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As Kenosha DA Makes Charging Decision With Liberal Activist Who Fought Police, He Won’t Rule Out Considering Political Pressure From Left


Kenosha DA Mike Graveley (D) and Liberal Activist Joel Trudell (D)

A far-left political activist, Joel Trudell, was arrested Tuesday night for fighting with police. Several camera views from both government and citizen cameras make it clear – Trudell resisted arrest and jeopardized the safety of the two on-duty deputies, and three off-duty police officers. We will not use the word “allegedly.” This author was no less than 5 feet from the struggle. The Kenosha Sheriff’s department asked DA Graveley to charge Trudell with two crimes, disorderly conduct and resisting/obstruction an officer. Let’s take a look at the Wisconsin Jury Instructions for the elements the prosecutors would have to prove to get guilty verdicts:

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Resisting an Officer

  1. The defendant resisted an officer. A deputy Sheriff is an peace officer. To resist an officer means to oppose the peace officer by force or threat of force. The resistance must be directed to the officer personally.
  2. The Deputy was doing an act in an official capacity.
  3. The Deputy was acting with lawful authority.
  4. The defendant knew that the deputy was an officer acting in an official capacity and with lawful authority and that the defendant knew (his) conduct would resist the officer.

The video footage and sworn testimony of the two deputies would be more than enough to satisfy a jury beyond a reasonable doubt as to these three elements.

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Disorderly Conduct

  1. The defendant engaged in (violent) (abusive) (indecent) (profane) (boisterous)(unreasonably loud) (or otherwise disorderly) conduct.
  2. The conduct of the defendant, under the circumstances as they then existed, tended to cause or provoke a disturbance.

This one is easier to prove to a jury. There were at least 4 minors in the room. They were high school students that participate in the “Youth in Governance” program that teaches kids how government is supposed to work. Unfortunately for theses students, they saw a 43-year-old-man fight police and drop “f bombs.”

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Joel Trudell Resisting Arrest On Tuesday
(Kenosha County Eye File Photo By Kevin Mathewson)

KCE made contact with DA Graveley Wednesday and he told us that his office had no conflicts and his office would be making the million dollar decision – to charge or not to charge. In Wisconsin, a peace officer has the authority to make arrests and book individuals when probable cause exists. They cannot, however charge someone. Only duly elected DA’s or the State AG can do that.


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The local Democratic party organized a petition campaign. Today, about a dozen or more local democrats reached out to DA Graveley and asked him to ignore Trudell’s crimes and not charge him. KCE was leaked 8 of these emails. District attorneys are supposed to make charging decisions based on the evidence and the law. They are prohibited to give in to political pressure. We asked DA Graveley today if he would let pressure from fellow democrats influence his choice. He told us he couldn’t comment on a specific case. We then asked him to commit to generally keeping politics out of his charging decisions. He refused. This means that Graveley is leaving the door open to say “Well folks, I got 197 emails that told me to drop charges so my hands are tied.” This would set a terrible precedent for law enforcement. This community supports law enforcement. When someone threatens law enforcement and uses violence against them, they need to be held accountable. Remember when DA Graveley refused to charge Jacob Blake with resisting arrest? DA Graveley was recently threatened by a Kenosha man. There was no physical contact. What did Graveley do? He asked the Racine DA’s office to charge the man with a felony. He was convicted of that felony. Is DA Graveley’s life more important than the two deputies? Graveley should make his decision based on the law and the evidence, not based on what his friends want him to do. Trudell’s wife, Kate Trudell is a former County Lawyer Contractor and is now a VP at Johnson Bank. The two may be acquainted.

Here is a list of the emails we were leaked that DA Graveley received from Kenosha Democrats who asked him to drop all charges or something similar – We will update this article when new names are received:

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Tanya Kitts-Lewinski (Kenosha Teachers Union) –

Jodi Muerhoff –

Adelene Greene –

Mary Manthei –

Stacy Moore –

Helen Breitenbach –

Tenille Fick (YMCA Executive) –

Amanda Townsend –

Graveley’s email address is:

***This list is not exhaustive***



18-Year-Old In Court Friday For Involvement In Child Shooting Death, Alleged Shooter Still On The Run

A 16-year-old child visiting from out of town lost his life last Monday, May 27, 2024 inside a home in the 4800 block of 36th Ave. Just after 8:00 p.m., police and rescue personal were called out to the residence for a male with a gunshot wound. Life-saving measures were unsuccessful. Detectives and the medical examiner were called to the scene. The next day, May 28, 2024, two Kenosha Police officers stood guard over the home,

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Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department Makes Huge “Ghost Gun” Bust

Detectives with the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department completed their investigation into an illegal “ghost gun” manufacturing and distribution operation involving high school-aged individuals leading to seven arrests. In the morning hours of Wednesday, May 29, 2024 Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department (KSD) Detectives, Deputies, and multiple area tactical response teams (TRT) conducted five search warrants between Kenosha and Racine Counties. This operation uncovered a large-scale firearm manufacturing and distribution operation. In total, seven individuals have been arrested.

