist language in the current budget as reported here). Some of his advisors would make Bernie Sanders look like a moderate and, worse, have little life experience. Worse, he often listens to them too much and blindly follows their advice. For a guy who was state superintendent of public instruction he hasn’t come up with a better way to fund public education and while the state sits on the over $4 billion budget surplus more than a fourth of the school districts are tapping voters for more property tax money. The only reason he got re-elected is that there are some of us conservatives who believe, as Barry Goldwater did, that absolute power corrupts absolutely and one party rule is what he warned against. Evers is literally the guy you’d like as a grandpa and while he may be inept at many things I would not call him a thug. In fact, likely too inept to be a thug.
The legislature controls the surplus, not the governor.
The reason behind her pardon was why? I’m lost lol
Evers ……… is a festering Boil atop a pair of shoulders ..
Hunter Biden got a pardon. The January 6 rioters got pardons. At least this one seems to have some plausibility. As noted in a prior story here, the governor’s office doesn’t hand out pardons without looking into things (as it did with arsonist Dunski).
Joe Biden pardoned his family tree
Lmao you give the Gov WAY too much credit.
Am I supposed to have a problem with this pardon? I don’t. It appears perfectly appropriate. Maybe she will be able to contribute to society. Maybe she can even be President someday.
…. that she pay back the money she stole.
True that seems to not have been part of the original sentence but, she has now been forgiven yet still hasn’t paid back to the victim.
Or maybe she did ??
I think the CCAP record indicates she did.
Please….She just said what they wanted to hear!
This is an example of what’s wrong with America. Fuck Evers. Piece of garbage
At least she seems sincere…I guess we will see.Why her and not thousands of other felons?Either way Evers is an idiot.
Thank you, Kevin, for this “good news” story to start the week! A decade ago this woman made a huge “young and dumb” mistake. She served her sentence, went to school and got a degree and started a business and has been law abiding. This is the type of person who is worthy of a pardon. Congratulations to Ms. Lang and to Kevin for sharing her story.
“Young and dumb” mistakeS.
She committed multiple crimes and doesn’t deserve to be congratulated as she didn’t even do the time for her crimes.
I guess she sounds sincere…I guess we will see.Why her and not thousands of other felons? Either way Evers is an idiot
Evers is a pussy. He is a typical .gov thug that hides behind the bureaucracy like a little Nancy boy. Despicable wanker
Oi, ur right ther gov! This wankah is right criminal she is! If I wasn’t so busy sweepin’ me chimneys I’d give her a pop on the ol’ noggin I would!
Worse Governor Evers!!! This felon like all the others, should have to face their full sentences!!! Such BS!!
She’s weak and she’ll reoffend inside of a year or two.
she’s already been out goofball. This is expunging the record. why do you think she would reoffend?
Good for her. 10 years and looks like she’s made something of her life in a positive way. Congratulations to her on her hard work and best of luck.
Anderson Cooper has a twin in Evers and they are both debased idiots.
White privilege. Evers sucks.
Another “stellar” decision by the WORST Governor EVER(s)
I don’t know this woman or why she received a pardon, but she seems like a sane person who is generally remorseful. I’m not going to blow a gasket over this one. But in other related news…….. Evers is a terrible Governor. Kleifish would have beat him had she made it through the primary.
If she has a “ long criminal record” unless this pardon covers everything, she still has a criminal record, which, depending on convictions, should still keep her from owning firearms, running for office, etc.