(Kenosha County Sheriff)
We’ve all heard of “Koerri Elijah!” He’s the skateboarding streamer. He provided a service that was enjoyed by many. He traveled around on his skateboard throughout the City and live-streamed the rioting and looting during the George Floyd and Jacob Blake Riots while we watched from our homes.
According to a press release dated June 18, 2024 (sic), he is running to be the next mayor of Kenosha. Koerri, who’s real name is Koerri Washington, dubs himself the “savior of the Kenosha Dinosaur Museum.”
Koerri is a democrat and believed that Kyle Rittenhouse should have been convicted of murder for his self-defense shootings of two evil men. He didn’t always used to be a democrat, however. In 2010 – 2016, he hosted a podcast called “The Average Liberator.” He called himself a libertarian and advocated for the City of Kenosha to stop putting fluoride in the water. He has since changed political parties, in part because he was ticketed and arrested several times by Kenosha Police. He met with the Chief of police circa 2014 and expressed his frustration. He was told that if he got his drivers licenses back he wouldn’t be pulled over. Washington blamed the “racist” Kenosha Police Department.
KCE reached out to Washington to see if he yet obtained a valid driver’s license and a vehicle. Even if you apply for a job at The Gap, the first questions is usually, “Do you have reliable transportation?” Washington didn’t respond to our inquiry. Washington also has a concerning criminal record.
In 2007, Koerri was charged with Felony Criminal Damage to Property
Prosecutors said Koerri and his friend shattered all the windows of a car with baseball bats that belonged to a man they wanted to fight. Koerri took a plea deal and pled guilty.
In 2008, Koerri was charged with Felony Possession With Intent to Deliver after he was pulled over with drugs in the car wrapped in individual baggies. He took a plea deal and pled guilty.
In 2007, and twice in 2008 Koerri was charged and convicted in Municipal Court with open intoxicants in a vehicle, once while driving.
In 2010, Koerri was a suspect in a case in which a man who fit his description threw a brick through a window of a home. The suspect was thought to be Koerri. He was ID’d by a witness, but KPD didn’t arrest Koerri.
Click here to view Koerri’s background check documents.
Washington joins Alderman David Bogdala (R) and Lydia Spotswood (D) in the mayoral race.
56 Responses
Maybe Clyde can be his campaign manager ?
So people charged with crimes and found liable for other criminal activities can’t run for office? I heard of a guy that has switched from Democrat to Independent to Republican and is charged with a bunch of crimes running for President and a bunch of losers have a man crush on him.
Who said that he can’t run for office?
Stop talking out of your backside–they can certainly run, but do you want a thug like this as our mayor? Not me
If he was found guilty of any felony he can’t run for office. He took plea deals on felonies but unless they were pled to misdemeanors, he’s ineligible to hold office.
The plan on all along? Koerri was at all the right places at the right times while city was ?. He gets popular through social media and now he enters as a mayoral candidate.
He is right about fluoride however. Read what flouride does to your pineal gland. Spoiler alert. It crystallizes it and makes people dumb and controllable.
He is no different than Antaramian or Spottswood, just a little darker with a much smaller vehicle.
he has my vote absentee from mexico. i am voting for the worst of the selection.
what a moron
Lol. No experience, education, or knowledge on local politics or how to be a mayor. However he’s using his platform to get elected, we have seen many times the left votes based on party and not morals.
I need to point out that a large part of the right votes for party, not morals. i.e. TRUMP
Can you name more than 1 thing Trump believes that conservatives haven’t already believed for decades?
Trump is an absolute moral degenerate. He is also a criminal.
How typical to bring up trump. Lol this about a mayoral candidate. Remember all the lefts wanna point out trumps background but yet when it fits your agenda the past don’t matter.
You know that’s what the right does too right? That’s why people identify as being in a certain party?
He’s just looking for more free money
What is going on with the crook, Steinbrink Jr.? You just dropped off from reporting on him. Did his daddy cut a deal for him?
There is nothing to report. He doesn’t have court for a while
Also, during the riots, he covered up some out-of-town people who were doing damage
From what I have seen thus far, the only person qualified is Dave Bogdala!! At least he is an Alderman and shows that he cares about Kenosha and will be getting my vote, unless Kevin runs!! ?
Maybe he can work for the scamming Mahone fund .. he’s black he’s good to go .. maybe they will even pay for an abortion for his girlfriend
What a weird and evil comment
So is he a felon? If so, he can’t run for office ?
I don’t think he’ll have much of a chance to win. But he could be a factor.
One thing he could do is be a voice at the table calling out city hall stagnation. He may not have any great ideas on what to do about that but nobody else has come forward with any, either.
He could also be a voice for younger people getting involved and energize them.
And, more likely, he could be a spoiler at the polls.
He might not win but he could be a factor.