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Local Pastor Headed To Trial For Allegedly Molesting Granddaughter Repeatedly

Both the prosecutor and the defense attorney today told Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Anthony Milisauskas that they are ready to proceed to trial for a local pastor accused of repeatedly molesting his granddaughter. Monroe Mitchell III, lead pastor at Agape Love Christian Church here in Kenosha, will stand trial in front of a jury of his peers beginning July 10, 2024. Mitchell was charged with one count of “Repeated Sexual Assault Of A Child” and two counts

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Drug-Using Foster Mom, Professional Counselor, Arrested For Allegedly Carrying A Firearm While Drunk

A Kenosha foster mom was taken into custody by the Kenosha Police Department early Tuesday morning according to the Kenosha Sheriff’s Department inmate search. Police recommended to the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office that Jacqueline Covelli-Niccolai, 37, of Kenosha, be charged with “Going Armed With Firearm While Intoxicated,” a misdemeanor. Reports show that someone called police at 2:24 am to ask them to check on the welfare of Niccolai at her far-south side home. When police

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One Cited After Courthouse Disturbance Involving Deceased 5-Year-Old

The family of a deceased little girl named Zha’riyah Robinson tell KCE the mother of the man on trial for raping her, Lindsay Schroeder, smiled at them as she left the courtroom today, starting a disturbance at about 9:40 am. Dozens of police officers and Sheriff’s Deputies poured onto 56th st in front of the courthouse. KCE spoke to two of Zha’riyah’s aunts, her mother, her grandmother and her grandfather. They were very upset leaving today’s

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16-Year-Old Shot To Death Monday Night, 18-Year-Old In Custody For Negligent Homicide

At 8:30 a.m., two Kenosha Police Officers stood guard over the crime scene in the 4800 block of 36th Ave. According to reports, a 16-year-old child visiting from out of town lost his life last night in this home. Just after 8:00 p.m., police and rescue personal were called out to the residence for a male with a gunshot wound. According to reports, life-saving measures were unsuccessful. Detectives and the medical examiner were called to the

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Kenosha Police Cold Case Vault: The Murder Of Hozia Jackson

Hozia D. Jackson lived near Chicago, IL. He was last seen at a house party on February 25, 2012. He wasn’t seen alive again. On March 2, 2012, his family reported him missing to the Chicago Police Department. The Chicago police had suspended their missing person investigation on April 2, 2013. On April 5, 2016 at about 10:20 a.m., a surveyor in the area just off the frontage road near highway 158, found the remains of

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Pritzker Military Museum and Library Ribbon Cutting – In Photos

The Pritzker Military Museum and Library celebrated its opening with a ceremonial ribbon-cutting today, May 25, 2024 at 11:00 a.m., just two days before this years’ Memorial Day. The museum was founded by billionaire philanthropist and retired Lieutenant Colonel Pritzker of the Pritzker family. The new building, built in Somers over the last few years is the new location for the museum, which was relocated from Chicago, IL, where Col. Pritzker’s brother is the Governor. About

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Now Hiring – Village Of Salem Lakes

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Kenosha County Is A Leader In The State For Sending People To Prison – Why?

Wisconsin has sent 3,152 people to prison From April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. For the sake of this discussion, we are talking about “new sentences” only – not any other reason, such as probation and extended supervision revocations. KCE often refers to the Kenosha County DA’s office as “soft on crime.” That doesn’t sit well with Kenosha’s District Attorney, Michael Graveley (D). He believes KCE is cherry-picking data and challenged KCE to use objective

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16-Year-Old High School Student Pleads Not Guilty To Two Police Chases – Facing Almost 40 Years In Prison

A 16-year-old student at Indian Trail High School and Academy has been charged with four very serious felonies for two separate car chases that allegedly occurred on April 27, 2024. Sunny A. Patel was briefly charged as a juvenile, but quickly was waived into adult court. Patel was charged with two count of Attempting to Flee or Elude an Officer and two counts of First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety. The former comes with a maximum prison

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Samantha Kerkman Delivers 2024 State of the County Address, Unveils New Logo For Kenosha County

Kenosha County Executive Samantha Kerkman presented her annual State of the County address to the County Board this evening, highlighting recent successes while unveiling a new county logo. “The State of Kenosha County is strong — and it’s looking better all the time,” Kerkman said, referencing a rebranding process more than a year in the making. The new logo, Kenosha County’s first since 1982, moves the county’s brand into the 21st century, Kerkman said. “The new

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12 Responses

  1. Isn’t it ironic and hypocritical that the left, the ones screaming justice and burning out streets want to ignore justice now because it’s their boy!? What a bunch of clowns

  2. Those names tied to emails….No doubt radical supporters of the guy who did little to stop the looting and arson in 2020—-Tony Evers.

  3. Recently, it was reported, the Justice Department at the behest of the National School Board Association went after parents who got vocal at school board meetings. It would appear some who support Mr. Tudell are involved in public education. Perhaps involvement by law enforcement at a higher level is needed.

  4. Of course the president of the teachers Union had to Wade I to this. Does she know when to stop. Shocking that the membership director of the y is wading into this, considering her fiancé is a cop down in IL.

  5. Socalist one and all ! The liberals demand Justice on a regular basis. If I remember it right from august 2020 “No Justice no peace !” Now a member of the Democratic Socalist party has assaulted 4 police officer disrupted a government meeting and the socalist want the DA to give him a pass. So where is the Justice ?

  6. 2A: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

    Any orange shirt wearing, emasculated pussy like Trudell or these liberal cunts defending him, or an AG that is influenced by these demons that want to infringe on your rights are in fact enemies of a free state. 2A is to protect us from them, lawfully. They are revealing themselves, take note.

  7. Also, if Gravely shits the bed on this one, he is setting precedent for all future Kenosha County Board meetings to be disrupted by future belligerent, communist agitators without penalty. This is a direct threat to our elected officials, police/sheriff and We The People. Law and order Mr. Gravely! Do your job or resign!!

  8. Can we add all these names to the growing list of NO-GUN OWNERS?
    That growing list can and will be handed out to these illegal migrants that are now in our community.
    The migrants should have names and addresses that they can go to to “get” things they need.
    Dont show up at a gun owners home.

    Its all for the safety of everyone.

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