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Cunnilingus, The Communist Manifesto, and Sex Work : Second Social Media Account Of School Board Candidate Discovered

KUSD School Board Candidate Samuel Roochnik (aka Samnik Roochuel)
(Source: Facebook)

***Updated on 4/4/2022 @ 1:44pm to add interview audio recording (Recorded by Roochnik)***

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Next week, KUSD Taxpayers will be selecting three candidates to become board members for the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD). One candidate, Samuel Roochnik is a Marine Corp Veteran, former teacher at Indian Trial, and a KUSD parent. As a candidate, Roochnik has seemingly portrayed himself as more of a “middle of the road” candidate, but some members of the community who discovered a second Facebook account for Roochnik disagree.

Numerous members of the community pointed KCE toward a Facebook account entitled “Samnik Roochuel.” It’s Roochnik’s name with the letters out of order.

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As of today, the page has been de-activated, but not before the screen shots came pouring in from people who described the content of the page as “extreme” and “un-American.”

Roochnik told us this account was made separate from his personal account that he uses to share photos of him and his family. It was a page for all sides of the political spectrum. He told us he lost the password and only recently figured out how to take the page down.

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One post talked about the health benefits of “eating pussy.” In several posts, Roochnik opines about making “sex work” legal, writing:

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“Sex work is real work. And it’s good work. And it should be respected as much as any other profession. I stand by strippers, cam girls and guys, prostitutes and openly sexual people of all genders, races and status (sic). Without these people doing what they do, the world could be a more sexually aggressive place than it already is. Be glad there are people out there doing this work. It’s harder than you think and doing more good than you know. #sexworkisrealwork”

Bob Tierney, KUSD Parent and Taxpayer

Roochnik was happy to talk to KCE about all of the posts that are being scrutinized. He told us that legalizing and regulating sex work would make it safer and there would be less abuse. When asked about the sexual posts, Kenosha County resident Bob Tierney disagreed with Roochnik, telling KCE “Any [school board] candidate who supports sex work shouldn’t be allowed near children. A candidate who openly speaks about oral sex should probably be seeking professional help instead of votes.”

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Another one of Roochnik’s posts links to an article about a drag queen reading to children and some commentary seemingly saying he supports it.

Communist Manifesto

Roochnik published a very long post analyzing the “Communist Manifesto” after he had finished reading it. He talked about how most of it wouldn’t work in today’s society but cited some things that he “loves” about “the communists.”

Tierney, a fellow veteran told KCE “I think anyone who supports communism in America is the enemy.”


Roochink told a story in a post that detailed an incident when he saw a police officer talking with a civilian. He said he and another person pulled over and watched to make sure there was no “police brutality,” noting that the chances were slim. He said he felt proud of his city that people watch police interact with civilians to make sure there is no aggression from law enforcement.


Roochnik received virtually all of the major democratic endorsements including:

Roochnik was very open to discussing each of the above controversial posts and admitted that some of the posts he may have kept to himself if he knew he would one day run for political office. He said he follows both the left and right on social media and likes to hear from all sides. He was able to articulate his reasoning behind the posts he made.

Next Tuesday, April 5, 2022 is the KUSD School Board Election.

***Here is the phone audio that Roochnik recorded and shared***



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Update: Kenosha Police Locate, Arrest Bank Robbery Suspect – Was Recently Paroled For Similar Crimes

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Kenosha Mayor, City Council, Allow AFL-CIO To Hold Annual Labor Fest At No Cost For City Resources

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27 Responses

  1. Again as someone pointed out before. Look at his endorsements and then look at 2 candidates who have been going at it with others regarding content and their opinions. Where in this case there is proof in the pudding. Let’s see if them candidates back track or if they actually have the political courage to do what’s right and call this weirdo out, but again it’s all for a spot do continue to do nothing.

  2. His lack of judgement in posting stuff like this, mainly the sexual in nature items as a teacher during that time, shows that he makes decisions based on here and now. Not someone who looks ahead to see how their current actions/thoughts could cause issues in the future. With that said, we all make mistakes. Unfortunately this guy has backtracked on his thoughts on certain topics a couple of times during his campaign. He is reactive not proactive. We don’t need more of the same type of people the board. That is how the majority of the current board operates.