I highly agree with this
This article seems very racially motivated to me, even though I don’t like to throw the race card out all Willy nilly. Although he isn’t the first Kenosha image you called out for criminal behavior in the past and they weren’t black.
But you’re talking about the distant past. Koerri has kid(s) now. That was 13 years ago since he last screwed up with law enforcement. Get over it. He seems like a changed man now.
Also things like getting caught trying to sell weed in the past is not “concerning”.
Unfortunately when running for any political position your past does matter. Don’t act like you haven’t voted before and not been swayed by the past of a candidate. Not everything fits ur agenda
Of course the past has swayed me, but you can see through certain people’s bs or not. Koerri seems to have left his past… in the past.
He’s a jobless bum looking for handouts
I was wondering how long it would be until someone tossed out the “race” cared. Congrats to you Sir or Maam!
Why does that surprise anyone, considering this candidate has been very race-based in the past?
“He traveled around on his skateboard throughout the City and live-streamed the rioting and looting during the George Floyd and Jacob Blake Riots while we watched from our homes”
That’s funny. Watch from our homes. If I remember correctly weren’t you out on the streets with your AK47 and all the others you invited from your Facebook event?
It was an AR-15
You would be correct. Hypocrite
What a fuckin bum.
Always begging for free money…
When he loses he might do better at 142 and 31….but that would mean he would have to get off his lazy fucking ass
Go watch his last live at the incident last night. He instigated, was yelling and was unprofessional. Even at one point said, you don’t know who I am? I was in the paper! Also crying that the police won’t give information to the public. So this dude wants to be mayor, yet wants information given to the public without an investigation and harassed cops. Nice start koerri. Way to show you don’t have any experience
He’s a wanna be thug
I’ve seen this dumb ass walking down 22nd Ave rubber necking like he thinks he’s in Hollywood.
Just get a fuckin job dude. ..quit mooching off everyone.
Yea he’s a panhandler!
Has he ever held a job? He calls himself a public figure and he’s in the paper. Curious to see how he pays his bills and supports a child if he wants to be my mayor
Worse as a canidate as Simmons. Kenosha is screwed
It’s a lot of people who have jobs that do not deserve the title or position with no criminal background but is every bit of a criminal and now days most of the people we see in these high positions with authority are the ones who are committing criminal acts. It’s not always the people with criminal backgrounds that we have to always be negative towards clearly we know who they are and some people just make bad decisions in life and people change.
Jesus. What are you saying. Hurts to try and read your incompetent sentence
Is this Vice President Harris?? Same ridiculous word salad type ramblings.
This guy is a joke, did you hear how he was acting on his live stream, Bye the sally ports the other day. This guy is something likes to pretend he has Kenosha best interest, the only interest he has is his own.
i wish Kevin would run, he would have my vote 150%
This must be a joke!
If you don’t vote for him, you’re racist!
I’ll correct the headline.
Nothing a PI couldn’t clean up in an hour or two. Wait, don’t we know a PI from somewhere…? Hmm…
This is the second article I have seen you write about koerri and his criminal background
I find it rather disappointing that someone who claims to be a Christian is the first person to point fingers at someone’s past.
Lord help you when you get before the throne man
Hi Justin! This man’s years of violence and crime should be exposed to the potential voters. I strongly reject your suggestion that I will go to hell and burn for eternal damnation because I point out a candidate for office who have it has a history of crime and violence. Being a Christian doesn’t Force one to remain silent about people like Mr. Washington who harm others. Have a great day!
Your the same one that watched a black family get racially profiled. David was contacted in the same subdivision numerous of times! He wouldn’t help because his friends was involved! Years of false TRO, harassment.
Finally confronted this woman again to please stop messing, and lying on my family. It’s on police body cam. I kept asking David can he have us sit down together and talk. He kept saying he’s not getting involved. Why know I have so much mental trauma from this neighborhood. They turned the whole neighbor against me with their lies. He admitted this lady was crazy and her friends.
So how can he run a city. Special treatment for his friends. Will be a sad day if he gets in.
Yes I’m scared even making this statement. I’m watched. The other neighbor son was watching us. I cried and told police this boy was going to do something to us in body can also. A month later the son made sure to set my daughter up. As she was going through a stop signed he comes out of know where. Speeding hitting and destroying her car.
I’ve been through so much in this neighborhood. Everyone just turns their head. What ever they say I’ve done. I’m not even asked their always the victim. So if anything happens to me. It’s because I write this post.
I’m tired of all the injustice I’ve faced! I never had one police call on me no record until I moved to Kenosha with crazy neighbors!
Stumbled upon this via google while looking for unbiased information. I hate the internet. We clearly have focused on the wrong age group when preaching about social media etiquette and how to present facts properly. You think the civil war was about state’s rights, doncha?