Last night at about 11:00pm, three extremist protestors were arrested and charged with misdemeanor counts of disorderly conduct, according to Sheriff’s Department Sgt. Markowski. The three were part of a larger group of people that are demanding Kenosha Police Officer Rusten Sheskey be fired, even after being cleared by police and prosecutors. The three were blocking access in or out of the public safety building. This building houses the Kenosha Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, records department, and the downtown jail. It is open 24 hours a day. The three arrested were extremist “pastor” Jonathan Barker (D), former Somers Trustee and County Board Supervisor Joe Cardinali (D), and Uncle of Jacob Blake – Justin Blake (D). The group was accompanied by failed Alderman candidate Tanya McLean (D) and BLM violence inciter Whitney Cabal (D), aka Billy Violent. Sgt. Pittsley of the Sheriff’s Department gave the disorderly bunch many warnings to move and allow access in and out of the building. He warned them that they would be arrested if they didn’t move. They didn’t.
Jonathan Barker

Barker calls himself the pastor of Grace Lutheran in Kenosha. He takes heat from other christian leaders because of his extreme views. His church condones and encourages things other Christian churches do not, like homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, and more. He often says that “Jesus would support the ‘Green New Deal.’ ” He recently participated in a hunger strike with County Supervisor Andy Berg (D). Although adored by the far-left, he’s generally not taken seriously by most folks.
Joseph “Joe” Cardinali

Joseph “Joe” Cardinali (D) is a former Village of Somers Trustee and County Board Supervisor. He took a break from politics after being hit with two harassment restraining orders from different women, that were both later dismissed. Seems Joe is back in the political arena. He can frequently be seen holding up his fist and donning BLM clothing.
Justin Blake

Justin Blake (D) is the uncle of Jacob Blake, the man accused and convicted of assaulting his child’s mother. He was shot by Kenosha Police after reaching for a knife. He has recently been in front of the camera frequently.
According to Kenosha Sheriff’s Department Sgt. Markunas, all three men were booked into the Kenosha County Jail pending state criminal charges of disorderly conduct. Justin Blake was booked into the jail as John Doe as he refused to provide corrections officers with his name, which is a violation of the law. He is also being charged with obstructing an officer because of this. BLM sympathizer Michael Graveley will have the final say as to if the charges will proceed or not. He has the authority to charge them as non-criminal citations, and that seems likely. He once wrote a letter of merit for Joe Cardinali, so it’s likely he will give his buddy a pass. Let’s watch carefully to see what happens next. Watch the encounter below.

16 Responses
Joe cardnilli is the biggest hypocrite out there. Many pics of him being a proud republican, chanting trump, calling out democratic politicians. Seems to me he hood on anything that is in style or season to be relevant. Nothing but a failed member and a loud mouth. He complains about cops and KSD, but will be quick to call them if he is “scared”. Haha. He is something
“Holds onto anything “ not hood
Just because someone has the Title of “Pastor” doesn’t make them a messenger of God’s Word.
The video of the unfortunate shooting is clear. Jacob Blake is responsible for his own situation and the police officer is only guilty of correctly doing a job he was TRAINED to do.
Sure looks like Cardinalli fasted for 30 days! LOL.
These clowns are PATHETIC.
Protests are one thing, blocking the “Public Safety” building just seems like it would be illegal. Kenosha has lost it’s backbone.
Those arrested are nobodies and not taken seriously by anyone about anything. I say stop even reporting on them. They are irrelevant (and in case anyone hasn’t noticed, their strikes, marches, sit ins, and whatnot aren’t working).
These guys are laughable!!! Really a has been political, a guy who travels under the name of religion just to have a tiny bit of self respect and clearly does not practice the message of peace and brotherhood and yes Billy Violent
Hates himself so much he has to run under a assumed name. You all want a police fired for doing his job ! Well I guess if you three had jobs you would not be hanging out at the Police building. But living on the streets will come soon enough for you three.
Billy also got up and left when the officers came. She is so against them, and for the cause, Facebook posting look at me and runs when her “buddies” get arrested
The more I look at joe cardnilli page. Why not do a story on him? What a flip flopper! Talk about trying to be relevant In today’s day. What a tool
Why don’t any of them look happy in their mugshots? I thought they purposely doing this for a cause?
Is Barker from around here? The guy just kind of appeared one day a couple years ago…..never had heard of him before.
I was watching my daily initial court hearings today, and I seen fuller get another charge. Also it’s insane to me how the commissioner I’ll just give somebody a signature bond for some of these crimes