The embattled director of Women and Children’s Horizons dropped a lawsuit yesterday, two weeks after it was filed, and only 10 days after KCE published an article alleging she was practicing law without a license.

According to a 8-count findings document outlining an investigation into misconduct, Paine was disbarred May 20, 2023. The documents says in part, “After proceedings conducted pursuant to [Michigan Supreme Court Rules], the panel found, based on [Paine’s] admissions to all of the misconduct set forth in both formal complaints, that [Paine] committed professional misconduct during her representation of four different clients in their respective divorce and post-judgement divorce matters, while representing a client in adoption proceedings and in her own criminal matter…..“
The State of Michigan Attorney Discipline Board, in the letter seems to question Paine’s integrity, mentioning her flawed honesty, trustworthiness, and fitness as a lawyer. The Board also used words like fraud and deceit. They pointed out what appears to be theft, as she reportedly withheld money from clients. The Board also called Paine incompetent.
Women and Children’s Horizons is one of the oldest domestic violence and sexual assault services providers in Wisconsin. According to the IRS website, the tax-exempt organization has an annual budget of about $2,000,000 and the mission statements is “…To Provide support, shelter, education, training and healing services to victims of sexual and domestic abuse, their families, and the community.”
According to the lawsuit, Wisconsin Balance of State COC is non-profit corporation providing housing assistance services through funding with the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). WSBCOC provides rapid rehousing services to victims of domestic violence and their children in Kenosha County, and has since 2015. WSBCOC provides WCH with rental reimbursement, a wage for case management, and some administrative/office expenses.
WSBCOC cut off funding to WCH because WCH Director Paine failed to provide contractually-required statements to WSBCOC. Paine reached out to HUD for assistance. WCH insiders told KCE that Paine is using the confidentiality rules to cover up for her errors. Pained asked an Eau Claire County Circuit Court judge for an emergency injunction. Judge Emily Long denied Paine’s request for an emergency injunction stating “petition does not set forth sufficient facts to support the requested injunctive relief.” According to Paine, if the money is not awarded, many women and children will be evicted, starting early December.
KCE reached out to the Kenosha and Eau Claire County DA’s to see where if anywhere she would be prosecuted for practicing law without a license. Eau Claire DA Peter Rindal said his office wouldn’t be investigating the matter. Kenosha DA Mike Graveley didn’t respond.
In Wisconsin, practicing without a liaw license can be punished by a fine “not less than $50 nor more than $500 or imprisoned not more than one year in the county jail or both, and in addition may be punished as for a contempt.”
18 Responses
Because she didn’t have a case to begin with. This woman has no clue what she’s doing.
She is surely a doppelgänger for a Disney character.
Did she pay someone to do her hair?
Looks like a trans Cruella Deville wearing a pearl necklace.
If the Kenosha da can’t even lift a finger to get her charged with breaking the law, even if she’s only sentenced to a $50 fine and no time served then seriously people should start waking up to where the real problem is with the legal system in southeast Wisconsin. If she was an ultra conservative you know she would be treated differently than being a whack job cruella deville.
Uniquely Qualified for a High Level Democrat Cabinet Position.
We usually send our losers and failures to carthage, so she’ll probably end up in HR since she doesn’t appear to be a minority or any special alphabet combination.
Cruella de Vil🤣🤣🤣
She really loves those pearl necklaces.
I wonder if she likes the matching earrings too.
Who hired this crook ?
Actually….who did hire here? Might be something to consider when donating to non-profits.
Loved her in 101 Dalmations
Where did this creature learn how to apply make-up?
“…To Provide support, shelter, education, training and healing services to victims of sexual and domestic abuse, their families, and the community.”
That’s pure BS!
If the victim is a male, they’ll get rid of him.
Talking about Director Paine, what kind of organization has a Director looking like that?
Is that picture a joke?
Just wait until I tell you the story of the COO of Lake Shore Legal Aid and the lies she tried to spin when I took her, my ex-wife who used to work there, and another to court on Contempt charges….. will follow-up later… tired and going to bed. You’ll help me remember to update this if you give it a thumbs up or I might forget about it.
Do tell!
And now she was finally fired!