Kenosha County DA Mike Graveley Is Rigging Election In Favor Of His Number 2: Opinion

Kenosha DA Mike Graveley
(File Photo by Nathan DeBruin, Kenosha County Eye)

Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Gravley is a soft-on-crime DA and his Number 2, Carli McNeill, has promised to continue Graveley’s practices and policies. Graveley wants her to win so bad, we can smell it. Graveley has seemingly found several ways to “cheat” and use taxpayer resources to get his buddy elected. KCE will be highlighting soon, just how bad of a prosecutor Carli is. She has one of the worst trial records in her office. She has lost a lot of jury trials. Not minor trials, but trials with victims of serious violence. Either she took innocent people to trial, or she let guilty and violent people free by her incompetence. Graveley, arguably is among the best trial prosecutors. His policies and managerial style are garbage. He lets his prosecutors do whatever they want. One employee of the DA’s office got slapped with a restraining order for seemingly threatening her step-daughter with a gun – no discipline. A prosecutor and wife to James “Lunchbox” Kraus, Emily Trigg, was so negligent in the prosecution of a shaken baby case that the case was thrown out by Judge Kerkman (rightfully).  Trigg was the prosecutor for State v. Caroline Prieto. Prieto was accused of shaking a baby and leaving the baby permanently disabled. Trigg ignored a court order for 2.5 years to produce a witness list. Her defiance of the court’s order caused the case the be dismissed. Again, no discipline issued by Graveley, the Number 2 at the time.

KCE Will lay out just four of the most egregious acts taken by Graveley to give an unfair advantage to McNeill.

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Kenosha Prosecutor Carli McNeil Speaking at 2024 Law Enforcement Memorial
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha DA Mike Graveley Watching McNeill Speak at 2024 Law Enforcement Memorial
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Law Enforcement Memorial

At this year’s law enforcement memorial, on the stage were Number 1’s. The Mayor, Police Chiefs, Sheriff, etc. The only Number 2? Carli McNeill. She was, in fact, the keynote speaker, even though Graveley was in attendance, as shown above. She alluded to the fact that prosecutors have a dangerous job just like cops. Wrong! Cops’ jobs are more dangerous. She’s talking about a time when a water jug was thrown at her in court, narrowly missing her. This gave McNeill a lot of time in front of many people and important people at that. Why didn’t Graveley Speak? We asked Graveley when the last time a DDA spoke at such an event. He told KCE that he did when he was DDA running for DA. Notice a pattern?

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County Board Supervisor Orientation

During an orientation for newly-elected County Board Members, there was a spot for “Elected Officials.” On this list? Elected officials, of course – except one name that is not an elected official, Carli McNeill. Why would a beaurocrat be on the list of elected officials? She’s never been on a ballot in her life. Another edge Graveley gave his buddy. Graveley should have been there, not his Number 2. She got time in front of powerful people as to help her campaign.

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New Facebook Page

The Kenosha County DA’s Office got a spankin’ new Facebook page. Mike Graveley never wanted a Facebook page. Now, just a few months before the election, one pops up. And what is on that page? A mention of how great McNeill is. The page posted a criminal complaint that McNeill signed. Her name is right on the bottom. We asked Graveley via public records who has access to this page. We suspect McNeill only has access. He isn’t providing that to us, maybe we will have to sue him for the 4th time?

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Deferred Prosecution Agreements Being Hidden

Perhaps, the most egregious thing Gravley has done, is to break the public records law to shield the voters from knowing how many people have gotten Deferred Prosecution Agreements, or Diversion Deals. (Don’t worry, have are suing for their release) These deals take people who are arrested by police, and sign a contract to go to anger management and stay out of trouble for six months and then poof, no charges. Their name never enters the court system. KCE has contacted all 70 DA’s in Wisconsin. Most don’t use such liberal agreements. 15 have provided KCE with copies of DPA’s. Apparently Graveley either thinks he’s smarter than these DA’s, or he doesn’t want us to know how many people McNeill is giving these breaks to. Both scenarios are equally troublesome. Is Carli handing them out to her friends? Family members? Probably not, but we’ll never know, unless we prevail in court (we think we will.) As one DA told KCE, “It is my office’s general policy that [a case] warrants a pre-charge diversion agreement, then that case should be charged because the case has prosecutorial merit.” That’s what a tough-on-crime DA does. If leniency should be shown, it should be a Judge, not a DA’s office.

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Kenosha has gone so far as to offer DPA’s to illegal immigrants arguing that they save money by avoiding interpreters. KCE calls BS. Carli didn’t want to talk to KCE about this secret program, but she did take to Facebook, as shown above, to write, in part, “It’s no secret that we at the Kenosha DA’s Office are proud of our diversion programs. The goal of a criminal prosecution is not just to get a conviction and diversion programs often enable us to address the underlying issues that led to the criminal behavior….This enables the court system to save taxpayer money by avoiding repeated court appearances that require interpreters plus the time of Judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys.”


This County will be better without Graveley at the helm of the DA’s office, but how much better if his handpicked successor takes over? Maybe worse? Let’s look at the riots. KCE will be telling its readers about how easy Graveley and McNeill took it on the rioters and looters during the Kenosha Riots. Most got fines and probation. For burning our city to the grund? For the fear? Death?

