(Facebook) (Background Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Some disturbing allegations have been brought to light by court records involving an IT specialist who is currently on leave from his job at Indian Trail Academy in Kenosha. Michael Russell was placed on administrative leave from Kenosha Unified School District 108 days ago on February 27, 2023. According to a district spokesman, this leave was due to misconduct allegations. A KUSD insider said that the allegations were related to sexual harassment or touching, but KCE cannot confirm this because KUSD Superintendent Jeff Weiss doesn’t want students, staff, or the parents of the students to know the truth.

Former KUSD School Board President
KCE has learned recently that Russell is a prominent member at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in North Chicago. Tamara Coleman, the current Executive Director at the Shalom Center and previous KUSD Board President, is also a member of the congregation per our source, who is close to the church. Coleman’s husband, Reverend Michael Coleman, is the assistant pastor of the church. Our source tells us that Coleman helped Russell obtain this position at KUSD. Our source also told us that Tamarra Coleman, and her husband Michael Coleman, were aware of serious allegations of sexual assault at their church. We reached out to Coleman and asked her if she knew this man, was aware of these allegations, and if she helped him get his job. She told us that she was unaware of the allegations, that she couldn’t help anyone get a job at KUSD, but ignored the question about if she knows Russell. We asked a few more times. She refused to answer. Coleman claimed that in her position as a school board member, and later, as its president, she can’t help people get jobs at KUSD is disingenuous at best. We finally confronted Coleman with what we knew and finally admitted she knew Russell, but said “Unfortunately me knowing a person from the community does not mean I know their personal business.” Our source then told us that not only does she know Russell, but Russell is married to Coleman’s sister. We took to Facebook and seemed to confirm this allegation. Coleman stopped communicating with us and lawyered up.

KCE’s source also told us that there was a pending civil case in Lake County, Illinois. We obtained the complaint in the docket. A young woman filed suit against Mt. Sinai Baptist Church and Michael Russell on May 14, 2021, more than two years ago. The woman, alleges in the suit that Michael Russell groomed and sexually assaulted her at the church, starting in 8th grade (2009) and lasting until 2013, one year after he was hired by KUSD. According to the complaint, the two had sexual intercourse during this time frame. The complaint further alleges that “the sexual nature of the relationship between [Russell] and the minor plaintiff became widely known in and around the Church. [The Church] did nothing to protect the minor plaintiff from the continuing and repeated sexual abuse at the hands of the defendant, Michael Russell.” The suit claims that Russell was employed by the church and the church failed to properly supervise Russell and left him alone with children. The complaint also mentions other juveniles that made similar allegations against Russell, but were ignored by the church. Our source also told use that Russell was fired from his previous job at Abbott Laboratories for sexual harassment. We are unable to verify this allegation. Mt. Sinai ignored our request for comment.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
We have repeatedly asked KUSD Superintendent Jeff Weiss (D) why he ignores allegations of sexual assault/harassment, but he ignores our requests for comment.
A Kenosha Police spokesman has told KCE that Weiss has not asked for a law enforcement investigation involving Russell. KCE is told that the Lake County, IL sexual assault civil case is headed to trial.
Our source had the following to say and we decided to publish his/her quote:
“The story of Michael Russell is a cautionary tale for all of us. It reminds us that we must always be vigilant and take action when we suspect that someone may be a danger to others. We must also be prepared to hold those in positions of power accountable for their actions, no matter how difficult it may be. In the end, it is the safety and well-being of our communities that must come first.”
Other KUSD Employee Updates

Melvin Tart, who is accused of texting sexual content to an underage student is still employed by KUSD, but is on an “approved leave,” per a district spokesperson.

(LakeView Facebook Page)
Joseph Pitts, Jr, a Counselor at LakeView High School, who was accused of repeatedly texting a student and later having a sexual relationship with her after she graduated is no longer employed by the district.
59 Responses
Wow! These are serious allegations. One would think that all of these accused school employees/child molesters are “drag queens.” But they are not, at least this article does not identify them as such,
I am confused. Tell me again, why are we supposed to fear “drag queens”?
