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New Mayor, New Changes To Kenosha’s Social Media Policy – No Commenting Allowed

David Bogdala – Kenosha Mayor
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kenosha has a new mayor, and now, apparently, a new social media policy – no comments allowed. Kenosha has had a Facebook for about four years now. The previous mayor, John Antaramian, didn’t want much posted on social media.

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Now that Bogdala is the boss, there is more and more information going out to the public, which many find helpful. However, people are reporting to KCE that they are making comments critical of the City, and their comments are being removed, in conflict with the State of Wisconsin’s public records law. This can also be seen as an anti-first amendment position to take.

The posts are then being “locked down,” said one resident. KCE did in fact confirm that most posts that are published say at the bottom, “City of Kenosha Wisconsin Government limited who can comment on this post.”

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Facebook doesn’t allow a blanket setting that disallows comments for every post. That means that every time the city posts of Facebook, the person making the post actually has to disable comments.

One such post, the city employee forgot to turn off posting, and someone commented. Then, posts were immediately turned off. One comment remains.

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KCE contacted Mayor Bogdala and he didn’t wish to tell us why he doesn’t want to hear from residents on Facebook. Here are the posts that aren’t allowing comments:



“Taco Fest” A Big Hit Friday

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Salem Lakes Resident Furious At Village Board For Ignoring Bizarre Demands

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Outgoing Judge Holds Kenosha County Eye Editor In Contempt Of Court – Orders Article Removed From Website

Kenosha County Eye Editor Kevin Mathewson was held in contempt of court today – at least for a few minutes. Outgoing Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Frank Gagliardi did what no Kenosha County Judge has ever done – he ordered KCE to take down an article we published. It wasn’t done directly, however. In a secretly held, closed hearing, (which in itself is illegal – a member of the press and a another individual were denied

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Judge Orders Village Of Twin Lakes To Pay Resident $20,000 For Violating Public Records Law: Cronyism Alleged

A Twin Lakes couple was recently awarded almost $20,000 from the Village of Twin Lakes for what a judge ruled was a violation of the Wisconsin Public Records Statute. Judge Frank Gagliardi signed an order on June 20, 2024 that awarded the Neals $11,000 in attorney’s fees, $1,442.70 in court costs, $6,879 in compensatory damages and punitive damages in the statutory amount of $100 because the judge wrote “the Court finds [the Village of Twin Lakes

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99-Year-Old Retired General Close To Finishing Bucket List Of 100 Items Before 100th Birthday – Bailiff For The Day In Kenosha

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No Murder Charges For Self-Defense Shooting Death At Wood Creek Apartments: Kenosha District Attorney

A man who shot and killed another man Friday morning will not be facing charges related to the shooting death of the late 24-year-old Izerion Cooper. Anfrnee Cystrunk-Taylor shot the man after what police say was an armed burglary. “The current state of the investigation into the shooting death of 24-year-old Izerion Cooper that occurred in the 1500 block of 30th Avenue on Friday, June 21, 2024 at 4:25 a.m. suggests that a burglary was committed earlier

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Kenosha County Extends Ban Of Political Symbols To Social Media

If you drove by the Kenosha County Courthouse June 1, 2023 or June 1, 2024, you would notice a subtle but notable difference – the flags flying in front of it. In front of the Kenosha County Courthouse, or any other county building, you won’t see the gay pride flag, or any other partisan flags for that matter. This is due to an executive order signed by Kenosha County Executive Samantha Kerkman last year. Under this

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Professional Counselor, Former Foster Parent, Charged With Operating A Firearm While Intoxicated

A Kenosha-area professional counselor and former foster mom was in court today and charged with operating a firearm while intoxicated. If convicted, Jacqueline P. Niccolai, 37, of Kenosha, faces up to nine months in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. Niccolai has admitted that she has recently used illegal drugs. According to the criminal complaint: A Kenosha Police Officer reported that on May 28, 2024 at approximately 2:31 a.m., he was dispatched to a residence

