Ray Roberts, is a proud, charismatic liberal and can usually be seen arguing loudly and proudly about politics while enjoying one or more (way more) alcoholic beverages. He is a BLM supporter and has had a very checkered past filled with crime and violence. In court this morning, however, Roberts was very quiet and meek – even to the point that the Judge asked Roberts to speak up.
In Milwaukee Court today, Roberts plead guilty to two very serious charges:
Endangering Safety by Use of a Dangerous Weapon
Operating a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence – 2nd Offense
He plead guilty to both charges and told the judge he plead guilty because he is, in fact guilty.

These two charges stemmed from a traffic stop way back in March of 2020. Roberts was pulled over after deviating from his lane. He was found to be intoxicated, blowing a .165 g/100mL, which is more than twice the legal limit. Roberts was also armed with a .40 caliber pistol.

Roberts describes himself sometimes as a well-paid data scientist. Other times, he claims he is a real estate investor. However, he has many tens of thousands of dollars in tax warrants that he hasn’t paid. He was the former owner of a coffee shop downtown that was unsuccessful and he had to close it down permanently. He also owes more than $6,000 to the Wisconsin unemployment compensation department. Roberts has four children, however a Kenosha Judge stripped Roberts of custody of his eldest two children after he was arrested and charged with two counts of felony child abuse – striking the boys with a belt.

Roberts has had at least one restraining order, and other criminal convictions in his life. Milwaukee Judge Cynthia Davis is allowing Roberts to enter “Veteran’s Treatment Court.” This is a program meant to rehabilitate veterans with substance abuse problems. If he successfully graduates, the more serious charge will drop off his record and be replaced with disorderly conduct.
We reached out to Roberts by email to ask if he was abusing the veteran treatment court. He responded with some strange and dangerous statements talking about strapping suicide vests to children. It seemed to us that he is mentally unwell.
Roberts faces 15 months in prison and a large fine. He will lose his license for at least a year and will be required to install an ignition interlock in his vehicles.
He will be in court next week, and every week after that for 6 months. You can watch the future meetings live by clicking here.
12 Responses
Dudes a clown. BFF with Andy berg and cardnilli. Just runs his mouth and acts a war hero. Failed business and real estate. Beats his kids and still acts as a role model on Facebook.
Any BLM activist in Kenosha not criminals? Jeez. Him, supervisor berg, cardinalli all charged recently. At least the democrat party finally kicked loud mouth joe out
I agree with what you wrote, but YOU TOOK MY MONIKER. Now I have to start using another. Darn!
Any BLM activists in Kenosha not criminals? Cardinali was at least kicked outta democrats party for being a loudmouth hypocrite. Roberts is a fraud who failed at military, business, and real estate. Beats kids and now a drunk.
So let me get this straight,
Cardinalli activist, arrested and restraining orders
Berg activist, fraud and being sued for money
Roberts, activist, failed at everything and arrested
Gregory- activist arrested, jailed multiple times
At what point, and who holds them accountable and calls them for what they are, fakes, and above all, HYPOCRITES!!! Do as I say not as I do right? Typical left ideology. Thanks KCE for exposing all these idiots that just wanted a minute of fame after Blake shooting.
Would love to see his email replies to you guys…..post them?
I am a regular reader of your page. You’re welcome for signing your paycheck. I appreciate the stories you write. But I draw the line when you start talking bad about my fellow Veterans. You do not know what Ray has done for this country. His behaviors are absolutely why we have the Veterans Court and to think that he is taking advantage of it is absurd. We lose 4x as many Veterans to suicide as we do to combat losses.
I would suggest that you lay off our Veterans. You will never fully understand what they go through on a daily basis.
You sign his paycheck? Lol stfu. And do you know this vet personally? Because there are a lot that call themselves vets, and there is a difference. So because he’s a vet he can beat his kids, drive drunk twice with a firearm? If he crashed into
You whole drunk would you say, awe he’s a vet, no biggie deal
It is sad when someone takes your name and starts posting. Oh well, obviously I don’t own the name and there is nothing I can do. I will just have to pick another name. “Q”, you were a good name who served me well. Good bye.
I know Ray personally and I know that he stole from some of his military friends .
So does he get any fines or jail time? Or is 2 and carrying a weapon while drunk a pass for him?