(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
If you are reading this, you are cordially invited to Kenosha County Board Chairman Gabe Nudo’s annual meet and greet picnic celebration next Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 1pm-4pm. It will be at beautiful Somers Memorial Park located at 7511 12th St in Somers. Food and beverages will be provided. There will be a pig and lamb roast, chicken and a plethora of food that you would expect to see at a party hosted by a native Italian. Master of Ceremonies Brian Schimming, a prominent radio host in the Milwaukee/Madison area will be in attendance. Additional confirmed guests are Texas Congressman Troy Nehls, Justice Daniel Kelly, and RPW Chairman Paul Farrow. Invited guests include Gov. Candidate Tim Michels, Lt. Governor Candidate Roger Roth, US Senator Ron Johnson, Congressman Brian Steil, AG Candidate Eric Toney, Secretary of State Candidate Amy Loudenbeck and Treasurer Candidate John Leiber.

(Submitted Photo)

Congressman Nehls will be signing his new book, “The Big Fraud” after he speaks at the event. Books will also be available for purchase or you can bring your own copy for him to sign. President Trump has endorsed the book, saying it’s “A must read for all Americans.”
Donations will be graciously accepted but are certainly not necessary.
13 Responses
“I’ve got dozens of friends and the fun never ends, as long as I’m buying. . .”
Darn. Out of town at family reunion.
Diamond Host Mike Ottelein was sharing an obviously faked video of Vos’ opponent last week.
Not only that— but just two weeks ago, RPKC was pushing (not endorsing) the establishment candidate, Kleefish.
Just another RINO gathering. I wonder if there will be any actual conservatives looking for positive change?
Obviously faked? Take your tinfoil hat off.
The individual behind the fake has already been discovered. They didn’t even do a good job- it didn’t look real, at all.
RPKC should have learned long ago not to endorse candidates in a primary.
Actual conservatives? Are there many left. Trump is a salesman, not a conservative. Conservatives have unwavering values. Trump will sell people whatever he thinks they’ll buy and he’s pretty darn good at predicting it.
Conservatives have unwavering values? That doesn’t even mean anything. I could say Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden have unwavering values and it would mean just as much. Values are not the same as actions, which are not the same as blind obedience to any one Doctrine.
Already Gabe has almost $14K in the bank to run for supervisor in a district of, what, 8,000 or 9,000 people? Lucky guy.
Just to clarify, is the picnic free to attend?
Yes it is
Seriously you have got to be kidding me, my family is struggling and the board is having a picnic party……
This is being paid for by private donations
Ya right