(Photo of Bradford Sign by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A Bradford High School basketball coach named Mentenia “Monte” Nelson, Sr has been placed on administrative leave, according to the Kenosha Unified School District. The news came five days after KCE asked the district why it didn’t seem to have taken any action about allegations of improper conduct by the 44-year-old man.
We were tipped off about some videos that Nelson allegedly posted to his snapchat social media account. These videos were captured by a Bradford Dad who then put the videos up on Twitter. KCE is in possession of all of the videos and has reviewed them. Below is a portion of the videos. We redacted the visual part of the video due to privacy reasons.

The videos allegedly taken by Nelson, who is a full-time security guard for Bradford, appear to show high school girls at this year’s homecoming, dancing and laughing. The videos are several minutes long and a man purported to be Nelson can be heard yelling “Yall turn around, turn around for the camera, turn around for the camera” as he is taking a video of a group of young girls at the dance. In one of the other videos, Nelson zooms in on one young girl in particular and he says “That’s a grown woman yall!”

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
KCE did a background check on Mr. Nelson and to our surprise, we learned he had a lengthy criminal history. He arrested for selling over 15 grams of cocaine and later convicted of a felony before being hired by KUSD. The Kenosha gang unit served a warrant on his home. Nelson was seen trying to flush cocaine down the toilet, but was unsuccessful. Police found 31 grams of cocaine base along with plastic baggies and a digital scale. In Nelson’s home where two .380 caliber handguns along with ammunition, magazines, and $800 in currency. Police and prosecutors said that there was gang-related items in the home. Nelson got a year in jail followed by five years of probation.
A couple of years later, Nelson was involved in a fight at Marina Garden restaurant and when police caught up with him, he lied to them about his identity. He was charged and convicted of obstructing an officer/habitual criminality.
The Bradford father we spoke with told KCE that his daughter complained last school year about Nelson’s conduct in a letter sent to the School Athletic Director, John Ruffolo. He says that the school “did nothing about it.” He did tell KCE that he was unaware if the KUSD administration was made aware of the behavior. The Dad did complain about the homecoming videos as well. He was upset that nothing happened. We asked the Bradford Dad what Nelson meant by saying that’s a grown woman? “That means he doesn’t know the difference between a woman and a child,” he told KCE.

According to Nelson’s personnel file, he hasn’t been disciplined since he was hired in 2016.
191 Responses
Oh great. KUSD employee/felon sexually exploiting minors on KUSD property. But heh, KUSD condones pornography in the libraries. Carry on. Nothing to see here.
So typical of KUSD, they seem drawn to hiring predators and always deny culpability. This guy has been trouble for a while now-don’t they do simple background checks anymore? Someone like this belongs in jail, not working with children. KUSD is so concerned with closing schools and grooming children with pornography that they can’t be bothered with their safety, I guess.
This young man here is the reason a lot of y’all DUMB ASS KIDS GRADUATED. You need to thank him
There’s a special place for people like you! Young girls being sexualized by a career criminal is not acceptable no matter what….
Too much coal in this town.
Your a rat piece of shit
Paying the toll
Your comments about coal or sad, there is a place for you in hell
needed to melt the snow
Young man? He’s 44!
Did you graduate? Your language says otherwise…
This conduct falls under Title IX. Please tell the father to file a complaint with the US Dept of Educations office for civil rights.
Weird. A kusd employee doing wrong by the children. Fuck kusd and their leadership. Don’t keep kids safe. Losers
“Weird. A kusd employee doing wrong by the children?” ?
Y y’all don’t sho y’all face ????????????♂️??♂️??♂️?????
Why ya use an anonymous name and then ask others to show face? Lol
Remember when that loser Shawn gross was at fullers court hearings and was almost part of jury tampering? Or when josh barker posted he still loved Martice fuller after he committed murder? Both kusd employees? Kusd is a joke. And seems to not change
I’m sure he’s a friend of gross and barker. The one that did a thumbs down must be a supporter. Loser as well
This man right here is the reason some of your kids in college now and can play very good basketball.
All they had to do for payment was what?
you gotta lose love for somebody because of a mistake?
