Twin Lakes Fire Chief Accused Of Sexual Harassment – Officials Not Eager To Talk About It

Twin Lakes Fire Chief Stan Clause, Jr
(Background Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

A secret meeting was held tonight by the Twin Lakes Fire Department Board of Trustees to decide how to proceed with allegations of sexual harassment against Fire Chief Stan Clause, Jr. Kenosha County Eye was eager to attend this meeting, but no one would tell us where and when it was. It wasn’t posted at the library, and countless Village officials ignored our request for the details. We showed up at the Fire Department at 236 E. Main St around 5pm tonight and we were denied access and told the meeting was “closed to the public.”

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KCE has been been made aware of these allegations by at least two whistleblowers at the department. For the last several weeks, we have been attempting to learn from Village President Howard Skinner and Village Administrator Laura Roesslein what the status was of these allegations. We submitted public records requests and they were ignored. It wasn’t until today that Administrator Roesslein admitted that there was an “internal employee investigation” being conducted and she couldn’t comment. Village President Howards Skinner has never responded to an email from Kenosha County Eye. Today we called Clause, emailed and texted him. He did not return any of the communications. We emailed the Twin Lakes Police department to see if there was any criminal investigation. Chief Adam Grosz told us that they have not received any criminal complaints but if they do, they will turn it over to an outside agency.

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We emailed the Village Clerk, Sabrina Waswo, to learn the place and time of tonight’s meeting. She told us “The Village does not have any meetings tonight.” We checked with our whistleblower again to confirm and were told that the meeting was indeed tonight. We again reached out to Waswo and she then later came clean, saying “The Twin Lakes Fire Rescue is a separate entity from the Village.  I don’t know their meeting schedule.” Rosselein then also finally admitted that there was a meeting tonight, but refused tell us the time or place.

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According to the whistle blowers, Clause is having a extra-marital sexual relationship with his stepdaughter and has solicited other firefighters to engage in threesomes. There is also an allegation that Clause spoke to a subordinate inappropriately, talking about how good he was at cunnilingus. While the Twin Lakes Fire Department employees are not technically Village employees, Clause is employed by the Village as its Public Works Director. The Department is also funded by tax dollars. The Village’s attorney and Administrator reportedly met and decided that they don’t need to investigate the allegations because the Fire Department isn’t directly controlled by the Village. The Village’s attorney also declined to return KCE’s communication.

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Sheriff’s Diagram of OWI Crash of Justin Harman

On January 30, 2023, we reported that a Twin Lakes Firefighter crashed his vehicle and was cited for OWI. Fire Chief Stan Clause told us that Firefighter Justin Harman would not face discipline because “this was done at a personal level and NOT while on duty.” At that time, Clause would not provide us with the fire report of the OWI callout. He later relented but tried to charge us $25 for the three-page document. He later relented and emailed it to us for free after we threatened a lawsuit.

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This is a breaking story and we will bring you more information as it is received.



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55 Responses

  1. Wow! Another insidious example of the corruption that is part of the fabric of local governments in Kenosha. If it wasn’t for KCE, we would be clueless.

    1. When I read this wasn’t surprised at all. I heard many years of ago from a reliable source this was going on. Isn’t funny no responses from so many in that column. Twin lakes needs to be cleaned up. Too many other good and honest people to be running our village. All should resign immediately save the families heartache and grief. I wouldn’t write this if I didn’t believe it.

    2. I’ve known for years,ppl cover up. Trust me these ppl need to keep digging. They’ll find out Alot.. Kenosha County, TLPD. Have really good ppl that work for them,and those guys have to deal with the ones who aren’t so good. Just because u work for TLFD,They too shouldn’t be excluded.. Keep digging..

  2. Well, well. I was wondering when you’d finally have the nuts to take on Twin lakes. May I quote the police chief? “These things don’t happen in our town.” Oh please… Dig deeper Kevin. Maybe Linn has some inside information he’d like to share? Dig deeper. These corrupt people should be behind bars. Not surprised Skinner is MIA, Where is the police chief? Or detective Hall? Dig deeper!!!!

