Pete Poli and Bill Barhyte – The Clear Choice for Salem Lakes: Opinion


Salem Lakes has seen some dramatic changes in the last two years from the spring election of 2023.  Four incumbents were defeated in their bid for re-election, the new trustees ushered in the change they promised. Numerous employees left for a variety of reasons after improper conduct was discovered.  The new board was forced to take immediate action on a plethora of problems. Internal and external investigations took place that brought forth new employees, necessary policies, and procedures to safeguard against unfair targeting. Under the new leadership of Rita Bucur, many changes have taken place that have allowed the village to be modernized and function more effectively. Unfortunately, during all of the change that was taking place, trustee Kelly Sweeting passed away battling cancer. Before her passing, she endorsed now Pete Poli to take her place on the board.

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The new Salem Lakes Village Administrator, Cassandra Hiller, is trying to figure out a new direction for the village. Some people are worried about this because with change there is always a step into the unknown. Change is however necessary in the pursuit of progress. That does not mean change is always productive though. However, a well-informed board and active citizen body is the most effective way to direct that change in a manner in accordance with Salem Lakes’ values. That is why you need someone like Trustee Barhyte to be re-elected because he has been a Salem Lakes resident for his entire life. Likewise, it is imperative that someone like Trustee Poli (resident for decades) continues to ask probing questions and challenge staff on the important issues. Trustee Barhyte too is not afraid to question where funds are being directed and if the village is operating in a proper manner. Those two notably were the board members who have given the most push back by raising significant questions and concerns in the budget workshop.

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Notice where Pete Poli and Bill Barhyte are sitting during budget talks, their push back was evident and fostered debate over the proper allocation of village funds

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 This budget has grown immensely. Some of that is a byproduct of inflation, but that is definitely not true for the majority of village expenditures. The reality is the village needs to operate more frugally where it is feasible to do so. Otherwise, Salem Lakes will be asking for a referendum or borrowing money to keep its head above the water. That is a dangerous path to be on. Debt is sometimes a necessary evil, but it should be avoided at all cost.

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Poli and Barhyte are true guardians to taxpayers’ funds. They do not just rubber stamp additional expenditures.  Does any voter want their elected officials to just rubber stamp policies and expenditures without asking questions? I pray not! If that is the case, we do not even need an elected board. You might as well let unelected bureaucrats make all of the decisions. That is why it is imperative Poli and Barhyte are elected to take two out of the three available board seats. There are other candidates running, but we do not know how those candidates would govern. If Salem Lakes residents are not careful, they could elect candidates that could worsen the village’s financial situation. To fight back against over spending the village needs trustees with a backbone that are willing to push back on unresponsible financial plans. Any candidate or board member that says Pete Poli or Bill Barhyte ask too many questions are part of the problem.  

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It has become clear that Trustee Hopkins and Trustee Gandt, who are members of the old board, are more willing to trust the villages staff to lead Salem Lakes in the right direction. This doesn’t infer that the staff is doing anything wrong, however the problem with this approach, it was done in the past that had led to so many problems in the Village.  I’ve heard the statement too many times to count “I didn’t know that was going on” This is why you need a board to ask questions, not that you don’t trust your employee’s but they may be taking an approach you don’t agree with, finding out after the fact ,is sometimes difficult to undo.  The board is elected and expected to ask question for their constituents.  Again, that’s why the public votes for a board, to address these issues.   Without the common-sense approach that Pete Poli and Bill Barhyte seek, we could be right back to square one with another crisis.

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 Poli and Barhyte and many other board members have asked for the Agenda by Wednesday before the meeting, so that they have time to research the issues.  Currently they receive the agenda at 3.00pm Friday before the meeting on Monday.  This doesn’t allow enough time for members of the board to ask staff about their questions and concerns which has to happen on Monday.  In many cases their question(s) isn’t answered until the board meeting. However, certain members of the board are willing to go with staffs’ recommendation, then get upset when other board members have questions.  Certain board members like Poli and Barhyte want answers before they vote. How is this wrong? 

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 Interestingly enough, at the last board meeting Poli and Barhyte wanted questions answered about Flock camera’s, yes this is a data collection camera that shares data nationwide.  This is not a camera on somebody’s business, this collects and store’s data for law enforcement nationwide and you must trust a private company with your data.  Nobody wants to hinder law enforcement. But there are legitimate 4th amendment rights concerns, which POLI, Barhyte, Bucur, Young and Faber had concerns with and want to look into it further.  Now we have two board members saying Poli and Barhyte are Anti Police, beyond stupid.  Watch the meeting on March 10th and you decide.

