This article has been edited since its original publication.
The Kenosha County Eye is the first media outlet to receive a copy of the investigative police report of Randy Volar. **Warning, this article contains extremely graphic details and shouldn’t be viewed by anyone under 18**
15 Year Old Girl Calls 9-1-1
On February 12, 2018, a 15-year-old girl, KW, called 9-1-1 just after midnight. She told dispatchers that she was given drugs by a man who was trying to kill her. Police noted that the young girl was acting like she was indeed under the influence of one or more drugs. KW was wearing an unzipped coat and a blue bra with no shirt. She told the two KPD officers that Volar gave her marijuana and alcohol but today, he gave her LSD. She was having a bad trip and called 9-1-1 inside the home. After learning that she called the police, she said he stated he was going to grab a gun. KW ran outside and down the road where police picked her up. Later, at the police department, she told police a lot about Volar. She spent a lot of time at his house because she knew “she was wanted” there. Volar had an affinity for younger girls, which she thought was “weird”. He met girls on “tagged” and “backpage”. She said Volar had numerous videos in his home of him having sex with children. KW had a juvenile warrant out of Milwaukee, which she was arrested for.
Detective’s Interview of KW at Milwaukee County Detention Center
On February 21, 2018, KPD Detective May was assigned to investigate this case as there were allegations of child sexual abuse and child pornography. He drove to Milwaukee to interview KW again. This time, she gave police large amount of information about Volar. KW met Volar at Juneteenth Festival in Milwaukee when she was 14 years-old. Randy paid her $250 for a night of sex. KW described numerous occasions when she was paid to have sex with Volar. KW and Volar talked about her young age. He knew she was 14 and she told him to find girls “his own age.” He told her that he liked to have sex with younger girls because their p***** (female genitals) were nice and tight” and that “older girls’ p****** (female genitals) were worn out and too loose.” KW said that every time they had sex, Volar filmed it on his cell phone. He would later show these videos to her along with videos of him having sex with other underage girls. KW told the detective that Volar had a sizeable amount of money, $200,000 in the bank that he earned from trading Bitcoin. KW said that Volar even took her to meet his mother at dinner when she was 14 or 15. At that time, KW told Detective May that Volar was having a sexual relationship with a 17 year-old girl assumed to be Chrystul Kizer. The detective then asked KW to give him details about the inside of Volar’s residence in Kenosha, which she did in great detail.
Search Warrant Executed at 7732 14th Ave
The next day, armed with all of this new information, Kenosha Police detectives asked the court for a search warrant of Volar’s home and vehicle. It was signed that same day. About seven KPD officers drove to Volar’s residence for a knock and announce search warrant. Police knocked and announced, but Volar didn’t come to the door. The door was breached with a ram. Volar was inside and taken into custody. During the search that lasted more than an hour, Volar was very vocal and concerned about getting the password for access to his massive amount of bitcoin. Volar agreed and then changed his mind to speak with police a few times.
Kenosha District Attorney Refused To Charge Volar
KPD recovered dozens of hard drives, thumb drives, SD cards and DVD’s, containing dozens and dozens of videos and photos containing child pornography, many of them home-made by the defendant participating in the sex. 16 of these pornographic videos were already in the NCMEC (National Center For Missing and Exploited Children) database and identified as confirmed child pornography videos. 6 of the videos had identified victims. There were HUNDREDS of videos containing child pornography found in Volar’s home. They also found needles and drugs. KPD Detective May released Volar on a Summons and Complaint. It is unknown if he had contact with the DA’s office in February of 2018. KPD later stated their case to charge him with 5 felony sex crimes. With a treasure trove of evidence Michael Graveley’s office NEVER charged Volar with any crime.
The Evidence (Graphic Content)
- Video of Volar and unknown black female who appears to be mid-teens wearing a pink bra and panties, they get naked and have oral and vaginal sex in Volar’s home.
- Video shows Volar video taping himself while holding his phone in what appears to be his bedroom while a female black girl who appears to be 12-14 old gave him oral sex.
- Second video of same girl from #2 on bed having vaginal sex and her giving him oral sex.
- Third video of the same girl giving him oral sex and vaginal sex
- Fourth video of the same girl having sex “doggy style” and he commented that she was on her period as he had blood on his penis.
- Video of Volar and KW (14 or 15-years-old) having oral sex, there is a “fruit roll-up” around his penis.
- Second video of Volar and KW having oral sex.
- Video of female black in her mid teens having vaginal sex and oral sex with Volar.
- Video of another female black in her mid teens with pink hair having vaginal and oral sex with Volar.
- Video of another female black, this one in her early teens, having oral and vaginal sex with Volar. Volar comments in the video about how “fresh” and “tight” her vagina is.
