(Courtesy Pleasant Prairie Police)
Early this morning PPPD received an alarm at JCPenney. Three suspects smashed the front door and went to the jewelry dept. They made off with some low level jewelry and fled the scene.
“To the overzealous burglar who left his blood on the smashed jewelry case, we say THANK YOU,” said a representative of PPPD. “It is refreshing to see criminals work so hard to assist us in their eventual capture. We’ll be in touch soon.”
Pleasant Prairie Police also sent a big thanks to Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department for assisting. The third shift Deputies assisted Pleasant Prairie Police.
15 Responses
HAHAHAHA smash ‘n grab MOM JEANS??
So the police will spend money on DNA testing to identify the culprit/culprits and then the Kenosha DA will plead it down to a misdemeanor even if the bad actors are already out on bond awaiting their next big break. (pun intended)
And give the criminal three years of probation like the high speed chase/Ulta thugs who were just sentenced.
This is why DAs should have it post a disposition on every case publicly, and explain “why” they gave an easy plea deal. Should be on their webpage for all to see. May embarrass them i to doing their jobs
Why break into a store that, first of all probably doesn’t have that much “cash” on hand even during a good day, and also has really not a lot of valuable merchandise as well. Aim higher criminals, at least go to the outlet mall!
With Josh Kaul’s crime lab, the blood from a burglary will be analyzed sometime in 2032.
And it won’t matter unless they already have a blood sample to match it with.
DA will excuse these poor souls. Slap on the wrist
Pleasant Prairie is becoming a nice high crime area with severely overpriced houses for sale. 600k for a condo in The Cottages wtf for? Nice price tag for a community with shootings, smash and grabs, and all the crime that K town has.
600K barely gets you in one of those now….
Last night an armed robbery. High taxes and bad crime.
Dumb criminals misunderstood the term, “blood diamonds” and thought they could make their own.
Tthry should have hit the makeup department instead. Much more $$$.
I guess even Baby Mommas need jewelry too…..
Betting dollars to doughnuts that itll be da homies from chicago or milwaukee.