The Kenosha County Board of Supervisors is a very important elected legislative body here in Kenosha. Not many people know the members’ responsibilities and pay attention to what they do, but has a tremendous amount of power and have a large budget of many tens of millions of dollars. They are mostly Democrats.
The “Good ole’ boy club” elected John O’Day to be the County Board Chairman last year, in 2020. Why? Well, because it was his turn, of course. He has been on the county board since 1996, a quarter-century. We believe he has earned the title of “The Worst Kenosha County Board Chairman We’ve Ever Seen.” Allow us to make the case.
First off, the most important duty of the County Board Chairman is to efficiently run meetings of the County Board. To keep decorum. He has failed to even attempt doing so meeting after meeting. He allowed Antifa and BLM maniacs to interrupt several meetings, even stopping some meetings before county business was finished. He has the authority to remove citizens that use vulgarity or talk past the allowed time limit. Here is a compilation video from one single meeting. These are only the highlights:
Diminishing The Role of County Board
Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian (D) is very cunning. He shut down in-person meetings of the City Council very quickly after the pandemic in the name of safety. He knew folks were upset over the shooting of Jacob Blake, the riots, stand-down orders, and other issues. This funneled all of the angry citizens to the County Board meetings to express their outrage, mostly for issues outside the realm and jurisdiction of the County. In one such example, the angry mob wanted Officer Sheskey fired and demanded that the county board remove him. The problem with this is, Sheskey works for the City. The county has no authority over city cops. Period. The angry mob didn’t seem to care. They just wanted somewhere to rage apart from their parents’ basement.
John O’Day eventually got his way and shut down in person meetings. He even shut down the entire county building. Here is the thing: the majority of County Board members, lead by O’Day, relinquishes authority over to Jim Kreuser (D), the Kenosha County Executive. Yet when O’Day submits to Kreuser’s every wish, the authority of our elected representatives is diminished, and Jim’s pet projects get priority, like bike paths, that benefit few. Speaking of bikes, remember when Jim ran over a man on a bike? We digress. O’Day left his authority with Jim and didn’t have the guts to push back against the man he views as his boss. The supervisors are starting to get fed up with O’Day’s lack of leadership. At least two times recently, the board has voted to over-rule the chairman’s ruling. Joey “the wet blanket” Cardamone, the county’s attorney, would offer legal opinions that aren’t based on the law, but based on the political wishes of the county executive. The chairman would take this opinion and rule on it. The board would then vote to over-ride this opinion. This means that he is losing the trust and faith of the board that elected him.
The Coward of Kenosha

Wouldn’t it be nice to spend a week at a secluded cabin on Sand Lake in Sturgeon Lake, Minnesota? That’s what we’re told by many sources that O’Day has been doing a lot of lately. In fact, we’re told that O’Day fled to his in-laws’ out-of-state vacation home during the Kenosha riots of the summer of 2020. Then he was begged to return home to call a special meeting to declare a state of emergency and ask for federal troops. He declined. He stayed far away according to our sources. While Kenosha County burned, he was safe and sound an hour north of Minneapolis. Also, the most recent meeting was canceled and almost half of the County Board members voted to have a meeting anyway. They fell just short of the amount needed. These same sources told us that O’Day was again at his family cabin. We asked him about the meeting being canceled and he communicated promptly with us. It was only when we asked him about his cabin in Minnesota that he stopped responding. We asked him point blank: “Were you at your cabin during the riots and for this canceled meeting?” He didn’t respond to us after that. We know that he did begin calling colleagues and nervously questioned others about the “Kenosha County Eye.” He wanted to know how we knew about his location. Even still, he wouldn’t tell us why he chose vacation over his duty to protect Kenosha County.
The previous county board chairman was arrested and charged with felony retail theft from Menards. He later took a plea deal and is now a convicted criminal. Before that? The first female county board chairman is involved in an investigation involving dark money funding campaigns for politicians. She worked with the embattled Dustin Beth, who just resigned from the Central High School Board during this particular investigation.
Here is perhaps the most troubling thing that we’ve learned: O’Day doesn’t trust his vice-chairperson Monica Yuhas to run a meeting. Instead of allowing her to chair proceedings, he cancels them. As vice-chairperson, that is her job, to run the meetings when he cannot be there. She has already been chosen to be the next chairman. The secret vote has already happened. This is the problem with selecting the person “whose turn it is,” instead of on the merit of the individual. The good ole’ boys need to step aside and let somebody who is competent lead this very important body.
To recap, our terrible chairman has hand picked his successor, but doesn’t trust her enough to run a meeting. Why does he trust her to be the next chairman?
Being the worst out of even just the most recent three is a tall hurdle to clear, and he did it with flying colors. For these and many other reasons, John O’Day is the coward of Kenosha and the worst Kenosha County Board Charmian we’ve seen in recent history.
One Response
Very well said…. “COWARD of the COUNTY”
Kenosha County is in serious need of leaders with integrity that will stand up to Marxist organizations and call them what they are, TERRORISTS. If you don’t have a set of b@11$, then resign and not just simply escape to safe hiding while others suffer.
BTW, I decided to look up the definition of COWARD in the dictionary and I was not surprised when, included in the definition, was a portrait of John O’Day.