Hello KCE readers! 2025 is going to be an exciting year for all of us. Later this year, we will celebrate our 5th anniversary. KCE is now consistently seeing between 200,000 and 300,000 viewers every single month. KCE is undoubtedly the largest source of News in this county. What started as a part-time volunteer website to get important info out to the public, has transformed into a bonafide news website. KCE has been credentialed as a news agency in every Circuit Court County that we’ve requested – Kenosha, Racine, Walworth, Milwaukee, and Brown.
People who agree with me most of the time, read my site. People who agree with me sometimes, and sometimes not, also read my site. People who hate me? Guess what. They read my site. How do I know? Because they admit so on their social media sites.
Why? Because I do something no one else does. I cover the news that you want to know about, but no one else will tell you about. Certainly, not the Kenosha News. The Kenosha News is no more than a political organization. They are on life support and I anticipate that one day, in the not too-distant future, the Kenosha News will be digital-only, or closed forever. We have West of the I. Hillock never wades into politics, crime or anything newsworthy. It’s a community bulletin board, nothing more. Kenosha.com is a great place to read positive news. We try to print positive news, but that isn’t always the most popular. We still do so, however.
Where I succeed, is by informing you of the things that are happening that affect you most – crime, corruption, and misconduct. I print press releases and op-eds most of the time I get them. In 2025 I will be doing big, new things. I will be adding additional authors and areas of the news to cover.
KCE is currently monetized in two ways. One – we have a contract with Google. They pay me per click on my website. This is a significant portion of our revenue. Two – in-story and leaderboard ads. The in-story ads are visible on each and every story, no matter how old. The leaderboard ad is now being paid for by Congressman Steil’s office, but it opens up from time to time. It’s visible from EVERY page on the site. The in-story ads are $150 per month and the leaderboard ad is $250 per month. You can reach 200,000 to 300,000 people every month for a small investment of $150. Don’t have a graphic, we can design you one for $25-$75 depending on how demanding. We have a graphic designer for that.
That’s a great deal. Click here for more.

We now have a third area – KCE’s business directory. Click above to see it. This is a NEW option to get hundreds of thousands of eyeballs on your business, brand, political campaign, or more. This is a good value, at $50 per month. If you have an in-story or leaderboard ad, you will be included in the business directory automatically at no additional charge.
Are you a business owner that wants more business? You can advertise on KCE and increase exposure – big time. I’ve never been a good salesman. I don’t like asking people for money. So now I’ve got someone for that. In the next couple of months, postcards are being sent to most Kenosha area businesses with information on how to advertise. You will receive calls from a salesperson.
I’m controversial so some people don’t want to be associated with the controversy. Guess what – see above. Even the people who don’t like me read what I have to say. Where else will they read about it? People have tried to “boycott” my advertisers. It didn’t work. It never will. Business people want the most exposure. It’s about the numbers.
You can always email me at kevin@kenoshacountyeye.com or call me at 262-237-8501 to place an ad. You will be helping grow your business, and helping KCE by allowing us to increase the amount of information we can get to you. One day, in the not-too-distant future, KCE might just be the ONLY source of news in Kenosha County. Get on board while you can. There will be many more ads on our stories but that is how I am going to keep KCE free. KCE is and always will be FREE. We will never have a paywall and will never charge for subscriptions.
The transformation begins in 2025. Be apart of it.
44 Responses
Way to go!
Congratulations, and well done, Kevin!
….. for explaining how you are able to do what you do. I’m sure there are hundreds if not thousands of people that read you everyday that wonder “how does Kevin do what he does and not charge us ?”
Now we know !
But there is another way Kevin is able to do what he does. On the bottom of every story is a donation button. For those of you like me who totally skip the adds and don’t have a business to advertise but want to “pay for the value I receive” you can every once in a while, press that button and throw a few bucks at KCE !
Kevin burns a lot of shoe leather doing this job. Also meals away from home. Gas to get to all these meetings he goes to not only cover the stories but to take the multitude of photos so we too can share in the event !
So Thank You Kevin for being who you are and where you are because as you said, “ We are not getting this kind of news anywhere else. “
And looking around it doesn’t seem like anybody else is up for the challenge.
So in this time in our Country’s governance and change because So Much is being brought out onto the light and then corrected, let’s continue to support this Man who has done more in just 5 years to effect change in this County then anyone else anytime in the last 20 years !!
Congratulations Kevin !
Let us know where and when’s the party !
Kenosha county eye put the light on my family when the village of Bristol tried to keep it under wraps!!!!!!! No other news outlet would tell the story!!! I’ll support and be proud to.
Expose the corruption Pleasant Prairie. Thank you for your news.
We need to vote for Eric
YES!!!! It’s time for Steinbrink to go play on his little farm!!
Guess who is LARGEST land owner in unpleasant prairie???
Important Unpleasant Prairie election coming up in February and April. A chance to elect a Village President who isn’t part of the corruption. Kevin please do a story on the villages candidates.
Awesome to hear Kevin! You are a necessary resource to our area. I wish you all the best success! I know you will continue to bring the truth forward, and for that, our community is grateful. Your dedication to honesty and transparency is exactly what we need to keep moving forward together. Keep up the incredible work, and know that your efforts don’t go unnoticed!
Thank you madam president!
wish we had this resource looking into the shenanigans in Madison.
And Racine.
