Kenosha Unified School District Board President Yolanda Adams (D) called for an emergency meeting for Monday January 3, 2022. It is believed that this meeting was requested by KEA president Tanya Kitts-Lewinski. Kitts-Lewinski posted a list of demands for the school board:

On Monday, however, after an overwheling rebuke of these “demands” from residents, the board didn’t approve any of them. 37 residents were scheduled to speak and only 2 or 3 were in favor of switching to virtual. Board member Tony Garcia made a motion to rescind the mandatory mask policy for students and teachers. Todd Battle seconded the motion. The two men were the only two to vote “yes.” The remaining five boards members, Rebecca Stevens, Todd Price, Yolanda Adams, Atifa Robinson, and Mary Modder, all Democrats, voted no.
Other than a bizarre motion about virtual learning proposed by Adams, that neither the board nor the residents understood, passed unanimously – no other action was taken.
KCE received information that a large number of KUSD teachers participated in a strike today – including Kitts-Lewinski. We emailed her but she didn’t respond. She wasn’t at tonight’s meeting either. Many teachers did the same last year on 9/21/2020.

We asked the district for a list of teachers that called in today. Of course, some will have a valid excuse. We will follow up with that information soon.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson)
15 Responses
Enough of the shenanigans from the KEA president. Enough of the shenanigans from the board. Adams looked and sounded like a fool last night. No one understood what she was saying; and in fact, the virtual option has existed since the beginning of the school year.
UNMASK OUR CHILDREN!! Help us fight back here: https://givesendgo.com/KUSDUNMASKOURKIDS?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=KUSDUNMASKOURKIDS
I literally heard a parent call in and suggest we segregate vaccinated kids from non vaccinated kids. I couldn’t believe my ears, segregating? What level will the democrats stoop too! And vaccine money incentives? What the actual hell is going on! Why are teachers acting as if they are the only ones working? I haven’t missed a day of work since the pandemic started and I do not get the luxury to work at home. It is just like a bad nightmare we are living in! When parents stand up they are cry babies and when riots and other shit happens it’s their “right”. The hypocrites are full blown insane now
These lazy union thugs and do nothing teachers need to wake up and do their jobs or quit! Enough is enough….
This is disgusting, people we trust with our kids are acting like this!
This us why the Democrats on the board need to be purged . Mary Modder ? Are you kidding me ?
Yolanda Adams ? Rebecca Stevens ? In her case. I love the mask. Antifa Robinson ? And the mousy union ” leader” was too much of a coward to even show up. These people make Joe Biden look competent.
My High school aged son said a couple of his teachers keep preaching that they need everyone to get vaccinated or the school isn’t safe, which is off the topic of what they are supposed to be teaching. I told him to ask the teacher to get back on track and teach their subject they are paid to teach. He and other students who have had this virus, because the masks work so well in stopping the virus, are sick of being lectured by the teachers on something other than what they are in class for. This is what we pay these public employees to teach our students? Time for them to find a new career if they are unwilling to teach their subjects. It really shows no thought by the union leadership to make a demand of N-95 masks for all. Those masks are not designed to be worn all day and I will NOT allow my kids to have to wear that all day! It is not healthy for them to wear it like the union wants. The demands of the teachers union is proof they are NOT for the kids but themselves. I know what a good teacher is. My father was a teacher and he was anti teachers union. He was always there for the students, NOT the Teacher Union! The only thing that the teachers union is good for, is protecting those who are there for a paycheck. The good teachers will continue to do the job they love to make our kids better. The leadership is the problem and gives the teachers the bad reputation. Time for the teachers to elect better leaders who actually care and put the kids first.
Nuremberg applies to these Communist parasites.
Up against the wall.
40% Increase in death rate (not from covid) ages 18-64
since the beginning of the scamdemic.
Teachers unions have no business in the health practices of the children they teach. They are not to get in between a doctor and their patient. You can’t financially incentvise an experimental treatment because that is ILLEGAL and called COERCION. Same goes for experimental testing (PCR) and mask wearing and social distancing. These are all experimental interventions that have zero proof of effectiveness. Actually, there are decades of studies proving masking is ineffective for viruses – but if you know the size of the virus compared to the weave of the mask you can easily see how this would be. This one is terrible for everyone as there are several adverse health effects from being forced to wear these. Free America now from this tyranny. This is all that this is- tyranny.
The Leftist / Socialist / Radical indoctrination of our children has become their primary objective.
Abolish all Teacher Unions.
Abolish Public Schools.
Amen, JimBob!
What’s crazy is all summer and winter long I see teachers having cookouts, parties, and dells vacation, yet the classroom is to scary to be in
Public, union-directed education is non-educational child abuse. Excellent private schools abound, many of which are religion-based and more affordable. The cure for a faulty product sold by a dishonest, lazy vendor is competition.
Spot on JimBob & Doclogic!
The greatest cure for the incompetency of KUSD is to eliminate the Teacher’s Union and promote competition from the private sector! No student in the classroom = no or reduced money for KUSD!
I praise god that my children escaped KUSD years ago, but continue to question why I have pay the property taxes I do into a system that is completely ineffective?
Keep up the good fight current parents and perhaps consider running for a school board seat!
I know this is shallow but that lady just plain looks NUTS. Imagine that face across from you trying to ‘discuss’ something.
“Tanya Kitts-Lewinski is a teacher in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and has multiple autoimmune issues. ”
Neurosis is one of them.