Gaige Grosskreutz was in court today in his second DWI criminal case. He was present in court virtually for his initial appearance. Milwaukee County Court Commissioner Maria Dorsey gave Grosskreutz a $2,500 personal recognizance bond, meaning he doesn’t have to post a cash bail.
Attorney Leah Thomas started her comments today by telling the court commissioner that “This is a unique case”. She then goes on to tell the court that her client’s address has been sealed by the Judge. The news media does not have access to these documents, but it is assumed that Grosskreutz asked the Judge to seal his address because he is in fear for his life. This is probably due to him pulling a gun on a 17-year-old-at-the-time Kyle Rittenhouse. Unfortunately for Grosskreutz (and his shooting arm), Kyle outdrew Grosskreutz and shot him first.
The criminal complaint is below and it very much looks like a slam-dunk OWI. On October 6, 2020, Grosskreutz was pulled over by Officer Lazaris of the West Allis Police for failure to use his turn signal. The officer spoke to Grosskreutz and smelled alcohol on his breath. He also had red, glassy eyes and slurred speech. West Allis has body-cams which would confirm this. Grosskreutz was not cooperative with police and refused to participate in any of the Field Sobriety tests. Police brought him to the hospital and drew his blood. It tested at .212 g/100mL of ethanol, almost 3 times the legal limit in Wisconsin.
Again, it seems to us like a common DWI arrest. We asked Gaige’s attorney Leah Thomas what she meant be “unique case” and this is what she told us, in part:
“The statement you are asking about has been taken out of context….To clarify, the Commissioner asked whether Mr. Grosskreutz’s address on the criminal complaint was correct, to which I responded that it was unique because his address is redacted from the court record, including CCAP. There is no other inference that can be drawn from that exchange with the Court, which you can verify on the video of the hearing posted to your YouTube page. Mr. Grosskreutz is not seeking any special treatment, nor has he received any, as evidenced by his prosecution for the OWI second offense.”
The commissioner ordered Grosskreutz to absolute sobriety, meaning if caught drinking, even a small amount, he would be charges with bail-jumping. Grosskreutz’s attorney did say that he was in active alcohol treatment.
Grosskreutz has been arrested many times before, both as a juvenile and as an adult. Read more about his record here.
He is expected in court again on March 3, 2021.

5 Responses
LOL, yeah OK, Leah…..
Let me translate for those of you without a legal education. This was a very sly attempt from his attorney to make it known to the commissioner (I’m sure the commissioner already knew) that her client was one of the people who was shot during the riots in order to garner sympathy in the case.
Smart legal move on her part….but those with a legal education know that exchange wasn’t as innocent as she made it to be.
Just telling you now….don’t be surprised if this case goes away or gets plea bargained down once his excuse for drinking was that he was shot and has been depressed.
Grosskreutz is a menace and danger to a civilized society.
He is a criminal who belongs in prison.
Wondering if Grosskreutz’s CCW permit has been revoked?
Kenosha County District Attorney Gravely, ADA’s Binger and Zapf continue to shield Grosskreutz from prosecution for criminal acts in Kenosha county.
And how about printing Attorney Binger’s domestic abuse report?
Grosskreutz was depressed he lost his girlfriend that night a year ago. And he can’t use his other hand because it’s his right one.
It’s recognizance not reconnaissance
Thank you. Corrected