You can still “love” someone but lose respect and not trust them. Person like this has no place in a school.
What kind of background checks does the school system do on these people? Every day you hear about something happening in our schools
He’s been a creep and it has shown since I e arrived at Bradford highschool. This was never a secret nobody just did shit about it
Who ever this is he’s just a very cool guy which is my brother and y’all just hated his gym shoes and clothes swag.
you’re an idiot
You are poor or young, maybe both but in the grown-up world his gym shoes are cool aren’t impressive. In your parlance drip in grown-up world is whether his Allen Amonds are 1st run vs 2nd run. Whether his shirts are tailored. What’s his 401k value? Ghetto mind=ghetto worth
Spell check next time
You seem older but just as poor…it’s Allan Edmonds dumb fuck.
His gym shoes and clothes swag paid for by his wife who has a home daycare. She probably dresses him too.
Tf you bring his wife in the picture for? Bitch Bitch
This guy has been doing weird stuff all along! He records TikTok’s with our kids, always hugging them, spreads underaged students business around while getting paid for it too. Finally someone had the guts to help parents get their voice out because our principle hasn’t been doing nothing or the school district.
Making tik toks and hugging students is not a bad thing. I’ve seen hella other teachers and security cards on TIK TOK make videos with highschool kids and never says anything… Always gotta think about it the kids probably want him in the tik toks… Now for hugs everyone gives students hugs theres nothing wrong with a hug.
You must be the rapist to even condone it.
You lost credibility at hella…..I stopped reading after that.
This guy rubbed my booty the wrong way ?
Never in a million years I would believe that. He has nieces and he’s very well strict about life with them
You’re a dumb bitch there is proof
Bitch shit up.
Except his niece Torquinta Johnson who was sleeping with a married man and posting pictures and videos on the internet while his was wife Erica Perkins Jackson was mourning.
and your now just saying smt?? …
I don’t believe you and for you to now say something at a obvious time is concerning. Your trying to put more things on this man case you probably don’t even know.
Maybe she was afraid his family would attack her like they are doing others now.
Uncle touchy got touched in ways he can sit in a cell .. can you make a new video recording you dancing with your cellmates ?
What’s with KUSD? The layers upon layers of bureaucracy seems to be imploding.
Y’all tryna frame this man when he ain’t do nothing wrong at all if you know Monte yk he’s a great guy yal doing to much now he actually tha coolest security guard KUSD HAS to hell with this bull shit
Ebonics. That’s what KUSD is teaching now
Yup they will continue to teach EBONICS. # Blessed to be black ?
continue keeping predators in your community then
Perpetual victims…..
He can be a great guy, but can you explain a 44 year old man recording and saying things to underage girls that’s not okay?
Sure thing, groomer
Product of the system.
his old ass pushing 50, no cool dude touches children, michael jackson wanna be
You sound dumb as hell. He’s nowhere near 50. STUPID!
44 is close enough to 50
English M***er F***er, do you speak it?
Well he wasn’t put on forced leave and a video released to the school for being”fake”. Maybe see the evidence and quit trying to stick up for someone with these allegations. These are fucken children and you’re more concerned about him. Wow
Alex, I’ll take “what is ebonics” for $500.
You are correct.
There seems to be a lot of upset kids who think this Security Guard was “cool” for the way he did his job. However, most parents rightfully would have an issue with the way this person went about their job. 1- Being “cool” does not make him a good security guard. 2- with that record- and I’m all about 2nd chances- he never should have been hired. Our kids are too important. 3- to take video for social media isn’t inherently deviant, this person singling out a girl and calling her a “grown woman”, one has to ask themselves what he was looking at. He was obviously scanning the room and observing the wrong things. Like those creepy commercials where the guys looks like ann innocent grandad and wondering what color underwear a girl has on.
Bottom line- the kids that are outraged that this man is being “targeted” or “framed” need to understand that this behavior has red flags all over it and shouldn’t let themselves get drawn into the hype. It may seem innocent to the students on the surface, but the behavior has “inappropriate” written all over it.
A couple things……I assume “security guard” was his job so he could be basketball coach.
