The April 2nd ballot instructs KUSD electors to choose four candidates. The common sense choices are Jon Kim, Bob Tierney, Brian Thomas, and Angela Kretchmer. These candidates strongly support parents’ rights and getting back to academic basics, like reading and math. As the birth rate continues to decline, so will enrollment, and thus, revenue. These candidates support prudent fiscal planning today to prepare for many years into the future. They want to do long-term planning so that drastic measures, like the harsh school closures happening today, don’t have to happen down the road. These candidates support empowering teachers to manage their classrooms without artificial limitations based on social justice principles. They support investments in professional development to improve literacy and math instruction and in finding ways to relieve teachers of unnecessary burdensome hats that they were never trained for or intended to wear.
Liberal Democrats have had a choke hold on public education for over a century. Especially since their power was dramatically weakened with ACT 10, teachers’ unions in Wisconsin have bought and paid for elections of activist school board candidates to ensure that each new generation is increasingly weakened by indoctrination with the failed principles of leftism. Thanks to the big dark money powering the oppression engine of the Democrat Party, the soft bigotry of low expectations increasingly infects each new generation with a growing culture of victimhood that seeks to permanently erase any sense of personal responsibility in society. Electing conservative school board members is more critical now than ever before to preserve and protect our individual liberty and freedom.
It’s no secret that Henry Linville, the co-founder of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), was a socialist. In the early years, the teachers’ union had so much co-membership with the Communist Party USA that their members were targeted in the Red Scare. Today, their mission lives on in the modern classrooms of both urban and rural southeast Wisconsin. The principles of socialism and communism are often glorified by influential teachers, such as the social studies teacher at Lakeview Academy who uses the hammer and sickle icon as a hall pass. The display of BLM and pride flags in Kenosha County classrooms is not limited to schools east of the interstate. BLM’s founders are self-professed Marxists who embrace communism and seek to destroy the very foundations upon which America was founded. BLM has also openly supported the genocide of the people of Israel.
Throughout their campaigns, KUSD school board candidates Mary Modder, Todd Price, Sabrina Landry, and Robin Cullen have openly supported the accessibility of sexually explicit content in school libraries and classrooms to children. They say that this is in the name of “inclusion” and “representation”, but there is a difference between age-appropriate health curriculum and books that look innocent on the cover but depict cartoons of children performing sex acts on adults in graphic novels. There is a difference between coming-of-age tween novels that describe the struggles of puberty and peer pressure and how-to guides that teach first graders how to pleasure themselves. Yes, these are all materials and resources recommended by the Wisconsin State Superintendent and Department of Public instruction, another arm of public education carrying out the agenda of the teachers’ unions.
There are thousands of supportive resources for students struggling with sexual development and identity that are healthy and helpful and do not sexualize children and normalize adult sexual behavior for minors. There is zero educational value for pornography in schools – in fact, it is downright harmful in some cases – but Modder, Price, Landry, and Cullen insist that the obscene content remain and parents have no say in the matter.
As election day quickly approaches, residents of Kenosha County should consider carefully which school board members they will hire on April 2nd. Because the Kenosha Unified School District school board secretary committed a flagrant and inexcusable election error, the three year term of duly elected school board member Eric Meadows was cut short to two years. The candidate and the voters are being punished for the error of an incompetent bureaucrat. As a result, four seats – instead of the usual three – are open for KUSD on next week’s ballot.
Teachers’ union-supported incumbents Mary Braun Modder and Todd Alan Price (what’s with the pretentious three names?) have been significant contributors to the poor fiscal decision making that led to the district’s current $15 Million deficit. Strong supporters of the NEA and AFT, Modder and Price consistently prioritize teachers over students. Mary Modder voted many times to close schools and keep them closed during covid, along with her constant support for fake safety measures like social distancing, masking, and contact tracing. She wanted forced covid vaccinations for students. Under the leadership of the teachers’ unions and their supporters, like Modder and Price, the academic achievement gap in Wisconsin has grown to epic proportions. They claim to care for BIPOC students, but what have they done in the last CENTURY to close the gap? Nothing. It’s time to abandon the status quo. What have we got to lose?