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 Poli also asked a question, if a budget amendment was needed to pay more than what was appropriated in the budget?  Yet again, that offended certain board members.

 Finally, the Village was purchasing a special cutter for the excavator which Poli and Barhyte questioned whether this piece equipment was the right piece of equipment for this machine. So, questions about hydraulic flow requirements and safety were asked, fair questions.  Again, a few members of the board got upset again because they just want to vote, no questions asked.  What I find interesting, is that Poli and Barhyte pushed back on this equipment in a previous meeting which forced the Village to get multiple bids that saved the Village about 4 grand on a 25k purchase,” hmm” asking questions saved the Village money.  Going back to asking no questions can’t be the future of this Village, they can’t afford not to ask questions.

 The questions Poli and Barhyte asked at the last meeting upset two board members so much, they are actively campaigning against these two board members. Great way to create real division, not smart.   So, it not hard to figure out what these members of the board want, let’s get back to the good old days. Nobody wants groundhogs’ day again.

The board in place, prior to the 2023 election, did a lot of rubber stamping on important issues regarding businesses and residents. The old board allowed the employees rule without any real supervision. That led to significant issues throughout the village with property owners, businesses, the fair ground, and permitting. When the village employees had more control, it was just easier to say “no” or to demand unreasonable requirements before moving forward. Unfortunately, everyone knows this can be a trend in government. However, Trustee Poli and Trustee Barhyte are the opposite of “no.” They want to help create a path towards telling residents, businesses, and taxpayers “yes” when it is reasonable to do so. 

The can of the village’s financial woes cannot be kicked down the road. Kicking the can down the road is how we ended up where we are now. Now is not the time to change up the board. Trustee Barhyte has only served one term and Trustee Poli has only served half a term. They have done a good job so far and should be given more time to continue fostering a better future for the village. Monumental progress does not happen overnight, but re-electing them is a step in the right direction. Pete Poli in particular has set additional time aside to help the village avoid a disastrous sewer project that could have cost the citizens an additional $5-10 million. For that alone he deserves to win his bid for village trustee. Has any other trustee accomplished anything else so monumental? If the wrong candidates are elected the progress that has been achieved could be lost. With Pete Poli and Bill Barhyte Salem Lakes can know that will not happen.

Pete Poli in this photo is getting talked down to by an old board member asking why they should listen to him. This did not deter his efforts as he pushed back and ultimately was proven right saving the village millions of dollars!  When board members are not open minded to others’ views wasteful spending can occur. The village truly owes Trustee Poli a huge thank you!

Pete Poli and Amanda Nedweski at the village hall.

Bill Barhyte listening to the facts so he can ask the important questions. Something some of the board members think is not necessary. The question is…. does the board really want to go backwards?  Vote Bill Barhyte and protect Salem Lakes!

Trustee Poli has also taken time to become a member on the newly formed Economic Development Committee or “EDC” for short. His vast experience in construction and sewer development will undoubtedly be of great value. His only goal is to try and persuade the board on effective changes the citizens want. Unfortunately, it appears this committee is not currently loved by the village staff. The EDC will operate based on what the taxpayers want.  Strong leadership will be required and Pete Poli will be up to the task.

Trustee Poli and Trustee Barhyte will do the right thing for the citizens. Those that say they have an agenda are right. Their agenda is to protect the taxpayers from unwanted progress and stop tax hikes. However, if you desire higher taxes, unwanted development, and potentially ineffective leadership, then by all means vote against Pete Poli and Bill Barhyte. If you do not want that, then it is common sense to support these strong proven leaders as trustees as they have shown themselves to be for the betterment of Salem Lakes.

Who is the best choice for the third trustee should be left up to the voters. Salem Lakes residents should do their homework and decide. One thing is for certain though, for the future of Salem Lakes to be bright it is imperative that Bill Barhyte and Pete Poli are re-elected on April 1st. Please remember to vote and tell your friends and family in Salem Lakes to vote as well!