Number 2, Bradford and all schools should have actual fucking cops as security guards….certainly not felons. I mean WTF. Well, I guess it is Bradford after all….
Every highschòol has an on duty KPD officer as the SRO. (School resource officer)
What happen to the young man when he was a kid has no barring on him as an adult. These allegations are what will dictate his present and future. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing him since he was a kid and believe that the second chance he got he deserved. Regardless of anything that’s been brought to light. There is always 3 sides to every story, your, mines and the truth. God will have the final say over this situation not you or me. Leave it in the hands of the ones that need to investigate the situation. When it’s all said and done the truth will come to light.
They just need more money, and more Friday inservice days. It’s for the children.
damn thats crazy anyways sb buy me wingstop?
Who is the person or persons who hired him they need to be fired? This is a predator in our schools. How can this be but he’s part of the 13% so he can get away with anything and it’s just all well that’s just the way it is .. maybe they will name a school after him
First off the video could of went either way and because of course he is a Black Man it went left The first Question is the Girl he was talking to a grown woman because by Law 18 is considered grown catch a case at 16 can be waved to adult hood which make them grown thats another story y’all don’t want to have Should he have recorded his self saying that maybe not but yall calling him all these names as if he touched a kid or had a inappropriate relationship with a child he probably do treat them Kids as Young adults why wouldn’t he that’s exactly what they are Parents allow they children to be adults at home smoking drinking drugs sex but now He calls these over Big Kids a Grown Lady its the most Horrible thing in the world If he truly thought with wrongful thoughts u think he would of recorded his self be for real when in reality if he was a creep he could of been and very much private about it O Another thing that Man never sold a drug in his life He took a charge for someone he loved dearly that wouldn’t be out of prison today So before u try and speak on a man you clearly don’t know just shut up and appreciate the things this man done in this community another subject yall not ready for
Holy run on sentence.
Holy eat a D!c Batman
Zooming in on a child’s ass and referring to her as a grown ass woman, is predator behavior. It’s unacceptable and an individual with such poor judgment and inappropriate behavior should not be working around children!
where’s your proof of him recording yall going based off the sound of da video y’all tryana Frame this man so bad
On his snap you dumb itchhhhhh
Shut the fuck up bitch
Predator behavior is color blind. Not everything is about race. That’s an ignorant statement!
We should protect children of all colors against ANY predator behavior.
Who said she was 18, BECAUSE SHE’S NOT
Jesus fucking Christ….how do some of you get by in life not knowing how to fucking properly write?
…or being able to not use expletives in a sentence.
It doesn’t matter if the person is legally 18. She is still a student at a high school. She also didn’t ask for the comments to be made. Aren’t we in 2023, behavior like this is wrong, be it 18, 21, 30 or 80. No woman wants to be objectified like he was clearly doing.
The human brain isn’t fully formed until age 27.
I wondered how long it would it would take for someone to blame all this on race. LOL,,, sometimes a pedophile is just a pedophile, color doesn’t matter.
Even if your comment is true, protecting a drug dealer is not being valiant.
If he took a charge for someone, then Darrin Walls took a charge for him. Remember that?
First of all with his record should not be working in schools. Second the video is inappropriate and poor judgement he should not be employed by the schools.
We need to look at the school’s hiring policies? ( We the people) this school board and administration will do nothing.
y’all need to shut the fuck up about all this shit y’all don’t even know monte all y’all know is the accusations and y’all run with whatever is said if KUSD is so bad send you kids to a private school or to a racine school get out of here with the rest of that bs
Another Homey protecting Home boy Coke dealer .. child predator… 13% can’t touch this
Again the statement is in accurate, know your facts before you make them
Ya. They just put him on leave because. Don’t be a hypocrite
FACTS. one 30 sec vid gets released and everyone acts like they know everything about this man
Sorry, I stopped reading after “y’all”.
Brah, if that is how you are going to talk and write then you just might as well deal crack because you won’t ever get a job beyond Taco Bell.
The bottom line is , the behavior pattern is not good. It matters little if he is a friend, associate, or stranger, it’s not what he was hired for. Ask yourself, how comfortable would be, were it your child or grandchild? There is an answer, I’m just glad, I don’t have to administer it. You have to address the situation.
