(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
This Tuesday, voters from Kenosha, Pleasant Prairie, and Somers will select four new school board members. This is a very important election – one that will determine the path forward for KUSD. If the liberals retain control of the board, voters can expect referendums and higher taxes. They can also expect racy and pornographic books to stay in the schools’ libraries. They can expect much of the same “woke” policies that take parents out of the equations.
Legally, school board elections in Wisconsin are non-partisan. A lot of people are confused on what that means. It means only that candidates need not declare a political party. That’s it. It doesn’t mean that conservatives can’t act conservatively or liberals can’t act liberally. The democrats are usually the party that yells, “Hey! This is a non-partisan election! Stop talking about politics.” Most of us aren’t naive enough to think that the board members leave their ideals and political leanings at the door. Current school board members Mary Modder, Todd Price, Yolanda Adams, Todd Battle and Rebecca Stevens are all openly democrats. Members Schmaling and Meadows are the conservatives on the board. This is 5-2 in favor of the liberals. This could change tomorrow.
One group is extremely financially invested in keeping control of the KUSD school board – The Wisconsin Democrat Party. The Wisconsin Democrat Party, or “WisDems,” have spent more than $136,000 on the liberal candidates according to recent state campaign finance reports.
Who donated to the WisDems is even more disturbing. In the last three months, George soros has donated more than $1,000,000 to the organization. This means that Soros, in part, will be helping to select our school board members. If the WisDems’ four candidates win, will Soros have a seat at the KUSD table? Many more hundreds of thousands of dollars have gone towards the WisDems’ battle chest from people all over the country. Even “One Call! That’s All!” Attorney David Gruber chipped in $10k.
At the beginning of the race, there were eight candidates running for four spots:
Mary Modder – Liberal
Angela Cassity – Liberal
Todd Price – Liberal
Sabrina Landry – Liberal
Angela Casity dropped out of the race after KCE exposed her severe mental illness that caused her to run around her neighborhood naked. She will still be on the ballot, however.
Robin Cullen, another liberal, stepped up and is running a “write-in” campaign. Such a campaign is almost impossible to win. Unfortunately, there are some bad electors in this county. For example, about 8 years ago, a school board candidate moved out of Kenosha County and told people not to vote for him. The news published this fact. Hundreds of people still voted for the man who couldn’t legally take office.
Dare we say, Angela Cassity, who told the news that she was no longer seeking election, will still get many thousands of votes. Shame on the people who will fill in the circle next to her name – start paying attention. Cullen doesn’t have a chance. But she is arrogant, pretentious, narcissistic, and expects to succeed.
The four conservative candidates are:
Bob Tierney
Angela Kretchmer
Jonathan Kim
Brian Thomas

Republican Party of Kenosha County Chair, Sandy Wiedmeyer believes that most district families don’t swing as far left as the state party. “A lot of money from the left has gone into this race…to the tune of over $136,000. That’s more money than what most county-wide candidates could even dream of for much bigger races. More concerning is the source of the money. I think most parents would agree that they do not want out of state money (CA, NY, and In-Between) swaying the vote, especially when it comes to races that affect their children. I think it is clear that the Democrats are after our children. What’s even more interesting is that it’s not evidenced where that money has been spent. I am confident in the quality of our candidates, despite the left’s mudslinging. I hope voters will dig deeper than the false narratives painted by the left,” said Wiedmeyer Monday evening.
At KCE, we advocate for school board members that aren’t beholding to any political party or ideology. If you value parent participation, transparency, and independent-minded leaders, we would encourage you to join us in voting for Bob Tierney, Angela Kretchmer, Jonathan Kim, and Brian Thomas
See you at the polls tomorrow!
47 Responses
Waste of money. Kusd sucks and so do the
Candidates. Landry? Seriously? Berg buddy and her husband is a rapist? Shows the level
Of morals in the democratic candidates
Is Tim her husband?
Troy is her husband. This sicko https://kenoshacountyeye.com/2024/02/28/kenosha-activist-husband-of-school-board-candidate-once-admitted-to-ejaculating-on-unconscious-woman-accused-of-rape/. #MeToo
How much did Kenosha County GOP spend on their slate?
A couple hundred each
Thx for responding to the ques. Much love.
How much did the Kenosha County Republicans spend in this?
Most likely not much. The left is horrible at everything but rallying their troops. The right is too busy making memes and b*tching to get involved any more than that.
Agreed. Republican candidates need more support from the community. Democrats outnumber Republicans only because republicans sit at home waiting for others to do the work. When will we be pissed off enough to get out and do the work??
