Salem Lakes Trustee Ted Kmiec called 9-1-1 on March 21, 2022 at 6:55 pm. He reported to dispatchers that his mistress was dead. He described her as cold and stiff. The medical examiner came to the scene of Kmiec’s beachfront house at 9:07 pm. The death was not found to be natural. The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department has been actively investigating this death now for almost a year. According to a source, charges are expected soon.
We attempted contact with Kmiec, who is also a local attorney. We emailed his official Village of Salem Lakes email address and his email address listed on the Wisconsin State Bar for his law office. We asked him if he was involved somehow in the death or was a suspect. We received no response from Kmiec, who is currently married. An obituary for the woman listed Kmiec as her boyfriend.
The woman who passed away was a high-ranking official at a local non-profit – the same non-profit that the Village of Salem Lakes donted $15,000 to on September 12, 2022. Kmiec made the motion to approve this donation and it passed unanimously. Kmiec is now allegedly dating the director of this non-profit. We contacted the director of this non-profit and she lawyered up. Her lawyer told us she would not comment on the matter.
This is a developing story.
51 Responses
Is this slander by innuendo??? The tone of the article could be construed as implying that Mr. Kmiec had something to do with the victim’s death. A woman who has a family in the community that deserves better. If there’s proof that Mr. Kmiec is somehow linked to this tragedy let’s see it and let the police and courts do their job. The victim deserves that, too. But hasn’t her family suffered enough. Floating this balloon without more is like adding insult to injury.
What makes you think that Ted is involved? If you have information to share email me and I will keep your name anonymous
You wrote that you attempted to contact Mr. Kmiec to ask if he was a suspect or involved in the death. I have my own suspicions here but they are not particularized. I would have held off on the story until the sheriff’s department refers the case to the DA. As for Salem Lakes village politics, have at it. Linda Valentine may have been a mouthy pain in the ass but she wasn’t wrong about everything.
My impression was also that you were implying that Mr. Kmiec might be involved, until I read the comment and your refutation. A different title might appear less leading.
So if corrupt politician A is found at a potential murder scene of his own mistress, that isn’t just a bit odd?
From the Trump Russia Collusion crowd? Really?
It’s called the Len Bias law. Kmiec as a lawyer is fully aware he is as guilty as the day is long. Piece of shit. I wish his wife could pass her cancer to him.
You’re an idiot. Such poor choice of words. You know damn well that man did not hurt that woman. Keep your feelings out of it and be honest.
Judging by your commentKim, you’re a very sick individual Please, seek professional help, check yourself in and get your head removed from your a s s.
News is often speculative. No one seemed to care when Evers claimed the Blake shooting was racist. They elected him again. If you want to be a pussy and only write “safe” stories, go ahead and make your own newspaper.
Barnes and Evers never were held accountable for their remarks. They should have been.
Maybe if Kmiec didn’t avoid answering the media, he wouldn’t look so suspicious?
Kevin, longtime reader here. This article is not your best work. It seems highly speculative.
I feel sorry for Kmiec’s wife.
Hmmm, maybe SHE did it….just sayin…
We’re also long time KCE people and we know you don’t like Kmiec who has been separated from his wife for quite some time. The unfortunate young woman who died has a family that deserves better. When and if someone is arrested or charged then it’s news but for now you blew it.
I want news, not your feelings. This article achieved that.
Did he mention her name? All he said was that he reached out to him to see if he was implicated. There was a report of a death at HIS property that has been deemed to be UNNATURAL. Its a valid question.
I don’t care who he’s screwed or screwing unless it’s the taxpayers!
Imagine a world where taxes were the only thing in the news.
Taxation is theft.
What makes you think he didn’t screw the taxpayers. Its become a national pastime.
I mean……I don’t see an issue with the article.
He says criminal charges are coming. The woman was found at his home….dead from unnatural causes. He was having an affair with her. Now he is dating her co-worker at a non-profit where questionable donations happened.
