On August 25, 2020, a 17-year-old man called Kyle Rittenhouse shot three men who attacked him during a deadly riot in Kenosha, WI. Two of these men died. All three of these men were violent criminals. These riots were part of a summer-long spree of terror across big and medium-sized cities across the U.S.
Dominick Black was 19 years old when he purchased a Smith and Wesson M&P rifle from the Ladysmith Ace Home Center in Wisconsin. He purchased America’s most popular rifle for his friend, Kyle Rittenhouse, whom he considered a brother. Black previously dated Rittenhouse’s older sister. Black used money that Rittenhouse gave him, but was very clear with Kyle – The gun would stay in Black’s custody until Rittenhouse turned 18. That plan was derailed by the homes and businesses that were burning shortly after the justified police shooting of Jacob Blake, another violent criminal who was wanted for accusations of rape at the time. Black and Rittenhouse both testified under oath that Kyle took the M&P rifle when the two traveled to downtown Kenosha on August 25, 2020.
Black waived his constitutional right to silence and told police the truth from the very beginning. This is something he didn’t have to do. He wanted to cooperate with the police.
On November 3, 2020, Kenosha prosecutor T. Clair Binger charged Black with two counts of felony intentionally giving a dangerous weapon to a person under age 18 – causing death. Each count came with a possible prison sentence of 6 years, making his total exposure 12 years. He testified under oath at Rittenhouse’s trial and told the truth against his own interest.
Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges, including the possession of a gun charge. The focus of the public then switched to Black, Rittenhouse’s “brother”.
Yesterday, Friday January 7, 2022, a plea agreement was filed in Kenosha Circuit Court. It was signed by Black’s lawyer, Tony Cotton and prosecutor T. Clair Binger. If the judge signs it on Monday, both of the felonies will be dismissed with prejudice and Black will plead guilty to a county ordinance violation entitled “Contributing to the Delinquency of a child.” This is a non-criminal citation – not a misdemeanor. Black would be fined $2,000 and the case is over.

Nik Clark, the President of Wisconsin Carry, Inc., Wisconsin’s largest non-NRA affiliated gun rights group, spoke to the KCE Saturday. Clark commented on the pending plea deal saying “I’m glad to see that this isn’t something that’s going to impact him (Black) in the long-term. I find the plea palatable, but not just. Wisconsin’s complex gun laws are like a mine field, making it difficult for even the law-abiding to navigate.”
Black is scheduled to appear in court Monday, January 10 at 11:30am in front of Judge Bruce Schroeder. Schroeder will decide to accept or reject the plea.

4 Responses
It broke my heart that Dominick turned on kyle. It was obvious they were very close friends and kyle was like a part of their family. And that comment about kyle plying violent video games, that was unnecessary and had absolutely nothing to do with the price of eggs in China. Backdoor blinger got Dominick to bite hook, line, and sinker.
Now kyle is the one laughing all of the way to the bank! Kyle and Nathan DeBruin are heros!
How did he turn on him? Kyle turned himself in and volunteered everything. Black volunteered his story too. Both stories corroborated each other, since they were true.
If anything, KR didn’t exactly advocate for DB once acquitted.
Bill – KR was on a no contact order with Dominik until the case was finally washed out of the system. I think DB is laughing too as he voluntarily let LE put his long arm into storage for the duration. There is nothing in the agreement that causes him to lose this gun and his II A rights are protected. KR volunteered his gun for destruction even though it is now legal for him to own it. I bet Mark Richards told him this was the sensible thing to do. It looks good for J Schroeder to start with. TEF.
J Schroeder gave DB a win too because he reduced the fine to 1.5K so that with court costs so the total came up to 2K . Old Weasel Binger , aka Flufferboy2000, did not mention court costs so DB would have been out of pocket for the difference. I bet Schroeder loved doing this to Flufferboy Binger, ie varying a signed of plea deal in DB’s favour.