Good question. I know it won’t be much, but I think it would have been better reporting to mention what each party’s total was. I was surprised to see those giant caterpillars on the Republican ladies eyelids, thought that was a Democrat thing 🤣
Don’t forget to Mark Democrat on your ballot no matter what your political bent is, so that you can vote for Biden for president. The best thing you can do to make this country great again is to help convince the Democrats that they should stay with the confused diaper dumper currently occupying the white house, along with his cackling bird brain of a VP
KUSD is closed for spring break. I couldn’t get the other four’s financials, but I’m told its miniscule.
Couple hundred each. Does that compare?
Since Ms. Wiedmeyer did not mention Repub financial support should we assume there is not support?
It’s public record. The GOP did donate to candidates who were accepting donations.
Kenosha has a chance to get this right. Don’t blow it Kenosha! Vote for Bob Tierney,
Angela Kretchmer, Jonathan Kim, and
Brian Thomas for school board.
Dems could run soup cans and win. As long as the maga crowd and their orange vile one are around this will continue.
Keep pretending you believe that.
The city of Kenosha is full of low income, low education people; the Democrats’ usual victims. At least it was once a working class factory town with some common sense. Then the Demorats sold out all the factories to Mexico and the slum lords started advertising Wisconsin’s higher welfare and rent assistance to the Chicago Public Housing slums like Cabrini Green. The slum lords put up posters with train schedules and met the welfare class at the train station to install them in their Kenosha slums. Now Kenosha is a ghetto community, bedroom community, government employee community, and welfare community of people on section 8 who pay no property taxes and send their multiple low iq children to free schools. Of course they vote democrat. When you have a low income and a low to no value house you pay little to no income or property taxes, so you are a Democrat.
Disparage Trump and his supporters if it makes you feel better about your pathetic lives; we all know the truth.
I will continue to enjoy my view of Lake Michigan and pay my 20k of taxes to you because I can’t afford a lake front home in Lake Forest, yet, away from you dim witted dems.
They are in Lake Forest too…
But the Democrats in Lake Forest are less likely to shoot up the neighborhood or gang jump your kids at a KUSD school.
Voting is fake and gay
That’s genius .
And then there’s the mayor’s race. I have no idea what Bogdala’s party is, but Spotswood has been a true blue conductor on the Looney Tunes train from day one regardless of however she may have written it down. Her entire mayoral campaign is focused on abortion rights. The last thing I need is an activist mayor spending a fortune tilting at windmills and doing a bunch of crazy stuff to try and make Kenosha some kind of Sanctuary City for abortions, when that is absolutely something that should be determined by state law. If she wanted to be on the state legislature, she should have run for a State office. I would love to see as many abortions as possible done in Wisconsin, but I sure don’t want to see my property taxes wasted by her. While Bogdala has been sucking it out in the trenches of City Council for years, old anti-turgid Lydia has been sitting out in Surgeon Manor and is apparently so bored that she wants to be mayor after decades of not giving a damn about the office.
“I would love to see as many abortions as possible done in Wisconsin”. Really? That sounds like an odd sentiment. Why would you like to see as many as possible. How about 100%, would that be sufficient?
What an odd comment.
Agreed as long as they’re Republicans! And just a question I’ve been asking for over 15 years not once have we got an answer.. name one thing just one thing that a republican has ever done to raise your standard of living or help your household in any way?? Okay I’m still waiting anybody??
Dear Bad Bob, To answer your snarky question:
On the national level- President Trump made necessary policy changes to cut wasteful govt spending which allowed businesses to flourish. He made better trade deals with China, and pushed for energy independence. In turn, goods and services prices were low during his term (which puts more money in our pockets).
On the local level- Republicans are not in favor in sanctuary cities, tax payer sex changes, letting criminals roam free, and frivolous handouts.
Bad Bob,(Bob Wirch?) you didn’t have to wait 15+ for a Republican to answer your question. You knew the answer. You’re emotionally tied to the Democrat party which clouds your rational comprehension. If you take your emotions out of the equation and just do the math, you’ll soon come to your senses.
trump is by far th3 most selfish self serving piece of crap that ever ever walked this earth. Shame if the fools that voted him in. You may have immigrants but wher3 the heck did your family come from. Mud puddle? How do you like trump and his bos# musk. Shit
It was partially sarcasm, but why would a State, Federal and property taxpayer like myself not wish many of the breeder for welfare lifestyle would get both abortions AND sterilizations? With heavy subsidies rent, food, healthcare and transportation for “single” breeders who keep the sperm donors hidden in the closet and their cars parked down the street while getting their mail delivered elsewhere, why wouldn’t I support abortions? I’d also like to see late term abortions available to the 18th year for feral humans, and capital punishment available afterwards. 🙂
Bogdala is the worst politician. Stands for nothing and changes parties simply to get votes. He can’t be trusted.
