The victim of a drowning at Lake Andrea on Friday afternoon has been identified as 19-year-old Jackson Henderson. According to a statement on a fundraiser approved by his family:
“Jackson Henderson on the afternoon of 8/2/2024 experienced a freak drowning accident while swimming at Lake Andrea, in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin. His friend, along with the help of bystanders, was able to help him out of the water and perform CPR. He went without oxygen for an estimated 10-20 minutes. Paramedics showed up and were able to get a pulse back before transporting him to St. Catherine’s Hospital. He is now receiving intense medical attention in the ICU.
Jackson is a nursing student at UW-Milwaukee, as well as working as a CNA. He is living in an apartment in the Milwaukee area and is financially responsible for himself.“
Just before 5:00 p.m. Henderson, 19, from the Kenosha area, went under water prompting a response from the Pleasant Prairie Police, Fire and the Kenosha County Dive Team.
According to Sergeant Dutter of the Pleasant Prairie Police Department there was a medical call about a subject that went under the water. “He was in critical condition when we responded. We did CPR on him and we were able to get a pulse back. He was transported to the hospital. Right now he is in critical, but stable condition.”
The Pleasant Prairie Fire Department released the filing statement:

If you wish to donate to this man’s medical recover, you can do so with this link:
38 Responses
Since he survived and is still alive, Mr. Henderson shouldn’t be described as a “drowning” victim.
While the word “drowning” is commonly associated with fatal results, drowning may be classified into three different types: drowning that results in death, drowning that results in long-lasting health problems, and drowning that results in no health complications.
Why do I have to explain myself to people all the time? Look stuff up before you make stupid comments
Some people are always depending on other people to do their homework for them.
They own the latest and most expensive phones w/ access to almost everything.
Yet they think their time is more valuable than everybody else’s.
Thank you for all you do, Kevin.
EXACTLY! Thank you, Kevin! i get sick and tired of the morons who infiltrate this site
You could just turn comments off… nothing good comes out of them! Food for thoughts
Then why are you always commenting?
He passed away this morning.
People like you are insufferable.
That’s what you took from this article! The main elements were clearly stated about this unfortunate young soul and the terrible event he endured. It takes the slightest bit of common sense to understand the resulting effects that happens when our brain goes that length of time without oxygen…The f’d up reality that caused me to even speak up is, after reading this all I thought and felt was sadness for this poor soul and his family. Imagining instantly just what it means to “drown,” and not breathe that amount of time and what’s to follow since the resulting reality of the “drowning” victim, his family, and the unspeakable decisions soon to follow.
SMH…but you, what your initial reaction was, the usage of a word. 🤫
He didn’t survive.
He did drown. His lungs took on water. While the definition often includes dying as a result, it isn’t necessarily the case. I was actually a little surprised to see some “definitions”, online, of the word as “dying” because, historically, that is NOT the definition.
“Drowning” is the event that happened.
Water in the lungs. Not breathing.
Not the end result.
As mentioned by Kevin Mathewson, the results of the “Drowning” can be varied.
Per Wikipedia
“Drowning is a type of suffocation induced by the submersion of the mouth and nose in a liquid. Submersion injury refers to both drowning and near-miss incident. Most instances of fatal drowning occur alone or in situations where others present are either unaware of the victim’s situation or unable to offer assistance. After successful resuscitation, drowning victims may experience breathing problems, vomiting, confusion, or unconsciousness. Occasionally, victims may not begin experiencing these symptoms until several hours after they are rescued. An incident of drowning can also cause further complications for victims due to low body temperature, aspiration of vomit, or acute respiratory distress syndrome (respiratory failure from lung inflammation). “
In winter a person might be able to survive longer because of slower oxygen usage by the brain in cold conditions.
In this case I don’t hold out much hope for recovery
What I don’t understand is that it says he is financially responsible for himself. Do his parents not work and carry health insurance on him, to help with his medical bills??
As a student or not, most kids are covered under their parents health insurance until age 26 or did they just put that thinking more people would perhaps donate?