The bottom line? Mike, stop putting your thumb on the scale. Stop rigging the election. Stop using tax dollars to help out your buddy. Enough is enough. If you’re confident in Carli’s skills and leadership, she doesn’t need your help. We don’t think she can with without your shenanigans.



Jury Finds Former Wheatland Man Guilty Of Three Serious Child Sexual Assault Charges

The family of the victim wept and the defendant showed no emotion as the Judge ready off the word “Guilty” three times for three very serious child sex crimes today. Christopher D. Prohaska, 43, of Michigan faces a maximum sentence of more than 100 years in the Wisconsin Prison System. The most serious charge was Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child. According to the criminal complaint, in October of 2020, an 18 year-old high school girl

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Kenosha Judge Rules 12-Year-Old Daughter And Passenger Of Drunk Driver Not A Victim – Reversed By Court Of Appeals

Kenosha Circuit Court Judge Jason Rossell had an important decision overturned by The Wisconsin Court of Appeals. This occurred a little less than two years ago, but KCE was only recently made aware of the decision by the higher court. Mark J. Gahart plead guilty to Felony Hit And Run – Involving Injury, and OWI (2nd With Passenger Under 16 Years Old.) According to the Court of Appeals decision: Mark J. Gahart was convicted of operating

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Drug Dealer Leads Pleasant Prairie Police On Chase In Limo: Video

A Portage man is holding on a total of $55,000 cash bail in the Kenosha County Jail after a high speed chase with the Pleasant Prairie Police Department. Bradley R. Semrich, 37, of Portage was charged on September 17, 2024, with Felony First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety, Felony Fleeing and Eluding an Officer, Felony Battery to A Law Enforcement Officer, Felony Possession With Intent to Deliver Methamphetamine, Felony Bail Jumping, Obstructing an Officer, and Possession of

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Kenosha Police Captain Graduated From FBI National Academy In Quantico

James Beller, Captain of the Kenosha Police Department detective bureau, recently graduated from an elite FBI Academy. According to the FBI, The FBI National Academy is a professional course of study for U.S. and international law enforcement managers nominated by their agency heads because of demonstrated leadership qualities. The 10-week program—which provides coursework in intelligence theory, terrorism and terrorist mindsets, management science, law, behavioral science, law enforcement communication, and forensic science—serves to improve the administration of

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Bad Choice For Kenosha News To Write Full Color Two-Page Fluff Piece On Kenosha Rioter And Looter: Opinion

Rhyanon Mcnab posted on Facebook on September 5, 2024 that read “Ooo … I made the paper .. again #Kenoshanews.” She would later comment “Uhmmmmm sorry but uh yea I look like a celebrity model the camera loves me and I love the camera “ With the post, she shared a 2-page full color fluff piece about her new eyelash business. Seems like good reporting from Kenosha News’ reporter Jillian Craig, right? Not so fast. Here’s

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Judge Tosses Defamation Lawsuit Against Kenosha County Eye Because “Case Has No Merit And Cannot Be Maintained”: Judge

Today, a Kenosha Judge dismissed a defamation lawsuit brought by Michael Culat, an ousted and embattled Salem Lakes Trustee. The suit was against Kenosha County Eye’s editor, Kevin Mathewson, and Brian Filiatreault, a local businessman. Filiatreault is a Village of Salem Lakes taxpayer and has been involved in Salem Lakes politics for years. He started started a website called “” ahead of the 2023 election. KCE wrote several articles that highlighted alleged misconduct of Culat, both

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Fire Department Boat Sank During Tuesday’s Rescue Attempt: Paris Fire Chief

Paris Fire Chief Collin Hennessey wants the public to know what happened to a boat that was seen sinking during the rescue attempt of 72-year-old Patrick Kelly on Tuesday. According to Chief Kelly: On 9/10/2024 at approximately 2:30 PM, several hours into the search for a missing diver at the wreck of the SS Wisconsin, the Kenosha County Fire & Rescue Associations Dive Rescue boat encountered a catastrophic event in which it started taking on water.

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Large Sheriff’s Deputy Presence At Wilmot High School Stemmed From Illinois Incident

On September 11th, 2024 around 12:06 pm, the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department was requested by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office to assist in locating an armed suicidal male along the Wisconsin and Illinois state line along the Fox River Road. Due to this location being near Wilmot Union High School, Kenosha County Sheriff David W. Zoerner worked with the School Resource Officer at Wilmot Union High School and the School Administration to do everything possible to

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Illinois Man Who Died In Lake Michigan While Exploring Shipwreck Identified As 72-Year-Old Winthrop Harbor Man

On September 10th, 2024, around 11:30 am, the United States Coast Guard received and relayed a distress call from a vessel at the S.S. Wisconsin shipwreck regarding a scuba diver who had not returned to the surface. Numerous agencies responded to assist. The search for the missing diver soon became a recovery operation due to the amount of time that the diver had been missing. On September 11th, around 10:15 am, the missing scuba diver was

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KCE Article That Was Taken Down Via Court Order Can Go Back Up With Legal Victory: Judge

Today, Kevin Mathewson, editor of Kenosha County Eye scored his 17th legal victory in regards to public records disputes. That makes 17 for 17. In this case, Mathewson sought disciplinary files within the personnel file of Tremper English teacher Mark P. Wisniewski, 41, of Kenosha. Wisniewski was recently convicted of his third OWI after leading Kenosha Police on a 1 mile chase with a blood alcohol content of .300 – almost four times the legal limit.

