Fired KUSD Teacher Groomed Student “For Sex”: Civil Lawsuit Filed Today

Christian Enwright (29) Of Kenosha

A fired teacher at KTEC West named Christian Enwright groomed a 13, and later 14-year-old student, from June of 2023 until he was caught in February of 2024. He did this for the purpose of having sex with the child at some point. This is according to a civil suit filed today in the Kenosha County Circuit Court. Named in the suit is Enwright and his insurance company (if he has one.)

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According to the 38-page suit filed last Friday, but made public by the court system today:

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“Holly” had Christian Enwright as her seventh grade math teacher at KTEC West. Between June of 2023 and February of 2024, Enwright began an inappropriate relationship with Holly in which he manipulated, emotionally abused, and communicated with Holly for sexual gratification and attempted to groom Holly for sex. Enwright engaged on social media with Holly including on TikTok and Snapchat, that Holly’s lawyers say are apps frequented by adults to illicitly communicate with minor children. The suit noted that Snapchat, among other other features, allows for messages to immediately disappear and allows messages and account information to be permanently deleted.

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Enwright engaged in a pattern of conduct whereby he would send disappearing messages to Holly. That the messages were sexual in nature and intended to legitimize a sexual relationship between an adult and a minor with the intention of Enwright to encourage Holly to enter into a sexual relationship with him.

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Enwright would delete Holly as a contact on Snapchat to delete their “snap” history and to conceal the fact that he was communicating with Holly. Enwright sent and received inappropriate messages of a sexual nature with the intention to cause highly severe emotional distress and for Enwright’s own sexual gratification. The true nature and extent of Enwright’s conduct with Holly is currently unknown.

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Christian Enwright
(Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office)

That, in addition to the inappropriate messages, Enwright would hug Holly and take her alone on private walks in school property. Then on May 10, 2024 the State of Wisconsin charged Enwright with 22 counts of disorderly conduct

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Holly’s lawyers allege Intentional Infliction of Emotional distress, Assault-Battery, Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress, and Punitive Damages. They alleged that these causes of action have lead to:

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Pain and suffering;
Physical pain and impairment;
Physical suffering;
Mental impairment, including worry, distress and anxiety;
Permanent injury;
and Reduced quality of life.

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That Holly has been unable to function normally in other relationships because of the emotional distress caused by Enwright’s conduct including relationships with other students and teachers. She has now been subject to unwanted media attention and forced to participate in Enwright’s criminal case.

That Holly is a minor child and lacks capacity to consent to any of Enwright’s inappropriate conduct. That Enwright’s conduct was the direct product cause proximate cause of past and future damage to Holly.

Holly has or will suffer from fright, grief, anger, nausea, insomnia or hysteria. That no reasonable person could be expected to endure the emotional distress Holly has been forced to suffer and will continue to suffer.

Holly’s lawyers have demanded a jury trial and an unspecified amount of money.



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45 Responses

  1. This situation is terrible on so many levels. I am a teacher for a school district far away from Kenosha. My district has very strict rules that prohibit teachers from communicating with students on social media. All digital communications have to occur on district email, right out in the open. Myself and nearly every teacher I work with would immediately turn in a teacher who we suspected was violating these firm rules. That is part of my district’s culture.

    I know that being a pedophile is a chronic disorder that robs people of their common sense, but still, how can any teacher in this day and age believe they can get away with it is beyond my understanding.

    1. A “chronic disorder”?!!! Those are groomer words. He’s a predator! Simple as that. Only one way to treat a pedophile, and it costs as little as $0.30!

      1. Y’all shush with your verbal rock throwing. There are many good teachers who are appalled by Enwright and the others hidden by KUSD.

        Pedophiles and other degenerates DO have a mental illness. Who in their right mind would do such stupid things? BUT it doesn’t mean that person is excused from punishment. If they know right from wrong, then they know not to do the things they do. And they should be punished according.

        1. I’ll tell you what else is a mental illness, dudes that think they are chicks and vice versa. Enabling that mental illness needs to stop!