There are too many examples of classlessness and outright ignorance in progressive candidate Sabrina Landry’s school board meeting appearances to count. She has exhibited zero evidence that she even remotely possesses any kind of business acumen or common sense to get the district back on track fiscally or academically. Her best talents are using profanity at school board meetings and blaming the rest of the world for her failures.
Liberal candidate Angela Cassity dropped out of the race due to KCE’s exposure of her sordid history, though the Democrat Party supported her, along with Modder, Price, and Landry. They have attempted to replace Cassity with a condescending and insincere out-of-town teacher and write-in candidate whose approach and viewpoints much resemble those of the creepy and wicked teacher Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter novels. The elitist Democrat Party board member write-in candidate is a teacher in Illinois, where the failure of public schools is of epic proportions.
Modder, Price, Landry, and Cullen have all signaled that they support KUSD going to referendum to ask the voters to exceed their statutory tax levy because they simply cannot fathom cutting costs to get spending in line with enrollment. They continue to blame the state for lack of funding, yet most of Wisconsin’s school districts manage to balance their budgets. These candidates have already shown that they do not want to take responsibility for the results of poor fiscal policy at the local level. They want KUSD taxpayers to continue to pay the high monetary and social price for their mistakes. It’s time for change. Vote April 2nd for Jon Kim, Bob Tierney, Brian Thomas, and Angela Kretchmer.
19 Responses
Looking at test scores we need BIG changes, students are the losers under current members.We can also thank the current board for getting Weiss as superintendent Kenosha needs and deserves better than him! Rumor has it he does not live in Kenosha County but takes the money and runs. So much for being part of the community!
The article uses a lot of adjectives to throw out the usual incendiary one-liners. That’s unfortunate because this school board has turned into an entire mired in politics and increasingly losing focus on what’s best for students consistent with available resources. The solution offered is more akin to choosing the brand of razor to slit your throat: replace one group of special interests with another. The real sickness isn’t “woke” or “right wing” candidates but that we’ve allowed politics to infest and infect our local communities. If I could, I’d vote “none of the above” and pray that we’d get some people who aren’t beholden to political agendas.
I agree, you should run for the position.
We have to protect the children at all costs and that means voting for Kretchmer, Thomas, Kim and Tierney. KUSD has proven that they do not care for the children. They repeatedly put them in daily access with pedophile teachers and drunks as well as provide them with radical gender ideology and pornography. They are trying to destroy our most precious resource and they need to be stopped! Our kids are much to valuable to be subjected to their evil ways.
Sounds like you are referring to the Catholic Church.
Stop defecting lib.
Ok groomer! Defund the church.
Stop deflecting lib.
Yeah let’s listen to this anuthor… unmarried non parent cohabitating with her partner and her fur babies. Good ole family values.
Excellent commentary.
Pop quiz next week for all K-8th graders , courtesy of KUSD: please name and describe all sex genders/sexual preferences in humans today .
Can YOUR child recite the ABC’s?? The NEW ABC’s ….. A, B, C , D , E , F , G….. NO NO STOP that’s wrong! It’s —— L… G….. T …. B…. Q….. etc etc
Lol! But will probably end up getting to that point! Nothing would surprise me anymore!
Stop indoctrinating and start educating. That’s not radical. It’s common sense.
Tierney, Kretchmer, Kim, and Thomas are for EDUCATING students, a job that the left has failed at. Parents should be a part of that equation. The other four candidates do NOT support parental rights. Remember this when you vote. Wake up Kenosha!!!!
Shut down all public schools. Education should only be for those that can afford it. Shut everything public. Survival of the richest.
Stop electing leftist radical clowns! The Dems have some clown show candidates! Embarrassing. Is that the best of them?