You should be asking yourself why do drag queens wants children to be in their audience so badly.
You should be asking yourself why do clergy wants children to be in their audience so badly.
Gotta be Joel Paul…..his typical answer to being ask why drag queens want to perform around kids is to bring up the church. He is the King of Deflection!
Lots of KUSD administrators that have crossed paths with Russell over the years must be squirming right now. All of them just hoping they do not get asked about their suspicions of Russell or lack of follow through when “issues” came up involving him. Lots of “overlooking” has occurred because of this relationship with Coleman. Terrible how a board member can have that much influence over highly educated administrators. (Thank God there is not a single board member today that has that same extreme power!! Oh wait….) Time to play the “I didn’t know game.”
The reverend Coleman and his grifter wife. So surprised…. Not! Black lives matter … Nope!
It’s 9/10 a white person who is sexually assaulting minors and or their family members, & pets!?
To the best of my knowledge, there have been zero NRA members involved with any of the multiple Juneteenth mass shootings so far.
Perhaps there’s another commonality.
Like if your racist just say that tf
Im sorry this has NOTHING to do with race…you need to stop being so ignorant and focus on the bigger issue!
Well why bring up black lives matters if not!! Sounds racist to me buddy
All pedophiles are rotten pieces of shit, black or white!
Perhaps soon, Michael Russell will get an employment boost from Mike Graveley.
Just like drag queens,these guys are freaks and perverts. We don’t need them around our kids.
Mr. Fudgepacker: could you please provide just one instance of a “drag queen” molesting children. There are thousands of instances where molestation occurs at the hands of clergy. There must be even more cases involving drag queens since drag queens are so dangerous. Maybe you can help us all out and cite a drag queen case.
Here come all the liberal pedophile supporting groomers to start defending this shit. Why do mentally ill men dressed like women want to read books to little kids anyway? The same reason these perverts are roaming around public schools preying on the young and vulnerable. Shame on KUSD!!!!
I have been looking for cases in which “drag queens” have molested children. I am finding countless cases involving ministers and clergy. Maybe if all of us search, we can find a case involving a drag queen. They are dangerous, right?
Well that didn’t end as expected, huh? Where’d you go?
If you check the criminal history of these drag “Queens” you will notice a lengthy history of sexual predatory behavior. there is a huge percentage of these groomers who harm children-and this is why they want to read books to kids and act like perverts
You wanted just one? I found hundreds of cases and it took me all of ten minutes. Here is one for you https://www.womenarehuman.com/yet-another-drag-queen-arrested-for-child-sexual-abuse-images/
I want to know why certain men want to dress like that? They have to have a screw loose!
These sick in the head liberals are constantly trying to normalize every type of f**ked up behavior including pedophilia.
Who is Tamara Coleman kidding? She knows darn well that she hired her brother-in-law into KUSD because no one else would hire him!!
It’s time for people to wake up and realize that these old timers in the KUSD Board need to go!!! Time to clean house!! Starting with Weiss!!! How is it that Melvin Tart is still employed???
I heard that this guy didn’t even know jack shit about computers.
Tamara is showing nepotism at its finest! Her daughter and brother-in-law both work for the district! It’s a shame!! KUSD DO BETTER!!!
I’ve been knowing this family for years and was a member of mt Sinai for 20+years Michael russel has been a perv n the pastor knows it
T Coleman’s father is the pastor at Mt Sanai
She’s an habitual liar never believe her . That whole family is sick including the Pastor, his wife and their off springs. Maybe they should be voted out the church they are a danger to children.
It certainly seems like Indian Trail likes hiring sexual predators at their school. If I were a parent of one of these students, I would pull them out immediately since the school does not care for the children in their charge. This is criminal negligence, in my opinion. The superintendent should be fired and all three of the predatory employees of Indian Trail should be fired, tried and imprisoned.
Why is the case in Lake County a civil case and not criminal if this is or was sex with a juvenile in 2021?
