Carthage College President John Swallow (D) is refusing to talk about why the beloved head basketball coach Tim Bernero was suddenly removed from his post. KCE received a tip that alleged Bernero was fired after an allegation. Our tipster, however, said that there was no investigation and that the “woke” college president acted on emotion and not sound judgement.
KCE made contact with Swallow via email and cell phone. Swallow refused comment. Bernero and all evidence of his existence was seemingly scrubbed from the Carthage website sometime this week.

According to some Carthage insiders, Bernero was universally liked by the players and their families. If you know any of the details into Bernero’s departure, please let us know.

(Carthage Website, Before Wipe)
10 Responses
John Swallow thinks he’s smarter than everyone else because he has a PhD from Yale. Swallow needs to swallow his pride.
Seems like his twitter it was not like he did anything wrong. He released that he had been let go. No coverup on his side.
Not A Lib
The coach put on Twitter that he was no longer the coach but never gave a reason why. That is not necessarily being transparent.
I thank Mr. Mathewson for writing this article. As someone well acquainted with Carthage College, I concur with his statement that Mr. Swallow is “woke.” He is not worthy of being Carthage’s president. This is because he is not an effective leader. For those who do not know, Carthage is supposedly a Christian school. At one point it was, but the woke mind virus has transformed the chapel in the middle of the campus into essentially being an aesthetic building. Evidence for this can be found in his actions. Under Swallow’s leadership the philosophy department was eliminated, and the religion department was essentially gutted. Talented and gifted faculty members were lost due to his actions. How can a president of a liberal arts college justify the elimination of the courses that are fundamental to a Chrisitan university? The truth is that he probably does not care. Afterall, who really needs to study the intellectual thought that Western civilization was founded on?
President Swallow has also fully jumped on the diversity, equity, and inclusion train. While these terms by themselves are typically good, the ideology of DEI is pernicious, malevolent, and narcissistic. It is Machiavellian in nature, because no matter the tactics, the axiom of DEI is that the ends justify the means. Mr. Swallow’s support for DEI is in part due to the shooting of Jacob Blake, the serial rapist that was attempting to stab an officer. To promote the DEI religion that replaced Christianity at Carthage, President Swallow and others supposedly devoted to inclusion promoted “anti-racist” ideology to help combat “systemic racism.” This is problematic because anti-racist ideology is the antithesis to truth and is often actually racist. For example, under Swallow’s leadership the anti-racist educator, Tim Wise, was invited to speak on campus. Do a little research on Mr. Wise and you will find that the only place he belongs is on a no-fly list. This is someone who has blatantly condoned violence towards his political adversaries. The man is a vile racist and charlatan who should not be hired to speak at universities only to spew hate to promote so called inclusion.
Speaking of charlatans, there was a book club created, with the help of Swallow, to read literature by “anti-racist” authors Ibram x. Kendi, Robin DiAngelo, and Nikole Hannah Jones. Kendi, in his book “How to Be an Antiracist”, calls for discrimination today to right discrimination of the past. DiAngelo is the author of “White Fragility” which tells white people that they are fragile if they do not agree that they are biased towards people of other races. Hannah Jones is the author of “The 1619 Project” that has been criticized by historians for being pseudo-history. If President Swallow was an effective leader, he would have brought in a variety of voices to talk about race if he truly wanted to have a meaningful discourse about race in America. Instead, he promoted far-left nonsense that has shown to be divisive.
Furthermore, President Swallow made a decision that can only be described as mind boggling. In 2021, President Swallow surrendered to student requests for the cancellation of finals for the Spring Semester. What prompted him to do this was the stress generated from COVID-19 (which was in part due to Carthage’s Draconian masking policies) and the Somer’s House shooting. Nobody from Carthage was harmed during the Somer’s House shooting. There were a few students there, and it would make sense to excuse them from finals…but the entire campus? Excusing students from finals should have been on a case-by-case basis. When times get tough it is virtuous to persevere, to shy away from difficulty is not. The decision made by him is reflective of the weakness inherent in woke ideology.
Hopefully Carthage becomes a great school again. There are faculty members there that are fantastic people and true intellectuals with a vast array of knowledge. Yet, a school can only be great if its administration is competent. Carthage has had many presidents and with luck a new one will take President Swallow’s place soon enough. Carthage College has a lot of potential and perhaps Carthage can make a return to the great university it once was.
President Swallow has chased out three Athletic Directors in less than 5 years by not providing them the tools to run the department. Starting with 26 year loyal employee Bob Bonn in 2019, Michelle Manning in 2020 and Nat Stewart in 2023. Hopefully Ryan Kane the newest AD (soon to be victim) has an iron stomach for the game and politics President Swallow likes to play.
Bonn actually retired in July 2018
Correction, pushed out by President Swallow!
Silence finally broken, it only took the incompetent Carthage administration six weeks to put a few sentences together.
Swallow sucks, plain and simple.
Swallow’s dog hates him too