A Kenosha woman who has condoned violence, arson, rioting, and looting dodged a bullet today in Kenosha County Circuit Court. Whitney Cabal, who goes by her alias, “Billy Violet,” was recently divorced by her husband soon after she came out as “genderfluid.” She asked her friends and family to use they/them pronouns.
Cabal’s ex-husband filed a contempt motion on February 8, 2023, and he told the court that she wasn’t abiding by the court orders. First, he alleged that Cabal sent him many text messages that were threatening, harassing, and inappropriate. According to the court order, the two were only supposed to communicate in the event of a bonafide emergency and regarding their children.
“Fuck you Odin. You’re an absolute monster. I hope you suffer greatly in this life,” Cabal said in one message to her ex-husband. Cabal then sent two middle finger emojis followed by, “I should massively overdraw [the bank account] and leave it sit there so it fucks with your credit.” Many times in the text messages, her ex-husband pleads for her to stop messaging him. She refused, saying “I’m going to spend the rest of my life pretending you’re dead.” All the texts are posted below.
Cabal’s ex-husband also alleges that Whitney failed to refinance her vehicle into her own name and is many months behind paying the car payment, which is damaging his credit. He even gave her money to help with the payments.
In the motion for contempt, Cabal’s ex-husband asked for Whitney to be found in contempt, forcing her to pay the car payments, vacate the marital residence, spend 14 days in the Kenosha County Jail, pay his attorneys fees, and comply will all future court orders.
Cabal also stiffed her attorney for over $3,000 and had a judgement entered against her. She represented herself in court today. She and her ex came to a stipulation off the record.
Cabal is universally shunned by the left and the right after she appeared on national tv and said:
“So, I just kind of want to touch on violence and what I mean for it like where I stand in terms of violence, rioting and looting. So, when it comes to these actions in these demonstrations by protesters, I understand it and I empathize with it 100 percent.
And I do not hold anything against anybody who has chosen to burn something or break into a store or cause harm in the way that’s been done to the city of Kenosha especially because it’s in our rougher communities.”
Cabal has also been in the spotlight after documents showed Kenosha District Attorney Michael Graveley (D) texted with Cabal for more than six weeks.
Cabal also shared my home address on social media to incite violence against my family. Cabal is also known for posting grotesque photos of herself, often-times naked. In Cabal’s marital settlement agreement, she made sure that she would have custody of her kids on MLK day and Juneteenth.
If Cabal does not keep up her end of the agreement, she could be in court again facing contempt.

22 Responses
She’s insane. Her and berg coincide with their political agenda. It’s so hypocritical to even read their posts! What a great group
Go figure berg is upset about rose being an attorney but ok with leftist being lawyers and letting off arsonist and rapist. The left never cease to amaze me with their hypocritical agenda. I never hear berg cry about the lawyers who fight for murders, rapist, arsonist. Your hypocrisy is showing Andy
All in full dusplay!
This is exactly how liberal democrats conduct themselves. There is no way to get around it. And she is all buddy-buddy with our D.A. Gravely.
She is so disgusting. Her vagina was always hanging out of her cropped shorts at school board meetings.
Gross! Omg
When karma hits and there isn’t any drama in Kenosha to be apart of. Imagine her post disrespecting Lamar for School board for history and how you conduct yourself and then having this as your front. What a hypocrite. But people will still follow. What a joke If this isn’t a positive for KUSD I don’t know what is. I’m sure Andy has a lot to say backing his candidate after this support.
Sad how we’re supposed to convert from treating mental illness to celebrating it.
There’s no mental illness here. There is simply arrogant elitism, thinking she can do and say whatever she wants, just as long as she cloaks herself in her terrorist blm flag, topped off with gender abandonment.
Claiming “gender-fluid” and insisting on using “they/them” as pronouns is mental illness.
Mental illness is now an overused term. It’s the cliche catch-all for shitty behavior, selfishness, lack of compassion or empathy, and general irresponsibility. Rational observations about this particular hot mess: raised badly, brainwashed by pre-K and public education, a non-profit and community action affiliate gorging at the trough, entitled, angry, mentally, physically and spiritually lazy, racist, confused, mean and abusive. Just said a prayer for her kids, they’re going to need it.
This is a situation that absolutely warrants CPS. She’s in no way mentally stable enough to provide a safe life for those children.
CPS protecting children? Where? When? Laughable.
Lol. Imagine fighting for Justice all the time and being this hypocritical person. Can’t make this up! Go kenosha democrats!!!! Hypocrites gonna hypocrite
As long as Conservative journalists call DOMESTIC TERRORISTS, “activists” there is no true and honest journalism left in America. Pull your heads out of your collective butts and call these people what they are TERRORISTS.
Pig, Hog, Sow, Swine, would be more appropriate pronouns for Billy Violent but insulting to the ‘sus domesticus’ specie.
People on that team are always unattractive.
Mentally Illness
One day her fatty liver will get the last laugh.
Kenosha has now become a haven for far left, radical vagrants, homeless, felons, welfare kings and queens and a host of other shit bags. The BM (Bowel Movement) protesters quickly realized that Kenosha was a big step up from worst areas of Milwaukee, Shitcago etc. Now we are stuck with these blood sucking useless leeches that do nothing except drain precious resources from the elderly and the tax payers.
Give all of them free food, clothing, 3k per month living expense allowance and shelter exclusively down by the lake in Allendale homes where they rightfully belong.
Here is your chance Allendale liberals to truly help our community.
Disgusting creature. Pretty representative of the human turds that torched our Community. Even BLM should feel disgraced to have this thing in its ranks
This contempt isn’t something she would have faced jail time for in Kenosha Co. Family Court anyway…it would take dozens of contempts before a judge or commissioner would consider it.
If this was a straight white woman posting her crazy all over social media, not abiding court orders . swearing acting at fool at board meetings, spreading propaganda on cable TV: A Social Worker would come to investigate. But in her case the children are well taken care of. Kenosha Strong !!!