Maybe they can hire him at Mahone .. change the school name to Mahomey..
Kevin once again, one hell of a job.. exposing the corruption in the city and especially KUSD it never stops. Thank you for what you do… just think how much stuff that goes on that we don’t find out.
As someone whom goes to Bradford and had him help me as security, it makes me sick to my damn stomach to know that he did this. He always was really close to the girls and even boys and would even walk with them in the halls whenever I saw him. I would never expect Monte to do this and i’m glad this is taking seriously since the school never does anything apart from “No Contact” orders if it’s that’s seriously, nor even KUSD sometimes even with simple things like girls/boys vaping nonstop in the bathrooms and bullying. I hope that this continues to get looked at and hope for the best for those who were involved and were the victims of this man.
He the one stopped some of y’all kids from vaping and smoking weed.
That school is known for protecting blacks. It’s all about them at that school and it’s always been that way going back to the 90s when I went there. He’s a criminal and a felon who was putting drugs into our community and probably sold to some of the kids in our community and if you think that he is still not dealing drugs and using this job as a cover you’re a fool. Just another black wanna be drug king pin ruining our community.
Holy MAGAt Batman….your hood is showing buddy
All this hate!!!
Good job everyone, I’m glad he had his day in court. Oh , he didn’t yet!
We are all speaking without , all the facts. Let the investigation play out and if he’s guilty of additional wrongdoing, then punish him accordingly.
Hate is not going to resolve this or other issues surrounding the school system. It takes intellectual adults, working towards a long term sustainable solution. His behavior is reprehensible!!!
That being said, let’s watch it play out. A man would come forward and admit his wrongdoing.
Racism is real, Bradford was a school that cared about all of its student no matter the ethnicity. To make this statement you must have gone to Tremper where that gave no fucks about black or Hispanics. We shouldn’t speak shit that you don’t know it makes you look ? like a donkey or what we call an ass.
Look at the clothes he wears to school and cars he drives of course he sells drugs and we all
Knew it!!!
another racist mom and we all knew it!!!
So you think he sells drugs cause he’s black ??
That’s not what was said.
so you think just because he is BLACK and that he has nice cars shoes clothes etc he sells drugs make it make sense. to me it sounds like your racially profiling
buddy it says on his criminal record he sold drugs and drives without insurance… put two and two together
he also had a job to buy them things not just selling drugs
Knew it when? In 1999? STFU DUM B
His wife has money. Dumb BITCH
His wife buys him everything because of her at home daycare. He hit the jackpot!
I drive A new Range Rover. I’m African American. I dress nice, but I’m a Pastor
Please stop
I am sure the Lord approves of your Range Rover.
And your $3000 suits
“New” meaning like 2018.
That’s not new BLM.
Was this a Pimps and Hoes themed homecoming?
Are you retarded
Speechless of the many negative comments. He was definitely wrong with the commentary. Moreover, to post his criminal history record is reaching a bit. Traffic violations, a Felony. Do you research for real. Better yet, interview him!! . I see how we build pple just to destroy their character and way of living. Bottom line… he needs to explain himself/defend himself. It doesn’t look good. We know what the alternative is going to be. I promote the opinions of all but consider everything.
He tried to be too relatable to the point his intention was obvious. At 44 he is old enough to be their dad and should have viewed his role through that lens.
Any relation? How many more are there? KUSD seems love these pedophiles. Parents beware!
Crazy to read these comments and others on Facebook. Saying how cool asl he is. Whatever that means, his family wanting to fight, people saying just trying to ruin his character. Yet he was forced in administration leave for a reason, and there are videos given to the school. But hey. He’s cool. F the kids and their safety right?
Now the family name drops a child! Who felt uncomfortable from a grown ass man who is now on leave. Wow! If that isn’t the KUSD employee way!!! Way to show ya selves. Protect a grown man over a child. Low asl!
Why do you feel the urge to drop a child’s name and come at them because this 44 man was doing something wrong and she spoke up for it? Why bring basketball in it when she was helping girls around her have a voice?Why stick up for this grown ass man in the first place?
