(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
According to a criminal complaint filed today, a gun was pulled during a verbal dispute at a Kenosha-area school. Yesterday, just before student pickup at Mahone Middle School, police were called for a dispute between a man and a woman in the pick-up line. The two got into a verbal argument when the alleged victim told the defendant, Amber Arnold that she almost hit him as she pulled up. He also claims she parked in a no-parking zone. The man told Arnold to move her car and she refused saying “you will care when I shoot you”. She also was alleged to have used racial slurs at the man who is assumed to be Caucasian. DA Graveley didn’t add the “hate crime” enhancers. A witness heard Arnold tell the man that she would “shoot his ass” and gestured her hand like a gun. According to the victim and a witness, she then pulled out a real gun and pointed it at the man.
Police caught up with Arnold later and she claimed the man used racial slurs against her. She also stated that “it was a toy gun.” Police were prepared to verify and had a search warrant in hand. They found a real gun in her white Mercedes. She resisted arrest per the complaint and she told police at the jail that it was a Nerf gun, and the real gun was in her car, but she had it because she was going to the shooting range.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In court today ADA Alex Huber asked for a $3,000 cash bond, calling the allegations “violent.” Huber says Arnold was convicted of Battery in Illinois in 2007 and a DUI in 2016. He didn’t mention, however, a “free pass” his office gave Arnold just three years ago. On September 22, 2019, the Kenosha Police Department arrested Arnold and asked Kenosha DA (D) Mike Graveley’s office to charge her with felony possession of drugs (intent to deliver), carrying a concealed weapon, and driving without a license. KCE asked Graveley why he didn’t charge Arnold in 2019 and he chose not to answer. That makes some tax-payers wonder if this would have happened if Graveley would have sought consequences for Arnold a few years ago. Would this have happened yesterday? Graveley and his staff are “progressive” prosecutors that are rarely tough on violent crime.

Court Commissioner Loren Keating
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Defense attorney Benjamin Schwarz argued that Ms. Arnold has reliable transportation, a master’s degree and was scheduled to start employment at Abbott Laboratories in Illinois.
Commissioner Loren Keating called the allegations “disturbing” and admonished the alleged behavior citing the fact that there were families and children around.
Arnold was charged with:
Possession of a Firearm on Grounds of School (Felony)
Pointing a Firearm at Another (Misdemeanor)
Disorderly Conduct (Use of a dangerous Weapon) (Misdemeanor)
Resisting an Officer (Misdemeanor)
Arnold Faces a maximum of just over 6.5 years in the Wisconsin Prison system. She paid the $3,000 bond and was released just after 5pm tonight, 3/22/2022.
She is due back in court on March 29 for a preliminary hearing.

Amber Arnold
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

19 Responses
Remember when the activist were mad of the counter protestors having weapons near Reuther? Where are they now that a gun and a threat happened on school grounds? Guess it’s hypocritical huh?
She should be in jail on a 50k bond. Gravely and Keating should be out of jobs. Could have easily turned into an active shooter incident with this re-offender.
Didn’t you have a gun outside of harbor side /Reuther?
Everyone involved in all that crap (including you Kevin) were definitely within 1000ft of that school. There are pics to prove it . I remember when the parents of that neighborhood said they didn’t like guns being waved and brandished by their families and kids. Lmfao what happened to loving the second amendment?!? Is that only for Caucasian men?? Or is that for all Americans?!
Please see Wis. Stat. § 948.605(2)(b)(1r) Except if the person is in or on the grounds of a school, a licensee, as defined in s. 175.60 (1) (d), or an out-of-state licensee, as defined in s. 175.60 (1) (g).
“Licensee” means an individual holding a valid license to carry a concealed weapon issued under this section.
People like me can carry a gun within 1,000 feet of school grounds, but not ON school grounds. Read the law before you attack.
No Jayden, the 2nd Amendment isn’t for white men only. But it is NOT for criminals to go into a school parking lot and point a gun at another person, verbally threaten to shoot that per because you get into an argument.
Can you show me where in the 2nd amendment it says that you can point guns at people at a school? Also can you show me the pictures of this Kevin guy pointing a gun at anyone?
You’re fkn ridiculous trying to compare the two and OF COURSE you bring up race. This broad got off EASY so far, and will plead out if it’s pursued at all.
What is it with Graveley, anyway? He charges Kyle Rittenhouse with first-degree murder for defending himself – but Miss DUI and Felony Possession gets a pass? I’m assuming it’s Skin Color Privilege;
can’t imagine anything else.
Oh BTW – “scheduled to start employment at Abbott Laboratories” – wonder if they’ll still want her,
once they hear of this.
Thanks Kevin for giving Jayden Jone an edumication. Didn’t want to say it before though I wondered the same as Ann mentioned. This appears to be black privilege. Seems to have been the case here in Kenosha ever since the Blake shooting. IMO.
Given the black privilege policies of Kenosha and the DA’s office, maybe it’s time for the white folks to take it to the streets.
Could it be time for more restrictive gun laws in Wisconsin? If you’re African American, a mandatory anger management class should be required, in addition a license to carry.
No Anonymous, it will never be time for more restrictive gun laws in Wisconsin. We have plenty. What we need is a DA that will actually enforce the laws we have instead of always catering to his BLM cronies by reducing charges, or not issuing charges in the first place.
Dumbest Comment of the Year award goes to….. Anonymous
John it was meant as sarcasm. Really liked your comment.
Daniel, you are correct. The only problem. I don’t see that happening anytime my e soon. Let’s be honest.
“Pointing a Firearm at Another (Misdemeanor)”
WTF? That’s BRANDISHING how the hell is it a misdemeanor, especially when threats were made. Of course she lied about bein called a ninja.
Gravely sure has a soft spot for coloreds and lefty types.
What we are seeing here is a new wave of District Attorneys, loosely affiliated publicly, who are trying to achieve racial parity in the prison/jail system. Seemingly at any cost. Referred to as criminal justice reform, the elections of the DAs have been radically funded for these “Progressive Prosecutor Movement” District Attorney strategic positions. For example, John Chisholm (D) the Milwaukee DA, has spoken at a Chasa Boudin (D) San Franciso symposium on this topic. You may remember Mr. Boudin’s mother from the Weather Underground. She was the one that killed two police officers and a security guard in an armored car robbery. His father was David Gilbert also convicted of the same crime. This was also the same radical organization that bombed the White House on November 7, 1983. Susan Rosenberg was released after being convicted of this crime and was complicit in founding the BLM movement. So my suspicion is that the DA office in Kenosha is somehow sympathetic with this “Progressive Prosecutor Movement”. Of course, this is merely speculation but look into the facts and connect the dots. Based on the actions of the Kenosha DA, one must wonder if there is a connection?
Your speculation is extensively documented. Yuri Bezmenov told us what was happening. We didn’t listen.
Cheesy Bowdown will be recalled though. He’s quite disliked in SF.