Brian Filiatreault

Salem Lakes Taxpayer for 30 plus years


Here are the responses I received from Pete Poli and Bill Barhyte:

NAME:   Peter Poli

AGE:        52


EDUCATION: College of Lake County – Associate Degree Building Construction Technology

WORK EXPERIENCE: 30+ years in plumbing, sewer, water, septic, and excavating – currently own my own business.

 PAST/ CURRENT PUBLIC OFFICES HELD: past Chairperson Village of Salem Lakes Zoning Board of Appeals, current member of the Village of Salem Lakes Economic Development Committee, Village Trustee.

PROFESSIONAL/ NONPROFIT MEMBERSHIPS: past president Northern Illinois Conservation Club, past president of the Racine Kenosha Beekeepers Association


 Why am I thebest candidate for Salem Lakes Trustee?

  I answered the call when the Village was looking for a new Chairperson to lead the Board of Appeals. Then I stepped up to serve the remaining term of Kelly Sweeting. Since then, I have pushed for fiscal responsibility, lead the effort along with the Village president to create a more fair and appropriate property maintenance ordinance and to weed out lawfare/weaponization of the previous version of the property maintenance ordinance. I am one of a few board members that have worked hard to attempt to keep spending under control.  Given the opportunity I would be honored to continue to serve my community as Village Trustee.

WHY ARE YOU RUNNING FOR OFFICE? I am running for Village Trustee because I believe it is important to be of public service, to give back to the community, and to represent the citizens with honesty and integrity.

I have a strong background in public sewer collection, water distribution, along with roadway maintenance, construction, and repair. These experiences are beneficial in leading the village now and into the future.  This experience helped the Village save millions on the Yaws/Valmar project.  I’m glad, I was there to serve at the right time for the Village.

There is no question we need affordable housing and there are potential changes/updates that can be made to the village ordinances which could help make starter homes more affordable to young families.  Young families will hopefully help support our declining school enrollment numbers.  These numbers affect the supported cost from the state, we need to be sensible, no matter what we do. For example, there are existing non-conforming lots that have been previously platted in the town that the village could alter the ordinances to make these lots conforming which would potentially encourage new single-family homes to be built on these lots. We also can create a Planned Unit Development in given area that will support one area but not the entire village with changes.  I don’t believe in sweeping changes, instead I am in favor of more of an individual area approach that the residents will support.

What is the best way to encourage development in our community?  Because of this question, I stepped forward to serve on the Economic Development Committee. I hope to offer guidance with my life experiences and skill sets.  I want to protect our community from unwanted development that won’t necessarily make our quality of life any better.  Keeping taxes low is very important to me, but our quality of life is also important.  Let’s consider what will be best for Salem Lakes together, I’m all ears to what my constituents want and need.  I would encourage all residents and business owners to get involved, it’s our community.  I’m very lucky to be serving on a committee that has very similar views, this is so important, as a committee member I will try to bring to fruition our residents requests. Under my leadership, I intend to put more weight on what our residents are asking for before any outsider. 

Based on my public utility experience, voting record related to budget control and accountability, meeting attendance record, and my desire to continue to represent the village residents by applying common sense and fiscal responsibility, I am the candidate best suited for Salem Lakes Village Trustee.

Find more out about Peter Poli at http:

 Bill Barhyte:

 I have been part of the Salem Lakes Community for my entire life. I have been married for 41 years and has four children and five grandchildren. I have always given back to his country and community through public service. I served four years in the Marine Corps, attained the rank of E-5 Sergeant, and served as a shop/squad Sergeant. I also have spent 41 years as a Volunteer/Paid-on-Call Fireman at the Trevor/Salem Lakes Fire Department as a Lieutenant. Furthermore, I was elected to the Trevor/Wilmot Consolidated School District Board for approximately 25 years. I was also on the Salem Township Parks Board for 20 years. Now, I serve the Village as a trustee and with your support will continue to support the Village with another term as your Trustee.


Why am I the best candidate for Salem Lakes Trustee? 

I believe I am the best candidate for several reasons.  I have served my country and my community always putting others in front of me at many levels.  Whether my Military service, Fire department service, School Board member service, Parks board service and most recently a Trustee board member of the Village of Salem Lakes.  I’m a people person, and I’m driven by offering help where I can.  I truly care about my community and want to serve, to make my constituent’s lives better.  I clearly have the experience and the knowledge to best serve our community and would be honored to serve another term as your Village trustee.  The change I want is the change residents want. I have no agenda; I just want to find common ground and protect our community. I will strive to operate as frugal as the Village can and still offer the services they need and hopefully improve residents’ quality of life in our community.