        2. Pedos know full well what they are doing. Blaming mental illness is a crock of sh*t, they are sinners of the worst kind in this fallen world.

    2. “being a pedophile is a chronic disorder”
      WTF is wrong with you?
      Is this what teachers are taught or are teaching??

    3. What’s sad about this is at least two other staff members reposted suspicions of misconduct against Enwright.

      1. Not sad, criminally negligent. The administrators who enabled this behavior bear a considerable amount of responsibility. They MUST be held accountable.

    4. “Chronic disorder?” This is pure evil, call it as it is. He, along with many other pedophiles both men and women need to be locked up for many years not a few.

    5. “In a school district far away from Kenosha”…this happens everywhere, probably in your school as well. I’m sure KUSD has “strict” regulations just like your school. The only difference between your school and KUSD is you don’t have someone like Keven Matthewson to find out about them and report it to the public! Great work Kevin! Thanks!

  2. Im tellin ya, I bet my bottom dollar that his wife was in on this as well. She had to know with all that texting going on.

    1. I am sure she did, but if she was also a grooming victim, which is very possible, she would have been trained to accept it.

    2. It does speak to the quality of their marriage doesn’t it? Dude’s up late at night sending salacious messages to a child and his wife had no clue about it? Do they live lives separate from each other? Are there problems in their marriage? I can tell you this though. I would never get away with that in my marriage. My wife loves me and is jealous over my affections and attention. And I speak of jealous in the sense that it’s good to want and desire the love of your spouse. There’s no way I get away with this.

  3. I’m wondering if any teachers saw some of what was happening between the student and Enwright, and reported it to school admin yet nothing was done about it? If so, their testimony will be needed when it’s time to hold the Admin responsible. Please tell the authorities. Be a hero! Those in charge who let all this slip by have got to be held accountable.

    1. I have heard from inside sources that SEVERAL people at the school were well aware of Enwrights behavior and didn’t due or say a damn thing.

      1. You really have to have a few screws loose to not think that there is anything abnormal about this sick f**k sending that many creepy pictures of himself to a child.

      2. I encourage everyone to file a complaint with the US Department of education’s office for civil rights. This case should be investigated by the feds to make sure that they complied with all the aspects of title IX.,confirm%20receipt%20of%20your%20correspondence.&text=This%20page%20provides%20specific%20and,at%20the%20Department%20of%20Education.

        1. Who downvotes these comments? WTF is wrong with you? Do you have children? Do you sympathize with pedophiles? Let me guess, you are probably the first one in the street yelling when a man of color is arrested, but F the kids right?!

          1. Comments advocating violence and murder are as disturbing as the behavior of this sicko, and deserve to be downvoted.

            1. Does this comment advocate violence and murder Joel? Or is the downvoter a pedophile sympathizer? “I encourage everyone to file a complaint with the US Department of education’s office for civil rights. This case should be investigated by the feds to make sure that they complied with all the aspects of title IX.

        2. Along with all the other guys who have done things to kids in the KUSD! Someone mentioned 9 of them! Parents need to pull their kids out of these schools!

      3. they all need to be charged with criminal conduct and conspiracy as they are all mandated reporters and had an obligation to contact authorities

    2. Agreed–they are ALL mandated reporters, including Enright’s wife and anyone who hid this from authorities should be arrested and charged

  4. From getting good grades to a good payday. Holly knows how to break the glass ceiling that females strive to break through. a modern-day feminist and future leader.

  5. Instead of a financial settlement, will the parents call it even if we just tied up Enwright and gave him to them?

  6. Awesome sue him and the KUSD , take them to the cleaners this is so out of control, we don’t send are children to school for this behavior from adult teachers!!!

    1. yes, the ENTIRE district needs to be sued–what is this, the 9th or 10th case we have heard about in the past year? Shameful

  7. KUSD has to be the worst district in Wisconsin …School board thru the whole woke lib administration ..


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