    1. Bullshit! Absolutely bullshit. Not in a million years would such a thing happen. Why smear a good man’s name in the ground. People are sick!
      I know Stan personally this is BULLSHIT. For all of you hiding behind Anonymous, have the balls to put your name out there.

    2. Bullshit! Absolutely bullshit. Not in a million years would such a thing happen. Why smear a good man’s name in the ground. People are sick!
      I know Stan personally this is BULLSHIT. For all of you hiding behind Anonymous, have the balls to put your name out there.

    3. Amen, Yep Mr Linn, speak up..We all make mistakes Sir, however none like TLFD..( person) This person knows the truth.. He should step down, since many of certain duo,owis weren’t wrote up due to him showing up on the scene. Certain TLP never reported these things.. HELP YOUR FELLOW MAN.. JOKE…

  3. O imagine this , I worked in the private ambulance service for years , This guy had been a dirt bag for years , He has always been up to no good .

  4. Ask yourself the following: are most major problems in your life caused by governments? I think most would say yes. Then why do we have government? Let’s eliminate gov. The gov “leaders” are tainted at best. After the injected folks die off in the next couple of years, there will be only pure bloods left. At that time, let’s eliminate all gov. We are adults, we do not need to be told what we can and cannot do.

    1. Seeing as whites are the target of the jab, the US will be like South Africa. Jooz are going to turn the states into a third world shithole.

  5. I am amazed at the overwhelming level of criminal activity and corruption in Kenosha County government and services. Thank you for exposing all of these people. If they won’t charge them criminally, at least we know who and what they are

  6. I applaud you for being relentless. There is a history here and so much more to this. This needs to not end here… it needs to break wide open!

  7. Wow. Just wow! These are the folks that the hard working taxpayers of Kenosha County hire, elect & retain, to serve our community? These folks have gotten so used to “running things” with absolutely no accountability….it’s incredible. The cleanup has to start now.

  8. I was on the Twin Lakes FD for 27 years!! I was being sexually assaulted by the Chief Engener for a long time but he threatened to make me miserable if I said anything!! This would happen while I was working out in the department gym! I finally met with Chief Clause and assistant Stolp. Both didn’t believe me and brushed it under the rug!!! I was just devastated and they asked me to resign. I still suffer emotional pain and devastation from this! Karma you hypocrites!!!!

    1. Remember that saying I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God? Maybe you should try that Miss B

    2. This is all baloney! You weren’t sexually assaulted by anyone! You were having an affair with two people on the fire department and the whole village knows it! You left in shame! People in glass houses…

    3. Well… you clearly handled it wrong. It’s not too late to seek legal assistance. Stan Claud is a POS. Go after that dirt bag and get Justice.

  9. The village attorney thinks separate entity?? Who pays the workman compensation insurance, does the fire department have a budget from the village. Yes to both, their village employees and the village should get it together before the tax payers are on the hook for this mismanagement

    1. I looked at the village ordinances. The fire department is a separate self-governing entity except that they get money from the village.

  10. Many of these communities get by on the cheap by contracting with private volunteer fire companies. The municipal government has little control. Maybe that needs to change

    1. There are no contract private fire departments in Kenosha County.
      The assets are owned by the individual municipalities: City, Town, Township, Village or other entity. The membership may be paid, POC, or volunteer.
      Think twice about throwing people under the bus who protect you lives and property without actual knowledge of how things work, especially the volunteer depts (NO compensation at ALL) for risking their lives to save YOU and your property.

      1. Well… you clearly handled it wrong. It’s not too late to seek legal assistance. Stan Claud is a POS. Go after that dirt bag and get Justice.

  11. EVERYONE is allowed due process…
    If there was inappropriate behavior, it will come out in an investigation.
    The court of public opinion has no bearing on the FACTS of the matter.
    Be adults and let it play out…

  12. The board of trustees are his peers. Talk about a good ol’ boys club all around. Sad to see the village brushing this off and not taking further action.