Because Russll Michael Russell was friends with the police officers and his brother works for Lake County Sheriff Department and and they dragged their feet in the case that’s why it is still lingering and not a criminal case in a long time members of the church did not know until it broke in 2021 about all these allegations and yes he is the son-in-law to the the pastor’s oldest daughter!!!
Pastor raised some real grifters huh? Nice job North Chicago!
The family is from Kenosha tho. His church is in North Chicago, so would that be a nice job to Kenosha?
That’s wild. Someone should look to see if there’s any open criminal cases where he is involved…
Did anyone reach out to the young women who made the allegations? I would be curious to know why she proceeded with a civil case instead of criminal. Michael should be in jail.
Check Lake County records – there’s been a criminal case opened against him since before the pandemic…
Burn the coal pay the toll. Affirmative action in action.
Cool comment….especially when you use it on EVERY STORY. smh.
Many of the underlying problems are consistent from story to story.
This school is out of control with things happening to students under their “care”. I do not remember the year, but several kids who went to that school committed suicide all in one year. Makes me wonder why its still open after that. There needs to be some really heavy investigation on everyone in that school!
Just Homeschool. My goodness! The parents Homeschooled for over a year and they found out what the kids are REALLY learning ( or NOT in most cases). So many parents found out through the crazy plandemic how little their kids knew when they had to be the ones to overlook their education during that time.
That was 2005. I was a student there at that time.
not her lying that she didn’t know him….
I understand the gravity of sexual allegations and the trauma it can inflict on the victims. My heart goes out to all the survivors who have come forward with their stories. It takes immense courage to speak up against their abusers, especially when the abuser is someone with connections and power. The fact that this person has been able to move through the community undetected for so long is deeply disturbing and raises questions about the people who have been covering up for him. It is unacceptable that anyone would protect a monster who has been hurting innocent children and cheating on his wife. The in-laws and anyone else who has been enabling him should be held accountable for their actions. We need to create a society where survivors can feel safe and confident enough to come forward without fear of retaliation or being silenced.
Well said ??
Someone should look into t Coleman’s employment history as there are rumors that she was cheating on time cards or something when she worked in Illinois and was let go.
We will no longer be donating to or volunteering at the Shalom Center. Just put the kibosh on that. If the donations go to pay this person……?
The Shalom Center is for a great cause. If you choose not to donate make sure it’s a real reason not too and not a made up one because you really don’t believe in helping others in need.
replace the leadership
I bet most of you Trolls voted for Trump. America elected a man accused of sexual assault by multiple women. Did anyone attack his wife or family members? No. This is all on the one individual. I choose to leave it on the one in question and him alone.
Did Trump’s sister-in-law help continue the sexual assault?
Lets blame Trump again. Its his fault because the Pedo got caught after years of abusing young girls with help of Over Funded “WOKE” Kenosha Unified , Good Old Crime Fueled Family Members with Passing Their Good Lord Satan Word Church into 2 States now. They ran out of kids there now they put him in WI. Rest assured he will get off. He is of the protected class. Bidens sick ass Family is importing hookers left and right get off CNN Not to mention he cant quit sniffing little girls hair
You people are all sheep herded by the left and the right properganda. Neither side is “woke”. This is a story of someone accused of being a sexual predator. This put the sister-in-law in an uncomfortable position. After all this back and forth and mud slinging this has nothing to do with all this rabbit hole shit you sheep are injected into the story. It’s about a man accused of taking advantage of under age girls. I’m sure if any of your family members were accused you would probably have some missteps along the way regarding this as well.
Bahhhhh bahhhh – bye bahhhhhh ?
All these fucking chomos need to be done right out in the streets where they commit these crimes, Sick Fuckers.
This is so sad that our kids can’t be safe in school or churches who is micheal Russell wife of 25 years and she had no idea her husband was a freak sad so sad
This is so sad that our kids can’t be safe in school or churches who is micheal Russell wife of 25 years and she had no idea her husband was a freak sad