Proud of the girls who came forward. They are the ones who should be protected.
This man don’t do anything but spread these kids business and gets paid for it. Who knows if he’s grooming any of the girls that he posted…
Family and friends talking and saying we will do character letters for him. All while telling people to pull up, and watch yo back. Nice start to character letters. SMH
The worst part is that he could have proven a felon repents. He returns to the community he hurt to pay for his sins. Instead he exploited our daughters for sexual gratification or human trafficking. It was well known he lived above his means. How many soiled doves are their in Kenosha because of him and KUSD
I will never defend a grown man’s actions over protecting a child. I will let God judge him but he should not be living at a home daycare until he is proven innocent.
HOME DAYCARE? What is the name of the home daycare?
Stop it..
The way his family and friends defend this grown man before the children I would not want my kids there. Harassing anyone who speaks up and bullying them. They would never tell if something happens to them. Protecting rapists, predators, child molestors, and harassers before our children.
What charges are being filed??? Smh. Right! I agree children first. Allegations doesn’t equal guilt. So he’s innocent until proven guilty. I smell lawsuit from the accused.
God going to judge a lot of you MO&&&& FU&&&&&
What is the name of his daycare?
Lol them people speaking y’all know which comment mines I ain’t hiding. Y’all playing tough on here for attention bringing more attention I love it.
Bring your temple down and get you a LIFE. Really you never had one . It’s sad that you have to scandalize somebody name and try to bring them to your low level because you wasn’t successful. It’s all about the basketball games. If basketball ain’t your sports then maybe you should try something different. Maybe you can train them. Maybe start in the 12th grade year. It might work then but as of right now we need more practice
Who cares about basketball? This is about protecting children from predators.
You might be the predator. You dam sure look like one!!
In America, you are guilty until proven innocent! In this case, the accused person recorded himself! World’s dumbest criminals!
It’s a lot of people be found guilty and innocent. You gotta do better. I bet it’s a few of your relatives found guilty and you feel innocent ????goofy.
Here they come with the old he does so much for the community talk!
He preyed on single mothers for money to pretend to teach their sons a jumper outside of school. A so called personal trainer.
When you can’t make it to college playing ball you coach in high school until you are caught looking at young girls!
R-Kelly 2023
Hilarious ? funny ? lol
Yoooooo 262-287-3333 call me. See when I speak I don’t hide
Yoo thats my phone number. How did you get that? Meet me at 82nd street
Montenia Nelson “MiMi” “Monte”
Ann Nelson “Morris”
Montenia Nelson Jr
Da’Monte Nelson “Blackie”
Regina Nelson
Shajuana Nelson stop harassing our family members.
Damn….was Mrs. Nelson drunk when she named all her kids?
Wouldn’t be surprised because he always did love young Caucasian girls. I guess he just loves young girls period.
The Black community is known for protecting predators. Protect our children at KUSD and our children at his home daycare!
Now you lost me it’s that other community protecting predators more. Judges, jury, prosecutors the minute Uncle touchy white he goes home. All the administration is white too btw there was a complaint made last year I’m guessing the whites threw away. Don’t make it about race stick to the facts.
Who mentioned Denaija Battle?
Always funny to hear people say “it’s a 30 second video” or that isn’t enough proof. All the while our city burned for a 30 second video and anything that don’t fit your agenda is wrong.
Who mentioned Vivian Guajardo?
I swear whoever you are better watch who’s name you’re putting out there!!!! Grow the fuck up and stop trying to drag people into this who had nothing to do with it! Your simply Miserable and pathetic!!!!!
Wrong is wrong and he knows his actions were indecent and wrong. I am not defending any adult before children. He had a job to do and he failed at it. Used his job to get closer to young girls and he will have to answer to God for that!
The people defending him are the ones who children get molested and they keep the family member a secret.
The other videos are even worst. When the girls clearly looked bothered by him recording them and simply asked him what he was doing he should’ve stopped. Instead this PEDO says recording you all. I hope he doesn’t have daughters. I hope the other students speak up if he was inappropriate in any way towards them.