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Man Shot And Killed During Friday Morning Shooting Identified, Appears To Be Self Defense During Burglary: Court Documents

A 24-year-old Kenosha man was shot to death early in the morning on Friday, June 21, 2024. According to court documents filed today, it appears it may have been a self-defense shooting by the resident of the apartment where police found the dead man. Izerion Cooper, a multiple-convicted felon, who was recently released from prison, was found dead by Kenosha police at approximately 4:25 a.m. Friday morning. The man’s sister was with the man when police

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Retired Kenosha Fire Captain Sworn In As Salem Lakes Fire Chief

Long-time firefighter and fire administrator Alan T. Carr was sworn in tonight at the Villages Police and Fire Commission meeting. In an unanimous vote, the five-member panel voted to put Carr at the reins of the important department which handle fires and medical calls. All present members of the Fire Commission had glowing remarks about Carr and spoke highly of him. Born in the Long Island, New York, Carr had two brother who were in the

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Kenosha Man Caught Capturing Videos Of Women, Young Girls Up Skirts At Harbor Market

A Kenosha man is holding at the Kenosha County Jail on a $15,000 bail after some serious accusations from police and prosecutors. Kevin A. Pursell, 40, of Kenosha was charged today with Felony Invasion of Privacy. He was accused of taking video up the skirts of women and underage girls at the Kenosha Harbor Market this Saturday and at least two other area-markets. According to the criminal complaint: On June 22, 2024, a Kenosha Police Officer

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Kenosha Police Investigate Early Morning Homicide: Updated

Kenosha Police responded to the 1500 block of 30th Avenue around 4:25 AM after receiving reports of a shooting. A 24-year-old male was found deceased inside an apartment. There have been no arrests made at this time. The incident appears targeted and we do not believe there is a threat to the community. If anyone has information about this incident we encourage you to contact the Kenosha Police Department’s Detective Bureau at 262-605-5203 or Crime Stoppers at

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49 Responses

  1. He probably doesn’t want it swamped by dummies blaming everything on “libs” and “dems”. Hopefully they use it for informational stuff and keep the crackpots from ruining it.

    1. You have been awarded 2 Social Credit points by the Ministry of Information. Thank you citizen. 10 more points and you may petition for a Thoughtcrime to be removed from your account .

      1. It’s unconstitutional. Really straightforward stuff. We now have a fascist in power. Great idea electing a dictator.

          1. Oh, we have a constitutional scholar here. No, of course Facebook did not exist back when our forefathers drafted the Constitution. Neither did AR-15s. Neither did the internet. But our forefathers at the foresight to draft that beautiful document to cover things that did not exist yet. Social media is nothing more than a way for people to communicate. Free speech has been interpreted by judges to include the internet.

            1. Blocking comments isn’t a violation of somebody’s freedom of speech. Feel free to share and comment in all the groups you want to or on your own posts.

              We will agree that deleting comments would be a violation and you or others are welcome to take that issue to court.

              It is clear they are using social as a tool to make public announcements rather than a tool for public input. You know as well as anybody there are plenty of other venues to provide formal input to the the city any time you want. Heck, you even posted on your own site about your disagreement with this specific use if social media.

          2. It’s called the First Amendment.
            Social media app has nothing to do with it.
            If the government is going to use social media We The People have a right to use that app to petition our government for a redress of grievances.
            This is our rights are taken away from us one little “ oh no big deal who cares “ , step at a time.

            This isn’t North Korea – yet.

    2. Hey Anonymous, even people who you deem “crackpots” have freedom of speech in America, dumbass.
      You might want to read up on our First Amendment. I’d never want to take away anybody’s right to express themselves, especially
      the Democrats like you who just keep proving how stupid you are. Keep yappin!

