On April 21, 2023, a well-liked physician with Aurora Health Care was terminated. In documents obtained by KCE, the termination was due to an off-duty friendship she developed with a male physician she worked with. “Dr. Jen” has been with Aurora for almost 5 years and her patients like her. Dr. Jen worked with “Dr. Carl” together every day in a clinical setting. The two developed a friendship. They exchanged personal cell phone numbers and frequently talked about their hobbies, homes, friends, family and their romantic relationships. At times, both Doctors would go into details about their relationships with their respective partners. Both Doctors shared some romantic details with each other about their partners. Both spoke about some sexual details about their partners. This “racy banter” as described in the document was mutual. That was, until the male Doctor asked for that type of communication to cease. The female Doctor obliged and the friendship and communication continued, but without any more of the “racy banter.”
Some time later, the Male doctor complained to Human Resources about the communications, even though none of the conversations were during work time. Immediately, the female Doctor was terminated. The male Doctor, however, is still on the job. This didn’t seem right to Dr. Jen so she consulted with Kenosha Attorney Terry Rose, who also thought the termination was improper.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“This is nothing more than corporate medicine attempting to interfere with the personal lives of their employees,” said Rose who filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Equal Rights Division on Dr. Jen’s behalf. “Aurora’s conduct is discriminatory in that it treated [Dr. Jen], a female, differently than [Dr. Carl], a male. The same standards should be applied to both male and female employees.”
Dr. Jen filed for unemployment and it was granted. The State of Wisconsin granted approval, writing “The information available shows there was no violation of the employer’s policies.”
The state of Wisconsin received Dr. Jen’s complaint and also filed it with the Federal Government’s’ Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
KCE made contact with Aurora Health Care and they issued a statement:
“We take all allegations of sexual harassment seriously and thoroughly investigate. Following the outcome of the investigation, we take disciplinary action in accordance with our policies.” – Aurora Health Care.
If the state and/or EEOC side with Dr. Jen, Aurora could be forced to re-hire her or pay her a sum of money.
16 Responses
If either doctor identified as trans, %100 guaranteed Aurora would be shitting their pants right now to accommodate in my opinion.
The Jihad like war against the white christian heterosexual men and women waged by the hard left sociopaths will soon backfire.
Since Aurora Healthcare seems hell bent now on destroying the lives of two doctors, let us invite the ACLU in ,and give them a real problem like calculating how many LGBTQ employees exist out of the 75k individuals they employee.
If they employ zero doctors that identify as trans guess what ?????…………. it’s time to have some fun with them in my opinion.
My theory:
Dr. Carl’s girlfriend caught wind of this flirting.
Dr. Carl is a pu$$y.
Dr. Carl ran to HR like a b*tch to avoid having his pu$$y whipped by his girlfriend.
that’s it!
That sounds like a more realistic comment than the trans one, which I still don’t understand. ?
that’s it!
Wow! What a load of bunk this is! Dr Carl is an ass and I wish we knew his real name so we can make sure to never go near him again. I hope Dr. Jen has a record of Dr. Carl’s messages I am not a Terry Rose fan but he is the perfect person to handle this complaint and I hope he wins this case.
One (of many) problem with personal cell phones and (though not here) social media, is that employers “incorrectly” think that they are “entitled” to judge a person’s personal life!
This story states that all communication happened during off work hours.
Because our world has chosen to text and not talk, there is always a record of what someone says in what may be considered private flirting and courting.
True a husband or wife may get to use “evidence” like this in divorce proceedings to make their case, but an employer has no right to take action on what otherwise they have no right to see or judge.
You think that Aurora’s lawyer would have seen that this didn’t have anything to do with harassment or work time deficiencies.
Aurora should have told the Dr., “Not work related. Go away. “
Well Wisconsin is a no fault state, so it won’t matter in divorce court
I gave up on trusting Aurora with my health care during the COVID-19 Plandemic.
With the attorney she has, she doesn’t stand a chance ?.
A labor attorney should be used here.
Agreed…..Terry is a good lawyer but I would not use him for this.
Hmm. My doctor was let go from Aurora around that time for reasons unknown to me. I’m wondering g if it was her. If so, she was hands down the BEST physician I’ve ever had and shame on Aurora for their behavior. If “Dr. Carl” is going to get preferential treatment for having a punishment, he should grow a set of balls to accompany it. Our community is missing out on the care of a top notch doctor.
You should investigate how Aurora treats its employees. Lots of unhappy former employees out there.
Of course, they may end “raising up their hand” against ya as well