- Video of female black referred to as “Chrystul” (possibly Kizer) giving Volar oral sex.
- Video of female black 13 or 14 giving Volar oral sex.
- Various DVD’s with 16 child pornography videos.
- 128 GB USB drive with numerous home videos of Volar having sex with teenage girls, most 14-17 years old.
- Western Digital hard drive with HUNDREDS of videos of child pornography involving girls that appear to be between 12 and 16. The description of these videos is too graphic to post here. They are in the report linked below.
Volar was accused of committing some terrible and unthinkable crimes. The evidence was abundant. Each conviction for child pornography carried a minimum sentence of 3 years in prison. He was easily facing life in prison. Many precious days passed from when the DA was asked to charge Volar, to when he was murdered by one of his trafficked victims, Chrystul Kizer. Why did Graveley allow all this time to pass with no action?
Graveley told the Kenosha News:
Graveley said that prosecutor “followed up with the police department, saying the case was not yet ready for charging” and gave police a request for additional information.
“The follow-up arrived on our office on June 5” — the same day Volar’s body was discovered.
“I suspect that Volar would have been charged that day or the day after,” Graveley said.
We don’t believe Graveley. He has egg on his face again. Now, one person is dead and another is facing life in prison because of his office’s incompetence. This isn’t the first time that his office may be responsible for a death due to inaction. Graveley has now been elected twice without an opponent. Will someone come forward to challenge Graveley for our community?
Kizer’s attorney Jennifer Bias didn’t respond to our request for comment and, of course, neither did Mike Graveley.
Click here to read the entire report. Please remember, it is extremely upsetting and graphic.
***This article has been updated to correct an ambiguous statement in Detective May’s report. He wrote on 2/23/2018 “he (Volar) was charged with the following…” We believe this was a clerical mistake and he meant to write, “booked” for the following. We originally wrote that the DA’s office told May to release Volar, but we now know May released Volar on his own. If he was indeed charged, as the report states, the DA must have made the call to release him. “102 days” was removed because we don’t know exactly when the DA was notified of this case. Kenosha Police wanted to make sure the record was clear and we thank them for following up.***
17 Responses
Sounds like the real monster is DA Mike Gravely. He seemingly has acquired a reputation for having sympathy for criminals and Marxist organization BLM.
Has he forgotten how to stand up for Law & Order, Punish the Wicked & Reward the Righteous?
Looks as though he’s become like one of the many Washington DC Democrats.
Possibly different opinions, but I watched the entire Juga trial and feel gravely and the assistant did an outstanding job for that case
Gravely is definitely a good trial prosecutor. In the juga case I think we are all unified that Martice Fuller is living scum and needs to be put away forever. Gravely isn’t 100% bad but he certainly makes very bad decisions pretty often. There is no doubt about that. We have a problem with his bias in other cases.
I mean, how hard is it not to screw up a trial where the guy confessed to several people and had family members try to contact jurors?
A kid fresh out of law school could have prosecuted that case.
That is true. But if you watched, it didn’t stop them from getting every detail. It was a closed case obviously, but they still ensured justice.
Agreed, important thing is that clown is in prison.
What a stunning article. There was certainly probable cause to initially charge at least one felony while the investigation continued. This would have put this monster under bond restrictions, at least. Instead, he was free to continue committing these heinous crimes, which were only one tiny notch below homicide.
I can’t help but think how the District Attorney would have been handled differently if the suspect was a black guy and the videos showed him having sex with teen aged white girls. I can not fathom the idea that the black guy would not have been in custody while the investigation continued,
People need to question how and why this happened. It is an outrage.
So which is it? Is he a BLm supporter or not? But way too bring race into an article. So
Sick of the race card. Smh. Grow the fuck up
One of the problems with racist white people is they don’t understand that there is such a thing as institutional racism. As someone who is very familiar with how the real world works, yes it is true that race may have played a role in this. It is also likely that those involved are unaware of their bias. It is sad but true.
Also, You show your lack of intelligence with your unwarranted use of profanity.
Lots of intelligent people use profanity because we can. You have a lot of stupid posts on here….
Yes. Claiming racism at every case only shows ur blatant racism. It’s easy to use big words and cry racism when racism didn’t exist. You prolly call Kyle a racist for shooting 3 white people to right? Wrong is wrong and right is right. Quit being a racist and crying racist. Makes u a racist. Oh. And your a idiot I’m not even white. See how you cried with the “racist white “ and I’m not even white? Psssssst your bias racism is showing
You should have done the ethical thing and redacted the juvenile’s name in the affidavit of the file you linked, you included the email showing it was supposed to be sealed