I’m running again because there is more work to do.  The Village has had many changes in the last two years, but we must be very aware of our budget and how it can affect our community.  I want the development you want; I’m not in favor of mass development in our community; I love the country-rural feel, I feel this is what makes our community unique and special.  I will be the voice of common sense on all issues, I’m very committed to the Fire Department and helping our department members lead effective change.  I want to help where I can.  Ems and the Fire Department needs to be respected and admired by residents and other community Fire departments; we can do this again, for sure.

 Also, we need to make our Public Works Department be the envy to our community, when public works Dept. operates well, our citizens are happy.  We need to look at ways to fix our roads and do steps to make them last longer, they are expensive and really put a big dent in our budget.  This is critical infrastructure we need to be smart about, to determine how and when they need resurfacing or replacement.  I would be in favor of offering my expertise in the starting some type of Capital committee.  We have some really exceptional people in our community that could offer their expertise in how we spend money on equipment and the best way to reduce cost on our roads. I believe with our great employees in public works, working with a committee would offer the best chance of operating the public works department in the best way possible.  As we have seen with Pete Poli, saving the Village Millions on ONE sewer project. I would like to see that expand to other areas of the Village; we owe it to the taxpayer, to spend our money wisely.  A lot of money is spent in the Fire Dept. and Public Works, we should strive to operate at a level that best serves the community and still maintaining a reasonable budget.

 I think the new EDC committee is a great idea, these committee members have made a commitment to the needs and wants to the residents.  Every one of the committee members have lived in our community for decades and I believe they will protect the Village from unwanted development.

In Closing:

I would be honor to serve the community for another two years, Thank You for your consideration. 

Bill Barhyte



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27 Responses

  1. Very nice Op-Ed Brian.
    The citizens of Salem Lakes need to reward our President and the board members up for reelection for the outstanding work they have done since taking over the reins of the village.
    Hard questions should be welcome at board meetings, especially when it comes to expenditures, that is what you will get from Bill and Pete.
    I really do hope the citizens appreciate what the new board has done for Salem Lakes and the movement that put them there. Vote early.
    Also I would like to thank Brian for all his hard work and involvement with the village, he is a very knowledgeable and bright man, and truly cares for the direction of our community.
    I also think Doug Randolph would make a good third choice.

  2. Not sure who this dude is, but he cares about his community. I’ll need to reread it, I’m sure I missed something, maybe less words next time. Otherwise, these guys got my vote.

  3. What do I find interesting? is that I was considering voting for someone else. Maybe I need to reconsider. I like voting out incumbents.

    1. Glad you are reconsidering. It’s always good when people do their own research and make an informed decision! People are waking up. Nice to see!

  4. Woosers, that was long. Too bad Gandt and Hopkins weren’t on the chopping block. Hopkin’s hasn’t done shit for Silver lake but bitch about dirt bikes and golf carts. He must stand by his window all day so he can bitch about the kids in the neighbor hood having fun. He is the Anti Fun Police. He sucks as a representative of Silver lake. Maybe this development group can focus on our forgotten little town. Village of Silver Lakes should never have sold our land to those vampires in Salem.

  5. $4,000. Savings on the brush cutter.
    Buying this new “different” type of cutter was also a vote on a safer machine. And a more productive machine. Both of those points were expressed in the meeting before on this purchase. Just listen. The trustees who even considered spending money fixing the old one didn’t see that and also don’t understand that fixing a machine that old with so many moving parts not to mention the fatigue of the parts that are not “yet” broken haven’t thought it through.
    And as for the $4,000. Why did the board have to ask the public works director to seek better information and bids ? Just the fact that a savings like that of over 10 percent was left on the table shows that the seeking process was not well conducted. If our employees are not being thorough in their work on pricing equipment purchases, what else are they wasting money on ?

    But I digress.
    Bill and Pete got my early vote already.
    And Doug too !
    I’m not against new people but for now I’m staying with the people that have proven themselves up to now.
    As for the other two newbies ? Try again next year. Dennis has already said he’s done. And as for Hopkins and Gandt ? Let’s see if they see the writing on the wall. Sure Hopkins ALWAYS has something to say. Always has looked in-depth on issues but, he thinks he’s smarter than most. Maybe he is. But ….. maybe he isn’t.