I’ll tell you this much…..this guy is sure as FUCK not someone I would trust to be in a position of authority ANYWHERE based on all of this shady behavior.
I really enjoyed hearing you on Vicki’s show yesterday.
I hope to hear more of you on hers, Belling’s, or Wagner’s shows
again in the future.
Thanks bud!
Who ever is trying to link my name to this story or anything related to this website are completely incorrect. I do want to see change in Salem Lakes, but for all the right reasons. I would not be involved in anything but the in your face facts. Anyone
that would link my name to this site should be very careful, I will take extreme legal steps to right a wrong. I would seriously recommend my name be removed. Whoever posted that comment better hope it get’s removed. They will not like the legal nightmare that is coming.
Bravo Mr. Mathewson!
Appreciate the news you print.
Thanks Kevin .. For always finding the scum bags .. Conflict of interest donation..Another DemoRat?
Looks like its time village of salem lakes Got a leadership ENAMA Both Elected and Employed
F*** Kmiec.
That is all.
Maybe the story could have read:
Charges may be forthcoming related to the death of a woman found dead at the home of Salem Lakes Village Trustee Theodore Kmiec, a local attorney.
The woman, whose name is being withheld by Kenosha County Eye, was pronounced dead on March 21, 2022 by the medical examiner after Kmiec called the sheriff’s department reporting that he came home and found her unresponsive.
That a woman was found dead at a village trustee’s home is news but without evidence that Kmiec is related to the death it’s simply wrong to cook up that speculation,
There may be a second story here which could use more vetting and perhaps more important. Was there a conflict of interest between the nonprofit honcho and Kmiec at the time of the vote? That may be very interesting but needs more work.
When you create your own newspaper, you can write the stories as you wish. Kevin could have sugar coated it, but he gets right to the point and says it like it is. He’s exposing corruption everywhere and I for one appreciate it!
Hey dckhead! The scenario the poster gave in the second example addresses the possible corruption more than Kev.
Feel free to start your own news page, instead of just being a 20/20 hindsight, couch ref.
Placing a hardship on citizens who can least afford it by raising their taxes, then donating that tax money seems problematic.
Would be if those were the facts. Since the facts weren’t presented here I just went and listened to the recording of the village board meeting. It wasn’t a donation but a purchase of services agreement. Actually two agreements with two different agencies and it was explained that they provide services that the village might have had to otherwise provide. A buck per capita for the food bank is not wasteful spending.
Shame on this article. This woman has family and loved ones who are still working through losing her and dealing with her untimely death. Please try to consider that next time you feel the need to post about a death of a loved one, community member and fellow human being.
Is very sad when somebody passes away. Unfortunately, it appears this death was tied to a crime, so it is definitely newsworthy. If we weren’t notified about crime from the media, how would that world look?
The world would look exactly how the media tells us we should be perceiving it.
Cut to the chase: is Kmiec connected to her death or not? I can see why some people are questioning your story because if you really knew that to be true you’d be running with it. As for the $15,000 donation he voted to approve I checked the village board minutes. It went to a group that runs a food bank and is well-known in the community. Always possible there’s something amiss there but on the surface it doesn’t look that way.
Is Kmiec responsible for her death or not? And if someone else is responsible, who? I want to know BEFORE the election.
On the surface it doesn’t look that way?
On the surface, a woman was found dead at his house from unnatural causes….meaning someone either broke into this guy’s house and murdered her, someone poisoned her, or she OD’ed…..none of which look good on him.
Combine that with the fact he was doing this behind his wife’s back originally…..and then started dating a co-worker of the lady who died…..makes for a really good Hollywood movie. Actually, not really….in reality it’s a pretty common scenario that has played out hundreds of times in this country and more times than not the common denominator is the one who was responsible.
Either way, even if the donation was legit and he had no responsibility in the case….he still sounds like a shady person who I would never trust as a lawyer or as an elected official.
That may be a good assessment. I don’t think he had anything to do with her death but in this crazy world anything is possible. I do think that someone may have contributed to the death but, again, no evidence. So far.