“can’t be trusted”…..Applies to the majority of most Kenosha city and county politicians from both parties.
Another wag said it better than I, but bears repeating;
“Lydia” has been killing boners for years!
What kind of nut would propose an ordinance against boners visible through the pants?
The “anti turgidity” ordinance. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Surgeon Manor, brilliant!
Remember when she lost in congress to a 24 yesr old colleg kid? Remember when she was so arrogant all her congress signs sai “Lydia” like she was Cher, Bono, or Sting?
Remember when her arrogance got you Stupid Democrats Paul Ryan for 25 years and we Republicans a rhino sellout for 25 years? Lose, lose for SE WI.
I remember when she talked you fools in the local democrat party into being the candidate because she was willing to waste 1 million of her husband’s money on the race.
Enrique, you are spot on! She’s a black mark on the entire nursing profession. At this point in her life, she should take up bird watching, and go harass critters that can escape her by flying away.
Please please please vote against these liberal candidates–they are only trying to harm your kids with porn and radical gender ideology and all the DEI crap
Save our Children
Abolish Teacher Unions
Abolish Public Schools
And you think your fit to teach your kids? Aren’t they the bullies and rapists
People need to STOP calling it the “democratic” party.
It’s the DEMOCRAT party.
If I drive a Chevrolet, I don’t mind if someone calls it a “chevy” instead of “Chevrolet”.
Same thing only it’s a much bigger deal than that.
Thank you.
.. of all people I thought you would know about that.
Also, it’s the democrat party because it consists of DEMOCRATS, not “democratics” the
same way the Republican party consists of “republicans”, not “republicanans”
Don’t even get me started on, “VIN Numbers”. :0
You are very right. I messed up the headline here
Thanks, Kevin.
My hackles really get up about that …. LOLOL
It’s really too bad that incompetent Brian Schimming doesn’t
seem to know either.
This priority area summarizes how this school’s students performed on state assessments using a points-based proficiency system that gives partial credit for Basic test performance and extra credit for Advanced performance. The score is a multi-year average of English language arts and mathematics subscores.
Wisconsin Department of Public Education KUSD Elementary School Rankings 2022/23
10 KUSD elememtary schools rank in the top 50% of Wisconsin elementary schools. 17 KUSD elementary schools rank in the bottom 50%. Three schools rank in the top 10 while 9 are in the bottom 10%. Last year 6 KUSD elementary schools ranked in the top 50% of Wisconsing elemenary schools.
*Somers score was the same or higher than 42.9% of K-5 schools in the state
*Stocker score was the same or higher than 41.7% of K-5 schools in the state
*Forest Park score was the same or higher than 27.7% of K-5 schools in the state
*Grewenow score was the same or higher than 18.1% of K-5 schools in the state
* Bose score was the same or higher than 16.0% of K-5 schools in the state
*Strange score was the same or higher than 14.6% of K-5 schools in the state
*Southport score was the same or higher than 12.0% of K-5 schools in the state
*Edward Bain School – Dual Language score was the same or higher than 11.9% of K-5 schools in the state
*Vernon score was the same or higher than 9.5% of K-5 schools in the state
*Grant score was the same or higher than 9.3% of K-5 schools in the state
*Frank score was the same or higher than 8.6% of K-5 schools in the state
*McKinley score was the same or higher than 7.7% of K-5 schools in the state
*Brass score was the same or higher than 4.8% of K-5 schools in the state
*Frank score was the same or higher than8.6% of K-5 schools in the state
*Jefferson score was the same or higher than 4.9% of K-5 schools in the state
*Vernon score was the same or higher than 3.6% of K-5 schools in the state
*Edward Bain School – Creative Arts score was the same or higher than 2.5% of K-5 schools in the state
*Wilson score was the same or higher than 3.6% of K-5 schools in the state
Source – Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction District and School Report Cards
*Lance score was the same or higher than 22.1% of 6-8 schools in the state.
*Bullen score was the same or higher than 6.8% of 6-8 schools in the state
*Washington score was the same or higher than 3.9% of 6-8 schools in the state
*Lincoln score was the same or higher than 3.4% of 6-8 schools in the state.
Source – Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction District and School Report Cards
*Harborside score was the same or higher than 41.8% of 6-12 schools in the state.
*Indian Trail score was the same or higher than 25.4% of 9-12 schools in the state.
*Tremper score was the same or higher than17.3% of 9-12 schools in the state.
*Bradford score was the same or higher than 9.7% of 9-12 schools in the state.
*Reuther score was the same or higher than 3.5% of 9-12 schools in the state.
Source – Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction District and School Report Cards
Why wait to post this till after the election?