There is a new exhibit at the Kenosha Civil War Museum. It praises the “Black Lives Matter” movement and is titled “The 21st Century Struggle For Social Justice”. Photos of the exhibits are circulating on social media, mainly from folks that are upset about them. Many of the people who burned down buildings, and attacked innocent residents were doing so in the name of BLM or Antifa. This seems to some that the museum is pouring salt on a still-fresh wound.

Peggy Gregorski (D) was recently named Interim Director of the Kenosha Museums. She has been on the job for 5 days. We reached out to her to ask her three questions:
- Why do you find this appropriate?
- What does this have to do with the Civil War?
- Do you think it’s insensitive to those of us who lost property or were injured by this group you are praising?
Mayor John Antaramian (D) was included on the email request for response. We have not heard back from either.
A cursory review of Ms. Gregorski’s Facebook pages tells us that she is a left-wing social justice warrior. Her page is riddled with anti-trump posts, pro-DACA profile photos and other liberal content.
This isn’t the first time Kenosha tax-dollars have gone to far-left partisan causes. Last year, the Kenosha Library Director, Barbara Brattin (D) started a “Social Justice” book club, but would not allow a “Making America Great Again” book club to be started.
Should tax-dollars go to these partisan radical movements?