Whoever said Montenia Nelson jr. Ann Morris NelsonMontenia Nelson Sr.Demont’e Nelson Regina Nelson Shajuana Nelson YALL can kiss our ass !! He the Goat and y’all the food ? Now holla at US ??????? F.O.A.
So then why are you anonymous?
STFU. You and the Nelsons are all poor and hood.
What about the son Montenia Cortez Nelson MiMi Monte doesn’t claim and has never taken care of? Where is the back child support? F.O.A yeah right.
KUSD, save the children from being exploited!
Instead of being top flight security, he was booty watching for underaged girls on social media.
What’s great is the family on Facebook talking about character letters. Then come on here threaten people. Way to act!!! And I’m sure that helps him. Idiots
Bradford Principles allow this behavior. They have Shawnelle Gross that is allowed to prey on young boys that do not have dads involved in their lives and all of a sudden he becomes their dad. That is sick to me and should not be allowed. All those young boys that he says are his sons are not his sons. Then you have Josh Barker that wanted to become a cop and did it for less than a year because he actually had to work so he quit and is now at Bradford faking to work, steals time and money from the district and gets away with it. Bradford has wanna be RKELLY video tapping young girls. This is Bradford HS.
Don’t forget gross also supported fuller after a murder, and so did barker. So it seems kusd, mainly Bradford has an issue that supports criminals and their behavior. Aka losers. Barker couldn’t be a cop because he would have to arrest the ones he is friends with. No morals
Get it right about Mr Shawnelle, don’t me wrong, what Monte did was terrible and should definitely not be allowed. I am currently a Hispanic male student at Bradford high school and I can tell you one thing about Mr Shawnelle, Mr Shawnelle is one of the nicest people most willing to help people you’ll ever meet, so stop fucking talking shit if you don’t know what you’re saying, I have a friend who Shawnelle took the father role for ,since he was an orphan,and not once did he prey on him, my friend is super grateful and fully had a change in attitude because of Mr Shawnelle, so you can talk all the shit you want about Monte, but get all of that Shawnelle bs out of here because it is not true, Shawnelle is one of the most supporting people I’ve ever met, he’s always congratulating and motivating me and other students to stay in sports and get good grades. So the last thing someone should say about Mr Shawnelle is that he preys on kids because that isn’t one bit true asshole.
Oh fuck off. Shawnwle went to court cases for a murder and was part of jury tampering. The person who was killed was also a Bradford student but he didn’t care because she was white. So gtfoh with the I don’t know gross. You wanna defend a murderer the fuck you too
Who said he preyed on kids? Gross simply supports for people who murder. Learn how to read
Awe. How cute he motivated you! What a responsible kid you must be!! I’m sure you call him pops and dad too. Fucken weird!
I could take yo face’stick it in some dough and make gorilla cookies!
Naive but clear about the purpose of this all. The language, the hatred, the once we were all united. I am saddened by it all. I guess the question I pose is.. What is the end result? What would the public like to see happen? There are many opinions out what took place but the added on allegations…My God!. Pple who know him, know him and his character. I would like to hear of the resolve more than the back n fourth. Ignorance has no color nor care about a person’s economic status. Again I ask.. what is the end result? Can we heal, can we heal from this, can we focus on the youths. Why bring family members names and publicly slander them all. Both the accused and the reporting parent grew up in the same neighborhood. Once laughed and shared many of good times within these trap conditions. When we get done trying expose each other, what truths will have been unveiled? After tearing down each other or us all . Create and build on change. But again I am Naive!!
Don’t paint no pictures like we’re all the same. There won’t be no healing moment them nuts fell too far from the tree. Too many Puffy parties or something but they all attack young girls we’re not the same. Big difference in letting your kid fight for you and standing up for your child.
I wouldn’t want my kids at Ann’s Wonderland Daycare until these concerns have been addressed!
Does Montenia Nelson live there?
Is he still working at the school and living at the home daycare?
Montenia MiMi Monte Nelson is back working at the high school.
Moving my kids to St Joseph’s in January. They will not be around a drug dealing pedophile.
This is terrible!