Either way, such a sad situation and I pray this young man can pull through this with little to no life altering effects.
He has a difficult family situation. He was a local Kenosha kid … worth sending money to help him out if you are able.
Is says he is financially responsible for himself because he is. Why do you need to know his family history?
It is possible, because of the structure and culture of this society, that some 19 yr Olds are not. Don’t ya think that knowing a little more of his family situation might help and encourage more people to want to assist him? It IS curious why that was put in there with no context at all.
“The structure and culture of our society”? Sounds a bit like Kamala word salads.
Sounds a bit like you’re a part of the uncultured. It’s ok. You can admit you haven’t seen the world but on T.V. Only picked up a book to balance a table.
Life did not deal him a fair hand. He’s played it well and is a good human being. Healthcare isn’t guaranteed the way it should be.
It should not be guaranteed.
Work for a company that offers it.
Admit it–you immediately looked him up on CCAP to form your opinion.
Yeah work for a company that offers it, just make sure it’s in network. Make sure they don’t consult with any doctors that aren’t in network. Make sure you get the preauthorization, make sure the health care provider gets the preauthorization, make sure the authorization doesn’t expire. Then make sure to cover your co-pay, coinsurance and deductible. Oh yeah and even if you are working for it, you probably have to cover a fair amount of the premium.
Then make sure the billing is all transparent and done properly. You can pay everything properly and on time but still have collections come after you due to a provider error. Then you begin the legal battle.
Employer provided insurance was a well intentioned idea back in WWII. It’s outdated. Needlessly complicated and making us do gofundme’s for an incredible human being. A hard working kid that was not given a fair deal in life.
He was a full time nursing student at UWM. He was my daughters friend. These comments are all disgusting and I’m so glad I don’t have to live in your skin. To be so miserable. This wonderful young man saved four people in death.. he was a donor. He accomplished in death what he working toward in his life.. saving lives. I’m sick at what this world is becoming.. hateful, ugly people.
What an ignorant comment. Mind your own business. I’m sure you didn’t donate money, so what concen is it of yours. And, insurance doesn’t pay for everything, you POS.
A 19 yr old scared kid wrote that go fund me after pulling his friend from the water. Have some respect and shut up. Kevin please I encourage you to take this down. The family can see it and people calling their perfect son a meth addict or anything else is horrific and causing them great pain. They are wonderful people who don’t deserve to read this trash someone wrote on this page.
He makes a full recovery …angels were with him that day! 😇
He died
I feel so bad for the entire family. Such a tragedy. Heartbreak all around for his siblings, parents and grand and great grandparents. My condolences to the entire family. May he rest in God’s peace and be a warrior Angel. Prayers sent all his loved ones.
If any of you would like to discuss my son’s character or the condition of our family unit I will gladly give you my contact information and we can arrange a time and date.
My name is Lorinda Murphy. Not Anonymous. Lorinda Murphy and I’m Jack’s grandma. I never once saw Jack lose his temper, other than when he was a small child not wanting to eat watermelon. Even then , it wasn’t a temper tantrum because he was a hysterical kid. He said it was too “watery”. He was an overachiever who wanted to do his best to help others. He didn’t do drugs or alcohol. Literally, this kid spread joy everywhere. He was the nucleus of his tightly bonded friendships that are sorely crippled right now. His friends are hurting. It was nothing more than a fun day at the beach with best friends. A freak accident. Why do people have to vocalize such horrible hateful thoughts and opinions in this world? You didn’t even know our Jack. I wish you could have. He would have turned your cold stone hearts into having a TRUE meaning in this life. Jack was going to start his second year in college this fall. The last time I saw him was Monday. He told me he had made the decision of going into Pediatrics.
For those of you that have posted hateful comments without knowing our Jack… can you top that? Even in the end, Jack gave the gift of life to FOUR people. If you’re too weak to publicly apologize to a grandmother and grieving family, then just take your mean, hateful, self-serving comments down.
Jack made this world a better place to live in. We need more Jack’s in this world.
I miss my Jack.
Mama/Jack’s grandma/Lorinda Murphy