Kenosha Unified School District Seeks Community Input On Operational Needs Via Survey – Referendum Likely

Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) Headquarters
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

The Kenosha Unified School District is asking all residents to participate in a referendum survey to evaluate the district’s operational needs, consider possible solutions, and contribute feedback as it plans for the future.

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Residents can take the anonymous survey online at It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and is available through Thursday, October 10.

Jeff Weiss – KUSD Superintendent
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

“While our schools are a big point of pride in our community, KUSD has financial needs stemming from the state’s inequitable funding formula and rising inflationary costs in recent years,” said KUSD Superintendent Dr. Jeffrey Weiss. “We invite our community to take our survey, learn more about our needs, and provide feedback on how we can best address these needs moving forward.”

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KUSD is facing financial challenges due to several factors largely out of the district’s control and related to the state of Wisconsin’s school funding system. The revenue limit imposed by the state has not included the expected inflationary increases over the years, which means that KUSD does not receive adequate revenue to support existing programs and services. At the same time, costs are rising across all areas of operations and unfunded mandates continue to be imposed on the district.

District leaders and the Board of Education have been examining these needs and looking at potential solutions for the community’s consideration. They will carefully review the survey results before determining next steps in this important process. This could include a possible referendum question placed on the ballot in spring 2025.

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Tremper English Teacher Suspended For 10 Days, Demoted, For Using “N” Word And “F” Word In Class

According to an English teacher’s personnel file, obtained by KCE, he used the “N” word in class and told a student “Fuck you.” Paul Mommaerts admitted to the actions, was suspended for 10 business days, and was demoted, costing him $10,000 annually. Mommaerts filed a grievance with the union, but lost. According to the Mommaert’s personnel file: Mommaerts admitted to his principal that he used a racial slur during his third period English Perspectives class. He

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Law&Crime To Premiere New Original Documentary, The Trials of Kyle Rittenhouse

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KUSD Teacher, Who Is Also A Powerful Milwaukee County Democrat Politician, Disciplined By District

Kathleen Vincent (D) is a powerful Milwaukee-area politician. She is the president of the School Board in Greendale, and she is on the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors. Her full-time job, however, is a middle school english teacher. According to public records, she has a hard time juggling the three roles and has actually been disciplined several times by the Kenosha Unified School District for doing elected duties while working for KUSD as a teacher, among

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Grooming Case Against Fired Teacher Goes To Trial – Motion To Dismiss Denied

A 29-year-old fired KUSD teacher named Christian Enwright is headed to trial on 22 counts of Disorderly Conduct for allegedly grooming a 14-year-old student. Judge Gerad Dougvillo today, denied Enwright’s attorneys’ motion to dismiss after extensive briefing and short oral arguments. Enwright is now scheduled to go to trial on April 21, 2025. He faces over four years in jail, if convicted of all counts. Enwright’s attorneys brought up a recent bill signed into law that

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Congressman Bryan Steil Endorses Xavier Solis For Kenosha County District Attorney

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Root-Pike WIN Celebrates Wisconsin Stormwater Week With Presentations Focused On Stormwater Ponds

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New Title Company Celebrates Grand Opening Friday with Ribbon-Cutting Reception

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Kenosha County DA Mike Graveley Is Rigging Election In Favor Of His Number 2: Opinion

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Jury Finds Former Wheatland Man Guilty Of Three Serious Child Sexual Assault Charges

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Kenosha Judge Rules 12-Year-Old Daughter And Passenger Of Drunk Driver Not A Victim – Reversed By Court Of Appeals

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Drug Dealer Leads Pleasant Prairie Police On Chase In Limo: Video

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Kenosha Police Captain Graduated From FBI National Academy In Quantico

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49 Responses

  1. Oh boy!
    This is your chance to let these failures and people that call themselves ‘educators’ know about the absolute shitty job they do and you won’t be supporting their efforts to steal more money from the taxpayers.
    You know why? It will never be enough money for these failures, they will come back for more. More money for all the pedophiles they hire and want to keep.
    Give them the big middle finger and tell them to move along. This goes for the school board too and that useless superintendent.

      1. As a homeschooler— no. I do not want the government funding my homeschool. Government dollars typically come with added government involvement, and right now, WI is very homeschooler-friendly.

        This is a topic that frequently comes up in homeschooling circles, the the general consensus typically ends up being NO.

        Start offering better tax incentives to traditional families. 2 parent, single-marriage, families where Dad works, Mom stays home and raises the kids. The type of family situation that sets children up to thrive & be happier & more successful.

        1. I never said government should fund homeschools. I SAID to SHUT Down the public schools and parents should homeschool. get a grip. I homeschooled too

          1. Ok, so maybe you didn’t directly say that the government should fund homeschoolers. However, it would be up to the government to shut down KUSD, and you said “Shut down KUSD and fund homeschoolers and private schools…” So, who were you then implying should do this “funding”? Because your comment is written as such that the government, who would be the only ones to shut down KUSD, should do this funding.