My radar tells me there is more shady going ons than Kenosha.
And Salem Lakes. Overspending
….because it was Kevin that exposed the corruption in Salem.
But if you are referring to “current” over spending let’s set the record straight.
This board because of their hire of administrator Cassandra Hiller has found and saved multiple times more waste in spending than her salary is. She has paid for herself just there. And some of those savings continue year after year not just one time.
As for the new spending let’s not forget the responsibilities this relatively “New” Village has.
Going from being a Town to a Village back in 2017 requires increases in the many levels of responsibility and services to the residents. The old board just didn’t understand that. (Though we thank them for getting us from being a Town to a Village)
This administration along with the Department heads including Fire and Highways needed total reviews and in the case of the Fire Department, a dedicated new investment in facilities and personnel.
I don’t want to confuse this post which is to thank Kevin for what he’s done for the county as a whole but we here in Salem can count him as one of the main reasons we are on a path of prosperity, honesty and transparency.
Attend a Village meeting every now and then. Watch. Speak if you want. But don’t say this village is spending Willy Nilly. They are not.
Again, Thank You Kevin !!!
Kevin is an invaluable resource that doesn’t exist anymore in journalism. Everyone that reads this local new feed should support KCE in one way or another. How would you know about all the news regarding serious issues in our society? There is NO other local news source that even try’s to protect you like Kevin. KCE is the bomb.
The amount of light you have shed on the band of pedophiles working for KUSD. Has been a God sent for the community. With out KCE most of , if not all of the of those cases. Would not have been ran in KN . Thank you for continuing to expose the corruption !
Congratulations Kevin!!! This is awesome 👏🥳
Vote no on kusd! Keep posting that!!!!
Kick ass!you the man!
Thank you for providing unvarnished coverage of the important local news stories which go largely unreported by the other outlets.
KCE is outstanding.
I have been following KCE for a year now. I have found out about so much corruption in our court system with certain judges, DA’s, lawyers, and our school board etc… If I relied on the Kenosha News, which I don’t, I would of never found out what really goes on in this city! Thanks Kevin for all your hard work and information!
KCE is already the only reliable news source in Kenosha County. Sad but true. Thanks, Kevin!
KCE has been a game changer and has become the primary news source for Kenosha County.
Hopefully the day will come when ‘County Eye’ becomes a reality all over Wisconsin!
There are also a lot of people from Lake County Il who are aware of this site.People on NextDoor do mention you quite often(positive).
Awesome Kevin! You rock!
Kevin congratulations KCE is more informing you get it the truth better than this Ktown news that’s a liberal leaning rag that I never read and I will support your articles for the donations. Keep up the good work, sir.
KCE is the only honest and trustworthy news company to bring us the real news. Kevin brings us what other news companies don’t want us to know. Things that truly matter to those living in the wider Kenosha area. Thank you Kevin, for what you do and all you do!
Been a long time coming congratulations, you sir are a breath of fresh air
Congratulations, Kevin!! If it wasn’t for you and KCE, a lot of us residents wouldn’t have any idea of what is happening all around us!
Thank YOU for exposing all the corruption, grooming, embezzlement, and so much more!!! Keep on doing a great job, as it is greatly appreciated!!
Way to go Kevin! This is awesome new!
We are lucky to have you!!
This is great news Kevin ! I really enjoy KCE.
The comments section is very good as well .
People have a lot of knowledge. Although I appreciate the need for anonymity in certain cases , the posts by “anonymous” can be a tad tedious, especially when you have two of them bantering back and forth . Keep up the great work , and thanks for letting us know what’s going on behind the curtain.
Because it allows for Unfettered discourse from all sorts of “Smart” people who just don’t need others to call them out in their neighborhoods or out in public because they just can’t wrap their heads around the truth.
The Kenosha News years ago stopped allowing anonymous letters to the editor. I’m sure they had their reasons but it stopped a lot of “interesting” view points.
The day I worry about a neighbor or being “called out”.
People need to make sure they take their newborns to the DR. to make sure that their balls dropped.
2 more RCI supervisors are suspended pending and 1 is under IA investigation for a total of 3 sups at good ol RCI. Please check in to the mass corruption the DOC is hiding at RCI
I don’t always agree with what I see as your biased stance on things (we all have biases), but I come here for local news because I know you will highlight interesting and important things that no other news org will even dare touch. I am glad that you are doing well and expanding.
This comment is biased
Thanks Kevin for all you do.
Congratulations! I enjoy reading true news! I canceled Kenosha newspaper many years ago because I was tired of the fake news. I’m sure it must be hard at times to hear comments of people who use such foul language because they don’t know any other way to express themselves or they’re just angry that you publish true news. Misery likes company. Keep up the good work! I look forward to the many true news articles for the coming year!
I canceled my subsription as well . Over the years I wrote many letters to the Voice of the People column. Always from the conservative point of view . Some of the now retired editors respected my thoughts . More recently less so . Every now and then I’ll read Kenosha News when I’m at the library. My decision to cancel is always reinforced.
Kevin & KCE have exposed Kenosha County corruption we would not have know in part because the Kenosha News no longer purveys the Truth that Law Abiding Citizens demand to hear. Best wishes for Kevin’s focus on exposing corruption and promoting Truth.
Truth to Power. Thanks KM
Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed KCE, probably since you started it. I worked with your Mom and I can say that she would be so proud of you.