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Illinois Diver Presumed Deceased After He Failed To Resurface After Exploring Famous Shipwreck

A red flag with a white line through it waiving in the air is a diver down flag, or scuba flag, and is a flag used on the water to indicate that there is a diver below. Many dozens of law enforcement officers and firefighters from Illinois and Wisconsin spanning at least 10 counties, pulled their emergency boats on shore, with a look of sadness and perhaps, defeat on their tired faces. Not defeated because they didn’t give it their best, but

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Kenosha Judge Sentences Kenosha Man Who Terrorizes Women To Nine Months In Jail

A Kenosha man, holding in jail on a $150,000 bail was sentenced today for three pending felony cases. He was charged with: Felony Stalking(3) Counts of Felony Bail Jumping(9) Counts of Unlawful Phone Use – Threaten HarmDisorderly Conduct The Kenosha DA’s office allowed Barnhill to plead guilty to only three counts of Unlawful Phone Use – Threaten Harm. Since his plea went through, the prosecutor on the case asked the judge to be allowed to change

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25 Responses

  1. Did the DAs office post Kyle Rittenhouse’s criminal complaint on their FB website that was signed by Crooked Carli McNeill?

  2. While true on its face the not important people outnumber them.
    It’s the rest of us “deplorables” that need to SHOW UP at the Polls !!!!!

    It’s on US to get the vote out.

    While I believe everyone knows which side they are on, its not getting someone to change, it’s getting our side out to vote !!

    Important people are just that, people

      1. Straight White Male:

        You have been identified as a closeted homosexual. Everyone appreciates you sharing the perspective of the LBGTQ Community.

  3. I’m a proud Independent voter, and I have to support Solis in this upcoming election.

    The diversion deals are no sense, and the DA’s office is beyond compromised by yes-men that have gotten much too comfortable.

    We need a harder stance on crime in Kenosha. Too many repeat offenders are coming in and then OUT of our jail system. Only to commit more egregious crimes.

    Vote Solis. We need a change.

  4. Holy crap! That face of Gravely on the cover photo scared even me when I first saw it. Is he practicing his candy giving face for Halloween scaring the kids? Looks like a monster.

  5. The unfortunate reality is that the Kenosha Republicans have been dropping the ball lately. The (R)s on the county board have allowed the County become a woke, DEI-infested employer with ultra-woke Tappa running the show, largely unchecked. Kerkman has been a sorry excuse for a County Exec, dropping the ball at nearly every turn. She had the opportunity to get rid of some very woke, liberal, and opposite-of-fiscally-conservative directors, but she didn’t. She’s let these directors spend MILLIONS in excess, while she is busy smiling for the camera. She’s allowed employee turnover to skyrocket, costing the county hundreds of thousands of dollars, ignoring employees who are openly telling her how bad things have gotten, in favor of listening to her failure of a personnel director. Nedweski has been a bit of a dud- pushing Vos’ agenda as opposed to really doing some good. She fizzed out hard after her Parents Bill of Rights. She’s another one who smiles for the camera but has otherwise been a disappointment- she definitely followed right in Kerkman’s assemblywoman shoes.

    Hopefully, Solis wins. Kenosha could use some good, strong conservatives in leadership. If he wins, maybe theres hope of getting a conservative into the Executive’s office in 2026.

    1. When so many organizations are reversing and getting rid of their DEI departments, Kenosha County keeps pumping money into it.

  6. KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can you please tell us where Kenosha is keeping the illegals in town?
    I have been compiling a list of homes just based off of the campaign signs, pictures of the signs and jotting down the address.
    After the election is over I will have a sizable list of where we can send illegals to so they can get some housing, food and a place to use the wrapper. Many of these homes don’t have a gun so the illegals may be able to walk through the front door just as easily as they crossed the border.
    If having illegals here in America is OK for one party, we should be keeping tabs of what people are voting for it.

    So if you could find out where these illegals are staying I’d love to get them a list of addresses where they can go to to get out of the cold this winter.

    1. Get a clue. Kevin considers you to be a useful idiot. He is way too smart to actually want to hang out with someone as stupid as you. Trump feels the same way about the trash that worships him.

      I hate to be such a buzz-kill.

  7. Question why did the Police and Sheriff union endorse McNeill for DA? Law enforcement puts their life on the line every day dealing with career thugs with bigger guns etc. only to see cases thrown out by DA office? I sure want someone backing law and order in my corner. Union members is your life worth voting and endorsing someone who does not back you??

  8. Deep state at work. Nothing will change other than the usa falling further down the toilet. Keep dreaming because it’s only a dream.

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