    1. It’s a little early in the process to say it’s being “brushed off”” don’t you think?
      Or should we find the highest tree and a new rope?

  13. It’s AMAZING to me as to how many “keyboard Commandos” there are who won’t put their names to slanderous/malicious posts…
    NOT your Feelings…
    Let there be Due Process
    The Constitution of the United States was written for that reason…

    1. That comment was a joke right? Maybe you haven’t seen the Due Process the J6 prisoners have received. Save that bullshit for board room. Remember this; people have been convicted of homicide based on feelings in Kenosha County. Dig deeper!

  14. To the person up above that is lecturing about telling the truth, you should practice what you preach! You are all a bunch of liars And I’m quite sure it came from one of the good old boys. I pray that this never happens to you. Everyone is getting so judge mental about this let people have their opinion! God is the only one that knows the truth. I pray for you??

  15. You think the paid cops and firefighters in Kenosha are corrupt. You are right, but the volunteer. dept in the county much worse. way worse, they think they are owed it, just read some above statement. And if you expose them. look out. They make sure you never get any of their services if you are in need.

    1. Twin Lakes Fire Department and Rescue personal will NEVER turn their back on anyone in need. We’ve lived in that town for over 50 years, know some of them pretty well and have required their services a few times and always received quick, courteous and professional service. Thank the Lord for these volunteer men and woman!

      1. Doesn’t give you a pass when you behave in the manner that Claus does. This guy is a POS and needs to be held to account. Sorry if that hurts your feelings

    2. Based on you inability to form a complete sentance and use proper punctuation, I’m guessing you were home schooled by the family cat. You definitely sound like you pee laying down.

  16. Be careful on what you do because they turn around and mess with your life and or your kids my son was searched on multiple occasions at the high school, and the officer that searched him with other adults presents touched his private parts. And not only that when he asked for his attorney or lawyer, to be present, they told him no that came from the school staff, and the officer He expresses to his therapist. His therapist reported it a week later he gets to felony disorderly conduct. Because his friends did something and he was witness to it. also, skinner is very racist mean person and they all are very clicky. They all know each other. it’s sad to the point where everybody that’s making comments on here or leaving them anonymously because they don’t want to be messed with.

  17. The good ol’ boys…. Skinner set the bar on it for the rest of them. Look how back door shady everyone was about Rex! Secret meetings…. Typical!! An outside agency needs to come in and expose every official in this village. Change needs to happen! Everyone is used to the way things are because they don’t know the truth on how things are!! Always hidden away from the public. We have had murders, police officers stealing drugs from the dept, fire fighters with DUI’s… sex scandals and it’s all hidden and covered up!!!

    Wake up Twin Lakes! It’s time someone shakes this town up! Thank you Kevin for bringing it to light!!!

  18. You should also dig into Randall. So much cross traffic between the two….. Worth some exposure. Peal the onion and watch em cry!

  19. To the people who are saying this isn’t true…. no one would have any reason to smear a “good man’s” name if there wasn’t any truth to this. I have been witness to this behavior for many, many years. I’m sorry Amanda, but you know him personally. He is a friend of your husband’s. You have not seen the creep in him that definitely exists. And as a friend, you should be well aware of the proven and known affair he had on his wife with a female EMT, who was also married. Even his wife knows it to be true. People are remaining anonymous because of his status and the repercussions that could come of it. It’s unfortunate, but a definite threat. Regarding the woman who had a relationship (not an affair) with fellow firefighters, they were single and not hurting anyone. You sound like a chauvinist by implying that she deserved the unwelcomed harassment by a married firefighter because she had a relationship with another. That’s disgusting. She had nothing to be ashamed of. Because the restraining order, SHE was asked to leave and told the offender would not be the one leaving. Leaving to escape sexual harassment is NOTHING to be ashamed of!!! And there’s sooo much more that this is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s been a long time coming for this to finally come out!

  20. Didn’t another member of this department commit arson? Then that got swept under the rug and he stay on the dept.?

  21. Any updated with the Step Daddy Stan? He will prolly get his full pension a bang his step daughter into the sunset…

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