(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
An 18-year-old Kenosha man is holding in the Kenosha County Jail on a more than half million dollar cash bail. His third and most serious felony case was charged on Friday June 9, 2023. Marveour Gaston was charged with attempted murder and a half-dozen other serious charges for an incident last summer. He faces almost 100 years in prison if convicted.

According to the criminal complaint, this shooting was gang-related. The two rival gangs in question, ATM/CBG and Poppa Gang/CTN were in conflict. Gaston is a member of the Poppa Gang/CTN and threatened a member of the rival ATM/CBG gang months, and then days before the shooting. On August 3, 2022, Kenosha Police say that Gaston walked over to a house where a known member of the rival gang lived and Gaston opened fire. Gaston hit an innocent bystander, a mother of three, watching her children playing at a park across from her house. She was shot in the face and the bullet exited near her ear. She was in critical condition at the hospital but medical professionals were able to save her life. Some people on the porch returned fire, causing Gaston to run away. Surveillance camera caught him walking towards his residence.
One of the possible intended targets was shot in the leg and arm, but didn’t cooperate with police initially. He later would give police an account of what he witnessed. Gaston allegedly used a “ghost gun” he ordered on the internet that didn’t have a serial number on it. He would sell it to a friend after the shooting. This gun matched ballistics at the crime scene. Gaston then started to admit his role in the shooting on his Facebook account, which police obtained via a search warrant.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Drew Burgoyne told the court commissioner that the charges followed an extensive law enforcement investigation. Gaston has been unable to post a $7,500 bail for his other two felony cases, but Burgoyne said that a significant cash bond was necessary to protect the public.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner Larry Keating agreed with Burgoyne and set Gaston’s bail at $500,000 cash.
Gaston is due in court on June 16, 2023 for a preliminary hearing.
11 Responses
100 years on the taxpayer dime. In other words, the rest of this miserable lowlife’s life will be paid for by the taxpayers. Why can’t Wisconsin bring back the death penalty? Only way the scumbag is leaving prison, if convicted, and given that sentence, is in a box, so may as well speed up the process.
He will not like prison and prison will not like him.
Does anyone know why it took 10 months to charge this guy? Did it take that long to find him or was he arrested in August 2022?
He has been in jail since and it was a difficult investigation said the prosecutor
Thank you for the update. I don’t know what a typical timeline for prosecutions is, but this just seemed pretty long for such a serious offense.
Don’t kid yourselves.This poor misguided youth is a victim of his environment and will be back on the streets in a couple years.
But…but he’s a good boy who’s turning his life around!
Fuck this guy. I hope he repeatedly gets raped in prison.
Aw, a snowflake gave me a thumbs down.
BBC must of ran up in you huh? Now you’re wanting some payback? Cmon Gumpy…..T T T T Tell me what you want?
You should put your real name in the comments. Kit Kat.
They had you sucking something swolled up for a roll up.
But…but he’s a good boy who’s turning his life around!