    BTW. The two newbie’s. Didn’t see a lot of campaigning. And your answers to the questions on Westofthei were weak and boilerplate.
    Up your visions. Grab an issue and go in-depth with it. Take a current or past issue and tell us how you see it differently. Stand out in your positions.
    Sure saving money, being fiscally responsible is admirable but we need more from you. Again, next years election, three seats are up. One seat is open for sure, (maybe two) and the other(s) are definitely vulnerable.

    1. Hopkin doesn’t like to be challenged. As far as Gandt, I guess he’s the ATV grand poohba. Both Hopkins and Gandt didn’t listen to the Sheriff on the ATV ordinance, they still rejected the Sheriff’s recommendation not to allow ATVs on the roads, because somebody might get killed.. Now I see Hopkin’s and Gandt are upset that someone asked questions about flock cameras the Sheriff is recommending. Just, a few questions over concerns about our 4th Amendment, no big deal. I’m getting dizzy with the hypocrisy. Mr. Hopkins doesn’t like golf carts, dirt bikes, or anything else that might drive down the road here in Silver Lake, but he’s for ATVs on the roads, his buddy Gandt is for that. Mr. Hopkins, can you please spend your time on real issues in our Silver Lake? we pay taxes, too. I wonder if he has visited any of the local businesses that have opened recently in downtown Silverlake.? I hope so. Mr. Randolph, if you get on the board, I hope you represent Silver Lake better than Hopkins, so tired of the grandstanding.

  6. The new board simply shifted who to target, who to tax and who to govern!

    Still spending like drunken sailors to grow government.

    Vote them all out so their plans fail!

    Divided government better than a divided people.

    1. You have divided government now, the spenders and the Budget hawks. The goal is to weight the board with more rubber stamping spenders, pay attention.

    2. What do you think is going to happen when you hire a bureaucrat from Illinois? Growing government is a specialty.

      1. Bingo! The village admin that Rita is so in love with is an IL swamp creature. Poli is trying to keep the spending in check.
        Thank goodness! Vote for him to stay!

    1. No doubt, residents fall asleep at the wheel, that’s exactly what will happen. Lake County Illinois is a nightmare to deal with. Just say no to Illinois policies, they take and give nothing in return except millions of acres of parks. If that’s you thing, then move there.

      1. That’s where the Village admin came from. Lake Co government. This board is either tying to ruin the village or ignorant.

        1. I hear hopkins and gandt are tight with the administrator. gandt turned on Chad, don’t trust him, he’s a back stabber. They want a police state as well as the administrator. Time to send all three of them back to Illinois, they think this is their kingdom. Poli and Barhyte will protect us from these radicals liberals.

  7. The goal of this Op-ed wasn’t for people to make personal attacks, I understand, it’s election time. Criticism is the cornerstone of our democracy and should be done with facts and be respectful. The bigger takeaway is that the Village has some serious challenges that must be watched. I would encourage voters to vote for the Village, not necessarily personalities. I have been involved in Village concerns for decades and truly want to see the Village succeed and operate with the least amount of government as possible. I want to see the changes that the residents can support. What is very disappointing is that the Village has reached out to the residents to get their input on possible future development. Sadly, less than 30 people have given any feedback out of 15,000 residents. If people are going to complain about future changes, do it now, not after the fact. If certain Development is or is not desired, speak up now, it will help plan a path. Maybe there is no path, maybe folks are fine with how things are, that’s fine too.
    The article is about promoting people who I believe will hold the line on excessive spending and development, something that needs to be carefully navigated. I think Poli and Barhyte are two of the trustees who will do that. Again, you may disagree, that’s ok too, but I do think if you do the research, you will hopefully agree with me. People need to be involved in their local government if they want to protect their community.

  8. I can’t understand these pricks fleeing Illinois, coming here and then trying to replicate what they just left. Serious mental illness from the flatlanders.

    1. No doubt, take your Illinois B.S. and pound sand. Less Government not more. This Village needs a DOGE COMMITTEE. Maybe Mr. Poli can Chair that, that would be awesome.

  9. The budget meeting with actuals, line by line IS the DOGE.
    If they didn’t review line by line by line and question need, then those involved failed. Those who questioned get kudos. Remember majority prevails. If a municipality has lazy, yes men, the community loses.

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