  2. This doesn’t surprise me as Bogdala has a track record of ignoring public input. A few examples where he voted against the public: banning Zuckerbucks election dark money (60% of Kenosha County voted in favor), cannabis reform (80% voted in favor), the Casino, etc. That being said, he was still the best choice for mayor out of the 2.

    1. Ok to let the mayor violate our freedom of speech just because he was the best of a bunch of crackpots!?!? So should we simply give a pass to shoplifters and drug dealers bc they could be doing something worse….you people are all nuts if you think this is ok.

      1. lol facebook don’t cover your freedom of speech. Let someone post something about you or something you don’t like and I guarantee you quickly delete it.

    2. Where’s your article about your time served on the city council? I was looking forward to it, see how the machine operates.

    3. @Dave Mau, Bogdala certainly wasn’t ignoring G John Ruffolo’s input last night when he met the police outside of the Beach House At Simmons Island for a disturbance call and had G John standing there next to him with the police officers! It seems Bogdala definitely wants input from convicted Felon/stalker/scumbag who was stripped of his rights to serve in official city business, but not from the rest of us!

      1. The guy was a super alderman.
        He was super responsive to his constituents. I know he always was responsive to me. I wish you was still on City council.
        I’m retired law enforcement and believe me. 35 years experience. I think he got a s***** wrap.

  3. I just do t know how well all get by without being able to comment on a city post about pool hours or waste pickup…….

  4. We have no say on anything, but keep paying your taxes and have NO say regarding anything they know it all.

  5. Well. – your site you delete posts that you don’t agree with so how can you even be critical. Don’t post it and I will post this elsewhere. I’ve documented this numerous times. You know the truth and don’t have the courage to post everything as you proclaim.

    1. Nah, Mr. Mathewson and I have disagreed on Nedweski several times- he never deletes, he respectfully disagrees, and we go back and forth. He really rarely dirty deletes. He runs a pretty stand-up site.

    2. Newsflash: Kevin is a private citizen, he doesn’t run a government site (funded by taxpayers). He can do what he wants.

      1. Oh, we have a constitutional scholar here. No, of course Facebook did not exist back when our forefathers drafted the Constitution. Neither did AR-15s. Neither did the internet. But our forefathers at the foresight to draft that beautiful document to cover things that did not exist yet. Social media is nothing more than a way for people to communicate. Free speech has been interpreted by judges to include the internet.

        1. Facebook. Come on man. Let someone post some shit about you on your page. Bet you delete it. Why does Facebook have the option to not allow people to
          Even comment? Your getting this post way to much attention for something stupid

    1. Who cares? First it’s they delet your opinion from Facebook, then it’s Letters to the Editor, then they silence you at public meetings. Freedom of speech is eroded little steps at a time, and before you know it you have the fbi busting down your door because your opinions don’t fall in line with the current administration. It all started with “Who cares?”.

  6. This isn’t news worthy. There are plenty of ways to communicate with the City if need be (Call, Email, in-person visits). I don’t have a Facebook account but from what I hear, it can be a cesspool at times. Now if the mayor doesn’t make himself available or doesn’t allow the public to speak at meetings, then yes, he should be called out on it! I don’t agree with Bogdala’s politics but this to me is a nothing burger.

  7. People have compared social
    Media to the “town square” for free speech. If a group wants to comment about the city just start a group, or go stand in civic park and air your grievances. Not allowing comments isn’t silencing anyone. I’d rather just see the info, and if there’s an issue post it on my own site, group, etc…

  8. I don’t see a big deal so long as all commenting is turned off, even if it has to be done individually. If the city of Kenosha wishes to have a Facebook page for making announcements only, I am fine with that so long as it doesn’t turn into a partisan opinion board. Long before there was facebook, there have been public bulletin boards behind glass doors, and no one
    could comment on them.

  9. Sound familiar…..Kevin does the same thing here. Weird how you would write this, knowing you delete comments on here all the time. Kevin is anti 1st ammendment, regardless of what his bio say.

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