    1. This is exactly the issue, I think. I’m not going to touch that dumpster fire of his views or posts, but it’s clear this guy can’t think ahead past here and now. A lot had probably changed since I was a kid in school, but we were not taught to regurgitate answers for a test, we were taught to think for ourselves, to draw conclusions, and I really don’t think that someone who can’t see past here and now has any business teaching any kids anything. This hedonism, this “Live in this moment, who cares about the future” mentality is why so many young people end up in prison or without meaningful employment. It’s why young people riot and destroy their own towns when they’re upset over something. Young people need to be taught to think ahead, to make rough plans for the future, refine them as they go. Otherwise society is pretty much doomed.

  3. Roochuel-Roochnik is not the kind of person to be near or around children. It’s extremely sad that KUSD would employ someone with these beyond vulgar credentials. Does KUSD not have a mechanism to do a background check and weed out predators like him?
    So now that R-R is moving up the political ambition ladder to KUSD Board candidate, how about the local Democrat Party and affiliated Labor Unions take their endorsements with utmost seriousness and vet these endorsements rather than just passing them out to their good ole boy network of associates.
    Speaking of Labor Unions, isn’t anyone questioning their past rounds of political endorsements?
    The Biden Harris ticket, what a bunch of worthless & dangerous clowns leading our country.
    How about the reckless “Vote Blue-No Matter Who” slogan?
    How well is that working out right now for working families and retiree, fixed income families?
    Looks like Labor’s endorsed candidates are doing a knock-out job of willfully diminishing the pensions they once so proudly negotiated for.
    But, oh yea! Union leaders doing a great job all masked up so you can’t see they’re lying lips moving!

  4. WOW! I am flabbergasted and disgusted after reading this information. I’m so glad I saw this before I sent in my absentee ballot. Kevin, thank you for keeping us informed.

  5. i am flabbergasted & flummoxed. kenosha appears to be a magnet for these types of folks. so very glad this fellow was found out before election. keep up the good work kevin, thank goodness kenosha has you.

  6. This man works at a daycare with young children. Should someone like this be around children? I would be pulling my kids out of that daycare ASAP.

      1. Hopefully parents are pulling their kids out— I certainly wouldn’t trust my children with someone like this guy. Seriously deranged.

    1. I posted the article on this guy’s campaign website and he incessantly tried to contact me through facebook. He also called the police because the article had the c word in it. He obviously does not respect or understand the first amendment and therefore has no business being on any board anywhere or in any government service. His morally corrupt thinking is disgusting

  7. You all get your panties out of a bunch. He didn’t say anything that hasn’t been brought to the table other places around the country. You think people don’t have lives outside of the classrooms or outside of those KUSD School Board chairs? This simplistic, untra-righteous bullshit needs to go. Let’s not all act like there aren’t things you don’t want plastered all over the internet. A bunch of fucking hypocrites.

    1. anonymous- you are a pussy too- too scaredy cat to put your real name. i post my real name and real email because i am not ashamed of my values and morals and i am proud to be a registered republican, i will say it to your face what i type- actually i drove to kenosha from florida on my dime to say and do what i could to get paul nehlan elected to beat rino paul ryan ( once there the campaign paid my hotel/food/transportation)- but i hid behind nothing. you should be ashamed of yourself being such a coward. and if you see nothing wrong with samuel roochnik- then you are just as disturbed as he is- yall are both bless your heart candidates.

      1. the above post was mine- i own it- i was in such a tizzy typing and scolding anonymous that i forgot to fill in my name

      2. You are such a sad, sad man. There is nothing wrong with Samuel Roochnik. The word “pussy” was never typed. Got something inhabiting that subconscious of yours? This is laughable. I feel so scolded.

        1. I mean….he has shitty Arabic tattoos……not surprised the last word seems to spell Jag in English. He definitely seems like a Jag…

        2. ROOCHNIK is a disgusting piece of filth and should never be allowed near children. Those of you wanting this pig in office must want your children exposed to sodomy, and trans garbage. It used to be that school was for learning.

    2. Nah, dude it doesn’t work that way. When you are a teacher or running for a public seat, what you say and do in public will be scrutinized. You can have your opinion but certain things shouldn’t be shared on a publicly on social media, it is called having decorum.

  8. Why are we on a race to the bottom? Why are we trying to out bad each other? Why aren’t we trying to better ourselves and our lives? How is this guy as a teacher? I’m assuming a police background check was done because as a substitute teacher it was required of me. Really lowering the bar for humanity and look he isn’t even clothed. Very sad, people.

  9. This is why there should be outside oversight in the classrooms. To see and hear what actually goes on. Maybe we can have cameras to make sure teachers aren’t telling students about the joys and benefits of prostitution, and how they should consider prostitution for work. Cameras seem to be beneficial for police, why not teachers?

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