Career Criminal Gets Decade In Prison For Shooting Baby Sister

Christian J. Koleske (19)
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

A Kenosha man who shot his three-year-old sister last year was sentenced today. Christian J. Koleske was handed down a ten year sentence from Circuit Court Judge Jason Rossell, ending his long streak of crime with little to no punishment. Koleske was on probation at the time he shot his sister so he is also serving a 14 month sentence for a previous conviction. Koleske will also serve more than eight years of extended supervision.

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Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Jason Rossell
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

According to the criminal complaint, Kenosha Police were dispatched to the 5100 block of 29th Ave for a report of a child who was shot. The caller was the child’s great-grandmother. Police arrived and tried to make entry. At first, Koleske wouldn’t let police in, but eventually unlocked the back door. Police found the three year old, Iyana Howard, on a bed with a towel wrapped around her leg. An officer noticed a gunshot wound to her upper thigh and placed a tourniquet on her leg, stopping the bleeding. He rushed her outside to an awaiting ambulance. In another room, police found a spent shell casting, the projectile, and smelled and saw smoke from what they think was a gunshot. Koleske’s girlfriend, Dynasty Cooper was also in the house. After Iyana was shot, Cooper started to help Iyana. She said that Koleske, instead of calling 9-1-1, called someone come get the gun. Cooper stated she didn’t know who came to take the gun. It would later be learned that she lied to police and her cousin DeDe Ellis came and took the gun. He was alleged to have sold it soon thereafter.

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Kenosha Detectives spoke with Koleske, who unbelievably blamed the injury on a drive-by shooting, even though the spent shell casting was inside the home. He said he gave his little sister Tylenol and a popsicle to help with the pain. Koleske denied ever having a gun. Later in the interview, Koleske seemed to convey that he did shoot his sister, but that it was an accident. Koleske said that since he was on probation, he was never going to call 9-1-1. His mother, Bonnie Cummings, also refused to call 9-1-1. She called her mother instead. Her mother, Iyana’s great-grandmother, waited 10 to 15 minutes before she called 9-1-1. At the hospital, the Doctor said that “The current history of not immediately seeking care for this wound, if true, is tantamount to medical neglect… although no bony or neurovascular damage, appropriate muscular healing and risk for infection are still a significant concern, and she still has the possibility of some motor deficit related to poor healing.”

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Christian J. Koleske (19)
(Kenosha Sheriff)

Koleske was facing charges of (1) first degree reckless injury, use of a dangerous weapon, repeater, (2) possession of a firearm by adjudicated delinquent, repeater, (3) neglect of a child – consequence is great bodily harm, repeater, and (4) solicitation of harboring or aiding a felon – falsifying information, repeater.

Iyana Howard (3) of Kenosha

Unfortunately for Iyana, Koleske seems to have been the beneficiary of the weak-on-crime stance of the progressive Kenosha DA’s office. Koleske has had no real consequences from prosecutors during his many criminal escapades. Many argue that he may not have shot the child if he would have been punished fairly. His record is as follows:

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2019 – Disorderly Conduct
2019 – Criminal Damage to Property
2019 – (2) Counts of 4th Degree Sexual Assault
2019 – (2) Counts of Battery
2019 – Passenger of Stolen Motor Vehicle
2019 – (2) Counts of Burglary
2019 – Attempted Burglary
2021 – Battery
2021 – Resisting
2021 – Battery
2022 – Domestic Abuse
2022 – Resisting Officer

KCE has no details of the offenses Koleske was convicted for while a juvenile.

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Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Jessica Krejcarek
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Jessica Krejcarek was the prosecutor for this case and insisted that Koleske spend a significant time in prison.

Previous Record

On September 6, 2021, police and prosecutors say that Koleske harmed an 11-year-old child that lived with him. While being arrested, he resisted and kicked at the police windows from inside the squad car. He threatened to spit on officers and used vulgarities with them. He was charged with felony child abuse – intentionally causing bodily harm and resisting arrest. The felony was pleaded down to a misdemeanor and he got a fine and two days of time served.

On September 25, 2021, police and prosecutors say that Koleski pushed down Iyana in a rage. He told his guardian that she was a “bitch,” “hoe,” and “miserable motherfucker.” He also told her “I hope you die so I can cremate your ass.” When arrested, he again threatened to spit on officers and kicked the squad car. Graveley’s office apparently didn’t seem to think the battery against his baby sister was serious. They dismissed the felony and another misdemeanor. He plead guilty only to only disorderly conduct. He got 47 days in jail, time served.

On February 3, 2022, police and prosecutors say that Koleske threw a board with nails sticking out of them at his guardian almost hitting her and the small children. He plead guilty to domestic abuse and served two days in jail.

On April 7, 2022, police and prosecutors say that Koleske was involved in a verbal domestic dispute with his girlfriend. When police arrived, he resisted arrest and fought with police. He also used vulgarities. He was charged with obstructing, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and bail jumping. Everything was dismissed, except resisting. He was given 18 months of probation.

On May 24, 2022, police and prosecutors say that Koleske violated his bond by having contact with his girlfriend. This charge was dismissed.

Christian J. Koleske (19) and Defense Attorney Chad Schamali
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)



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27 Responses

  1. Well , all you can hope for is he smarts-off to the wrong guy in prison and no longer is a burden on us taxpayers

        1. Ha! Berg is the hypocrite of Kenosha. Yet all these stories and nothing. Either they are fake or he’s the luckiest hypocrite in office. Hard to tell. He’s also begging for more money

  2. Sure he got 10 years on one of them, but 3 of the 4 charges in this were still dismissed sadly. Seems a bit too generous for someone already on probation.

  3. This is the problem- Anyone committing that many crimes should be incarcerated or on a high cash bond. If they weren’t out free, they couldn’t commit more crimes. This is the fault of the DA’s, and the judges who set these low bonds. We need to demand higher cash bail on repeat offenders. That’s the only thing that will fix this.

  4. This is disgusting. So the little girl will be in danger again once big bro is released from jail? The whole community is at risk with someone like this roaming the streets. What was Rossell thinking? Crime on easy street in Kenosha. I hope hard working taxpayers of Kenosha who are against this crap start moving out of this city. Let it turn into Detroit.

  5. At his age, 10 years is a lot, but it doesn’t seem to reflect what he actually SHOULD have been charged with. When he gets out, maybe he can be sent to a sanctuary city.

  6. Judges and DA’s are to blame for the lawlessness and corruption that plagues our city and county. They too should serve time for the repeat offenders that they turn loose on our community!

  7. This low life scum is spreading like a disease because democrats give them financial incentives to breed like roaches.

  8. This kid needs an exorcism, mental health treatment and more than 10 years in prison. Girlfriend and parents should be charged for trying to conceal and neglect.

  9. So am I reading the story correctly, this punk has a Guardian? If so, when was the Guardian appointed and by whom?

    This punk needs a taste of jail justice. He needs to feel some of the pain, fear and intimidation that he has cast on others who cannot defend themselves or stand up to him.

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