(Kenosha County Sheriff)
A Kenosha man with a long history of arrests for resisting arrest and being combative was once again arrested for similar alleged conduct. James A. DeFazio, 43, of Kenosha, was arrested on July 9, 2023 after the staff at Tinseltown called 9-1-1 to report a disturbance.
According to the criminal compalint:
A Kenosha Police Officer was working off-duty as a security officer on that Sunday evening. The Officer approached DeFazio in theater number 8 and asked him to put his cell phone away. DeFazio then started to yell in the theater and called the Officer vulgar language. The Officer then told DeFazio that he would have to leave the facility. DeFazio refused. The Officer left the theater and waited in the hallway. Soon thereafter, DeFazio exited the theater and threw a cup at the Officer. DeFazio then pushed the Officer, scraped his arm, which caused the Officers watch to come off his arm. The Officer pulled out his pepper-spray and that’s when DeFazio’s family grabbed DeFazio and made him leave. As he was leaving, DeFazio started to knock over items and kicked a door open, breaking it, causing $2,000 in damages.
The entire event was captured on the Officer’s Body-Worn-Camera. An on-duty police Officer quickly arrived and ordered DeFazio out of his vehicle. He didn’t exit until the on-duty officer removed his taser. DeFazio was charged on July 10, 2023 with Battery, Criminal Damage to Property, and Disorderly conduct. Per Kenosha Police Spokesman Leo Viola, DeFazio probably avoided much more serious charges because the Officer was not on duty and this not working in his official capacity as a police officer. DeFazio was also charged with felony bail-jumping because DeFazio is out on bond for a similar incident.

According to a criminal complaint filed only two months ago, a motorcycle officer who was monitoring traffic, clocked a car driven by 43-year-old Jim DeFazio of Kenosha going 55 in a 35 mph zone. He then pulled over the vehicle. DeFazio couldn’t find his insurance card and got upset, telling the officer he needs to “get the fuck out of here” because he was late to an appointment.
The officer cited DeFazio for speeding and not carrying proof of insurance. He then told DeFazio that he couldn’t drive home and needed to park the vehicle. That angered DeFazio, who called the officer a “dick and a half,” a “fucking asshole,” and a “fucking dick.” He also told the officer to “shut the fuck up” when calling his mother for a ride.
The officer, who was five to six inches away from DeFazio’s car said that Defazio shifted the vehicle into drive and accelerated away, squealing his tires. DeFazio then parked in a parking lot, got out, gave the officer the finger, and said “fuck you, you fucking asshole.”
Three more officers arrived and DeFazio resisted arrest. DeFazio has a long past of interacting adversarially with the police.
In 2008, DeFazio was convicted of domestic abuse that occurred the year before. He received one year of probation.
On February 21, 2014, DeFazio yelled profanities at a city bus driver after he had to run after the bus to catch it. While being arrested, he insulted officers with vulgar and sexual comments. He called officers “dick heads,” “pussy bitches,” and “fucking shithead motherfuckers.” It took many officers several minutes to get DeFazio into custody. He was charged with obstructing an officer, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct. He plead guilty to obstructing and the other two charges were dismissed, he got six months probation.
On November 19, 2014, DeFazio was fired from Goodwill and he started to yell vulgarities at his former boss. He was charged with disorderly conduct and bail jumping. The bail jumping was dismissed. He received a small fine.
On July 6, 2017, DeFazio got into a verbal and then physical altercation with customers at Family Dollar, where he worked. He pushed a man down, injuring him and breaking his eye-glasses. DeFazio was charged with battery, criminal damage to property, and disorderly conduct. The arresting agency was the Pleasant Prairie Police Department. He called Pleasant Prairie Judge Dick Ginkowski a “dick” and, believe it or not, insulted the PPPD officers. This incident was caught on camera. He plead guilty to only disorderly conduct and, believe it or not, got only a fine.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner Bill Michel set DeFazio’s bail at $2,500 cash for the May incident and gave DeFazio a $1,500 cash bond for the movie theater incident. He has posted the new cash bail and remains free.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
DeFazio faces more than 16 years in the Wisconsin Prison System if convicted of all charges.
24 Responses
Sounds like someone needs an attitude adjustment. Jesus follows me on twitter.
What a loser. Dude one day will try and be tough with the wrong person.
This dude sucks off guys is the rumor….
this is unnecessary commentary
His eyes are really small in proportion to his head, amiright?
He looks like an in-bred, cross-eyed monster.
Every time I see this guys picture I go cross eyed.
In Kenosha, if your name ends in a vowel, you won’t do any time.
Kenosha court records prove your statement to be completely false. Just come out and say you hate Italians. Jerk!
Haha haha
When I was a kid my grandpa asked me why Racine had all the blacks and Kenosha had all the Italians. I didn’t know of course and asked why.
His answer was that Racine had first pick.
Tell that to Luigi Aiello
This spoiled, entitled brat should be behind bars for many years rather than free on behavior or ROR’d! This is nuts. I also wonder why the off-duty/cop/security guard waited in the hallway for this guy when he said he would have to leave the theatre? if he had zero power to do anything, perhaps he needs to have more authority there or call for backup immediately. Seems like DeFazio has been coddled his entire life. The world would be safer with him behind bars.
Why is an off-duty cop-wearing city-provided, tax payer owned while moonlighting? The clown is a clown. However, it does seem to be a pattern with off-duty cops moonlighting. Remember the off-duty clown cop that beat up the young girl at Lincoln Indian Middle School?
Maybe he bought his own…. Digital cameras are cheap..
Off duty gigs usually pay cash and don’t require you to do the cop stuff, just be a witness. They are only there for the mass shootings stuff, not little DC things like this guy.
The girl at Lincoln was attacking another girl and then attacked the officer when he tried to stop it. Then continued to resist arrest….play stupid games get stupid prizes!
So it was ok for the cop to kneel on this little girls neck for 13 seconds? Tell my why that was ok, please.
So it was ok for this cop to kneel on this little girl’s neck for 13 seconds? Please tell me why that was ok.
So it was Ok that this officer knelt on this middle-school girl’s neck for more than 13 seconds? Please tell me why this is OK?
This bloated carp needs to just be tossed onto the shore to dry up.
This anger-enraged moron needs to spend some real time in jail where he can receive a psych. evaluation and anger management classes. Sounds like he was enabled his whole life.
Before he really hurts someone. He should have got some jail time for his July 6, 2017 incident when he pushed a men down at the Family Dollar.