    1. Can we throw water bottles at them ? All jokes aside, the fact of the matter is that enrollment is declining . What’s not declining is the amount of administrative employees. But by golly , we’ll cancel football before we address the problem .
      We’ve seen this saga before, lady’s and germs. Here we go again . The answer is ; no.

      1. Not an additional Penny until they start taking out the garbage and the unnecessary positions. STEM only.
        Don’t care if they do get rid of sports, as long as they get rid of the deadwood at the same time.

  2. When schools seek out “public input” they will then come back and say “X number/percentage” of respondents say we need this or that.

    What they don’t ask is, should we spend any money at all.

    I looked at this survey. Very direct questions mostly geared towards money. Nothing I saw asking about programs or personal or administration.
    Again, a survey hiding the cause of the problems and asking for suggestions (money) to solve those problems.

    1. exactly! more wokeness in the schools. More porn in the library. More groomer teachers. less learning for the children

      1. I think people should homeschool. They set their own schedule and parents KNOW what the kids are learning and it keeps the KUSD pedifiles away from them!

        1. That’s great if you don’t work for a living, but the majority of parents work! So who is going to homeschool the majority of these kids?

        2. Not everyone is qualified to homeschool or has the required amount of time, but this is why we need more small charter schools that can make better use of the per student payments and concentrate on education basics.

          1. Question a system that has parents so poorly educated, that there is a belief they aren’t qualified to educate their own children. Instead, they send them through the same system that left them poorly educated.

            Homeschooling doesn’t require you to have a vast amount of knowledge about every single subject. Homeschooling requires that a parent be willing to learn right along with their child, from time to time.

          2. Qualified to homeschool?? Funny, most parents are more qualified and less creepy, perverse and less political than “teachers”.

  3. This will not change anything, since referendums
    are not worth the paper they’re printed on.
    Except maybe to give those in charge an opportunity to
    show false results that reflect how they want
    their gravy train to be paid for.

    More money for even more dismal results.

  4. More money for ALL there failures? If they want to save money all they need to do is look inside KUSD palace. Vote AGAINST higher taxes plus there are fewer students in schools!

  5. Kevin can you add the salaries of the top 50 KUSD to the story so we can see where our money is going? Thanks for keeping us informed!

  6. Too many overpaid administrators get rid of that huge building that sucks up all the tax money do background checks on these pedophiles that you hire.

    1. Brandon, the sad truth is that most of these pedophiles don’t have a record when they do the background checks. If they are like KUSD, they let them resign, so they don’t have to fire them and nothing goes in their personnel files!! It’s the best way to hide their dirty secret!!

    2. I’m sure the community is more than willing to pay more in taxes to support the “Leadership Chief” salary as well because every incompetent leader needs a real “Leadership Chief” at their side as well.

  7. Superintendent Weiss has failed to keep our kids safe from the sexual predators that they hired! Thats should be his number 1 priority to KUSD and the entire community! KUSD shouldn’t receive another dime from any of us until he steps down!

  8. The third Friday count showed a decline in enrollment of 358 (at $15,000 each student) for a savings of $5,370,000. Simply put they are educating 4000 less students ($60 million) than in 2017. Why would they need more money to educate less? A drop of 358 students would mean Ruether and Hillcrest could be closed easily, and probably an elementary school. The drop next year will be similar or higher because the largest class in the system is this year’s senior class. The public school system is imploding due to birth rates and abortions. The only way to survive as currently structured is illegal immigrants.

    1. Bingo! Democrats not only want illegal aliens to boost up their voter base, but they also want them to fill up empty public schools to keep tax rates at higher levels to justify spending. Damn anyone who dare speaks the truth about the Democrats scheme to destroy America from within.

  9. Public school referendums piled on top of existing school tax levy limits.
    Wonder what the tipping point is for a community like Kenosha where property taxes, inflation, increased cost of living results in fixed income homeowners becoming….homeless?

    Obviously KUSD and it’s employees don’t really give two shits.

    1. Don’t worry, Democrats voters get more section 8 housing every time housing costs go up, so they don’t care.

      Unexpected inflation? You mean the money printing for the Ukraine Scam and the
      “Inflation Reduction Act”, formlery known as the Green New Deal was not expected?

      How about you put all the stupid kids in a gym (lcage) with some cops, 1/2 can watch Tik Tok on their phones and 1/2 can play basketball and brawl, since that is what they do anyway.

      Let the smart kids learn. F your property takes and referendums, all kids need to learn is a pencil, some paper, and halfway intelligent teacher.

  10. Remove them all and start from scratch. They have more power than was intended. Some of the big shots should take pay cuts and maybe they can actually pay the teachers.

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